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Divine Paralogue: The Twilight Magi - An Engage One-Shot

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Hello, everyone! Ever since Engage came out, thinking up how other characters could work if they were Emblems was something lots of people partaked on. I know I did, and even created a thread here to encourage it.

At some point I got the desire to write down an actual encounter in story format, so I did. Since I wanted it to be as compatible with the game as possible, I did it as if they were another DLC Emblem. That said, I still fleshed it out, as the Divine Paralogues don't have much in term of dialogue. At least, not when it comes to addressing certain things I feel they should. To give an example, the base game Emblems talk about the places their own Paralogues are based from, but DLC Emblems don't. But well, why read it from me if you can read it from the story itself. So... enjoy!


Alear journeyed across Firene’s southern islands, in search of the remaining Emblem Bracelets. Flanked by Emblem Marth and Emblem Tiki, he crossed the wilderness in an eastward direction, seeking the next area that could house one of them. Soon, a vast desert came within sight.

“Oh,” Alear suddenly stopped.

“Is something the matter, Alear?” Marth asked, glancing over to him.

“It’s strange to see a desert here,” was the reply.

Marth glanced back at the desert before them, and hummed.

“Yes, I suppose it would be strange to think a place other than Solm to house a desert,” he said. “More so if it’s Firene.”

“Is it really that strange, Mar-Mar?” Tiki asked.

“Well, Tiki, Firene is known for its verdant and fertile land,” Marth explained.

“Oh, I see!” Tiki exclaimed with a smile, sparing a brief glance back at the desert. “A desert would certainly look out of place, then!”

“That’s right,” Marth nodded.

He then turned back to Alear, who still looked over to the desert.

“I take it the desert must house another of the bracelets?” Marth asked.

“Yes, I can feel it,” Alear replied, finally breaking contact to look at Marth. “It’s faint, but there’s definitely a bracelet somewhere out there.”

“The desert is quite… big,” Tiki said, a worried look on her face.

The vastness of the desert certainly looked daunting. It expanded as far the eye could see. A few plateaus were present as well.

“At least we can head straight for the Emblem,” Marth said, before frowning. “Though it could still be a long distance from us.”

Alear sighed.

“Well, let’s get this over with,” he said.

With that, he resumed his march with the Emblems in tow. Grassland soon gave way to dirt, and then sand. The sun blazed down upon them, as the heat rose the deeper they went.

At least it’s not as bad as Solm was, Alear thought, looking at the silver lining.

He glanced over at the Emblems, who looked no worse for war.

I know they said they could still feel things like the wind, but they certainly can avoid things like sweating.

Alas, even if he was one of them now, he still had to contend with a physical body. Fortunately, it did not took long before reaching one of the plateaus. A small canyon was present, offering not only the way forward without having to go around, but also a much-needed shade. The group of three ventured through this canyon. It was wide enough for them to stand side by side, though there was not much room left. It continued eastward, though it began to arch south as it went on. Throughout it all, Alear could feel the Emblem’s presence getting stronger, indicating they were going in the right direction. Soon they reached the end of the canyon.

“Alear, Mar-Mar, look! Plants!” Tiki called out excitedly.

They found themselves in an open area. It seemed enclosed, for they could see it surrounded by more cliff walls of the plateaus. A few sandfalls poured down from the upper level. Near them, they could see a wooden post with a cloth banner hanging from it. It bore a sigil unknown to them. It was certainly not Firene’s. True to what the young dragon spoke, they could indeed also see some greenery present. Patches of grass, some palm trees and cacti, to name a few.

“We must have found an oasis,” Marth said.

“Huh, but I don’t see any water nearby,” Tiki said, confused.

“It must be farther ahead,” Marth said. “Or perhaps it’s underground.”

“Mhm, could be,” Alear said a bit absent-mindedly.

His focus was quick to divert from the plants, towards the large skeleton in the distance.

Is that… a dragon’s skeleton?

Alear could not help but feel a small pit in his stomach.

I hope it wasn’t killed.

The idea there could potentially be someone or something nearby responsible for that was a bit unsettling. He shook his head and glanced away, trying to regain his focus.

“The Emblem… I feel it quite close now,” he said. “This must certainly be the place.”

“Oh, perhaps it’s in that building over there,” Tiki said, pointing southeast.

In the distance, they could see a stone structure. It was definitely a building of some kind, though the large cloth placed above indicated it was not enclosed, or at least it lacked a roof. In any case, the three made their way over it. They passed through the greenery and a few more banner posts, the latter seemingly placed all around the area. A few crates and barrels rested against the structure’s outer wall, all under awnings. Behind it, a few wooden barricades stood in the distance, as well another as dragon skeleton farther still. They were quick to spot an open doorway, which they used to venture inside the structure.

