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Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade LP

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Hi, I'm a new member but I'm currently doing a LP of FE6, so I'd like to first share the link to the playlist and then post the 3 videos I have with some pretty simple comments/overview.
When I make new subsequent videos, I will post them in this thread with more thorough comments (as they will be fresh in my mind).



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For the first video I played through chapters one and two, I blazed through them with no issues (and now that I looked at it just now holy shit I'm using FE8 art on FE6 lmao, I will sort this out after my next 2 posts xD)

During the course of these 3 videos I went from using MAGIX Movie Studio 17 -> Premiere Pro 2020 (which I learned in highschool and have always been familiar and more comfortable with), my Pony OC Commission was finished so I used that for my channel instead of a random unaccredited picture, and I got back into the groove of managing assets, recording, and editing.

I'm still coming up with new ways to make my stuff better, like I was going to add a type of background to replace the "black sidebars" kindof thing next. We'll see, feel free to PM me suggestions for my channel though.



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Now that I can post again (no idea why there is a limit on posts per day), I can share part. I had no issues with that chapter.

Like I said before, I don't have much to say since the first two vids aren't fresh in my head. I'll have more to say about part 3.



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Assuming it will let me post again...

PART 3 (Chapter 4? I think). I remember this map both in 7 and when I've tried playing this game a couple times years ago. I somehow managed to get by on one reset (and then I started save-scumming xD). I was super lucky afterwards though. Also I always reset on any character death, cuz I'm like super hardcore 😛
I had fun with this video, but uhh I probably won't be making a new video for awhile because I'm messed up on emotions right now 😞


Also, how do I get rid of these emojis I like xD and :3 and stuff more than stupid yellow faces...

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Hi again, I've been going through some stuff, but I'm coming back out of it. I really thought I'd have to reset on this one but I came through with no troubles. I talked about a few things in the video, and nothing notable really happened in this chapter, but I expect the next chapter will be a lot harder.



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I think I will record some random thoughts and comments as I go through these starting with video 1, sorry this might get a bit ramble-y, so I will hide 'em in spoiler boxes to keep the post size down


Its a shame you don't have access to Hard Mode yet, as that is known as the hardest of the GBA Fire Emblem games. Also FE6 is a fitting game to play with some experience with FE7 as FE7 is a prequel to FE6. Also it is funny to then immediately skip the story before seeing sick old man Eliwood after talking about playing FE7. Not wanting to use your "Jagen" is a bit old school really, for a long time they were described as exp thieves in the community, although their image has changed over time, as its generally fine to use them to ease the oft difficult early game as long as you don't overuse them. I guess that might need a little context, Jagen was the prepromoted Paladin they gave you in the first FE game, and letting you have one of those as an early game crutch is enough of a cliche for the series that people will call them by that name as an archetype, in this game its older man Marcus (and opposed to simply old man Marcus from FE7...). Archers are often considered one of the worse classes in a lot of FE games, but they are noticeably better in FE6 due to how dangerous (and prominent latter in the game) enemy Wyvern Riders are, which bows get effective damage against. This is the era of 2RN, where the game rolls 2 random numbers and averages them, which skews the numbers towards the center, so hitting low accuracy attacks is even less likely than the stated probability, and hitting high accuracy attacks is even more likely than the stated probability (you can find a lookup table for the odds from the main site here: https://serenesforest.net/general/true-hit/). That actually has a noticeable impact on how FE6 plays, as its infamous for having rather lower accuracy values than the other GBA games, and seize points addingg 30 avoid to all bosses (as every map in this game has the seize objective). You should try ironmanning an FE game at some point (that is where you intentionally don't reset for deaths). It is fun to see you try and get Bors some exp, Armor knights are also considered a terrible class thanks to their low move, but the Ostian Armor Knight trio have a triangle attack, one of few triangle attacks outside the cliche Pegasister triangle attacks (which this game also has), so as a fan of that obscure little mechanic I have a soft spot for them. What a showing from Lance, an extremely low odds crit there to get the first boss kill. Lol, seeing you regret your plot skipping already. Onto chapter 2, and Lance is looking even better. Its common practice in this game due to how the promotion items end up that people usually end up focusing on one of Lance or Allen, with whichever is looking the best early game getting the first promotion item, and the other ends up falling behind. Also Axe units are often considered especially bad in FE6 due to the low innate accuracy of Axes, but some like Lot for his unusually high defense growth. Healing exp in this game is entirely based on the staff being used, not how much you heal, that is more the trend for more modern games).



On 5/29/2024 at 4:57 PM, yayCollie said:

Now that I can post again (no idea why there is a limit on posts per day),


I can explain this one. The limit is only on New Members, and its there to prevent spambots from creating a new account and flooding the board with 100s of Chinese advertisements for buying fake diplomas (there are other blocks in place preventing the bots from creating 100s of accounts to circumvent this retraint...also that is an example of what some spambots did at one point after discovering an exploit in the forum's security). Once you get promoted to a Member (which you already are, but supposedly occurs after you post an unspecified number of posts in threads that have the normal moderation rules) there shouldn't be any post limits anymore.

