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Tales of Weagrand - Part 1: Please, kidnap me

Nanami Touko

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"The emperor is dead..." Kagi wasn't the brains of this operation. In fact, they had gone most of their life being told how dumb they were. First by their family for their inability to control any type of magic, then by their army superiors, and while it hadn't happened since coming to the Falcons, Kagi was pretty sure their companions had all thought it at least once. Even still, they knew that what their kidnapped, rescued?, princess was saying left their plan in tatters. "There goes the bag... So... well. You want to go to Bravia. You're going to need to talk to the captain about that, not me. I'm just the muscle of the group."

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Whoever this woman was, she cleared had some history with Rivane... or at the very least knew of him. Willow would need to inquire about her later, but for now... Rivane had extracted Silvano, and with his head start they would never catch him. It was over.

"Let's get outta here Cyrus." Willow noted, following after Rivane, looking behind her to make sure the healer and his passenger were keeping up.

Willow to 1,7, escape!

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Cyrus was on his last legs and Willow wasn't much better. But they had weathered the storm and would live to see another day, at the very least. As Evelyn approached and began barking at Rivane, he felt a spike of anxiety; the Blademaiden was sharp, to expect he escaped notice just because she was focusing on the falcon was foolhardy. It was something he would have to deal with later, and potentially speak with Rivane about, but only once they were safe.

"You don't have to tell me twice! C'mon Raz, we're leaving!" In one swift motion he turned, scooped up their draconic scout, and ran like their lives depended on it!

Cyrus to 1,7, Escape.

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"What bag...?" Jilyn looked incredibly confused, she'd only been holding her sword, which she'd since locked back into her briefcase and was now carrying along in the arm that wasn't hoisting Rina. "I will do so... I hope he is amenable to my words." Kagi was referring to their feathered rider as 'Captain'... Were they deserters, not bandits? Maybe my luck has improved...

"RIVANE!" Evelyn's shouts were all that were heard as the Falcons retreated from the battlefield, their spoils won, their members safe, for now... The Knights held off on their chase-- they had wounded to tend to and reports to call in, reinforcements to requisition.

Map over!
Battle Mastery succeeded!

It had been several hours since the engagement, the Falcons retreating deep into the woods, towards their camp of operations. Jilyn had sat herself rather regally, on one of the stumps in the camp, waiting for Rivane to approach her, not moving or making any motion to run. She was to speak with him before anything else. They had much to discuss...

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When Silvan was scooped by the rider he finally felt some much needed ease. Rivane was the safest person to be around, and he knew it. He's always known it in fact. "Saving my ass again...what a mess..." The young man just let off a sigh, one of relief and frustration. You're always saving my ass, I hate it... He had heard some of the conversation between the birdman and Evelyn the Blademaiden, which was probably the last talk he wanted to hear. The kingdom can burn for all he cared. Well, whatever.  At least we're finally getting money... Not knowing what was ahead of them in a few hours.


When the group had returned to the camp Silvano was quick to seat himself on a log and tend to his wound, there wasn't much on hand to work with but it was enough to at least stop the bleeding. All he needed was some rest. The attack was rather embarrassing, so he decided not to talk to the others for the moment as much of a go getter as he usually was. He was just content to shake his dice in his hand, and cast occasional glances toward princess Jilyn.

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Evelyn's voice echoed on Rivane's ears, but he couldn't care about it now. Distance was what they needed. She was still the Blademaiden; while he might survive, the others certainly wouldn't, and that was what he planned to avoid. No sooner had the Falcons regrouped, Rivane ordered them back into the forests. There would be time before the Knights decided to press for them--there were wounded to care for, and he was sure that Evelyn would request reinforcements. He had always been prepared to run afoul of the knights after his desertion, but this was hardly the way he had expected it to go. There was too much to consider now, the princess, their hostage, and now what they would do about the knights pursuing them. He'd certainly owe the group an explanation of how he knew the blademaiden, if some of them hadn't already figured it out. Rivane never saw the need to hide his previous occupation, in fact, it lent more credence as to his credentials. 