Now inside, it quickly became apparent it was less of a building and more of an enclosure. It was small and indeed lacking of a roof, relying on the large awning to provide shade. Its shape was a perfect square, with more doorways at each wall. More boxes and even vases were inside.

“Hmm, where could the bracelet be,” Tiki wondered.

“Perhaps it’s in one of these crates,” Marth suggested.

Alear glanced all around. The place did seemed devoid of much. However, just then something in the northeast corner caught his attention.


He walked over. At first glance, it was a hole. However, he was quick to spot a set of stairs leading down. They did not descend far, just enough for a single floor. A door was at the bottom, placed on one of the sidewalls.

“I think I found a way further in,” Alear was quick to announce.

Both Emblems quickly came over.

“It must be some kind of basement,” Marth said.

“Then the bracelet is down there?” Tiki asked.

“Well, only one way to find out,” Alear said.

With that, he began to descend, with the Emblems following suit. Reaching the door, he found it unlocked. Opening it, they ventured inside. A long hallway greeted them. More doors were present, all across both walls, as well as at the very end. Alear frowned.

“This place looks to be much bigger than above,” he said.

“I wonder where all these doors lead,” Tiki said.

“We must check them one by one, then,” Marth said. “Any of them could lead to the bracelet.”

Therefore, they did.

It soon became apparent they were in some kind of dwelling. Behind every door, a room awaited. The first housed a considerable number of beds, as well as accompanying furniture. The next room they saw was a mess hall, with many tables placed no doubt to house a matching number of individuals as the beds from the previous room. There was a small fountain with actual water pouring into it, confirming there was indeed groundwater responsible for the greenery above ground. The room contained an additional door, which led to a kitchen. Additional rooms the hallway led to include a bathing area, storage room, and even a small library.

“There’s no doubt about it. This must be some kind of barracks,” Marth said.

By this point, they were by the door at the end of the hallway. The last they had yet to explore.

“But who could be living in a place like this?” Tiki wondered, incredulous.

“It’s certainly not the Somniel, that’s for sure,” Alear mused.

“This place seems to be like an outpost, able to house a small garrison,” Marth guessed. “Though perhaps it was simply a den for bandits.”

He shook his head.

“Regardless, we have yet to find the bracelet.”

“Well, there’s only one room left to search,” Alear said, glancing at it.

With that, they went through. A smaller room greeted them. As the first room, it seemed to be some kind of bedchamber. However, it only had the one.

“This was probably the leader’s room,” Marth said, looking around.

“It must have been a girl,” Tiki said, looking over at a vanity.

She then frowned.


Her eyes then widened.

“Ah! There it is! The Bracelet of the Twilight Magi!” She called out excitedly, pointing.

Alear and Marth were quick to turn towards the vanity as well. There, lying atop, was indeed a bracelet.

“Thanks, Tiki,” Alear said as he walked over.

Picking up the bracelet, he turned around, as Marth and Tiki moved back to flank him. He began to concentrate, intending to summon the Emblem into the world. As it had happened countless times before, the words of invocation suddenly etched into his mind.

“Dazzle Us, Emblem of Sorority!”

The bracelet shined in a bright light. Two flashes of light, side by side, manifested before Alear. Two figures materialized from each.

Another double Emblem, Alear quickly realized.

Both of them were young women, though one was significantly more so.

“Looks like our beauty sleep is over,” the older woman said, addressing her companion.

“It certainly was a nice nap,” the girl replied.

The older woman’s gaze then settled on Alear.

“I suppose we have you to thank for that,” she said as she crossed her arms.

“Yes, that’s right,” Alear nodded. “I’m Alear.”

“Sonya,” the woman simply said.

“And I’m Genny,” the girl smiled. “Nice to meet you.”

“Sonya, Genny, it’s good to see you again!” Tiki called out.

“Tiki, it is you!” Genny’s face brightened up further.

“Oh, so you’re here too,” Sonya said.

“That’s right!” Tiki nodded. “And so are the others. Though we have yet to find them all.”

“That’s good to hear,” Genny said.

“For all to end up in the same world, what are the odds,” Sonya mused, placing a hand on her hip.

She then turned towards Marth.

“I don’t recognize you,” she frowned. “You must be one of the Emblems of this world.”

“That’s right, milady,” Marth nodded. “I’m Marth, pleased to make your acquaintance.”

“Huh, did you say Marth?” Genny’s eyes widened, before turning back to Tiki. “Tiki, is he-?”

“Yes! He’s Mar-Mar!” Tiki nodded giddily. “I could actually see him again!”

“Oh, I’m so glad for you, hee hee,” Genny giggled.

“Aw, thanks, Genny,” Tiki giggled back.

“You told them about me?” Marth asked, curious.