Now onto Video 2


Yup, Narcian is as narcissistic as they come, and a fun little villain because of it. I guess you can get your thief to be rather dodgy, but they are unable to promote in this game, which limits their capabilities a fair bit. You really yoloed your first turn there, especially with that healer placement. Raigh comes a fair bit later, so you don't to worry about him yet. Your first horse healer is coming up very soon. Actually Roy was added to Smash as a promotion for this very game, appearing there first in Japan before FE6 was released over there. Oh wow, strength on your first Shanna levelup is rather lucky. So reckless with Lugh there, but at least you recognized the mistake immediately...RIP, fun little bit of statistics there those had 32.4% of hitting each with their true hit odds, so both of that enemies attacks hitting was ~10% chance, so a little unlucky but not that out of the realm of possibilities. Still strength on first Shanna levelup even with the reset. Luck adds a tiny bit to hit and avoid, but is most notable for being the stat that reduces the enemy's crit chance against you. You really should wait to move Marcus until after Lugh's attack, that way you can rescue him to safety if you see your foe get unlucky hit against them. Lol died again to almost the same odds. Without doing all the fancy memory manipulation, you could have moved the RNs using your cavalry unit. When the game has to redraw the movement arrow in a dramatic way (usually by moving the cursor to outside the area your cav (or any unit you, its just easier with cav's high movement) can move, and then back into its movement area in a different place, or when crossing an impassible wall, etc.), exactly which of two identical length arrows is drawn is determined by using some of the game's RNs. That means you can go back to a save state, have your cav do a bit of arrow dancing, and see different results in the following combat depending on how many arrow redraws you caused. Something to keep in mind for if you want to cheat in the future 😛 . Although you accidentally found a way to manipulate the RNs in another wa- LOL, now it led to a dead Allen. Then you end up accidentally arrow dancing in your panicked movements to save the day anyway, what a strange little roller coaster. Eh there are like two more thieves to recruit, and for what its worth, I think the next one you get is the best of them.



On 5/29/2024 at 5:04 PM, yayCollie said:


 and when I've tried playing this game a couple times years ago.

Ah that is why it seems kind of blind, but also you remember some parts of the maps.

On 5/29/2024 at 5:04 PM, yayCollie said:

I had fun with this video, but uhh I probably won't be making a new video for awhile because I'm messed up on emotions right now 😞

Hopefully your emotional state improves enough to continue doing the things that you enjoy...and I am late enough in responding to these that you already have recover enough for another


Onto part 3


The accidental story skips continue 😛 . What determines if one unit can rescue another in the GBA games is a unit's Aid and Con. If the one trying to rescue has as much Aid (or more) than the target's Con, they can rescue them, cav tend to have an easier time rescuing as the Aid calculation is different for infantry and cavs (Con-1 for infantry, 25-Con for Male cavs, and 20-Con for Female cavs due to sexism). Honestly 4 damage is more than I was expecting from Chad. You are spicy today. You don't actually have to worry about Clarine at all this map, even after you recruit her the AI refuses to attack her (extra fun fact they would do something similar with Kellam in his join chapter in Awakening, but done there to continue the joke about him being so forgettable that people ignore him...). I get the funny feeling Wolt will be replaced by some other archer in the future. Roy's effective damage really saving your bacon on one turn at least. Its easy to forget how useful Armored knights can be on a more casual run. OH MAN, Rutger the crit monster king of FE6 immediately critting Marcus is brutal. Although Clarine being just out of range to recruit Rutger is bru...OH, you are  just straight up trying to killed what most people consider the best unit in FE6 LOL. Admittedly most people are thinking of his performance with his Hard Mode bonuses added in when they consider him the best FE6 unit. Lol, and the little Edge Lord was too broken to even be taken down by your army, requiring a reset...what a jerk. What a legend Roy is for pulling through there to save the day by dodging both arrows and crits to live. Using the rescue  strats well for the boss kill in the end there. Only Thracia 776 has a lower cap on accuracy, if the game says 0 accuracy it will not hit.



On 6/4/2024 at 5:51 PM, yayCollie said:

but I expect the next chapter will be a lot harder.

