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Tales of Weagrand - Part 1: Please, kidnap me

Nanami Touko

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Well, here it was. They were bound to run into resistance eventually, but with both paths forward blocked... knights straight ahead and brigands to the East, they would have to make a choice. Which one to make wasn't difficult, and Rivane ordered accordingly. Break East was the sensible idea, since there was no telling how deep the garrison holding the bridge truly was. Running into that Knight Captain again would be a poor outcome. Watching as their little knight, no longer imprisoned, opened things with a burst of light, Willow charged in to follow-up.

"Flashy huh? I like it, miss Knight!" 

Willow to 17,14, fist Merc 4

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Rina charges after Swordfighter #4!
9 damage!
Rina gains +12 EXP, +1 Light WEXP


Kagi makes a dangerous swing!
A near miss, but the axe connects!
6 damage!
The swordfighter swings back!
Damage dealt!
Kagi takes 12 damage!
Kagi gains +12 EXP, +1 Axe WEXP!


Willow engages the one-two combo!
[72,63] [67,89]
18 damage!
This bandits is lights out!
Willow gains +30 EXP, +3 fist WEXP!

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As the torchlight came into view Cyrus uttered a quiet swear under his breath. Light at the bridge was already bad enough with their limited time before Evelyn came crashing down on them like a rabid hound; to see it in the trees, as well as the dregs hiding in the shadows, truly wasn't far from the worst case scenario - that being Evelyn herself hiding in the trees of course. With Rivane's order there was little time to dwell on it, actions needed taking.

As he moved to act on Kagi's opening he hesitated for the slightest moment, the sound of a gun was near unmistakable, though with with his spellcharged rounds perhaps they would mistake it for thunder magic. He had little option otherwise, save to throw himself at the bandits and hope to crush them under the weight of his plate, and that thought was far too ridiculous to even have deserved the seconds it spent occupying his mind. "Hopefully those dolts on the bridge aren't well versed on their spells..."

His mumbling was inaudible to all but himself, drowned out as fired on the bandit.

Cyrus to 15, 18 Magishot Merc 2.

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And so the battle began. Their first where the stakes weren't just their survival, but potentially the survival of so many more. "Break to the west, and subdue whoever gets in the way. Go! Emp--," Rivane stopped himself, "Jilyn with me, we'll begin to shore up our center." 

Rivane moves to 16, 15! 

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And another night came, an advantage for mostly Raz, who'd made full use of her sight to scout ahead. Still, the density of torches meant it was a group problem, and so she waited for the rest to take the first move before following suit. "Agreed, the bridge is not a good option right now."

Rivane's idea of taking point was just fine by Raz, who took the cover of trees for the moment. Her wings were capable enough to provide aid if something went awry, after all. I really dislike that they were just ready for us... it couldn't be...

Raz to (14, 17), bow equipped.

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"Well... The sounds of battle are sure to alert the rest of the bandits. And the bridge guard. Let us hope they don't care to bother with us..." And I should stay out of sight so I don't give them a reason to.

Jilyn moves to 15,16!


Cyrus takes aim
A clean hit!
14 damage
Cyrus gains +10 EXP, +1 gun WEXP


Silvano cleans up the rest!
The man is cleanly cut in half!
Silvano gains +34 EXP, +2 sword wexp!


Enemy Phase/Turn 1

Swordfighter #3 retreats!
"Ahh, ahhh! B-Boss! We're under attack!"

The bandits nearby take notice...
"Whazzat? Attack!? Ain't no one messes with the Deepcrofts wiffout meetin' steel!"

The knights... Idle.
"Sir, there's fighting. Should I send one of the men to check on it?"
"Pah. Let the bandits fight among themselves. All the better for scum to clean up scum. If they decide against their better judgement to attack us, that'll be a different story... For now, relax. We're to hold the area until the Blademaiden reaches us."

Player Phase/Turn 2


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"Tch, we got company. We'll just have to mow through them." Seeing the bandits approach was annoying, since gaining ground from the soldiers was ideal, but then again, it was probably easiier to pick them off if they just put themselves within her line of fire.