“Yes, she did,” Genny nodded. “Though even long before that, tales of your deeds had reached us all the way in Valentia.”

“Eh, you’re from Valentia?” Alear said, surprised. “Then you must know Celica.”

Genny gasped.

“Celica is here too!?”

Alear nodded. Genny quickly turned to Sonya.

“Did you heard that, Sonya!?” She asked, as excitement welled up in her.

Sonya hummed.

“I suppose it’s not surprising that she would become an Emblem, if we did,” she said.

“I take it then that you’re friends of Celica?” Alear asked.

“Genny is. I was just another member of her little entourage,” Sonya replied.

“We served for years in the same priory,” Genny explained. “Though I was not the one closest to her, we were still friends.”

“I see,” Alear nodded. “Well, regardless, I’m sure Celica will be happy to see you again.”

“I hope so,” Genny placed her hands over her chest. “I do looking forward to reunite with her.”

“That sounds good and all, but I suppose we would then have to join you and help you in whatever goal you’re trying to accomplish, I take it,” Sonya said.

“Well, it’s true that my companions and I have a mission to fulfill,” Alear admitted. “Having your power would be of great help.”

Sonya looked pensive for a moment, and then sighed.

“Well, I suppose it is preferable over remaining asleep and tucked away in the middle of nowhere. After all, what’s the point of being eternally young and beautiful if I can’t show it off?”

“Uh…” Alear was unsure how to respond to that.

Tiki giggled.

“That’s Sonya for you,” she said.

“But it’s alright,” Genny said, also looking amused. “She might seem a bit cold and aloof at first, but she is a good person once you get to know her.”

A small sly mischievous smile then appeared in the girl’s face.

“Even if a bit vain, hee hee,” she said in stage whisper before giggling.

“Oh, don’t act as if that’s only a ‘me’ thing, Genny,” Sonya said as if annoyed… before quickly smirking. “Or need I remind you who was the more excited of the two when we became Emblems?”

“Ehehe, I suppose I did,” Genny sweat dropped.

“You should have seen her,” Sonya turned back to Alear, still smirking. “Gushing over remaining fifteen forever, while having expectations of the kind of men that would wear our bracelet.”

“S-Sonya!” Genny cried out, scandalized. “You promised you would stop bringing that up!”

“Yes, I did… but I never specified when,” Sonya stated.

“Huh, what, that’s…” Genny tilted her head in confusion.

Sonya then began to chuckle at the stumped girl’s expense. Genny remained like that for a moment, when suddenly-

“Oh, hee hee, I guess you didn’t,” she said, before joining in with a fit of giggling.

As the two laughed it out…

“Those two… do they do this often?” Alear asked.

“Sometimes, hehe,” Tiki answered with a small chuckle. “You can hardly not think of them as sisters, even if they aren’t related by blood.”

“They certainly share a strong bond,” Marth said. “Perhaps that is why they got to remain together when becoming Emblems.”

“Then I’m glad for them,” Alear nodded.

Although, what causes that distinction, I wonder.

“So, are we finally leaving?” Sonya asked once the laughter subsided. “Or are we still lingering in this dreary place?”

“Sure,” Alear nodded. “We can depart right away.”

Thus, with the bracelet in hand, the now enlarged group returned above ground and left the structure in its entirety.

“I never thought I would see this place again,” Sonya muttered, as she looked back with a frown.

“I take it you were the one in charge of this place,” Marth said.

“In a way,” Sonya turned to face him. “Before joining Celica, I worked for the pirate Grieth. I cared not for him, but while I served him I was tasked to guard one of the two routes to his citadel.”

“Then did you fought against Celica?” Alear asked.

“No, we ended up taking the other route,” Genny said. “And Sonya never went to Grieth’s defense.”

“As I said, I cared not for the man,” Sonya flipped her hair nonchalantly. “I was not going to stick my neck out for him more than I needed to.”

Alear frowned.

“Even if he was a pirate; that you left him to die is…” he trailed off.

Cold indeed, he thought instead, recalling how Genny had described her.

It certainly made him wonder just how the two could become friends.

“In any case, once he was gone I ended up having a small talk with Celica,” Sonya continued, seemingly uncaring for Alear’s unfinished comment. “I will admit I was intrigued by her and her little ragtag bunch. So, I offered to join, and the rest is history.”

“I see. That’s quite the story,” Alear said.

“It is, isn’t it,” Genny said. “And that allowed for us to meet.”

“I will admit I am curious for hearing the story behind that one as well, but perhaps that can be saved for another time,” Alear said. “I'll be opening a portal back to the Somniel now.”

With that, he turned to face an open spot. He was about to begin, when he suddenly stopped, frowning as he did.

“Is something the matter, Alear?” Marth asked.

