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If another SSB game came out with Marth in it, would he speak English?

Father Wood

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It was being developed though. They think ahead of time.

I don't think they had even decided on whether FE:DS was going to be a remake or a new story when they confirmed Marth to reappear in Brawl.

In Melee, Marth was the oldest lord and Roy was the newest Lord, so they both made it in.

In Brawl, Marth was still the oldest lord and Ike was the newest Lord, so they both made it in. They were also going to put in Roy (theres an unfinished character package in the games coding for Roy) because he had appeared in Melee, but they ran out of time. They spent too long in the planning process for Brawl and so they had to rush the actual game-making process :(

Back on topic of the original question: He would probably speak Japanese, just to keep the theme going.

Oh, and I've been hoping since Brawl started being worked on that Ephraim would appear in one of the games, I really hope he shows up in SSB4

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Whether or not Marth continues to speak in japanese or not is really fifty fifty, since he didn't actually gain any new lines from Melee to Brawl so it seems like that might of simply reused his voice sample in brawl.

As the subject who's showing up to represent fire emblem in other possible SSB games I think Marth is likely to stick around due to his original lord status and appearing the most games and being introduced internationally. Ike is honestly up in the air they could keep him and I think it would be better to keep him since he does provide another unique moveset. And if anything they'd simple add another fire emblem character without having to remove either existing characters. Removing characters is a silly idea to begin with anyway.

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Japanese, if it were in english they'd just ruined Marth like they ruined Ike, a great example is everybody quoting:

"I fight for my friends" and things like "You won't get sympathy from me".

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Marth's lines will be translated, for the simple reason that his game has been released outside of Japan. There is no more justification to not translate his lines, and probably all the new FE players who will probably play this game just because Marth is on the cover will want him to speak in something not Japanese.


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Not only would he speak in English, but his character model would be modified to match his FE11 art.

Hey, other characters have received updated models due to updated designs (Link is a notable one), so it's bound to happen.

so very true.

i don't mind them changing his model, though. At least people won't confuse him with a girl anymore

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Marth's lines will be translated, for the simple reason that his game has been released outside of Japan. There is no more justification to not translate his lines, and probably all the new FE players who will probably play this game just because Marth is on the cover will want him to speak in something not Japanese.


Sorry if this post is bringing this topic back from the dead, (posting from the FE: General Board) but I'd say that's not true for most non-Japanese FE fans. Most of us were introduced to FE because we were fans of Melee, and in Melee Marth spoke Japanese. Most fans of Melee got SSBB, and he spoke Japanese again, an amount of these SSB/FE fans will buy FE11, but not want Marth to speak English because they've been playing as him speaking Japanese for seven years. Because of this, they'd be surprised and disapointed if he spoke in English as bad as Ike.

Unless, his voice was actually good.

Edited by Yourgranny
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It's possible that he'll speak english but I'd prefer it ONLY if he has a good voice and good lines. If that's not gonna happen, he better stay with his japanese voice. I'd like Ike to stick around cause I had a lot of fun playing as him in SSBB and his voice was decent. It could've been better but it was ok for me.

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Well in Brawl they ruined Lyn with that hideous voice (seriously her trophy description says she is 15 and then you hear her fugly voice ugh) so maybe they'll ruin Marth's voice in the next SSB. I personally prefer that Marth stays with his japanese voice.

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