Raz holds, fires arrows at bandit 2.

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The bandits seemed to multiply as they began their assault, nothing unexpected however. Yet, there was an sense of urgency... the knights hadn't charged after them, which meant there was a good chance that they had been instructed to wait. It didn't mean that Evelyn was hot on the trail, but it wasn't impossible either, and taking that change was not advised. 

"I'm going to scout further ahead, follow after me when you can." Rivane brandished his sword, and rode ahead, trying to get a better sense of what to expect. 

Rivane moves to 12, 11, and equips Iron Sword! 

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It seemed the Knights on the bridge weren't pursuing... at least not yet. So long as that remained true, that flank was secure, especially with Rivane riding ahead to scout the other side. That left herself, the ex-captive Rina, and the Princess somewhat splintered from the rest moving through the upper treeline.

"Hmm... looks like the other have those set of woods covered. There's a small break in the trees here, we should be able to cut through and flank, I think. You're a little closer, but I can cover you." Willow noted towards Jilyn, as she began to move forward and dipped into tree cover.

Willow to 14,15

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Kagi started to dash forward and then stopped, growling slightly. There were too many of them. As much as they wanted the fight, they wouldn't be any good if they got dropped. With a sigh, they settled into the trees, hoping to get the drop on one of the enemies.

Kagi holds 

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Tearing that man in half helped Silvano feel a bit better about the situation, he still had a lot on his mind though. Well, one step at a time I guess. I'll deal with the princess later. He stepped toward the woods and prepared himself for another fight.

Silv moves 13, 18

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"Pardon me, miss Willow...!" While she had no plans to be seen by the knights, she had to face the bandits and help as much as she could. It's my fault... It's my fault that these good people are now stuck aiding me, being chased, pushing themselves too far. This... Is all I can do for now.

Jilyn to 13,15, brace herself!

"Come and face me, brutes!"


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The nearest patrols disposed of, the next group of enemies to face lay to the west; and indeed the rest of their motley group had already begun to engage them, the princess included.

Not one wont to letting her liege go the battle alone, she moved to join her and the others fighting the approaching bandits.

Rina to (15, 16).

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"I know you like to fight Kagi, recklessly at that, so allow me to heal you while we still have the time for it." Kagi and Silvano had taken his place on the edge of the woods so the best he could do, without over exposing himself, was tend to Kagi's wound.

Cyrus to 14, 19 Heal Kagi.

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Raz aims...
[86,37] [79,10]
Double critical!
44 damage!
The bandit collapses!
Raz gains +30 EXP, +3 bow WEXP!

Cyrus heals Kagi for 14 HP!
Kagi is back at max
+15 EXP, +2 staff WEXP

Enemy Phase/Turn 2

"Huh!? Boys! They've got little girls thinking they can swing around them log swords! Time to teach 'em a lesson!"
Bandit 5 goes for Jilyn!
Jilyn swings back!
18 damage!
Jilyn gains +12 EXP, +2 Sword WEXP

"C'mere, kitty!"
Bandit 4 swings on Kagi!
Kagi swings back!
[NA,96] 11 damage!
Kagi gains +12 EXP, +1 axe WEXP!

The bandits move in... The fliers approach!
Mercenary #3 continues to run! "Boss!!!!"

Player Phase/Turn 3


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"Hahaha! That's more like it! Come on then, this kitty will give you a taste of their axe again." Kagi suddenly screamed a battle cry, swinging their axe down at the bandit, as a red haze began to swirl around them, though they didn't seem to notice it.

Kagi enters Battle Fury (takes three damage), swings on the bandit

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Two lethal arrows and she thinned the number of bandits by one. Raz grinned, proud at her sight even at low light. Still, their numbers made positioning tricky. And that noise. "Wyvern incoming, brace up." For now, a vantage point would suit her better. They needed to get those bandits down before they had a chance to charge at the group.

Raz moves to 13,16, cast light vs at Bandit 6.

