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[FE8] Movement Type and Sound Association


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Initially, I used Nightmare to edit the third-tier trainees's movement pointers so that they all used 'flier' movement while keeping ground-type terrain bonus pointers.  This works fine mechanically, but when the sprites step on the ground/etc. in battle animations, the sounds produced are much heavier than they were in the previous tiers (like a Fighter stomping around), even when the battle occurs on a tile infantry units can cross normally.

I suspected the 'flier' pointers simply didn't have references to the appropriate sound bytes (in fact I initially thought the step sound being used was a Wyvern Lord/Knight landing after an attack), so I changed the pointer used by the tier 3 trainees to 'civilian' and then used Nightmare to make the terrain crossing costs for that pointer set match what a flier gets.  However, upon testing the third-tier trainees sounded exactly the same as before when taking a step, far too heavy (again on a tile that infantry can normally cross).

Now, listening to these little kid sprites thudding around like giants when they move is highly amusing and doesn't have any mechanical detriment, so it's not the end of the world if I can't fix it, but I would definitely like to know where the sound associations for movement relative to battle animations are located as the class terrain type editor itself doesn't seem to change it (I'm hoping it's an obvious oversight on my part); it'd be nice to give them their previous light/gentle step sounds.  If additional information is needed please let me know; thanks in advance for any insights.

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I think FEBuilder allows you to edit these much easier:


A link to it is at the top post.

Edit: When you open FEBuilder, you need to go to advanced editors here:


and after that you find "movement sounds" on the advanced editors tab:


Edited by Lightcosmo
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