“I just realized,” he began, before turning to face Sonya and Genny. “You did not challenged us to a trial.”

Both women briefly glanced at each other.

“Were we suppose to?” Sonya asked, crossing her arms.

“Ah, well, it’s what the others have done,” Alear replied, glancing at Tiki.

“It’s true,” the girl admitted.

“I suppose we missed that meeting,” Sonya mused. “Well, if the others have already vouched for you, then why should we do the same?”

“You are reuniting us with Celica, I think that’s more than enough,” Genny said. “Besides, I would rather avoid fighting. When possible, at least.”

“Resorting first to brute force is definitely not our style,” Sonya added.

“Very well then, I understand,” Alear nodded.

That settled, he resumed opening the way back to the Somniel. Once the portal opened, they all went through.


“It’s good to be back at the Somniel,” Ginny said as she looked around excitedly.

They were finally on their own, after parting ways with Alear, Marth, and Tiki, who had remained in the plaza. They were wandering about, without a specific destination in mind.

“I must admit, it is one of the few things that makes me miss having a physical body,” Sonya said, glancing over as they passed by the pool.

“I hope this world’s Sommie is also around,” the girl said.

“Don’t get your hopes up much, Genny; you still wouldn’t be able to cuddle him,” Sonya pointed out.

“Oh, I know, but even if I can’t-”

“Sonya? Genny?”

They suddenly stopped. They turned around at the source of the voice, and saw Emblem Celica.

“Celica!” Genny cried out, quickly sporting a wide grin.

She then rushed forward, and enveloped the older girl in a hug.

“Oh, I’m glad to see you again!”

“Me too, Genny,” Celica replied with a smile.

They broke the hug shortly after.

“I had prayed to Mother Mila I could get to reunite with one you. It’s joyous to see it came true.”

“That’s nice. Though I suppose you had someone specific in mind,” Sonya said, approaching the pair before placing a hand on her hip and smirked.

“And I’m alm-most sure on who,” Genny added, sporting a sly smile of her own.

“Eh!?” Celica did a small-double take. “Well, I-”

“It’s okay, Celica, we understand,” Genny said.

“Yes, we’ll pretend to not be too offended by your disappointment,” Sonya followed.

The two then shared a laugh. Seeing them, Celica smiled in amusement.

“Oh, you two,” she joined in with a small giggle.

She then sighed, however.

“But, I suppose a part of me did hoped it would be Alm,” she lamented.

“Don’t worry Celica, I’m sure there must be a world out there where he became an Emblem,” Genny said.

“We probably all did, across countless worlds,” Sonya said.

“And despite that, we are here now, with you,” Genny pointed out.

Celica went pensive for a moment, then nodded.

“Yes, you’re right,” she said. “If you could come, then perhaps Alm might one day too.”

“That’s right!” Genny nodded. “Or maybe you will be the one to visit his world. Either way, you will be reunited!”

Sonya frowned.

“This isn’t one of your novels, Genny,” she said. “Our situation might not repeat itself. And even if it does happen, it might still take a long time.”

“It’s fine, Sonya,” Celica said. “So long I know it could happen, I’m willing to wait. We are Emblems, after all.”

“True,” Sonya conceded. “We have all the time in the world.”

The three would talk some more before finally moving on, heading elsewhere as the conversation shifted to other subject. Another reunion between Emblems of different worlds, with few more waiting to happen still. The full nature of the other world and the presence of its Emblems in this one remained a mystery, but perhaps the answer would present itself one day, just as they did.

That, however, is a story for another time.

Author's Notes:


I suppose it's no surprise to say I like using those two for ideas like this, huh. As I mentioned above, I wanted to do this as if it was something that could be found in the game itself. The actual batch of DLC Emblems didn't include a Valentian one, so it worked fine to still use them for this than having to come up with a different custom Emblem. That said, I know I skipped having a battle take place. Admittedly, part of it is due to not wanting to deal with that; though at the same time, I felt it was fitting. After all, to recruit Sonya, you have to avoid fighting her. And with Genny it's just talking to her. So it works, heh.

I wasn't sure if it was feasible to keep it vague who Celica fought/recruited between Sonya and Deen, so I just went outright with one. It's not like the game doesn't do this already, what with Corrin recognizing Anankos, or Byleth with Nemesis. So I'm not too bothered by that.

In addition, I actually made an update to the Emblem build I made last year. Mostly since I did it when all the DLC had yet to be revealed, and as I said, I wanted to do this as if it was an actual in-game thing. Considering how old the thread is, I did not edit the changes in there. Instead, I posted the updated build elsewhere. It's up at AO3 as an appendix to the story. You can find it here:


Okay, that would be all, I hope. If you have feedback or anything to say about it, feel free to post it.

Well, hope you enjoyed it!

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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