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*Freezes to death.*


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I like the cold. I can handle it much better than I can handle warm weather. I just hate snow.

This, except I can't say I agree on the snow part seeing as how I've never seen snow in San Francisco. :(

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I hate cold and I hate snow even more. Last winter we had around 5,3 meters of snow ( around 17 and a half feet ). I manage quite well during our humid summer thanks to some experience working in a restaurant where it was extremely hot.

I remember a friend of mine who lives in Buenos Aires, where it snowed for the first time in a century, though only 5 centimeters. Being the Canuck that I am, I just said it was nothing and he just wrote "Fuck you Kelp" on his roof with his finger. Then, last winter, I grabbed my axe and I literally had to dig through ice and snow to take my revenge. Still it was lolworthy. I still have the pictures too.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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It's not even winter yet and people here are complaining. I see people walking around in friggin' fur parkas and mittens.

I guess being one of the few who actually had to go south to get to Boston for college makes it easy, but I swear all the people from California are acting like it's the end of the world, and we haven't even had any accumulation yet.

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