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@Lyle: Double standard? I wasn't upset. I almost fell out of my chair laughing.

I know. I'm usually not as upset by a topic as you tend to think. Usually I'm off on another website doing something else as I'm responding.

I don't laugh I'll admit, but I don't exactly CARE.

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Nvm Lyle. The wording of your post disoriented me.


It is the opposite of my intention to make sense of the words that you are trying to not comprehend.

(If you figure out what that means, you have far too much time on your hands. I don't even know myself.)

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I usually do ignore it, unless it's in a large abundant supply. If I go into every recent topic, and people are arguing about the same thing, then it's hard to ignore it.
That's why I supplied other options, and those aren't the only ones either. :P
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I believe at this point you guys are complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining. Very interesting to watch in a sick way.

Ever think maybe you should just stop? I would think that by now you'd see that nobody cares enough about what anyone thinks to change anything.

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I believe at this point you guys are complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining. Very interesting to watch in a sick way.

Ever think maybe you should just stop? I would think that by now you'd see that nobody cares enough about what anyone thinks to change anything.

You care enough to complain about the complaining around here, methinks.

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You seem to have quite an obsession with penises Hika. Is there something you want to share with us?

No. I wish I was bisexual though. ): Being straight doesn't give me enough options. ):

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You have enough time dude. You're only like 12 right?

You're still good.


And seeing as how I have a penisphobia (but I like the word penis :3) I doubt I'll evur like guys.

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You care enough to complain about the complaining around here, methinks.

There is a small difference between making an observation and bringing something up 50 times to meet with failure at every turn. That's funny though, accusing someone of what they are mentioning, because I could accuse you of complaining about me complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining if I wanted to.

Also, Penisguy, people don't just wake up one day and decide to like the same sex. Don't let Christianity brainwash you into thinking what science has disproven.

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There is a small difference between making an observation and bringing something up 50 times to meet with failure at every turn. That's funny though, accusing someone of what they are mentioning, because I could accuse you of complaining about me complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining if I wanted to.

Also, Penisguy, people don't just wake up one day and decide to like the same sex. Don't let Christianity brainwash you into thinking what science has disproven.


Why do you think I said "I wish"?

If I had a choice I'd have been a bi long ago.

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Also, Penisguy, people don't just wake up one day and decide to like the same sex. Don't let Christianity brainwash you into thinking what science has disproven.


If there's one thing I hate about Christianity, it's their intolerance of gay people. It makes it tough for me, a bisexual, to live in the same house as my parents, two hardcore christians. I mean, I'm not a complete lesbian, but if my parents found out that I'm interested in girls as much as I am with guys...it wouldn't be pretty.

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If there's one thing I hate about Christianity, it's their intolerance of gay people. It makes it tough for me, a bisexual, to live in the same house as my parents, two hardcore christians. I mean, I'm not a complete lesbian, but if my parents found out that I'm interested in girls as much as I am with guys...it wouldn't be pretty.

i feel the same. (despite the fact that im straighter than a fucking line).

This is 1 reason why i stopped going to Church. if liking the same sex is a sin, then why did God make us this way?

You shouldnt be afraid to tell your parents things, Fox. Sometimes you'll wish you had some father/motherly figure of same blood to talk to. I should know. I havent seen my real parents since i was 3. And it SUCKS to feel this way.

the way i see it: as long as a gay dude isnt all "OH YOUR SO HOT" to me, then im cool with them.

so, in short,

Power to ya, Fox

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The only reply to that I have ever heard from a Christian is "God is testing us". Then when I ask why their God selectively tests some people they say "He has a plan!".

They really want to make me attend a black mass just to see things even out some.

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What I have to say about humans is this:

Even if they're different they're still human. They breathe the same air. They drink the same water. They whatever the same whatever. So what if they're a little bit different? I'll live. I hate people who discriminate against others.

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