Fortunately, he had hours to consider things as they made their way back to the sorry state of a camp--old, dingy tents, a pile of ash that had likely once been a flame, and not much else but the trees around them. They were not afforded much--gold and equipment was either in the hands of the military, or the nobility--so they had to make do with what they had. On closer inspection, the tents were patchworks of cloth held up by strong, but worn wood. There was one of each of the Falcons, except for Willow, she found comfort amongst the trees. There was enough difference to the tents to tell them apart at least, but it painted a dire situation for those who rested here. After everyone was accounted for, Silvano was being taken care of, and their guest bound, Rivane went to find their captured, but perhaps really rescued, Princess. With perhaps the grace that should have been expected from one of royalty, she sat atop one of the stumps, and the one nearest to the center of the camp. She wasn't hiding that much was for sure. 

"I had been expecting to address you as our captive after everything was said and done, but it seems as if fate had something else in mind. Something which you seem to know quite a lot about, Princess." Rivane let his wings unfurl, "Would you care to explain why your own knight had tried to kill you? The Mad Fool is dead from what you said earlier," The venom on the moniker was evident, "Which means that our original plan for you is for naught, but you didn't run after all was said and done. Why not?" It was obvious to him that running with the knights on her heels would be nightmarishly difficult alone. It wouldn't be too much easier with support, but easier it would be. 

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It had been a harrowing few moments, but the Falcons had managed to get out of the Knight's grasp, and disperse into the woods. Well off the beaten path, they finally came to the clearing that the bandits called home, at least for the time being. There was a lot to unpack, and most of it wasn't good. Rivane and the Knight Captain had some level of familiarity, with her being able to pick him out on sight. Whatever it was that had happened with the Princess, the specifics of which Rivane was in the process of uncovering, left it highly likely that their whole operation had ended up a bust, as far as ransom was concerned. Silvano, despite his usually cheery personage, was understandably a bit dour and quiet. Listening to Rivane begin to question the Princess, Willow swerved towards where Silvano had seated himself, the man fidgeting with his dice... he always did that when he had something on his mind, the what in this case being rather obvious.

"Oi, Silvano. Don't go worrying us like that again. Falcons won't be the same if you get yourself locked up or killed. Dumbass..." Willow noted to the man, giving him a rather hard clap on the back. Probably more than the injured man would appreciate, but obviously held back. Silvano had taken a fist to the face before, this would have been nothing. Despite the rather harsh content of her words, Willow's face betrayed that she was more worried for the man than upset with him.

"Make sure that Cyrus gets a good look at you." She noted in parting, giving a wave in the man's direction. She sat herself down not too far away from him. Close enough to hear what was going on between Rivane and the Princess, but also closeby to their other... or perhaps given the circumstances, only captive. She was bound, but at the moment still unconscious. She certainly looked like a noble... if she wasn't, then that was basically the last potential positive of this whole thing down the drain. A shallow sigh left Willow's lips as she looked over the girl, ready to knock her down if she awoke and tried to bolt.

"I can take over, Kagi. You must be restless, watching her for so long. What a mess this turned into..." Willow muttered. Kagi had her sword, and even if she broke free of her bindings, she didn't really need multiple guards if the axe-wielder wanted to stretch their legs.

"You spent a little more time with her than the rest of us. What's your take on Princess?"

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Jilyn looked up at Rivane as he approached, nodding. "Yes. My father is dead. It is perhaps too late a decision, but the High Tower finally saw fit to do away with him-- but they have no plans to stop this war. Evelyn means to lead it herself. A proper war, no longer a game, one that would see Bravia razed and conquered so that Halspria may survive... One that I wouldnjave participated in for the sake of my people, but," she sighed, staring down, hands curling into fists, "royalty cannot be trusted, so she said. I was to be killed along this trip. By 'bandits', likely knights posing as your ilk. When we were accosted by the real thing... I saw my chance."

