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One of the reason for Japanese hate the word "otaku"

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Miyazaki's premature birth left him with deformed hands, which were permanently gnarled and fused directly to the wrists, necessitating him to move his entire forearm in order to rotate the hand. Due to his deformity, he was ostracized when he attended Itsukaichi Elementary School, and consequently kept to himself. Although he was originally a star student, his grades at Meidai Nakano High School dropped dramatically; he had a class rank of 40 out of 56 and did not receive the customary admission to Meiji University. Instead of studying English and becoming a teacher as he originally intended, he attended a local junior college, studying to become a photo technician

Between 1988 and 1989, Miyazaki mutilated and killed four girls, ages four to seven; he then sexually molested their corpses. He drank the blood of one victim and ate her hand. The crimes—which, prior to Miyazaki's apprehension and trial were classified "The Little Girl Murders", and would become known as the Tokyo/Saitama Serial Kidnapping Murders of Little Girls

During the day, Miyazaki was a mild-mannered employee. In his own time, he selected children to kill randomly. He terrorized the families of his victims, sending them letters recalling in graphic detail what he had done to their children. To the family of victim Erika Nanba, Miyazaki sent a morbid postcard assembled using words cut out of magazines, spelling out: "Erika. Cold. Cough. Throat. Rest. Death."

He allowed the corpse of his first victim, Mari Konno, to decompose in the hills near his home, then chopped off the hands and feet, which he kept in his closet, and which were recovered upon his arrest. He charred the remaining bones in his furnace, ground them into powder, and sent them to her family in a box, along with several of her teeth, photos of her clothes, and a postcard reading: "Mari. Cremated. Bones. Investigate. Prove."

Police found that the families of the victims had something else in common: they had all been bothered by strange phone calls. The phone would ring, but when answered, the person on the other end (presumably Miyazaki) would say nothing; if they didn't pick it up, the phone would sometimes ring for 20 minutes.

On July 23, 1989, Miyazaki, while attempting to insert a zoom lens into the vagina of a grade school-aged girl in a park near her home, was attacked by the girl's father. Miyazaki fled on foot, but returned to the park to retrieve his car, whereupon he was promptly arrested. A police search of his two-room bungalow turned up a collection of 5,763 videotapes, some containing pornographic anime and slasher films. Interspersed among them was video footage and pictures of his victims. He was also reported to be a fan of horror films and have an extensive collection from this genre. The centerpieces of his collection were the first five Guinea Pig films; he reportedly used the second film in the series, titled Flower of Flesh and Blood, as a template for one of his killings. Miyazaki, who retained a perpetually calm and collected demeanor during his trial, appeared indifferent to his capture.

In 1989, he became to be known as "The Otaku Murderer". His bizarre murders fueled a moral panic against Otaku. However, the reports of him were disputed. For example, Miyazaki was suspected to have many pornographic videos, but Eiji Otsuka suspected in his book that it was the forgery by a photographer, because people wanted to understand Miyazaki under their sense of values. On the other hand, Fumiya Icihashi suspected a part of stereotypes about Miyazaki as the information manipulation of the police because the police wanted to convict Miyazaki for the serial murders

~copy from wikipedia~

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That's one of the reason why I hate otakus.

In fact, I remember posting something like that on FFtf and got in a huge stupid fight with Cythina.

I can not see why anyone want to be a proud otaku after learning what is the origin of that word. The Otaku Killer was just one sick man, I mean, he freakin' ate one of the girls IIRC and sent pictures of their decaying bodies to their family for God's sake!

Edited by King_Zephiel
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You could have at least posted the Akaribia (I've spelt that wrong) rampage that happened a few months* ago if you wanted to boost Japanese fear of "outcasts" (the phrase "the nail that sticks out gets hammered down" also helps).

It seems that Japan has a lower rate of crime but a higher rate of "that just fucked up" crime. Or maybe it is those crimes which are the only ones reported.

*-The jist is someone drives into some people at that part of tokyo then goes a killing spree with a kinfe.

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Correct spelling is "Akihabara".

Just for a side note, Tsutomu Miyazaki has just recently been executed. In fact, his execution occured just a little after aformented Akihabara murder case, and it's suspected it was a reaction to this, since the guy rotted in prison waiting for his execution for a while (In Japan, there's no fixed day for execuction of people condemned to death, so it can occur at any time, be it quickly, or never if it takes a while and the guy dies during his detention).

Edited by AceNoctali
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Insinuating that outside sources, such as Anime, are the "cause" of someone becoming a phychopath is foolish. Would John Lennon still be alive is Mark Chapman hadn't read Catcher in the Rye? No. Would this guy have become a phycho killer even if he never saw any Anime? Probably.

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