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They found a new section of the bible today.

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I am not, he is actually showing clearly that he doesn't know about the subject, I am speaking purely based on facts. I suggest you read and now invent things to complain about, it has a habit of blowing up in your face.

"You dont know crap. And you wont shut me up because whatever you have to say I already knew it before you did."

What a brilliant observation on someone who has not yet bothered debating with you, who is talking about things that it looks like you do not know. And HAHAH I KNEW FIRST is about as effective as "I have that shirt at home, you're a loser!". Grow up.


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Oh this is the pointless posts to stop an argument from breaking out part. I'll pass, I need a good laugh.


Wrong, this is the part where I post the stupid shit I have in my Photobucket account. Some stuff is TOO stupid to post though.

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Not with people like you. Believe me when I say this, something bad is gonna happen to you, or perhaps it already did. Every little detail thing you do in life backfires some way. So yeah, keep laughing, keep being the way you are, soon you will know its true, Hika.

You dont know crap. And you wont shut me up because whatever you have to say I already knew it before you did.

Wait, are you actually giving the textual equivalent of screaming "YOU'LL GET YOURS!" and shaking your fist? That's not very Christian.

When I said to take stuff out or add, it means that, not editing. And if people did change or add stuff to it, well, they will have their punishment.

Spoilers: The Catholic church has been editing and re-editing the bible (and yes, that includes for content) since before their red-headed protestant stepchildren ever came to be.

Trust me, I know alot of stuff. I study the bible deeply, mostly the prophecies, and guess what, people. The end is very near now.

"Students" of the bible have claimed for centuries that the end is near, conveniently shaping vague prophecies to fit current events whereever necessary. The end has yet to happen.

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Wait, are you actually giving the textual equivalent of screaming "YOU'LL GET YOURS!" and shaking your fist? That's not very Christian.

Spoilers: The Catholic church has been editing and re-editing the bible (and yes, that includes for content) since before their red-headed protestant stepchildren ever came to be.

"Students" of the bible have claimed for centuries that the end is near, conveniently shaping vague prophecies to fit current events whereever necessary. The end has yet to happen.

But the end will happen, nonetheless, and when it does, all nonebelievers, all evil persons, shall perish, and I should have my laugh in the new world. XD

And no, I wasn't actually shaking my fist, its just the truth of what I said. You do something bad here on earth and you pay for it sooner or later. You kill by the sword, you die by the sword. Justice. God is a just God, so believe me when I say that everything you do here, backfires some way. Now if you behave and are good, what is to backfire? Nothing, because you are following the path of righteousness. XD

I'll stop arguing with death. He does not say anything valuable anyway.

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Now if you behave and are good, what is to backfire? Nothing, because you are following the path of righteousness. XD

Tell that to MLK jr. or Ghandi. They certainly didn't live by the metaphorical sword, but they died by it. Not even the bible makes the absurd claim that being good can't backfire, as I'm sure Job could attest.

But the end will happen, nonetheless, and when it does, all nonebelievers, all evil persons, shall perish, and I should have my laugh in the new world. XD

You're entitled to your self-gratifiying laugh, as pathetic as it is to take genuine pleasure at the (hypothetical) suffering of others.

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Noah's Ark is another amazing story in the bible. Gotta love how impossible that one is.

What is impossible about it?

One time, it rained for two hours here and the whole darn town started to flood. You think that in 40 days and night of continual rain that the earth wouldn't flood as it did back then?

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What is impossible about it?

One time, it rained for two hours here and the whole darn town started to flood. You think that in 40 days and night of continual rain that the earth wouldn't flood as it did back then?

Fossil Evidence says nooooooo~

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Yeah, Fossil evidence says that the earth is what...several million years old?

lol, its not even ten thousand years old.

You're a troll right? I seriously refuse to believe that you're saying such bullshit and actually believe it.

For the record, the Earth is several BILLION years old.

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Noah's Ark is the story of 1 man, his three sons, and their wives and how they all lived to be 150+, build an ark the size of Rhode Island, survive on the ocean with no food for 40 days and nights and then all became fertile enough and genetically different to repopulate the world.

That's before you get into all the animals that were buddy buddy and didn't eat each other.

I can respect the religion and I do believe that there is a large chance that something controlled the odds millions/billions of years ago, but the Ark story is one of three fundamentally flawed stories of the book that can't be explained as a metaphor or a confused ideology. The story was written to show that the wrath of god exists, and it's the common choice for the story to back up the end of days concept, which is why I brought it up, but it, Genesis, and White Jesus are my personal three tests of fanatical level. If you can't understand that Jesus would have to be an Arab Jew, then you aren't even trying to get the facts.