Jilyn picked herself up and immediately got on her knees, bowing fully in front of Rivane. "I will offer up my entire being, so long as you see me safely to Bravia. You may do whatever you want to me, whatever terrible thoughts you had planned, you may take and sell my things, so long as I can make it there alive, I'll do anything. Please..."

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"Years too late. Far too late as I, and many others are concerned." Rivane shook his head, "So they plan to continue the war that has bled the country dry, except now they plan to win. Were it years ago, I might have thought better of a plan like this, but the fool weakened our country with his games, and Bravia has only grown more adept at facing our people. The only outcome from this is that more people will perish." The plan left an acrid taste in Rivane's mouth; the only way forward in his mind was a cessation to the war, and a focus on rebuilding what had fallen apart. They had traded a horrific leader for, admittedly, a much more capable one surrounded by other capable folk--but they were at the helm of a sinking ship, a ship that they seemed hellbent on driving to its watery grave. 

Then Jilyn rose from her seat, and prostrated herself before the man, pleading for their assistance to take her to Bravia. "...You understand what you're saying, don't you? With your father dead, that makes you Empress of the country that has seen fit to wage war against it for years. What good would seeing you to Bravia do aside from selecting a different jury for your execution?" Her request intrigued Rivane, there had to be something that would make such a request make sense. She had even offered to do whatever it took to make it there. 

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When the buff half-dryad stepped up and pat him (roughly) on the back he couldn't help but let out a brief grunt. "Oof..." Though he managed to recover, while he had a lean physique himself he was still sturdy enough to take it. He did indeed take hits to the face in the past, but by some miracle he still kept his good looks. "Heh, yeah? Bet you're only sayin' that cuz I bring home the bacon." He turned to Willow and tossed the dice up and down lightly, he noticed her expression and kept it in mind as he softened his next move. "But seriously, thanks for helping me out back there. I'm usually not that unlucky ya know. As soon as we find a town I'll make it up to everyone and get us some cash." All he needed was a good set up and an hour or two.

He took another glance at Rivane and the princess, he was surprised to find her on the ground begging for his assistance. "...hm." After he pocketed his dice he stood up and walked over to where Cyrus might be, an out to get away from the princess of the nation he despised. "Cyrus, you busy? I patched myself up, but I wanted to make sure I did the job right. Can I get a second opinion?"

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Jilyn slowly rose to her knees, eyes locked onto the ground. "... I have been helping Bravia in secret for years. I have always been against what my father has done to this country, and always done what I thought was best for the people of Halspria. Ending this war is what is most important; I don't care who wins. As long as the citizens survive, Bravia can have the victory. If Evelyn had let me, I would have worked with her to succeed. She is capable, and unwilling to sacrifice what my father was... It would still be a long, and drawn out war, but I believe in her. Alas, my position has been forced. I have something the King of Bravia needs to end this war, so... Please. You may have me as much as you wish as long as I live to make it there."

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"Wha- Cyrus? I don't need the cover, let me at them." Having the momentum taken from her as Cyrus got in the way, Raz frowned, keeping her light tome close. "You're the medic, you don't need to play the hero. Her dark eyes glared at Cyrus, looking for a  wayy to break from him --until he hoisted  her  body and made leave. "Wh- Put me down, I can fly!" Frowning, flailing and kicking the air, Raz escaped the scene in a  far leess graceful manner than she planned for.

Raz spent some time on the outskirts of  their camp after arrival, more concerned  with the possibility of being chased. The knights weren't as familiar with the terrain as they were, but  they had numbers.

"Looks like the empire won't be lasting long one way or another." She arrived not too long, halfway through the conversation, having listened in to enough of the princess to get the gist. "Are you expecting to salvage what you can after Halspria forfeits the war? Would you trust Bravia enough to keep their word? They're already winning, after all."

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"The bag. Like, the bag of riches? What we hoped to get from you? Hmm. Guess it's just poor people slang." Kagi sighed as they carried the prisoner, glancing back towards the battle. "Hopefully they get back soon... I don't want to have missed too much."

