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Veteran overhauls (discussion thread)

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Any veteran movesets you want reworked either because they're outdated or because they're fundamentally flawed? For me:

  • Donkey Kong
  • Samus
  • Kirby
  • Ganondorf
  • Meta Knight
  • Wario
  • Sonic
  • King Dedede
  • Olimar
  • Lucario
  • Little Mac
  • Ridley
  • King K. Rool
  • Banjo & Kazooie
  • Min Min
  • Steve
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I feel Mario's moveset could use some tweaks. For starters, I'd make use of a hammer in his F and D smashes, and perhaps his aerials. I'd also change his U Special to Wing Cap.

By a similar token, I feel Luigi could use more iconic elements for his specials. Obviously, the most major one is the Poltergust as his N Special. He can suck in items, projectiles, and even other fighters, then launch them back out. His S Special could be Boo Luigi, wherein he transforms into a Boo and flies forward a short ways. His D Special could be Statue Luigi, which turns him into a statue a la the Tanuki Suit that behaves almost identically to Kirby's Stone special. Luigi's U Special could be Propellor Luigi, from New Super Mario Bros. Wii, in which Luigi flies straight up, then descends slowly (unless you hold down, in which case he'll drop while spinning like a drill). Like Mario, Luigi could also make use of a hammer for some smashes and aerials.

Donkey Kong definitely needs a rework. His original moveset did not reflect his series' gameplay well. I know people give pushback about DK having projectiles, but c'mon - barrels are his iconic weapon just as fireballs are Mario's. The Giant Punch can stay as a forward smash, but let DK have a Barrel Toss neutral special. For that mnatter, I would update his side and sup specials to incorporate barrels as well; the side special could be the Rocket Barrel from DKCR and DKCTF, while the up special could be a Barrel Cannon. The Down Special could be a Barrel Roll that references the original arcade game, where DK would roll barrels down girders. The Ground Slap could serve as his new D tilt and D smash; the D tilt version is continuous much like the DKCR and DKCTF version, but doesn't have quite the knockback of the smash version, while the Smash version is a single, stronger slap with a bit of a shockwave to it, almost like the DK64 version.

I'd like to rework Ganondorf to put his use of magic and weapons front and center, though seeing as his next iteration will likely pull from his TotK incarnation, I'll refrain from elaborating until I get to that game.

Fox McCloud could make use of Krystal's staff in some of his melee attacks, opening the doors for her to get in as an echo of Fox, though I'm sure just as many who want her in would want her to have a unique moveset.

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