The chapter after next is more likely to give you trouble

Finally onto part 4


 Nope, the gate open as soon as you approach it, but it is a rather dangerous shortcut to take. Sacred Stones is considered especially easy due to Seth being utterly busted, not only prepromoted but with great growth rates and plenty of opportunities to grind. Although Ross is fun thanks to the branching promotion system of that game letting you make him into an early pirate. Affinity is a bit complicated, but once you get a support the affinity of the two characters involved determines what bonuses you get in combat when near your support partner. Playing Echoes as well, and yeah that is one of the few games where archers are really good, among the best classes in the game really, especially once you learn the Hunter's Volley skill from the killer bow. It is kind of an ironic game to be playing while having a sexualization discussion, as this is the game people are least likely to levy that complaint against. The game is allowed to have people as shockingly normal looking as Dorothy (as opposed to the army of hot singles in your area that was the trend for a while after Awakening), there are even some real ugly characters like Gonzalez, and even the almost unheard of for videogames a playable old woman (props to Engage for trying to have another...although the internal data insisting she is far younger than she looks forces me to add a qualifier to that praise). It also makes me think you fell out of the community around Fates because those games were such a hot mess that they simultaneously have the best examples of sexualization done well, and done incredibly poorly. Or maybe FEH as gatchas adding multiple versions of sexualized girls who are minor characters in before prominent males characters have their first appearance lead to some real resentment. Also calling the games easy when you have had to reset on multiple chapters of normal mode is a bit bold 😛 . Persona 4 has some notable trans issues attached to it with how Naoto's story is handled, with her shadow, her inner truth she is unwilling to reveal, talking about her thinking about medically transitioning, and her saying after the fact being that such feeling are childish and she must simply accept how she was born. The developers have talked about how the LGBT issues were made "more subtle" in western releases, but with how they portrayed trans people in 3 and 5, I have my doubt about whether that was any better in the Japanese. Don't get me wrong, I like Persona games, but they have some issues with trans characters. Left may have toxic talk, but right has toxic actions, I would warn you to be careful, but most have to learn things the hard way, I just hope you don't get burned too badly learning that lesson. The mountains also give a poposterous +40 avoid, so waiting til the brigands are all the way off the mountains is a good idea. If you are looking for hard games to do challenge runs in the ones that come to mind are New Mystery (on the higher difficulties, although simply beating Lunatic Revesre may be a bit too much for most players), Thracia 776 (although personally I describe that game more as aggressively unfriendly to blind player, but it had a reputation for being the hardest Fire Emblem for a very long time), Conquest (although I have done challenge runs that have forced me to truely master its mechanics, so I have a hard time really judging its difficulty), and I suppose Binding Blade's Hard mode deserves a minor mention as well. Taking from a different direction I find Shadow Dragon and Revelation t be the games that are most improved by playing a challenge run. Also the basic ironman run (where you don't reset) is a classic challenge run, but there are plenty of others you can do. Gant is a reference to the Binding Blade manga, as it had three main characters unique to it that have weapon cameos in the actual game, and Gant's lance is the first of them. Ah Rutger showing why he is the king of FE6 with the boss kill there.


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23 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I think I will record some random thoughts and comments as I go through these starting with video 1, sorry this might get a bit ramble-y, so I will hide 'em in spoiler boxes to keep the post size down

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Its a shame you don't have access to Hard Mode yet, as that is known as the hardest of the GBA Fire Emblem games. Also FE6 is a fitting game to play with some experience with FE7 as FE7 is a prequel to FE6. Also it is funny to then immediately skip the story before seeing sick old man Eliwood after talking about playing FE7. Not wanting to use your "Jagen" is a bit old school really, for a long time they were described as exp thieves in the community, although their image has changed over time, as its generally fine to use them to ease the oft difficult early game as long as you don't overuse them. I guess that might need a little context, Jagen was the prepromoted Paladin they gave you in the first FE game, and letting you have one of those as an early game crutch is enough of a cliche for the series that people will call them by that name as an archetype, in this game its older man Marcus (and opposed to simply old man Marcus from FE7...). Archers are often considered one of the worse classes in a lot of FE games, but they are noticeably better in FE6 due to how dangerous (and prominent latter in the game) enemy Wyvern Riders are, which bows get effective damage against. This is the era of 2RN, where the game rolls 2 random numbers and averages them, which skews the numbers towards the center, so hitting low accuracy attacks is even less likely than the stated probability, and hitting high accuracy attacks is even more likely than the stated probability (you can find a lookup table for the odds from the main site here: https://serenesforest.net/general/true-hit/). That actually has a noticeable impact on how FE6 plays, as its infamous for having rather lower accuracy values than the other GBA games, and seize points addingg 30 avoid to all bosses (as every map in this game has the seize objective). You should try ironmanning an FE game at some point (that is where you intentionally don't reset for deaths). It is fun to see you try and get Bors some exp, Armor knights are also considered a terrible class thanks to their low move, but the Ostian Armor Knight trio have a triangle attack, one of few triangle attacks outside the cliche Pegasister triangle attacks (which this game also has), so as a fan of that obscure little mechanic I have a soft spot for them. What a showing from Lance, an extremely low odds crit there to get the first boss kill. Lol, seeing you regret your plot skipping already. Onto chapter 2, and Lance is looking even better. Its common practice in this game due to how the promotion items end up that people usually end up focusing on one of Lance or Allen, with whichever is looking the best early game getting the first promotion item, and the other ends up falling behind. Also Axe units are often considered especially bad in FE6 due to the low innate accuracy of Axes, but some like Lot for his unusually high defense growth. Healing exp in this game is entirely based on the staff being used, not how much you heal, that is more the trend for more modern games).




I can explain this one. The limit is only on New Members, and its there to prevent spambots from creating a new account and flooding the board with 100s of Chinese advertisements for buying fake diplomas (there are other blocks in place preventing the bots from creating 100s of accounts to circumvent this retraint...also that is an example of what some spambots did at one point after discovering an exploit in the forum's security). Once you get promoted to a Member (which you already are, but supposedly occurs after you post an unspecified number of posts in threads that have the normal moderation rules) there shouldn't be any post limits anymore.