As the rest of the Falcons settled into camp to try and rest for a moment, Kagi was perched on a rock near the center of camp, staring at the unconscious woman in front of them. Reaching out, they poked her cheek with a small stick, hoping to get a reaction. "Come ooooon, wake up. We gotta talk to you about all this stuff." Sheesh, no fighting, now I've got this boring lady to watch. Mrrrrr... Their thoughts were interrupted by Willow, prompting the feline to quickly try and hide the stick behind their back. "Oh! Willow! Hi. Uhm. No, it's fine. The captain told me to watch her, so I'm going to watch. Not much else I can do anyways. I would just get bored and go try and find a fight. Not that we won't have plenty of those in our future thankfully."

Willow's next question caused Kagi to pause, looking over at the woman in question. "Mmm, she's... well. She seems sincere. The fact that her knights just attacked her wasn't surprising to her so I think she's telling the truth about it all, though I can't imagine why she wants to go to Bravia. They'll be just as likely to kill her. She'd be better off running to the tribes or the halidom if you ask me." They frowned, shaking their head. "She's strong, to be able to use that weapon, but I don't think she has the stamina to keep up with a long battle. She took one hit and was struggling after. Could be risky to let her fight with us if we need her alive." They turned back to Willow, before adding, almost as an afterthought, "Oh and she's very pretty. Though I guess you can see that too." They grinned before trying to stealthily reach out and poke their prisoner with the stick again. Surely she would wake up soon and be interesting, right? 

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"Nn..." At some point the world had become tangible again, though she hadn't yet opened her eyes. There was a sense of lingering pain in her arm; it kept her from awakening in too bleary a state, and she certainly recalled what had led to such an injury occurring, not that she had come to understand the events during her unconsciousness, of course.

The familiar weight of the rapier at her side in its sheath was absent; and the tome she kept in a pouch at her waist was similarly missing. Between these and the bindings she felt ever so slightly digging into her wrists, it was obvious enough that she was held prisoner; there were voices, relatively calm - her captors. As her eyes slowly fluttered open - somewhere halfway through, a poke in her side hastening the process ever so slightly - she caught a blurry glimpse of the princess; kneeling; kneeling but unbound, and the same confusion that had filled her mind earlier returned.

Closer to her, though - closer was the bandit with the axe she'd rushed at in the chaos of the ambush, accompanied by... not quite a full dryad, a half-dryad? Another bandit, surely. Also becoming apparent to her was that everyone was rather distinctly at a right angle; she righted herself quickly, at least as best she could with hands bound, consciously attempting to maintain at much of a modicum of poise as... well, as could be had in this situation.

"Ah... I suppose you could be none other than my captors. I certainly recognize you."

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Only after he was sure that the knights hadn't pursued them did Cryus remember that he was currently hoisting Raz, despite her loud protests, and set her down so that she could move under her own power. He gave her a half-hearted apology before continuing to run with the rest of falcons.

As they had continued to flee from the knights Cyrus ha had found the time to go around from member to member and tend, lightly, to everyone's wounds with his staff; not enough to drain it's power but enough to ensure that none of their wounds would be getting infected before he could get a proper look at them. With that done on their way back to camp he was free to tend to himself once they had returned, ducking into his tent to tend to his own injuries. At least they had managed to secure the Princess, despite how rough the actual kidnapping had gone for Silvano; with her jewelry alone they should be able to restock on much needed supplies, medicine chief among them. He could only do so much, even if Willow was a godsend in procuring medicinal herbs.

More importantly however was that they had actually captured, or perhaps freed was the better word, the princess. His tent was near the center of camp so he was able to mostly overhear Jilyn and Rivane's conversation as he stripped from his armor to treat his wounds and wrap himself up. He made sure to be sparring with it, everyone else still needed to be tended to. Even their prisoner if they were going to keep her around.

