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About Cynthia

  • Birthday 04/30/1991


  • Member Title
    A Mystery

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  • Location
    Heaven's Tear

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Cynthia's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday!!!

  2. Why is he banned?

  3. Ducky, Snike et al: Not the same Cynthia!

  4. Happy birthday yet again

  5. Happy Birthday!

    Enjoy your day!

  6. Happy birthday

  7. Happy Birthday! ^^

  8. Go to hell, and I suppose Happy Birthday while you're at it.

  9. Proto beat me to it? What the ...? Whatever <_<

    Happy birthday!

    My gift to you? An add ^_^

  10. Happy Birthday!

    Enjoy your 19th, Cynthia!

  11. Well a lot of people expressed independent views and didn't align with a party, so I'm wondering which party they actually vote for.
  12. Obviously not everyone agrees with EVERYTHING a party does, or all their stances on a topic. So my question is, what reason do you vote for whatever party you do? I know there are third parties, but if you vote for one, let me know what it is and why.
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