Edited by Xinnidy
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The next group of bandits was already upon them; Kagi and Raz, as well as the Princess. Now was not the time to be left behind.

"Push them back...!"

These woods were treacherous indeed; too thick in places to tread through even for the most determined.

Rina to (13, 18), Light vs. Bandit 4.

Edited by mcd900
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There was little time to issue orders, and little need--the Falcons were quick on the uptake, and even both Jil and Rina moved with an appropriate swiftness. That meant that he could move on ahead, and there had been a swordsman who had been shouting about their boss, and retreating. While it would do for them to sweep the area of bandits so they weren't swarmed later, Rivane didn't see the point in allowing the man to warn the others. 

"Clean up the others, I'm moving on ahead. I'll be back." Rivane urged Danzig forward, pursuing their their escapee before finding him in the trees, "I'm afraid your time has run out my friend. You'll have to be quiet." 

Rivane moves to 8, 13, and Iron Lances Merc 3!

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Rina and Raz went ahead and challenged the bandits, it seemed like they had the situation under control. As a gambler, Silvano had to learn about restraint. So he practiced the concept and stood his ground for a moment.

Silvano will wait for one turn for his next action, but only one turn!

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Willow let out a low whistle at the Princess' display, sidestepping the incoming axe before retaliating with her impressive blade. Wouldn't wanna be at the business end of that thing. She looked like she would take the man out with another engagement, so that just left his backup. Dashing out from the treeline, Willow came out swinging.

Willow to 12,14, punch bandit 1

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  • 2 weeks later...

Despite his night vision being no better than a normal human, Cyrus could still make out the distinctive shape of a rider soaring through the night sky. He couldn't be certain of the mount, but either way charging forward into an open field would just make him an easy target for the rider. His armor would protect him, yes, but only to a certain degree, and there was no guarantee the other bandits wouldn't see a chance to dogpile him. The only logical course of action was to form a wall with Kagi to whether the approaching rider.

Cyrus to 13, 20, heal Kagi again.

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Posted (edited)

Kagi SCREEMS and takes a swing!
[N/A,29] 14 damage!
The bandit swings back!
Kagi gains +12 EXP, +1 axe WEXP

Raz flies above the trees and pulls out her light!
22 damage!
She blasts again!
22 damage!
Raz gains +34 EXP, +3 light WEXP

Rina pulls out her tome and dazzles a brigand!
10 damage
He falls!
Rina gains +34 EXP, +2 Light WEXP (edited)

Rivane crashes into the mercenary!
22 damage!
The man swings back wildly, to no avail!
Rivane gains +1 EXP, +1 lance WEXP

Willow brings her fists up
[48,11] [46,18]
22 damage
the bandit breaks!
Willow gains +10 EXP, +2 brawling WEXP

Cyrus fixes up Kagi
Kagi is full again!
Cyrus gains +15 EXP, +2 staff WEXP

Jilyn sits still and crashes steel into the bandit!
18 damage!
He's slain!
Jilyn gains +34 exp, +4 sword WEXP

Enemy Phase/Turn 3

Bandit 1 is broken and cannot act!

Bandit 3 charges into Cyrus!
A deadly miss!
Cyrus fires back!
13 damage!
Cyrus gains +10 EXP, +1 gun WEXP

The draco rushes into Rina!
19 damage!
Rina, hurting, launches her magic back!
[20,45] [54,75]
20 damage total!
Her 3rd strike comes out but can't scratch the draco's armor!
Rina gains +14 EXP, +2 Light WEXP, +1 sword WEXP

Swordfighter 3 runs away!!

"Huhwha? What's the fuss about?"

"Another group of bandits! They're wiping us out!"

"OH! Yeah!? Not on my watch!"

The bandits begin to move!

Player Phase/Turn 4


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"Ha! Hahaha! Come on! Bring it on, all of you. I'll take you on, I'm not afraid!" Kagi grinned, a wild rush on their face as they charged forward, swinging recklessly at the draco rider in front of them, axe cleaving down into the man's neck. "WHO'S NEXT??"

Kagi to 11-18, axe the draco rider

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