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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. Happy Birthday. I guess. xD

  2. Hey, um, you know your signature? what code do you put in to make it change everytime I reload the page?

  3. Geez. Screw the endless eight. I'm on episode 5 right now... @_@ "I was half-watching a match between teams that I had no connection with, and somehow I got the feeling that I'd hear from Haruhi soon..." "Kyon-Kun, phone." "You don't have to tell me that." God its endless... Holy shit. This is making my head hurt. I'll just go finished Nyoro~n Churuya San first. >_<
  4. But then you get a crappy IV'ed Gyrados. D:
  5. I blame :Zagaro: Whitney .
  6. I'm too young to work. :3

  7. Roxas

    Roxas' Works...

    This looks dead, but don't worry. I'm working on something =w=
  8. Pierce glitch is pierce + ranged attack + critical.
  9. That's Cormag's death quote. XD Valter killed Glen with a critical. However, Cliver's Cormag got pwned by a Pierce AND critical. :P
  10. DUDE! IT'S THE 4th image on AOL safe search. WTF! D:
  11. Male: Janaff Female: Vika? I dunno. :P Unspecified: Rafiel
  12. Not many people here probablyknow what Big Bang is anyway. >_>
  13. Myrmidon!Elice, Beserker!Etzel, and Anything!Catria.
  14. role-play as Katua. (I am aware that you're a guy. :3)
  15. They can. And your contacts probably are too. o_O Like, my left eye is -3.50 and my right eye is -2.75
  16. we has korean kid in ur base.

    populating ur forumz.

  17. Yeah. It's a problem for me. Whenever I get into the car, I always somehow fall asleep. Then I wake up, and my contacts are so dry... D: -yawn- 'nite Jay.
  18. These aren't the eyedrops at the optometrist where its like orange and makes you go AH FRICK! when it dilates your pupil. XD It's just a simple solution to re-wet your contacts when they get dry. Oh, and when you get sleepy, take them off or rewet them ASAP, or else they get dry, and then they become a bitch to take off. >_<
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