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Tales of Weagrand - Part 1: Please, kidnap me

Nanami Touko

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Two swift blows into the brigand left the man stunned, and with Jilyn taking care of the other, that just left Willow to circle around behind the man and launch a fist at the back of his head, hoping to finish him. With that taken care of, the centre would be clear for now, though it seemed a good amount of men were amassing on the other side of Rivane...

'What's the plan, Rivane? Got a lot of 'em bunched up!"

Willow to 10,14 punch Bandit 1

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Rivane clicked his tongue as his spear wasn't enough to bring the man down, and he was just fast enough to make it to his allies. A wall of men appeared on the other side of the trees; they didn't look trained, so it might have been possible for Rivane to hold his own, but that wasn't the issue--the issue was now that there was a wall between them and their goal, and he was sure that Evelyn couldn't be too far away. Willow had noticed the danger as well. 

"If they think to become a wave to wash over us, then we'll have to break the wave. Handle the stragglers behind us, and then join me as we break this wall." Rivane drew his sword, and pointed it at the wave of approaching men, "Come if you dare. There is more at stake than your lives, and I'm more than willing to trade all of them to see it done." 

Rivane equips the Iron Sword, and moves to 7, 13! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Silvano started to make his way through the woods as Kagi lead them through and went to town on a Draco Rider. He saw a wounded bandit and swung at him.

Silvano moves toward 12, 19 and swings Gemini Bandit 3.

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"!" Noticing the movement along the bridge, Raz's movements became jumpier, gliding down the trees quickly. "Get a quick move, we'll have to punch through, there's a chance the knights noticed." She readied her bow, "More fliers in the sky too, keep following Rivane."

Raz to (11,15).

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The lance struck deep, but though she staggered from the wound - she did not allow it to fell her, and she returned the strike with flashes of light. Clutching her side, she gasped for a moment, the axefighter rushing forward to finish what Rina had started.

This is no time to allow weakness. Duty must come first... the wound can be tended later.

There was another bandit yet ahead - she raised her open hand, a gleam growing within her palm...

Rina to (12, 18), Light Bandit 3.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cyrus was almost loathe to spend their limited resouces to immediately tend to Rina's wounds; however, the fact that she had weapon in hand and was part of this fight meant that Rivane trusted her. That would have to ne sufficient, for now. That would not, however, stop him from chiding the noblewoman.

"Try not to get yourself wounded so grieviously; our medicine and healing staves are not unlimited like that of the knights."


Cyrus to 13, 18 heal Rina.

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Kagi swings down as hard as they can!
8 damage!
The draco is felled...

Kagi gains +38 EXP, +2 axe WEXP

Willow socks the bandit into an early grave
12 damage
The bandit collapses...

Willow gains +30 EXP, +2 brawling WEXP

13 damage!

The bandit fights back!

Silvano gains +12 EXP, +1 sword WEXP

Rina brings out the tome!
a light touch, but enough!
9 damage!
The bandit collapses...

Rina gains +34 EXP, +2 light WEXP

Cyrus heals Rina +15 EXP, +2 staff WEXP

Jilyn approached slowly, sword at the ready... but her ears picked up the far off sound of hooves. "We must hurry..."

Jilyn to 11,14

Enemy Phase/Turn 4

"Go around him, boys! We'll crush his tagalongs and then swarm him!"

The bandits nod and ignore Rivane!

"Mages, engage him!"

Mage #4 comes for Rivane!

Mage #3 does the same!

"Tch... Why are you even here, Rivane!? You know this is our territory! Get outta here! More at stake than our lives my ass, you just want more for your own!"

Marcos skirts around Rivane!

The pegs loom in menacingly...

Player Phase/Turn 5


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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Rivane clicked his tongue as the men moved around him instead of facing him down; while his men weren't trained, Marcos had been at this for years--he knew how best to maneuver in situations like this. The two mages unleashed flimsy spells in his direction, swatting the first away with his sword, and letting the other careen by, "I know full well that this is your territory, but I wonder if you realize that the knights are approaching? You are right on something at least, I do want more for our lives--freedom from this accursed war." 

Rivane Iron Swords into Bandit 10, and then cantos to 8, 15! 

"That's why I'm here tonight, and if there were another option, I wouldn't be. But we have to cut our way through, Marcos, sorry." 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Rivane was certainly very far ahead, though Silvano didn't really worry about him. He was more worried about to oncoming pegasus riders. Kagi seemed prepared to take them, the gambler knew when to fold and decided to keep clear of at least one of the pegs hoping his luck would save him from the sights of the other.

Silvano moves 12, 16 to take cover in the woods.

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"Tch... they're closing in on us... bunch of oafs but they always had a bigger crew... Raz! Blow wings outta the sky, i've got you covered!" Willow noted, moving into position to cover Raz' flank as Rivane doubled back to bolster their position. He was in front, and likely could wipe out the whole troupe on his own, but the rest of them weren't so skilled. They'd have to play this smart...

Willow to 9,16

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"Tch. Damn it. Hurry up, everybody." With these fliers coming their way, that was easier said than done. Raz wasn't fond of the group's chances with these numbers. "Better be a reward for these. Thanks, Willow."