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But the end will happen, nonetheless, and when it does, all nonebelievers, all evil persons, shall perish, and I should have my laugh in the new world. XD

And no, I wasn't actually shaking my fist, its just the truth of what I said. You do something bad here on earth and you pay for it sooner or later. You kill by the sword, you die by the sword. Justice. God is a just God, so believe me when I say that everything you do here, backfires some way. Now if you behave and are good, what is to backfire? Nothing, because you are following the path of righteousness. XD

I'll stop arguing with death. He does not say anything valuable anyway.

1. And if Christians are right, so will all of you. Raptuuure.

2. You can't prove a single thing you say, debating it is pointless.

3. Coming from the guy who ignores proven fact to spout radical religious bullshit this isn't meaning much.


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Yeah, Fossil evidence says that the earth is what...several million years old?

lol, its not even ten thousand years old.

ignorant statement is ignorant. If you're gonna base your idea of Earth's age off the bible, you should take in to account that God creating the Earth in "seven days" is referring to seven periods of time, each of which is roughly a billion years, as apposed to seven 24-hour periods of time. Thats because the hebrews didn't have any words to describe time periods other than "day."

Noah's Ark is the story of 1 man, his three sons, and their wives and how they all lived to be 150+, build an ark the size of Rhode Island, survive on the ocean with no food for 40 days and nights and then all became fertile enough and genetically different to repopulate the world.

About the no food thing, I think God supplied him with food. And if he didn't, Noah did have two of every animal, I don't think he'd be going hungry any time soon. Also, science proves that atmospheric conditions in the times where massive floods were frequent, the average life expectancy was roughly 2 times what it is now. Plus, it's more than possible that the flood wasn't over the entire world, but over the part of the world familiar to Noah. As long as Noah's sons made babies with the wives that they brought, those children could go mate with people from other lands unaffected by the flood. Now, I'm no bible scholar, but I don't think that theory contradicts the bible in any way, nor does it contradict science.

Am I winning?

EDIT: Fuck it, religious debates suck because all the people on my side are idiots. Always. Smart christafags don't bother with the internet.

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It does exist, but you can't go see it because the people on that mountain are heavily armed and don't let anybody up there. I read some articles about it, did some cross-referencing and shit. Everything checks out.

And the story was meant to prove that God would show his wrath on people who went against him, and Noah and his family were the only people in that particular area that weren't going against God. The whole world doesn't have to pay the consequences just so that a point can be proven.

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lol Satellites. If it exists, there'd be pictures. There aren't. And 'on that mountain' and 'heavily armed' sound almost as vague as 'Giant Ark' and 'two of every animal'.

And yes, to an extent, the whole world must be punished to prove that point. I mean, lets say it does happen again. God decided to give all those who have never claimed to be christian the ability to breathe under water and all the other sinners will die because only true christians are allowed on the Ark2. Really, what would that prove? Or even if the heavens just wiped out Southern Asia. And all the sinners in America And Europe go unharmed.

Sure he saved the 4 Christian Asians and the Asian Elephants and Pandas. And the rest of the world is. . . fine? What the hell kind of lesson is that? That God has bias?

Granted, I'm giving the story a bit less credit it deserves. It also said along the line that Noah needed to have faith in God. But really, what do people have faith that God will do now? He told Noah all the shit he needed to know. The last person to talk to God in the past 5 years has the credibility of Bush, and he'd be locked up if he said he needed tons of lumber to build a massive arc on land.

Also, after some consideration, if the 'world' flooding was truly frequent, then the idea that one man built a boat over such a stretch of time is even more stupid. The uncompleted ship would have been lost at sea a number of times.

And of course, 2 times the average lifeline still isn't the 150+ years described in the bible.

The food situation is also still questionable. He forced some animals into extinction just to get a fix?

And how did the lions sit next to the zebras for more than 10 seconds? I mean, provided that these Lions are from Detroit, there is no way Zebras could outrun them for 40 days.

You provide concepts that I wouldn't have considered or brought up, but the story is out there.

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It does exist, but you can't go see it because the people on that mountain are heavily armed and don't let anybody up there. I read some articles about it, did some cross-referencing and shit. Everything checks out.

Then prove it to me.

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