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Tales of Weagrand - Part 1: Please, kidnap me

Nanami Touko

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Everything went according to plan, but no plan survives longer than the opening strike. Kagi, frustrated by their lack of targets--the horseman needed to be dealt with swiftly lest he go and rouse the other knights more quickly, and the mage was expertly feathered by Raz--made for the cart. Opening that cart in the manner they had was always going to be akin to opening Ivanna's box, but not even the most intelligent or insightful person could have ever foreseen the coming events. Rivane was neither of those things, so when the princess burst forth from the carriage with an enormous sword in hand, Rivane was prepared to turn his lance on her to make her stand down... but it appeared that one of the knights, the people who were sworn to protect her from people like them, was in fact the one swinging with the intent to kill. "What?!" Surprise could wait, if the princess died before they could ransom her away, then this was all for naught. Though, surprise could not wait, as the princess weathered the man's strike, and forced him away before turning the whole mission upside down with but a few words, "...The Mad Fool is dead?" That alone would have ruined their plans--without a royal bastard to ransom the woman away to, it was as good as over--but she further implicated the Knights in her father's death, and her eventual assassination. "...Shit." 

Rivane was not the only person who was stunned by the new revelations, and more proof seemed to bubble to the surface on the wild claim--one of the knights who had been fighting to protect the carriage, seemed to shut down as what had to be her commander went in for the strike on the princess. That man had been dealt with now, Raz dutifully finishing the task, and then the princess ran off, almost thanking them for their assistance, "...To the graves with this! Cyrus, Silvano, clear out the rest of these nearby knights, and then we flee to the southwest! The situation has taken a mindnumbing turn, and we'll need the time to make sense of it." Kagi was already in pursuit of the princess, but there was one other thing that she'd looked at before fleeing. The stunned knight; a beautiful sword in her hand, armor a bit above what would have been afforded to the Lower Rung--perhaps someone who might be able to explain the situation further. 

"Willow, back Cyrus and Silvano up--I'll deal with her." Rivane turned his lance on the shuddering knight, "Be thankful for the confusion, otherwise, I would make this next strike hurt more. You seem as confused as I, so perhaps we can chat, elsewhere." 

Rivane moves to 4, 9 and Nabs Rina using the Silver Feather! Cantos to 1, 7, and then escapes! 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Things had started out smooth as butter. They had swiftly routed most of the carriage guards, and Kagi had grabbed the Princess... the armed Princess. The armed Princess who soon got into an altercation with one of the knights? The information she was dropping seemed impossible, but... 

"Damn it all. Why is nothing ever simple?" Willow cursed gently, nodding at Rivane's orders. They had what they came for. Clean up and cover the retreat.

"You heard the man! On me, boys!" Willow rallied, rushing towards another bowman. Just a coincidence, really. They could really do some damage to little Raz if they stuck an arrow in her wings, and that was just no good.

Willow to 7,9, dunk on Archer 1!

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"Dammit!" Cyrus swore as the knight dashed past him to make an attempt on the princess' life, unable to impede him any further than the shot of ice through his thigh. The princess was able to stave off the mad knight's attack, but was no longer in any condition to fight. Wisely, she made the decision to fall back as Raz ensured the blackguard wouldn't pursue her. He felt himself breathe a sigh of relief now that everything was, mostly, back on plan. Rivane was right that now wasn't the time to question the princess' situation, the important thing now was that they had the princess, willingly even, and it was time to pull back. All they had to do was break through these knights and ensure everyone was able to escape. "Silvano, with me! We break to the north to cover the other's escape and then fall back!"

Cyrus to 8, 10, gat the mage.

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The situation moved very fast, it seemed like the princess was...not with them at least! So at this point it was just cleaning up as much as they can and then leave. "I got ya, Cy! Let's roll!" The silver haired man rushed in with his treasured blade to attack the mage Cyrus weakened.

Silvano moves 9, 10 and swings Gemini down at the mage.

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SIlvano charges in upon the mage... And misses!
The bewildered mage casts wind!
A miss!

Enemy Phase Turn 2

Lance Knight #1 charges into Silvano!
11 damage!
Silvano swings back in fierce retaliation!
5 damage!
Silvano gains +12 EXP, +1 Sword WEXP!

Mage #2 sears Willing with Lightning!
8 damage!