Now onto Video 2

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Yup, Narcian is as narcissistic as they come, and a fun little villain because of it. I guess you can get your thief to be rather dodgy, but they are unable to promote in this game, which limits their capabilities a fair bit. You really yoloed your first turn there, especially with that healer placement. Raigh comes a fair bit later, so you don't to worry about him yet. Your first horse healer is coming up very soon. Actually Roy was added to Smash as a promotion for this very game, appearing there first in Japan before FE6 was released over there. Oh wow, strength on your first Shanna levelup is rather lucky. So reckless with Lugh there, but at least you recognized the mistake immediately...RIP, fun little bit of statistics there those had 32.4% of hitting each with their true hit odds, so both of that enemies attacks hitting was ~10% chance, so a little unlucky but not that out of the realm of possibilities. Still strength on first Shanna levelup even with the reset. Luck adds a tiny bit to hit and avoid, but is most notable for being the stat that reduces the enemy's crit chance against you. You really should wait to move Marcus until after Lugh's attack, that way you can rescue him to safety if you see your foe get unlucky hit against them. Lol died again to almost the same odds. Without doing all the fancy memory manipulation, you could have moved the RNs using your cavalry unit. When the game has to redraw the movement arrow in a dramatic way (usually by moving the cursor to outside the area your cav (or any unit you, its just easier with cav's high movement) can move, and then back into its movement area in a different place, or when crossing an impassible wall, etc.), exactly which of two identical length arrows is drawn is determined by using some of the game's RNs. That means you can go back to a save state, have your cav do a bit of arrow dancing, and see different results in the following combat depending on how many arrow redraws you caused. Something to keep in mind for if you want to cheat in the future 😛 . Although you accidentally found a way to manipulate the RNs in another wa- LOL, now it led to a dead Allen. Then you end up accidentally arrow dancing in your panicked movements to save the day anyway, what a strange little roller coaster. Eh there are like two more thieves to recruit, and for what its worth, I think the next one you get is the best of them.



Ah that is why it seems kind of blind, but also you remember some parts of the maps.

Hopefully your emotional state improves enough to continue doing the things that you enjoy...and I am late enough in responding to these that you already have recover enough for another


Onto part 3

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The accidental story skips continue 😛 . What determines if one unit can rescue another in the GBA games is a unit's Aid and Con. If the one trying to rescue has as much Aid (or more) than the target's Con, they can rescue them, cav tend to have an easier time rescuing as the Aid calculation is different for infantry and cavs (Con-1 for infantry, 25-Con for Male cavs, and 20-Con for Female cavs due to sexism). Honestly 4 damage is more than I was expecting from Chad. You are spicy today. You don't actually have to worry about Clarine at all this map, even after you recruit her the AI refuses to attack her (extra fun fact they would do something similar with Kellam in his join chapter in Awakening, but done there to continue the joke about him being so forgettable that people ignore him...). I get the funny feeling Wolt will be replaced by some other archer in the future. Roy's effective damage really saving your bacon on one turn at least. Its easy to forget how useful Armored knights can be on a more casual run. OH MAN, Rutger the crit monster king of FE6 immediately critting Marcus is brutal. Although Clarine being just out of range to recruit Rutger is bru...OH, you are  just straight up trying to killed what most people consider the best unit in FE6 LOL. Admittedly most people are thinking of his performance with his Hard Mode bonuses added in when they consider him the best FE6 unit. Lol, and the little Edge Lord was too broken to even be taken down by your army, requiring a reset...what a jerk. What a legend Roy is for pulling through there to save the day by dodging both arrows and crits to live. Using the rescue  strats well for the boss kill in the end there. Only Thracia 776 has a lower cap on accuracy, if the game says 0 accuracy it will not hit.



