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Happy Families



21 members have voted

  1. 1. Lugh and Ray's parents:

    • Nino & Jaffar
    • Nino & Erk
  2. 2. Wolt's parents:

    • Rebecca & Sain
    • Rebecca & Lowen
    • Rebecca & Wil
  3. 3. Chad:

    • Parents not from FE7
    • Parents are Serra & Matthew

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Left to right: Eliwood, Roy, Ninian, Hector,

Florina, Lilina, Lyndis, Rath and Sue.

An image of the sprites of the three Lords of FE7, and their families. Obviously Ninian was dead before the events of FE6, as well as Hector's death before Lilina became a Sage, but it's an image representing how it would have been were they all alive. What other pairings from FE7 should I add to this image? Include both parents, and their son/daughter's name, too. I also must agree to the pairing, of course.

Added a poll to settle any debate with voting.

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Pent and his family are well rooted together in game...

Nino/Erk + the twins.

Rebecca/Sain + Wolt

I want to say Matthew/Serra - Chad. However its not really based on anything but my thinking it makes sense.

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Pent and his family are well rooted together in game...

Nino/Erk + the twins.

Rebecca/Sain + Wolt

I want to say Matthew/Serra - Chad. However its not really based on anything but my thinking it makes sense.

Personally I'd always thought it was Jaffar/Nino = Lugh & Ray

and Rebecca/Wil or Lowen = Wolt

Also I don't think Chad's parents are related to anyone from that of FE7, but I could also be wrong there.

Maybe I should create a poll, or something. I'll then go by the most popular choices.

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was that poll always there? i dont remember seein it

Heh, nah I just added it, thinking it would actually be a good idea.

Also if people would post what they voted for, maybe with a reason too, that would be useful, because I'm not personally convinced Chad has anything to do with Matthew and Serra.

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Personally I'd always thought it was Jaffar/Nino = Lugh & Ray

and Rebecca/Wil or Lowen = Wolt

Also I don't think Chad's parents are related to anyone from that of FE7, but I could also be wrong there.

Maybe I should create a poll, or something. I'll then go by the most popular choices.

Rebecca Sain I just personally like the idea of. I personally despise Jaffar from costing me a cuter Thief.

There's nothing directly stating Chad is related to them, its just a theory I have, he's an orphan. Serra's a Cleric of Elemine, I doubt she could be allowed to have kids. If she and Matthew did have a kid, they'd probably have to give the kid up. If the theory that Lucius runs the orphanage is true, who would those two trust to keep their child (also since Nino's sons are there as well). Again, just a theory.

And its Matthew's only ending that gets him a girl.

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I prefer Jaffar/Nino. At least they had some history together. Also, Jaffar needs a purpose in life, so I'll continue to support Jaffar/Nino until the bitter end.

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How the hell did the conclusion that Serra & Matthew had a kid, let alone Chad?


The first I've heard of this theory too. But... a theory nonetheless, I guess...

Also Jaffar and Nino, they just had to happen, because they had feelings for eachother even before their C support convo.

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