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*makes christmas list*

Destiny Hero

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Well... first of all, real Christians should not celebrate it because of how paganised it is (Not that this matters no an atheist like me, I just wanted to point out another stupid thing about modern religion). And second of all, it is currently a capitalist holiday, where we get to watch jackasses go on and waste their hard earned money with a shopping frenzy. And finally, why do we need a holiday as a reason to be nice to people?

So basicly, it was a pagan holiday, which Christianity tried (but mostly failed) to steal, and was then stolen again by our capitalist society.

Valentine's day is the most pathetic excuse for a holiday. Ever.

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Who said it was wasted? tbh, the holidays is where some people ONLY get good gifts for people. And people DO save up money so they have some leftover. The holidays aren't a complete waste, though you have a point. I don't know shit about the religious stuff, so I'll go with you on that one

Well that's not the PS3's fault. Sony's stuff is just naturally more expensive because of its quality

Ratchet and Clank futures: Tools of destruction, Soul Calibur 4, Guitar hero 4, Rock Band, Assassin's creed (can't remember if it's a shooter or not). And those are just off the top of my head, but I will agree (ZOMGWTF?!) that the PS3 does have a good amount of just shooter and sports

So no games, no movies, no shirts with logos on them and i thought you couldn't be more picky, what else can we suggest to you when none of us know you personally? Seriously, DH...


Reasons why this post sucks:

1. Sony's stuff is more expensive because they over-price shit.

2. SC4 is on the 360, and both GH4 and Rock Band are on the 360 and the Wii

3. You're not being mean enough to him

4. He isn't trolling

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Destiny Hero, everyone here is entitled to their opinions of what they want. Your obviously trying to spam your way through so that you can have a good amount of decent post counts. You don't need reply to each and every post, that was just pointless.

I don't care about my post count at all.

okay people, I have to finish this list absolutely ASAP.

- NO cosplay

- NO video games (unless it's something I'd love. I don't want suggestions to buy games like Prince of Persia, Call of Duty, Fallout 3, etc....)

- NO sports stuff

I'll take drawing stuff, card games (just Naruto, though), and other things that can be productive.

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I'll take drawing stuff, card games (just Naruto, though), and other things that can be productive.
Ah, there you go! You can ask for decent pen or pencil sets, art books, tracing paper, art software, etc. There's a lot to consider within that realm of interest.
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You want something? How about:

  • A Creative mp3 player
  • A digital camera (I prefer one from Olympus)
  • A digital watch, because analogs suck
  • A gir-- *shot*

Just some of my suggestions.

Edited by Black Luster Soldier
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I know, ask for money.

But I won't get much. And it'll be boring.

Ah, there you go! You can ask for decent pen or pencil sets, art books, tracing paper, art software, etc. There's a lot to consider within that realm of interest.

I'll check out Michael's and see if they've got anything.

I'm a crap "artist", though.

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Reasons why this post sucks:

1. Sony's stuff is more expensive because they over-price shit.

2. SC4 is on the 360, and both GH4 and Rock Band are on the 360 and the Wii

3. You're not being mean enough to him

4. He isn't trolling

1. Or they could be charging you for the heaps of money needed to create the system. COUNTEREASON FAIL.

2.) Who cares if it's on the 360, too? That doesn't mean it's not on the PS3. Also, Rock Band for the Wii was raped. COUNTEREASON FAIL.

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No, unless it's something ridiculous, or it's a video game.

Even if it is...Lock's Quest ;)

If that aint the spirit of something real, then I dont know what is. The way private institutions have commercialized the holiday has only made it better.

The people arround you are what makes the spirit, not the presents.

Valentine's day is the most pathetic excuse for a holiday. Ever.

I'd say Love Day wins that award but that is the point :P

1. Sony's stuff is more expensive because they over-price shit.

So Sony are overpricing yet out of all the systems on offer they are losing the most money per system sold (Microsoft are losing money too while Nintendo...they are laughing their way to the bank as they are making money hand over fist for every system they make). Put it another way, if Sony are overpricing then Nintendo are practically stealing money from you (and my) wallet!

I don't like to spend lots of money at Christmas. Here is what i'll be getting:

Socks (its not exciting but you cannoy fault the practicalness of it!)

Books (a volume or two of Phoenix :) )

DVDs (a few anime; Read or Die, Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society, maybe a couple more)

Games (3 DS games; Soul Bubbles, Lock's Quest, Bangai'O Spirits)

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You want something? How about:
  • A Creative mp3 player
  • A digital camera (I prefer one from Olympus)
  • A digital watch, because analogs suck
  • A gir-- *shot*

Just some of my suggestions.

No MP3 player, already have a camera, watches are for squares.

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Is Destiny Hero making a topic asking for suggestions just so he can reject them again? I'd make a suggestion but I feel it would be pointless.

No.... I just want suggestions for things I should put on my christmas list, and made a list of suggestions I wouldn't take. The thing is, I want people to throw suggestions at me so I find things I want. If I knew what I wanted, I wouldn't have made this thread.