The chapter after next is more likely to give you trouble

Finally onto part 4

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 Nope, the gate open as soon as you approach it, but it is a rather dangerous shortcut to take. Sacred Stones is considered especially easy due to Seth being utterly busted, not only prepromoted but with great growth rates and plenty of opportunities to grind. Although Ross is fun thanks to the branching promotion system of that game letting you make him into an early pirate. Affinity is a bit complicated, but once you get a support the affinity of the two characters involved determines what bonuses you get in combat when near your support partner. Playing Echoes as well, and yeah that is one of the few games where archers are really good, among the best classes in the game really, especially once you learn the Hunter's Volley skill from the killer bow. It is kind of an ironic game to be playing while having a sexualization discussion, as this is the game people are least likely to levy that complaint against. The game is allowed to have people as shockingly normal looking as Dorothy (as opposed to the army of hot singles in your area that was the trend for a while after Awakening), there are even some real ugly characters like Gonzalez, and even the almost unheard of for videogames a playable old woman (props to Engage for trying to have another...although the internal data insisting she is far younger than she looks forces me to add a qualifier to that praise). It also makes me think you fell out of the community around Fates because those games were such a hot mess that they simultaneously have the best examples of sexualization done well, and done incredibly poorly. Or maybe FEH as gatchas adding multiple versions of sexualized girls who are minor characters in before prominent males characters have their first appearance lead to some real resentment. Also calling the games easy when you have had to reset on multiple chapters of normal mode is a bit bold 😛 . Persona 4 has some notable trans issues attached to it with how Naoto's story is handled, with her shadow, her inner truth she is unwilling to reveal, talking about her thinking about medically transitioning, and her saying after the fact being that such feeling are childish and she must simply accept how she was born. The developers have talked about how the LGBT issues were made "more subtle" in western releases, but with how they portrayed trans people in 3 and 5, I have my doubt about whether that was any better in the Japanese. Don't get me wrong, I like Persona games, but they have some issues with trans characters. Left may have toxic talk, but right has toxic actions, I would warn you to be careful, but most have to learn things the hard way, I just hope you don't get burned too badly learning that lesson. The mountains also give a poposterous +40 avoid, so waiting til the brigands are all the way off the mountains is a good idea. If you are looking for hard games to do challenge runs in the ones that come to mind are New Mystery (on the higher difficulties, although simply beating Lunatic Revesre may be a bit too much for most players), Thracia 776 (although personally I describe that game more as aggressively unfriendly to blind player, but it had a reputation for being the hardest Fire Emblem for a very long time), Conquest (although I have done challenge runs that have forced me to truely master its mechanics, so I have a hard time really judging its difficulty), and I suppose Binding Blade's Hard mode deserves a minor mention as well. Taking from a different direction I find Shadow Dragon and Revelation t be the games that are most improved by playing a challenge run. Also the basic ironman run (where you don't reset) is a classic challenge run, but there are plenty of others you can do. Gant is a reference to the Binding Blade manga, as it had three main characters unique to it that have weapon cameos in the actual game, and Gant's lance is the first of them. Ah Rutger showing why he is the king of FE6 with the boss kill there.


Woah that is a lot, I really appreciate the time you've taken responding/commentating on my playthrough so far. Thank you. I'm gonna respond to a few things 😛

Regarding my last video and my "rant", I just think that there's a fine line that I've found with people one on one that can't be replicated in large scale forums or communication channels, and I think I struggle a lot with that, and that's probably the root of my problem. I think people should be allowed to have some edge, but also, like you mentioned with "right's toxic actions", I've been in a good number of right-leaning Discord servers or communities when I was more "edgy" and politically involved, and I hated how it was just 24/7 politics or hate x, y, and z. It just felt like a echo chamber, the only thing I generally appreciated was the ability to openly make edgy comments/jokes about random stuff. Anyways I don't mean for this conversation to turn political, and I probably didn't elegantly state how I felt during the video.


To clarify I am currently playing Shadows of Valentia (I'm in


Duma Temple

about to beat the game I guess, was just playing when I saw your response), and FE8, which I've decided to actually use an axe unit in (Ross is such a beast it's crazy, also I'm kinda disappointed with how easy 8 is, but I guess the story is cool so far). I used to play a lot of Conquest and 7 when I was a teen, and also a lot of 1 or one of the DS remakes of 1. I love seeing games progress from like the "NES days" or whatever. I played DQ up to 4 and it was really cool seeing the new mechanics they added every title. I really can't say why exactly I left the communities when I was younger, probably moving on with life or just being depressed or something. I've been trying to reach out to people I used to talk to, but haven't had any success. Oh, also I would say Conquest and 7 are my favorite FE games. I'm also watching Vinny play Awakening, which is one of my least favorite FE games, but I have to admit, it's got an amazing soundtrack. I've more recently played through Three House with Edelgards route, which, I like her a lot, but I don't like Three House. I also played a good bit of Engage but not all the way through. I try not to skip the stories but it's kinda built into how I play these games because I've replayed 7 so many times or Conquest that I'm just used to skipping what I already know, and also it's weird that B skips lol.


I think that my LP or my video's aren't that good compared to a lot of other people, and even my personality probably doesn't fit what it should be for a content creator (meaning, I don't think I have enough "talk" in me to be successful at making content), but I enjoy making videos and I have some ideas about potential structured videos that I'd like to make in the future. It's very weird reading your response and I don't remember anything that happened that you were talking about besides the reset in episode 3, lol, so yeah it was bold of me to boast about how easy these games are xD. I really do appreciate that you took the time to watch these and commentate on them.


Anyways, thanks and have a good day.

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22 minutes ago, yayCollie said:

Woah that is a lot, I really appreciate the time you've taken responding/commentating on my playthrough so far. Thank you. I'm gonna respond to a few things 😛

Sorry I went a bit overboard, and probably should have split it up a bit better


34 minutes ago, yayCollie said:

Regarding my last video and my "rant", I just think that there's a fine line that I've found with people one on one that can't be replicated in large scale forums or communication channels, and I think I struggle a lot with that, and that's probably the root of my problem. I think people should be allowed to have some edge, but also, like you mentioned with "right's toxic actions", I've been in a good number of right-leaning Discord servers or communities when I was more "edgy" and politically involved, and I hated how it was just 24/7 politics or hate x, y, and z. It just felt like a echo chamber, the only thing I generally appreciated was the ability to openly make edgy comments/jokes about random stuff. Anyways I don't mean for this conversation to turn political, and I probably didn't elegantly state how I felt during the video.

