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About xanatha

  • Birthday 08/12/1994


  • Member Title
    Raven Soldier

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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    Rajaion (Wyvern)

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  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late.

  2. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

    1. xanatha


      Why thank you!!

  3. Best unit's got to be Zihark or maybe Marcia. If I haven't decided what kind of playthrough I want to do, I always end up using at least one of them. Worst unit is definitely Sothe! Best character is pretty obvious, I believe. The one and olny: Naesala! Worst character is probably Devdan. Never liked him.
  4. I don't use her because I find her weak, but I also dislike her as a character, which is partly connected to her appearance, yes.
  5. Raising Leanne to level 40 SEVERAL times in 2-3 (I think it is). Perhaps not crazy, but a real pain in the ass!!
  6. I did that too! It was really amusing.
  7. I think you're right about the signer of the pact, but is that a reason for why the mark shouldn't disappear from Naesala's wrist? Just because he wasn't the one who signed it in the first place?
  8. Haven't been online here for quite some time so i thought I should leave a comment. My favorite character's got to be Zihark. He's simply awesome! Unless we're talking story-wise 'cause then I'd got to say Naesala!
  9. Happy Birthday!!!

  10. Happy Birthday!!!

  11. Happy 18th birthday =o

  12. I been listening to Wheeling Corby for 1 and a half hour now. You'd think I'd get tired of it, but... :D

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