So far, the list (just finished the Naruto cards) totals at around $110 :(

*goes off to work on it*

Edited by VincentASM
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Reasons why this post sucks:

1. Sony's stuff is more expensive because they over-price shit.

2. SC4 is on the 360, and both GH4 and Rock Band are on the 360 and the Wii

3. You're not being mean enough to him

4. He isn't trolling

1.thats believeable

2.true, but the fact is, is that it's on PS3 (even though they're on other ones as well)


4.that's why there was a (/) there so you had a choice. Apparently, you chose wrong :D

5. 5 is a good number

Is Destiny Hero making a topic asking for suggestions just so he can reject them again? I'd make a suggestion but I feel it would be pointless.

Yes/it would be pretty much

As for the suggestions why do i bother... how about a desk for all your drawing needs?

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1. Or they could be charging you for the heaps of money needed to create the system. COUNTEREASON FAIL.

2.) Who cares if it's on the 360, too? That doesn't mean it's not on the PS3. Also, Rock Band for the Wii was raped. COUNTEREASON FAIL.

2. If it's on multiple systems and you have that system/there's a system with more exclusives you want and it's on that system as well, then I don't see why you'd count it as a reason to buy the system.

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As for the suggestions why do i bother... how about a desk for all your drawing needs?

Well, I phail at drawing, and there are plenty of desks in school for me to draw on while my teachers blab on and on and on, because I don't have to listen with my eyes (that'd be creepy...). I don't paint or anything, so I don't need a desk. I've got tables at home.

And a desk is.... Sort of... A big thing to ask for on Christmas. Who's putting it together? :D

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Well, I phail at drawing, and there are plenty of desks in school for me to draw on while my teachers blab on and on and on, because I don't have to listen with my eyes (that'd be creepy...). I don't paint or anything, so I don't need a desk. I've got tables at home.

And a desk is.... Sort of... A big thing to ask for on Christmas. Who's putting it together? :D

I've seen those "Easy to put together" things at Target and Wal-Mart. Or just get a small one with minimal assembling

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2. If it's on multiple systems and you have that system/there's a system with more exclusives you want and it's on that system as well, then I don't see why you'd count it as a reason to buy the system.

How about buying the First Party games of the first console while still getting the Third Parties? You could want Metal Gear Solid 4 and Soul Caliber 4. You'd want the PS3 instead of the 360. It's all a matter of personal prefrence.

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Well... first of all, real Christians should not celebrate it because of how paganised it is (Not that this matters no an atheist like me, I just wanted to point out another stupid thing about modern religion). And second of all, it is currently a capitalist holiday, where we get to watch jackasses go on and waste their hard earned money with a shopping frenzy. And finally, why do we need a holiday as a reason to be nice to people?

So basicly, it was a pagan holiday, which Christianity tried (but mostly failed) to steal, and was then stolen again by our capitalist society.

...Didn't I just explain that it was exactly the capitalist hijacking of Christmas that made it so awesome?

Real Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Pagans, and Hindus should celebrate Christmas because it gives people the excuse to waste their hard earned money on themselves and other people, all the while getting drunk on eggnog and having a good time.

The bold part is all that really matters, because that's my only point. If you've got family and friends to spend Christmas with, then you have no excuse not to enjoy yourself. Letting the maximization of profit by entrepreneurs bother you is pointless.

So what if it was stolen from the Pagans, and then the Christians? Their versions suck, and they dont deserve it now that the secular Capitalist version has taken it over and made it accessible to everyone.

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Well, I phail at drawing, and there are plenty of desks in school for me to draw on while my teachers blab on and on and on, because I don't have to listen with my eyes (that'd be creepy...).

Do you realize how scary this is to anybody who has a brain such as your imaginary self? Any good audio reception is aided best by a visual reception. Whenever I have to do listening assignments for music history, the teacher always tells us to look at the scores as we listen along. It helps the memory issue when we get quizzed on the listening at the end of the week, and it stays with you more. And besides, your wording is innacurate; you don't listen with your eyes, but your ears. Some notes are called audio-visual supplements for a reason.

...Didn't I just explain that it was exactly the capitalist hijacking of Christmas that made it so awesome?

Real Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Pagans, and Hindus should celebrate Christmas because it gives people the excuse to waste their hard earned money on themselves and other people, all the while getting drunk on eggnog and having a good time.

The bold part is all that really matters, because that's my only point. If you've got family and friends to spend Christmas with, then you have no excuse not to enjoy yourself. Letting the maximization of profit by entrepreneurs bother you is pointless.

So what if it was stolen from the Pagans, and then the Christians? Their versions suck, and they dont deserve it now that the secular Capitalist version has taken it over and made it accessible to everyone.

What makes this even better is that tons of TV specials talk about how Christmas isn't about the mall-shopping but about being with family, how Jesus was born, blah blah blah. Welcome to corporate America.

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