Two things happened at once, one a card he hadn't been expecting to be played, or ever revealed, so soon; the princess was working with Bravia. The shocking thing wasn't the news itself, but rather that she had revealed it so readily. There had been more at play than her value when he pushed so hard for the Falcons to 'kidnap' her. I had better get out there... He was in the process of fixing his deteriorating overcoat as Silvano queried a question at him through his tent's open entrance. 

"You know me, Silvano, I'm always busy." He gave the man a wry smile, finally dressed and standing again. It still wasn't quiet spring yet and he wasn't looking to catch his death by being underdressed for long. "But yes I'd be glad to give you a second opinion once this business with the princess has been handled; I feel as though I will be needed out there shortly." If he'd learned anything about Rivane over the years he knew the man, the princess' word, perhaps because it was her word, would not be sufficient for him to rally the Falcons around her cause; he would need proof. Proof that Cyrus was the only one in possession of.

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Rivane's eyebrow rose, eyes almost widening in surprise. The princess was allegedly working with Bravia against her home country, which, given her father and his wasteful games wasn't too much of a stretch on the face of it. More importantly, however, was the fact that the princess--rather empress--had something that would help in the fight against the empire. On one hand, anything that put this war to rest of a positive turn in Rivane's book, either country rolling over the other would be preferable to the long, drawn out conflict that they'd been a part of. He had a clear favorite to win, though, Bravia. There was no telling what the knights would do to Bravia if they won, though, perhaps in a manner of speaking, Bravia couldn't be held to anything better. Halspria was responsible for countless deaths, and damages, and they'd almost certainly take their due if they were to win the war. The only problem with that was that Halspria didn't have much left to give, at least, from the populace. 

Raz quickly entered the conversation, giving voice to questions that were forming on Rivane's tongue, "I have to echo what Raz has said. Even if what you say is true, and you have something that would confirm the tide in Bravia's favor, can you trust Bravia to to stay their hand when they have the empire by the throat? I've seen what the empire has done to Bravia--they would be fully within their rights to pillage and destroy the empire to make sure nothing like this ever happens again. I wouldn't fault them for it either, but I can surely say that it would only forestall this cycle of violence your father started. Your goal, so far, is to protect the people of Halspria, but are you sure that Bravia would be amendable to that?" Rivane shook his head, and let those words air as he needed to address something previously said, "You have things that will be useful to us, certainly, the jewelry we can sell for gold, and while I am not fond of the idea, perhaps there are further ways to make use of you. However... I'd think that if this thing you say exists that would turn the war in Bravia's favor does actually exist... then perhaps there is still ransom that can be used. Though, that would require us to get to Bravia alive, and also encounter someone who even believes you." 

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"... I cannot tell you what I have that would see Bravia to victory. I cannot tell anyone... If you were to know, if you were caught, it would send Evelyn to the highest levels of alert. She'd call down her entire army on us... For now, chased by her, perhaps some of the Middle Circle that she trusts, we might escape, but if she knew that I... No, I cannot say. I'm sorry..." Her gaze remained downcast, eyes glancing around like she was searching for something, looking far off to the future. 

"If... If you must have my body, then so be it." She shivered slightly, but then swallowed, steeling herself. "As long as I make it, and I can put an end to this madness, nothing is beyond me. As for Bravia, I have full faith in them. We turned our swords upon them at my father's behest, and they have done nothing but try and survive this insane war. They will wish to see it ended, I'm sure of it. As quickly as possible... But all I have is my word. I can't imagine it's good enough, but it's all I have, so I must insist. Rivane. See me to Bravia... You will all have to flee the Empire, no matter what. You know of Evelyn's plot. You're too much to leave alive." She finally looked up at Rivane, her eyes set in seriousness, her gaze strong, the gold of them almost piercing into him.

"I'd rather not see the people that saved me run through. Even if your intentions were impure, you still did... So you may have my jewelry, my sword arm, my body, and my promise. All I ask is for help."

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"I'll be holding you to it then, big guy. Get me something nice." Willow shot back at Silvano, letting the man go to accost Cyrus. Unlucky was a word for it, almost cosmically so. There was a chance the mage was just that good, but given that they had fumbled the counterattack and had only capitalized on Silvano's blunder with the assistance of their fellow knights, that was probably the beginning and end of it.

