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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. Ron Paul 2012! He can't win, don't jizz yourself! He's got a chance! YEAH IN FRANCE! Bet you'd vote for PALIN!
  2. Both of them were rushed games imo. Then again. this discussion is out of my league. Until later, Fe4 Thread.
  3. Chad. He spawned Chils. The most bestest sprite ever.
  4. Hmmph. indeed Seungri is cooler, but the whole nakmae title screws over his rep. I'm not obsessed with that many people from 2en1. Dongbangshiki is overrated. 2AM/2PM is alright, but I don't like their music. Wondergirls sucks. 95% of you don't have any idea what I'm talking about.
  5. I feel somewhat hated in this thread. >_<
  6. ...Then again. I should probably play farther than chapter 4...
  7. Actually, I was aiming more towards Danny D, Crash Gordan, and Marae. XD
  8. tbh i liked 6 better than 7. Thracia is only enjoyed by the elite of this forum, masochists, Danny D. (not that he ever tried it), and Marae.
  9. T_T but saying my favorite is Fe4 is a given. EVERYBODY loves Fe4. Except for the idiot few. That's why I picked Fe6. D:
  10. ZOMFG. I'm on the final chapter. This is SOOO FUCKING INTENSE. >:o
  11. MY LIFE FOR AIUR. Adun toridas fellow SC'er. :3
  12. 1. Maelken Coast 2. Dimaggio and... Gerrard. 3. Explain plz. D:
  13. Chapter 10's arena is rigged.
  14. Roxas

    Roxas' Works...

    i'm having spriters block. Sorry. D:
  15. Right................

  16. Roxas


    Funny. Everybody always says wife. Employment.
  17. This topic makes my head hurt. @_@
  18. I thought he was going to do that, but at the next turn, he stood still. Then I popped Celice over within seizing range, and he came back and killed Celice. (woes explained in previous post) EDIT: FUCK YEAH. I KILLED HIM.
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