Mage #3 backs up and blasts Silvano again!
10 damage!
Silvano is downed!
-2 res (temporary)

The rest of the knights approach!

"Hold you dogs! You dare to assault the princess, in broad daylight!? Such brazen banditry... You shall rue the day you crossed my blades!" Evelyn shouted down the road at the remaining Falcons, ever approaching...

Player Phase Turn 3


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Rivane quickly dispatched the knight, and hoisted her with ease on his horse, and rode off after the princess and Kagi, though, no sooner had he, it sounded as if things had gone sour. Had they miscalculated somewhere? "Kagi! Take this knight!" He didn't quite wait for their response, dropping the knight off, and whirling about towards the battlefield. Never simple when it comes to dealing with royalty, is it? He needed to hurry; the princess mentioned the Knight Captain, which meant that their time was going to be short, and even shorter if she was already upon them. 

Hurrying back into the fray, it was easy to see what had happened, whether it be overconfidence, or the blessings of Ivanna herself, one of the knights had managed to strike down Silvano, and they were beginning to swarm. "Damn. Willow, deal with that mage! Cyrus, form up, leave Silvano to me! Weather the tide, and then we pull out!" 

Rivane returns to the fray! 

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It all happened so fast. Silvano was confident the mage would be in the dirt, and the next thing he knew he was face down instead. "Oh..." He wondered how the hell his life lead him to this moment, but he figured eventually his recklessness would lead him to an early grave. He took a sigh and clutched onto his father's blade. "Already? Fuck man you're kidding..." He was tempted to throw the sword to one of his comrades, but for the moment he just braced his body and tried to ignore the wound the magic had brought upon him. I hope someone has a plan... Once he heard Rivane's voice he had a feeling things would be ok, or at least he hoped.

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Shit. Willow had managed to take down the bowman, and thus little Razzle's chances of becoming a pincushion fell severely, but perhaps the mage had been the more pressing issue. Cyrus had shot him but he remained standing, and stepping back just away from Silvano's blade meant-

Yup. A quick one-two punch and he was down for the count. And with the knights quickly closing on them, there was no way that Cyrus and Willow could extract him without almost assuredly getting themselves captured or killed alongside. She was all but prepared to have to leave the man, when the cavalry, quite literally, arrived. Rivane had gotten wind of Silvano's fumbled and had doubled back. With him charging in, there was a chance. Either way, she couldn't leave him to do it alone if Rivane intended to force the issue.

"You got it boss. Get him outta there."

Willow to 7,8, pummel Mage 2!

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Willow acted immediately on command, they'd have to do this fast if this was going to work at all. As the dryad began to rocket her fists into the mage, Rivane urged the horse forward. Above all else, everyone needed to get out alive, and the first step to that would be to make sure that they didn't get cut off from Silvano. Willow's positioning would make that difficult. "Cyrus, to me!" 

Rivane moves to 7, 7, and rescues Willow, and then cantos to 7, 6! 

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"Shit." Cryus could only curse as Silvano's blade fell short as, even as he dodged the first blast of magic, another was already being cast. He was sent reeling into the charging knight's lance. He wracked his brain for a solution, one man down with a wall of armor about to crash down on them. He didn't want to leave Silvano for dead but it didn't seem like he had a choice; he was only one man, Willow and Raz didn't have armor to protect them like he did, and there hadn't been time to treat Willow's injuries. Just as he was ready to promise Silvano they'd be back for him Rivane returned, now unburdened, and acutely aware of the situation.

"Right, sir!" There was hope yet, though there was still the matter of ensuring that their path to Silvano remained clear. Let's see how well their armor protects them from magic infused bullets...

Cyrus to 7,7 take Willow, drop her on 6,7. Swap to Magi Shot.

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The world was a rapidly-fading blur, now; so shocked had Rina been by what she'd seen, she hadn't been able to marshal herself to attempt to evade the incoming horseman's lance. As she crumpled, however, she didn't meet the ground as she'd expected, instead finding herself grabbed, pulled onto a horse, and it was all she could do with her fading strength to maintain her hold on her rapier.

I... I-I don't understand... why would the princess... why would Ser Antonio...? Why...?

Her expectation from a moment ago soon found itself fulfilled, however; she couldn't make out the words, but there was some hurried conversation - hurried commands, perhaps? - and she found herself unceremoniously in a heap upon the ground. It was the most she could do to groan in pain at the heavy blow to her arm before lapsing into unconsciousness, lost to bewilderment...