No worries.


37 minutes ago, yayCollie said:

I'm kinda disappointed with how easy 8 is, but I guess the story is cool so far).

Yeah FE8 is infamous for being one of, if not the easiest Fire Emblem game (FE9 certain is in contention as well). It brought back a bunch of ideas from Gaiden in interesting ways, so it is a bit fitting that you are playing Echoes and FE8 at similar times.

46 minutes ago, yayCollie said:

I love seeing games progress from like the "NES days" or whatever.

Although I suspect you would find playing actual Gaiden with these two games still in mind especially fitting than.


48 minutes ago, yayCollie said:

I really can't say why exactly I left the communities when I was younger, probably moving on with life or just being depressed or something.

I am reminded of a favorite quote about childhood art from C.S. Lewis, although it isn't a perfect fit.


“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

I find it a bit of a pattern for people to move away from art they liked as children as they grow, only to return to the art that really mattered to them when they start college.



55 minutes ago, yayCollie said:

Oh, also I would say Conquest and 7 are my favorite FE games.

Good picks, Conquest has the best gameplay in the franchise IMO, and FE7 is a classic that brought the series to the west.


56 minutes ago, yayCollie said:

I've more recently played through Three House with Edelgards route, which, I like her a lot, but I don't like Three House.

Yeah there is a bit of a joke about Fire Emblem either having good story or good gameplay, and Three Houses tends to be put in the Good Story department (although such things are definitely subjective, and I think Thracia manages to bridge the gap, but that is definitely a minority opinion). Personally I think its biggest weakness is that there isn't a branch of fate like mechanic, as having to mind numbingly trudge through the nearly identical School half of the game to try any other route led to me being so burnt out on that game that I never went back to it after clearing each route once.


1 hour ago, yayCollie said:

I also played a good bit of Engage but not all the way through.

I think that game is a blast to play through (and I am even doing a linked ironman screen shot LP on this forum of that game at the moment), although it is basically Fire Emblem's take on a Super Sentai.


17 minutes ago, yayCollie said:


I think that my LP or my video's aren't that good compared to a lot of other people, and even my personality probably doesn't fit what it should be for a content creator (meaning, I don't think I have enough "talk" in me to be successful at making content), but I enjoy making videos and I have some ideas about potential structured videos that I'd like to make in the future.

Everyone has to start somewhere, and if you watch a content creator long enough, you can see how they grow more comfortable, and more able to comment over their playthrough. Plus if you love doing it who cares about the quality, even bad art made with love is beautiful. Personally I thought they were chill little videos, and you are very open about trying to improve your craft.


17 minutes ago, yayCollie said:

. It's very weird reading your response and I don't remember anything that happened that you were talking about besides the reset in episode 3, lol, so yeah it was bold of me to boast about how easy these games are xD. I really do appreciate that you took the time to watch these and commentate on them.

Yeah sorry about that, I am responding to it like it was a forum post, and it isn't so it must come out a lot less sensical without the context of what I am responding to in the moment.

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7 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Yeah sorry about that, I am responding to it like it was a forum post, and it isn't so it must come out a lot less sensical without the context of what I am responding to in the moment.

7 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Sorry I went a bit overboard, and probably should have split it up a bit better

Nono, I enjoy reading it all, it's great, don't worry!


10 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Yeah there is a bit of a joke about Fire Emblem either having good story or good gameplay, and Three Houses tends to be put in the Good Story department (although such things are definitely subjective, and I think Thracia manages to bridge the gap, but that is definitely a minority opinion). Personally I think its biggest weakness is that there isn't a branch of fate like mechanic, as having to mind numbingly trudge through the nearly identical School half of the game to try any other route led to me being so burnt out on that game that I never went back to it after clearing each route once.

I haven't considered that I'd have to replay the school section, that part alone seems kinda draining since I didn't like the game at all. I think having different branches like Fates or I think one of the older games has, would be cool (didn't Tharcia have split paths?).

12 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Yeah FE8 is infamous for being one of, if not the easiest Fire Emblem game (FE9 certain is in contention as well). It brought back a bunch of ideas from Gaiden in interesting ways, so it is a bit fitting that you are playing Echoes and FE8 at similar times.

12 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Although I suspect you would find playing actual Gaiden with these two games still in mind especially fitting than.


I beat SoV this morning and enjoyed the ending, I wouldn't say it's one of my favorites, but I think that the game was alright. I love how broke archers can get, but I didn't like how items worked and I felt that the exp/class system was downplayed. In FE7 I loved trying to max to 20 and get as much as I could before promoting and you only had like one promote in 7 I think, but in SoV you get like 3 + DF can cycle through infinitely. The first promote felt necessary as well early game. All in all just felt bare with the maps and mechanics. I would say FE1 had cooler maps tbh, but it would be interesting to see what that's like in the original Gaiden.