Raz to 8, 16, pick off Pegasus 1 with her bow.

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Rina sighed quietly with relief as her wounds closed. "I have no intent of getting myself wounded, I'll have you know." The chiding was... rather unwelcome.

"...Regardless, thank you."

Rina to (10, 16).

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"Then I expect you'll be glad show me with your actions." Was all he offered as Rina took to the front of their guard. Meanwhile, he himself ducked into the cover of the forest. The unknown threat of his gun out to keep the rider wary of flying into their backline...

Cyrus to 10,18.

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Kagi glared at the pegasus rider that landed next to them, only to target Raz instead. "Coward. COWARD!" The red glow that had been surrounding them faded as the general fury they had been feeling faded, only to be replaced by an anger at this fighter who went for the easy fight rather than the good one. "Targeting someone who cannot counter, what next, targeting a healer? No. Come here. I'll show you a good fight. A real fight. Don't you dare run away now."

Kagi swings on peg rider 2

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The Pegasus problem was (mostly) handled, but now the group had another issue ahead. "Well at least I can take my cut there." He rushed in toward an injured bandit and sliced at his chest. "Gotta survive after all!"

Silvano rushes toward 10, 14 to finish off Bandit 7!

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Posted (edited)

Jilyn joined his side, and despite the dress, and the almost out of place greatsword, she held her own against the bandit that tried to strike her. "Impressive, but don't press too far--they'll swarm you as they are too craven to target me." Marcos was a problem, not for his martial prowess, but for the fact that he knew what he was doing. Marcos knew that Rivane was far too much for anyone single one of his men, so targeting those with him was safer. He had to be dealt with if they were to make any real progress here. 

"I don't disagree, Marcos. That's why I intend to find it again. You will not be swarming anyone. Falcons, react accordingly." 

Rivane Iron Swords Bandit 11, and then Cantos right into Marcos's face (6, 15). 

"You and I know all about survival, Marcos. Do everything we can just to know that we can see tomorrow. So tell me," Rivane pointed his sword at the man, "Are you going to be able to outlast me? Another man who know what it takes to survive? Stand aside, or we will have to find out." 

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It seemed these guys were content to just try to go around Rivane... which was definitely smart of them, unfortunately. He was definitely the strongest fighter on the field, but he could only cut down one man at a time if they didn't engage him. If that was their gameplan, well... the rest of them would just have to pick up the slack.

"What, think you'll have a fine time just for moving around the Boss like a coward? Try me on then, why don'tcha?" 

Willow to 10,13, Punch Merc 3 in the face

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Narrowly avoiding the pegasus knight's attack with a muffled gasp, Raz's first instinct was to gain some space. "Ugh, so many people. Move forward! We're not going to get anywhere if we don't mow down those idiots." Kind of yapping to the void, Raz restlessly prepared a spell to blind a ruffian's face.

Raz steps back to (9,16), casts light on Bandit 8.

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The bandits had crashed into their frontline, at least what could be called their frontline, with the exception of Rivane. As other Falcons had already noted, the big lugs were operating with the slightest bit of self-preservation in mind, which was much more than usual. Marcos was the cause, but Rivane was already working on it. All that was left was to clean up the trash. "Cut down as many as you can, the last thing we need is to waste time being pushed back!" He had to shout over the roar of his gun, but at least it would likely prevent the knights on the bridge from deciphering anything more than 'people fighting in the forest'.

Cyrus to 8,16 shoot Bandit 8.

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Kagi to 9-15, smack the bandit

"Come on then, lets keep this up! My blood is really starting to flow now, lets go!!" The cat grinned, axe swinging in a circle before bringing it slamming down at the other axe user. This was their element. Now, finally, they were starting to feel good.

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Rivane weaved his way through the mages spells, only taking one of Marcos's thrown knives. This was good, the man's focus was on him, so long as things stayed that way things would be-- "Damn." Rivane could hear Evelyn's voice echoing through the trees; she'd finally caught up, and not at an appreciated moment. Her call was enough time for him to see Cyrus fall, swarmed by Marcos's men. "Damn, Cyrus!" Rivane looked back at Marcos, "It appears that any mercy I may have had for you is evaporating very quickly, Marcos. Decide your fate in the moments that I'll be away, because when I return, this ends." Rivane urged his horse on, already opening the salves, "The rest of you, hurry up and move south, our pursuer has arrived, and we have no more time. Cut the remaining men down as if they grass through which we need to walk. I'll handle Cyrus, go!" 

"Cyrus, awake, there is no time to be sleeping now, you have a mission, don't you? You and the princess are the only two who know what we are protecting, so stand... we don't have any time left." Rivane stood up, content that the salves were working as the man blinked into consciousness. Rivane was already right back on his horse, and charging his way back towards Marcos. 

"Time's up, Marcos. You're lucky that what is about to happen to you is to be swift; you'll be spared the knights." 

Rivane to 7, 16 and use Quick First Aid to revive Cyrus with 30% HP, and then Canto back to 6, 15 to bark at Marcos more! 

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