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Jilyn hadn't expected the bandits to follow her as swiftly as they had, but she supposed that if she truly was their quarry, keeping an eye on her would do better than not. "Quickly, we must leave, we--" The winged man on horseback rushed back to the battlefield, Jilyn narrowing her eyes. What sort of bandits cares so much for his allies? Would he not cut and run? Though, his armor was far too regal to be a simple bandit, if he didn't loot it from some unsuspecting knight... Then there was the girl that had been so unceremoniously dropped at their feet... Jilyn sighed. "You, help me." Wounded as she was, it wasn't the easiest task to get this knight up and hanging over her shoulder, but she draped the girl's arm around her neck and started hauling her off. "You're, hhn, wounded as, well... but we can, probably handle her if, we work, together... Right?" She was unsure who this... feline? Feline, bandit was, but if they cared to help with anything, this would be one of the better things.

Willow wails on the mage!
14 damage!
14 damage!
The mage is toasted!
Willow gains +34 EXP, +3 Brawling WEXP
The mage drops Thunder!

Willow Levels!

77	8	54	30	39	48	56	32


Rivane returns!
He performs a rescue shuffle

Cyrus joins in! He gets his magic ready...

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"Tch. That dumbass..." Clicking her tongue, Raz moved slightly forward, taking cover near the carriage. "See that you get him out of there fast. We're giving their horse riders time to catch our group." And there were sure to be more further ahead in the woods, now that she thought about it. Their escape route would need to be more complicated to compensate for the knight's plot...

Raz to (5,8), equip light tome, hold.

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Enemy Phase Turn 3

"You had your chance to run, filth! Spear them!" Evelyn continued her dash towards the carriage, shocked that their mounted man had come back for one of their kind. Bandits were more of the 'cut and run' sort when it came to these things... But he was certainly regal. And... Winged? And that spear-- "No... No, there's no way. But it has to be... I have to get closer!"

Lance Armor #1 stabs at Cyrus!
Chain Guard!
2 damage to Willow!
He fires back!
12 damage!
He gains +12 EXP and +1 Gun WEXP

Lance Armor #2 rushes for him as well!
9 damage!
Cyrus fires!
11 damage!
Cyrus gains +12 EXP, +1 Gun WEXP

Mage #3 comes for him!
5 damage!
He returns fire!
7 damage!
The mage is downed!
Cyrus gains +34 EXP, +2 Gun WEXP!

The rest of the knights encroach...

Player Phase Turn 4


Edited by Nanami Touko
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Bad, bad, Cavalry were here. "Rivane. We don't have much time. Do what you need to do now." Frustrated, and with two knights already on their tail, and more around the corner, it was time to leave.

Raz hold, attack Knight 1 with light.

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Raz had taken out of the pursuing armoured knights, but they were closing in fast, and the scout was exposed. They were running out of room to operate here, they needed to shake these guys off.

"Damnit, we've gotta get Silvano out of there fast or it's over for all of us. Cyrus, grab Raz, I'll cover your flank. The rest is up to you, boss!"

Willow to 4,9

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"Right!" There wasn't time to question it, if Willow saw a line that let them get out of this alive he'd respect her judgement; now was the time for action, not words. "Raz, get behind me!" Was all the warning their dragon got as he reached out and pulled her behind him, gun still at the ready for the incoming charge.

Cyrus to 4, 8. Rescue Raz, still has Magi Shot 'equipped'.

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"Of course." Rivane didn't spare anymore words, any breath he spent speaking now would be breath he didn't have for getting Silvano out. The moment Raz opened his path with a blast of light magic, Rivane urged his horse forward into the fray. One chance. The knights were bearing down on them, expertly so as compared to the start of the battle. Rivane quickly cleared the space around Silvano, and scooped the man as best he could in a single movement. That was when he understood exactly what the princess meant, there in the distance, was a woman with violet hair with a dangerous looking sword in hand, "...Shit." With Silvano now on the horse, Rivane wheeled around, back towards the carriage. "We can't tarry here much longer!" That was her, wasn't it? Just our luck that the Blademaiden's present... but then... is she also...? 

Rivane to 9, 10 and rescue Silvano, canto back to 6, 10! 