After beating SoV, I've started a Birthright playthrough, which does sound counterintuitive to "wanting a challenge", but admittedly I haven't beaten any of Fates and I'm getting a bit tapped out between 6,7 (which I play on my downtime between classes if I forget my 3DS), 8, and just having beat SoV. That's why I chose Birthright, over conquest, but I might take a break from FE and get play some other games to clear up a bit.

20 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Everyone has to start somewhere, and if you watch a content creator long enough, you can see how they grow more comfortable, and more able to comment over their playthrough. Plus if you love doing it who cares about the quality, even bad art made with love is beautiful. Personally I thought they were chill little videos, and you are very open about trying to improve your craft.

Thank you, I've been doing more thinking about "what" I can do, during my downtime at work and stuff. I'm balancing a lot of different things and all trying to make progress at each (guitar, programming, and exercise).

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Hey again, this map wasn't that hard. I had one reset and I couldn't figure out how to recruit Cath (the final boss of the game).



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Hey, I'm going to stop "cranking these out" so fast, and I'm going to spend some time developing ways to improve my content.



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On 6/7/2024 at 8:58 PM, yayCollie said:

(didn't Tharcia have split paths?).

Kind of, but its rather short (2 chapters long, with a few minor changes on a future chapters due to differing recruitment), like the slight "path split" in FE7 or in FE6 here (although it is far more straight forward than in those two, which have weird requirements based on unit's experience for which alternate maps you get). In Thracia you can make a copy of the save on the chapter you decide on which route you take, so if you plan ahead you only have to repeat the one chapter.


On 6/8/2024 at 10:06 PM, yayCollie said:

and I couldn't figure out how to recruit Cath (the final boss of the game).

Her recruitment is kind of funny, as it requires you interacting with her on multiple maps to recruit her. Also don't worry too much if you miss a convo with her on a map or two, as she shows up on double the number of maps you need (if you don't recruit her or kill her before then).


Alright time for some more random commentary on the videos


Nice to see you picking Deke over Rutger, letting the little overused edgelord stay on the bench. Mt stands for might, it is bow much damage the weapon adds to your strength. Weight is first reduced by the character's con before reducing your characters speed, so characters with high con can use heavier (which are usually stronger) with less penalty. Oh it does look a lot like Rudolph's castle, that is a funny coincidence (or perhaps the creators took inspiration from earlier works for creating this map). Splitting up tend to be more fun, but also a lot more dangerous. FE8 has a surprisingly small cast for FE games, but it certainly is rather easy to the point where you don't really need any extra from the first few. They did position Dorthy as Saul's guard, so I can see why that would make you think she is a knight. It is nice how it turns out you get an extra healer on the map in case you want to split up. Oh boy, Bors being in range of those mages is going to hurt. Oh, lucky break with Lugh dodging the death there. Yup, some of those are just going to spawn enemies in them in you open them, like a nasty little Monty Hall game. Oof, and the ambush spawn from that room took Chad out too. Also fun little fact about thieves in this game, your thieves can steal any item that is not a weapons or staff (and it is irregardless of stats, unlike stealing in other games), so stealing Cath's lock picks with your thieves is very common practice. Oof, armor slayer breaking kind of sucks as they are really good weapons in this game, even beyond their effective damage. Ah Cath trolling you by opening doors to reach her escape point is rather funny. It is funny seeing her AI trolling you like that, where you blocked her from escaping, so she starts going for the loot, only to change course before reaching because you stopped blocking her off. Oh, learning some rescue drop strats, a staple of FE6, as carrying Roy to the seize point tends be a bit of a thing late into the game. Wow, I was sure Sue was about to die there, but she lives it on 1. I am glad Bors is still a big part of the team, as I like the big lug. A lot of people are a bit afraid of using Sue due to the minor route split in this game, which is based on whether your Nomads or Pegasi got more experience before then, as the Nomad route is seen as especially cruel, with more dangerous enemy types. Ah the classic rescue someone to save them from a boss's counter attack. Yup, bad hit chances in general, and on the bosses especially is one of the thing FE6 is a bit famous for, and Rutger's massive hit and crit rate to deal with them is why people love to use him. Actually Deke tends to do fairly well in that role too, but doesn't get the +30 crit after promotion that Rutger gets for being a swordmaster. Whew, that was getting a bit close there, but you had enough attacks to just throw there them at him until you landed that hit. Next up is probably the toughest map of the early game, so good luck.


19 hours ago, yayCollie said:

Hey, I'm going to stop "cranking these out" so fast, and I'm going to spend some time developing ways to improve my content.

Fair enough, hopefully you end up seeing the improvements you desire.



