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Explain everything wrong with chapter 24's AI


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I'll start.

1. Geoffrey only attacks enemies in his immediate range when he could do an attack every turn while canto-ing back to just under the arrive square he's defending.

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I'll start.

1. Geoffrey only attacks enemies in his immediate range when he could do an attack every turn while canto-ing back to just under the arrive square he's defending.

Well, he is there to defend the castle, so if he would die during that attack, then...?

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He's attacking the enemy at range so he has generally doesn't face any risk of getting hit, plus he's so statistically superior to the enemies that it wouldn't matter if they could counter-attack. IMO it's sad that the only NPC who can ORKO anything just sits on his ass and watches his minions die like complete idiots.

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He's attacking the enemy at range so he has generally doesn't face any risk of getting hit,

Oh, I didn't think of that.

Well, it's still a risk. I mean, not in the game, but let's pretend it was reality. Then none is safe on the battlefield.

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The snipers attack three spaces away when they could attack two without being retalliated. They lose like... what... 40 hit(?) when attacking three spaces away?

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The snipers go out into the middle of the field just to shoot some swordmasters that they won't even kill.

The other units would rather go for the soldiers south of the castle just cause they can double them instead of going for the swordmasters that are right in their faces.

If you use Tanith's reinforcements, the peg knights will attack the BK even though can't even hurt him and he just kills them all. It's pretty funny.

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I'll start.

1. Geoffrey only attacks enemies in his immediate range when he could do an attack every turn while canto-ing back to just under the arrive square he's defending.

2. the Valkyrie never attacks, even when the enemy has 1 HP, even when she doesn't have anyone to heal (and some times she doesn't heal when her allies are hurt).

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Geoffrey's only supposed to stay in his position and protect the castle. The funny thing is he could probably solo this map with proper strategy. Maybe he'd need a little help from the Valkyrie too....*shrugs*

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The valkyrie is useless. She rarely heals her allies and heals herself when she gets attacked. She'd rather watch her allies die than risk her life to heal them. What a selfish bitch.

Really? I've seen her heal allies when they've only lost about 10 HP. Or my memory may be malfunctioning again...

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Really? I've seen her heal allies when they've only lost about 10 HP. Or my memory may be malfunctioning again...

Maybe it's just my game then. She just sits her ass on the square she starts on and almost never moves or does anything. She'll use an elixer to heal herself but that's it.

Why doesn't Geoffrey switch back to his lance after using his bow? Sometimes the enemies attack him and he can't counter cause he's too stupid to switch weapons.

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Maybe it's just my game then. She just sits her ass on the square she starts on and almost never moves or does anything. She'll use an elixer to heal herself but that's it.

It's not just you

Why doesn't Geoffrey switch back to his lance after using his bow? Sometimes the enemies attack him and he can't counter cause he's too stupid to switch weapons.

he thinks his allies will protect him.

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The AI's always been stupid when it comes to ally units. I feel like the AI just throws their players out there without any real strategy and they end up getting killed by the enemies. It's funny to watch them get killed for their stupid mistakes and lack of strategy.

Edited by KSFF2150
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To put it in perspective, the Partner AI is worse in RD, since they usually go trigger happy unless you're really careful about them. But honestly, AI in this series has always been pretty bad if it's not an enemy unit.

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To put it in perspective, the Partner AI is worse in RD, since they usually go trigger happy unless you're really careful about them. But honestly, AI in this series has always been pretty bad if it's not an enemy unit.

Even then, enemies sucked hard post FE 5. At least back then they wouldn't attack something they couldn't touch, and they would buy weapons when disarmed too.

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Even then, enemies sucked hard post FE 5. At least back then they wouldn't attack something they couldn't touch, and they would buy weapons when disarmed too.

Yeah, kinda ironic too that some of FE's programming has actually diminished over the years rather than progressing, though maybe that's partially intentional to reduce game difficulty.

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