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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. Lana's too far away. Sety was busy cleaning up Scorpio's group.
  2. Oh. Whatever. I'm just pissed that Altenna wasn't around Chalphy to talk to Arion.
  3. lol. You're my bitch too. Correct. Uh.. JARLY!?!!!?!!!?!?!?!?!
  4. You're my slave now. Teehee. Yes. My bitch.
  5. just promote them. besides Ethlin leaves at the beginning of chapter 4, so she's not going to be that important later on.
  7. I don't know. Maybe if you search WAY back into the 15~20 pages of a Google search, you'll find it. XD
  8. Lachesis gets pursuit upon promotion. Spam her prayer sword against axe knights and spam her healing abilities. She reached level 20 in the middle of chapter 4 for me.
  9. Charizard. Rock smash is HAX on SSE.
  10. ...oh. XD Well, why would you need to change around skills anyway? Albeit Noish with pursuit would be nice.
  11. Personally I'm a -Sigurd/Diedre (duh) -Holyn/Briggid (MANLY FAVAL [he only gets pursuit though] and Patty gets Lunar hit, which is nice) -Midir/Aideen (Decent kids. Not spectacular nor specialized, but decent for a 1st timer. The pairing is also relatively easy to make too.) -Lex/Aira (So you miss major Odo, but not like you're going to use the Balmunk without the glitch anyway. Skasaha and Lakche get nice durability) -Levin/Fury (Just because Tiltyu died. ;_; Then I would go Levin/Tiltyu for Holsety on Arthur in chapter 6. :D) -Cuan/Ethlin(duh) -Fin/Lachesis(It's a hard paring to make, as Fin and Lachesis only spend 2 chapters together. if you're already on the road of chapter 2, I recommend to skip this pairing. Delmud and Nanna both get prayer, which is nice, but you should probably look in to Beowulf/Lachesis) I think that's it for the 1st gen. I've only gone through Fe4 once, so maybe you should go inquire the Fe4 thread too. XD
  12. yeah. Claude died in the first gen, along with Tiltyu, so I wasn't sure. Dx Can't you also buy the rescue staff in the final chapter too?
  13. He's not dead! I just buddied him! *makes that stupid unsatisfied 4-year-old face*
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