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Games that used to cost money but now are free


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Considering how thrifty I am, I thought I share with you some of the awesome games developers give away for free to promote shit or just because they're old.

Though I will try not to include really really old games.

1.Sam and Max Season 1 Episode 4: Abe Lincoln Must Die

It does what it says and says what it does. Telltale games gave away one of Season 1's best episodes for free to promote Season 2. Don't worry about dropping in on the middle of the season, all the games can be played individually without the need to play earlier episodes.

Get it here:http://www.telltalegames.com/samandmax/lincolnmustdie


Command and Conquer and Command and Conquer:Red Alert

Technically, this isn't freeware as EA still holds the right to the source code and can stop offering these games for free at any time so get them while they are hot!

Get C&C Gold here:http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/48749

Get Red Alert here:http://www.ea.com/redalert/news-detail.jsp?id=62



Full Spectrum Warrior

Full Spectrum Warrior is the game version of a training tool the US Army used to train soldiers in Infantry tactics. Now the game is free as a US Army ad supported game for recruitment purposes and the like.

Get it here:http://files.filefront.com/Full+Spectrum+Warrior/;11928826;/fileinfo.html


F.E.A.R Combat

The multiplayer component of F.E.A.R was released freely quite a while ago and if you have the system to run it it's an intense FPS experience.

Get it here:http://projectorigin.warnerbros.com/fearcombat/main


Beneath a Steel Sky

One of the overlooked classics of the point and click genre, created by the guy who would later create the Broken Sword series. If you don't D/L this game right now then you're dead to me.

Get it here:http://www.scummvm.org/downloads.php


Trackmania Nations Forever

One of the craziest arcade racers around and freely available to play online (Though you will need to Upgrade to Trackmania United Forever to unlock everything) and there are hundreds of player made tracks and paint jobs for your cars.

Don't be worried about the high graphics though, you can scale them back just fine and they won't tax your system too much.

Get it here:http://www.trackmania.com/en/index.php?lang=en&rub=nations


I think I forgot a game or two but I'm sure to remember them later. Enjoy! :lol:

Edited by burning_phoneix
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there's a bunch of dos games here, basically remakes of arcade games. They used to cost money, back around 10 years ago i remember having the shareware copy on my dad's win95 computer. Now you can just get the full version on the site. What's interesting is if you try the new "champ" mode in the games, kinda adds a new twist to some of the game. For example, in ms. pac-em (ms. pacman lol), the champ mode has different mazes, etc. Oh it lets you make your own mazes weeeeeee. Galagon (galaga), lets you have THREE ships combined instead of just two in certain situations.

Yeah i've got all of them on my computer, fun to play every once in a while. :P

Edited by SmartRutter7
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  • 4 weeks later...

I just happened to find a blog (is that the word...well its fresh off the press...) that is kind of related to this thread.


Only difference is it isn't all games that used to cost money and at the end of the day will all the titles be as good as what is listen in this thread? Probably not but its still worth a look.

Plus don't forget that it has an RSS feed so just add away and occasionally check the feeds to see if there anything you like the look (or sound) of.

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