As for Kagi, they didn't want to leave to stop watching their little noble. Which was fair enough, she had been assigned to them, and as the axe-cat had put it, there wasn't much else to do. It wasn't like the only thing of note going on wasn't already within their earshot.

"Yeah, seems like we'll have no end of fighting for the next little while. But, we expected that taking on a job like this one, even if... all of this, hadn't happened. And yeah, she does look pretty strong, I guess that's the difference between formal training and actual field combat. Manuals and one-on-one sparring can only prepare you so much for an actual fight. She's probably still green. As for her destination, she either has a reason for trusting Bravia, or she's naive... if she's wrong, maybe they'll buy her off our hands. It's up to the boss." Willow replied, glancing over at their princess. She certainly was pretty... there was a very distinct regal air about her, she was properly bathed and in a nice dress, far above what they could manage out here, even with the proper use of herbal soaps and the river. Still, even looking away for a moment, Willow caught Kagi's continued poking of the unconscious girl, drawing a snicker out of the Dryad. And something else it would seem, as the knight began to stir. She quickly rose to a sitting position, but didn't appear to be trying to do any more for the time being.

"Easy there. Welcome back to the world of the waking, and don't try anything funny. Make sure you pay close attention to your Princess... she's spinning quite the tale. I don't know how much of this you were aware of, but it's quite something." Willow noted, glancing back in said Princesses direction. This was quite the ways over her head, but things were getting deeper and deeper the more words left her mouth. Would Bravia winning this war be for the best? Probably. The heart of the Wood was in Bravia, and things on that side were hardly in such a dire state as over in Halspria.

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And there was his cue, the raven stepping out past Silvano and into the center of camp with Rivane and the princess. He reached into his an inner pocket of his coat, withdrawing carefully preserved, and concealed, letters. He held them in his hands, but didn't offer them to Rivane just yet. "I believe I have the proof you require, sir. If you need someone who believes her, then look no further than me. Not because I've been swayed by her words, mind, but because I know that she undoubtedly speaks the truth." He paused for a moment, seeking an icebreaker into what was about to be, at least on his end, an awkward conversation. With none in sight, and the silence lingering just a little too long, he continued. "Ahem. I am one of many of Bravia's agents in this country. Our current goal, now that the Mad King is dead, is the extraction of the princess to Bravia due to what she possesses; if you want to know exactly what it is..."

He paused, staring into the Falcon's eyes, "I'm willing to tell you, Rivane, but only you. No offense to the rest of the Falcons, but you're the least likely of us to be captured and you'd be the last of us to break." He repositioned, so that he was looking at Raz, Rivane, and the princess; their scout's concerns were no less valuable just because she wasn't their captain. "As for Bravia's intentions for Halspria, I can speak on those as well, though as an agent I can only repeat to you what I've been told. It is up to everyone here if they believe the kingdom's word." He coughed, clearing his throat. "Bravia seeks the end of this war above all else, much like the princess here. Should they win, and Jilyn still be alive, they would likely turn the country over to her leadership; they have no desire to govern this land or its people. They seek only an end to the pointless conflict started by the Mad King."

He let out a hard sigh, slumping some as he did so before he righted his posture. It was a lot, both to get off his chest and to put out there. When he was acting as a knight he never would've imagined revealing him status to Rivane, but that was already so long ago. "If you have any questions, or require proof of my own story, I do have proof beyond my word." It wasn't meant to sound like a jab at the princess, it was meant to reassure Rivane, but that was how the words had exited his month.