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"What, captain, wait, AUGH!" Kagi suddenly found themselves with two 'prisoners', one unconscious at their feet and the other willingly joining in their escape plan. The captain was headed back to battlefield and they were stuck with babysitting duty. "Oh come oooooooon. First they steal the targets from me, now they leave me here away from the fighting, if I had known we weren't going to all run, I would have stayed! I can still fight! Are you listening captain??" They paused,  realized they were talking to a dust cloud and turned back to their charges, one of whom was trying to drag the other away. "Wh- wounded? Oh. Huh. Yeah, I guess I am." They looked down at their body and shrugged. The arrow had thankfully only grazed their arm, but the slash from the captured knight's sword was going to hurt once the battle rush wore off. "Hmm..." Walking over to the princess, Kagi reached down, first grabbing the intricate rapier from the knight, before leaning in and helping the princess to carry their prisoner. "You're Princess Jilyn, yeah? Got that name right? You can call me Kagi. What the fuck is going on here? Why are you so eager to throw your lot in with bandits trying to kidnap you? I heard your whole thing but mind giving more detail? I'm a slow learner."

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"... Kagi. Yes, I am Princess... Empress, Jilyn. The High Tower, rightfully, could no longer condone my father's behaviour and activity. The assassinated him recently, to my understanding... And had the Knight's Captain Evelyn been willing, I would have happily worked with them to steer this Empire towards salvation. Alas." She sighed as they hauled Rina along, shaking her head. "I am royalty, and thus, they cannot trust me... So they say. It is their loss, now. Even if you are bandits, even if you wish to do untoward things to me... It is you, or certain death. I will take my chances. I will speak with your leader when this is over and we are momentarily safe-- offer whatever I have to, to see safe passage to Bravia. As it stands, I am worthless for ransom." She smirked a little.

Knight #2 crashes into Cyrus!
Willow blocks it!
2 damage to Willow!
Cyrus fires back!
9 damage!
Cyrus gains +12 EXP, +1 Gun WEXP

Cavalier #2 flies into him as well!
Cyrus unloads!
8 damage!
Cyrus gains +12 EXP, +1 Gun WEXP

Cyrus levels!

71	84	32	58	2	62	83	73


Cav #1 spears Willow!
8 damage!
Willow slugs him!
A hefty punch!

Willow gains +10 EXP, +1 Brawling WEXP

Sword Knight #1 Approaches!

"You! I thought I recognized that damn spear... Rivane rel Ix Embrith. Stooped to banditry, have you? Too many rules to being a knight?" Evelyn knew that her quarry was long gone, and even with these bandits so close, they were about to slip from her grasp. "You listen to me and you listen well, Rivane! You've made the greatest mistake of your life, today! I will chase you unto the ends of the world if I must... So fly! Fly away, little bird! But don't think yourself safe. Not for one minute!"

Player Phase Turn 4


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A scowl formed on Rivane's face as Evelyn bellowed her words, not towards her jabs however, but to the name. He held pride in his family's name, but the suffix, 'rel' granted to those of the middle circle was a name he cast off, a name not worthy of him, nor any person who deemed themselves a true knight. It was a name he wore with pride once, but it was not a name he intended to throw himself on the spears of an enemy they had no reason to fight for. He turned to look over his shoulder at the approaching Blademaiden, "No, in fact, I believe there may have been too few rules to being a knight, Evelyn Dupri. Forgive me for leaving the honorfics, it was my understanding they were given in service of the crown, of the kingdom. So neither of us should speak them. I stand here before you as a representation of what you, and the high tower allowed the king to perpetuate. If it was a mistake to run afoul of your plot, then perhaps it is a mistake that I am glad to have been a part of. I have not felt safety in ten long years, so this will change nothing. If I am to fly, then I will fly, but I will suggest that you do what you can to catch me. The longer you wait--as you did with the Mad Fool--the sharper my spear will be, and I will not go quietly as I know he did." 

Rivane wheeled his horse away, not waiting for the woman's response, the lancemen nearest to Cyrus seemed on his last legs, and had a common spear in his hands. He wasn't going to need that. "Cyrus, Willow! Away, we're finished here!" 

Rivane to 3, 7 and attacks Lance Armor 2 with the Silver Feather, and then Cantos onto the Escape tile to leave! 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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