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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. Started Fe4 Binary. Anything I should look out for?
  2. I'm going to be a Freshman in high school, so no AP courses yet, but I'm going to take a test at the end of August that *might* allow me to skip Algebra II (since I did it over the summer by myself) and jump up to Pre-Cal as a Freshman. Then, as a Sophomore, I have a shot at AP Calculus. Oh, us Asians and our pushy-pushy-ness in math. ^_^
  3. Well, I was talking about playing Fe4 Binary...
  4. I though it would be a good idea? :/
  5. whatever. brb Fencing. be on like 4:30. I'll gladly act as a sponge for your woes. @.@
  6. You should have let him inherit the pursuit ring. >_<
  7. Berserker!Etzel is cooler. <_<
  8. The people too low-leveled for Jay to understand or do anything with.
  9. Trickster Online looks like it was made for a furry community. :/ Like Nestling.
  10. But it was only in the stomach. <_<
  11. Okay. Hurry up. I have toast and its not getting any tastier.

  12. I lol'd Mostly just because I played this a LOT with my friends when I was a little kid. :3
  13. I love chapter 3's music. :D
  14. Wow... On Facebook, mine is like 100,000 or so. XD
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