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"Yeah, I'm just waiting for the captain to make his decision. We're going to end up in battles somewhere along the way though, so it's all good for me. I'm here for the fights, getting stronger. Can't go home without proving myself, so maybe this whole thing will be what I need. My family--" Whatever Kagi had been about to say was cutoff as their prisoner finally woke up, the cat quickly hiding the stick again. The knight was well composed, clearly remembering Kagi from their fight, to which Kagi responded with a grin and a little wave. "Hello~ I remember you too! You got me good, though your archer friend surprised me." They shifted their position to a squatting crouch, peering down at the woman. "So what's your name? Why'd your group want to kill the princess? I mean, I understand killing the Mad King, but seems like you're just going to throw the country into even worse chaos by taking them all out. A coup in the middle of war time is just a good way to get your armies fighting each other." They hopped off the rock, looking down at the woman and shaking their head. "I mean, I like a fight more than most folks and even I know that."

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Rivane seemed to be on a similar page to Raz, which emboldened her to walk closer to the princess. "Well, it makes things  harder if you can't say, you know? We need to be sure they won't attack us, for one. It's already bad enough that the empire is going to hunt us." She smirked, seeing where Rivane's morale held his tongue, kneeling in from of the princess as she scanned the figure with less reservation, revealling a smirk. "You do have a good looking body, a damn prettier sight than most village people ever see. It's a shame you're too high profile, showing your face would be a great trail for the soldiers. Still, put you on revealing cothes and veil, and we can work something in the taverns along  the way..."

What did not agree with her mood was Cyrus' reveal, making Raz shoot up and cast a glare. "I knew you were a weird one, but what the hell?" She stomped toowards the crow, "What, we've been all pained doing worse and worse labor to survive, and you were just playing pretend?" Raz seemed poised to lunge, balling a fist, but changed her mind. "Well then, what is that proof beyond words, Mr. Bravian?"

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"You're the one..." Jilyn was halted for a moment by Raz's words of revealing clothes and a veil, but she shook her head and stood up, almost charging Cyrus, but with the current company, any hostile action was dangerous. "You can't tell them! Any of them! You know better, if you really are who you say you are... Even if Rivane is made of sterner stuff, if this knowledge falls into the wrong hands... You can't. Please."

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"Here's hoping we can get something to patch up your outfit." He gave his comrade a grin, he couldn't wait to get back to a town. That smile slumped a little as he brought up their prize. "Ah, right the princess...wait, you'll be needed?" He didn't see any injuries on her. Before he could ask why Cyrus was already gone, he turned his head to the group assembled around Rivane and Jilyn. He stepped up to listen, and heard that Cyrus was actually an undercover agent. He somewhat shared Raz's feelings on the matter, but at the same time he couldn't be that mad at the man who helped tend to him. "You were holdin' out on us? You're lucky you're damn good at what you do." He pocketed his hands and gave a cold glance at Jilyn as she approached. "Sounds like info that might kill us, so why should you care if it does your highness?" His upbeat attitude was replaced by a stern one. "Sorry to butt in, Cy. Please continue!"

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"Wha-- Because it concerns the duration of this damn war! This is not information to be thrown about like a ball while playing catch!" She couldn't help herself finally getting incensed, folding her arms. "So pardon me for caring about the safety of incredibly important knowledge... Cyrus, if you are who you say you are, you know damn well what speaking further could do for our chances. Quiet yourself, I beg of you, even to Rivane. I know I'm not in any position to bargain, but... I... Please. We've worked too hard to put this under any risk..."

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So Cyrus was Bravian, and military at that, huh? It was certainly a surprising revelation, but Willow didn't take it as quite so much an issue as the others at first blush.

"Does it matter that he works for Bravia? Unless he's been getting food delivered and eating it without offering us any, Cyrus has been roughing it with the rest of us. That said, Princess... I think you might not have much choice here. Rivane is the best we've got, by far. If we're taking you to Bravia, something you need to sell him on, well... if he manages to get himself captured..." Willow took her thumb to her own throat and drew it across before continuing.

"You? Me? All of us are already dead. And Rivane would go down fighting with us before he would let that happen. Someone like me doesn't need to know whatever you've got cooking in that fancy dress of yours, but unless the boss doesn't care to know... he's the one who decides what we do with you."

Edited by Ether
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