Nice dodging from Deke there on the first turn. Chad can also steal the red gem one of the Wyverns is carrying, but getting that is dangerous even if you notice the enemy has it. I kind of like how they balances their prepromoted paladins (on Hard Mode at least), as this is right around when Marcus is really starting to fall off, you get a better Marcus who can carry you to the point where you really don't need one. You should have checked if Trek could promoted one, as he can, and then the promoted one (depending on the translation he is either Jerrot or Zealot) who can then recruit the last of the greenie's Noah. Roy can recruit any of them, and any of the three can recruit Jerrot. Yeah, those Wyverns are really dangerous without a good bow to back you up. At least you noticed the recruitment on Jerrot the turn after. Uh-oh, I think you forgot that enemy cav has a jav, as poor Elen is about to risk death on enemy phase. With so many enemy jav cavs its hard to position your squishies safely. If you wanted to recruit Noah on this turn, you could rescue him as a green unit, then have someone take and the drop him closer to Roy (and if the original rescuer is mounted, they can use their remaining movement to get him even closer). Looks like you figured that out a turn after I suggested it 😛 . You didn't scroll down far enough on the shop to see it, but they actually sell chest and door key, with is an expense way of ignoring your thieves. Nice work shooting those Wyverns down with your bows to keep them from being a problem. You ended up triggering the timing, and positioning based reinforcements on the same turn there (the ones from the front appear on the turn you cross the wall, the ones from the rear on a specific turn). Be care with those cavs from the rear, one has a Silver Lance that hits like a truck. Yeah Jerrot taking that choke point would be a lot safer, although I worry a little that he might wipe them all out. Yeah not having an armor slayer for this boss, and the next one is going to suck. Barrier is the classic exp/staff rank grinding item, because it has no real requirements on it's use. Seeing that 1 crit rate from the boss is a little spooky there...And then Lugh just dodged everything and dealt with him almost entirely on his own. Honestly that went really well for such a tricky map, you had their bows all in the right place to deal with those tanky Wyverns, none of the cheeky 1-2 range jav cavs managed to sneak in any kill on your back liners, the Silver Lance reinforcement that hits like a truck was blocked off effectively with your tankiest units, the greenies gave you no real problem recruiting them, and you even had some nice luck on the boss in spite of the broken Armor Slayer.

Oh something important to note about about Binding Blade, the last few chapters of the game are locked behind a requirement of getting, and keeping the legendary weapons. Each of those legendary weapons is gotten from a bonus chapter that usually requires you to have some characters associated with the weapon alive, and complete the chapter before in a certain number of turns (and there is usually some kind of event to cue you in to the fact you were too late). The first of these chapters is chapter 8x, with the only requirement being to keep Lilina from dying (no turn requirement on this one). Also make sure not to break any of the legendary weapons (or let someone holding them die) until after the chapter you kill Zephiel, or you will miss out on the true ending.


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Posted (edited)


Interesting, that reminds me of when I first played FE7 I think I saved the Mani Katti and never used it because I thought it would be important, or same with the Rapier (lol)




This is interesting, because I love pegasus units, but I've always wanted to use someone like Rath from FE7. I guess I'll just see what happens.


Thanks again, for your commentary. It's nice to read. I don't have much in me right now, I studied a lot today and my brain is fried, plus I'm trying to recover from insomnia (hoping I make it to 9-11 PM and sleep like normal again).

Edited by yayCollie
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Hey everyone, I feel great about my newest video. Less dead-air. I had a few close moments and one or two "resets"/save-states.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I will be on a hiatus for a good couple weeks, visiting my gf out of state for a couple weeks.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/26/2024 at 5:36 PM, yayCollie said:

I will be on a hiatus for a good couple weeks, visiting my gf out of state for a couple weeks.

Back but too depressed, worst trip of my life...one day I'll know peace.

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It as been a little while (distracted by a lot of other things), but seeing you are back makes it the perfect time to comment on the most recent vid.


Ah you got baited into bringing Chad not knowing about Astore's arrival...and then skipped past his arrival in the cutscene 😛. I am a bit surprised you didn't try baiting the archer threatening Lilina into attacking your main army across the wall first turn, as that then lets you take it down from range. I never have gotten around to playing any of the main SMT games either, just the Persona games and TMS#FE (although I have had Nocturne on my Steam Wish List for a while). Oh wow, I forgot the archer just gives up on attacking Lilina after a turn or two lol. Yeah the slight differences in the doubling thresholds can get confusing if you play too many of these, as some have the any higher (I want to say it is the first game, Gaiden, Genealogy, and Echoes) some of the recent ones have 5 (Awakening, Fates, Engage),  there is even the oddball with 3 (Old Mystery, plus the Broadcast Sattellaview maps as they run off the same engine), but most have 4 (All the games between FE5 and FE12, plus Three Houses). Fates is fantastic mechanically, and I think it put a nice balance with its restrictions on class changing, with the split promotions like FE8 and Awakening before it, and having a personal class change option, with supports allowing you to access a few more class changing options from their lovers and friends, as opposed to the DS game's system of just letting you change your class all willy-nilly (there are some restraints, based on gender, and only able to have one more of each class line than you could have possibly recruited at that point in your army, but it doesn't even cost a consumable to do). Oh wow, you did not notice that effective weapon at all. Yeah you are in a bit of trouble at that point...oh and then missing the kill that could have saved thing...Then to get saved by healing AI, what a roller-coaster. OMG Let's go, Wendy (some translation go with Gwendolyn for her now a days) gets to see some use. A lot of people consider her the worst unit in the game, personally I think a unit that comes a little later (Sophia) is worse, plus I am a fan of the triangle attack the three armor knight can perform together, which can give her a free hit and critical with the right positioning. The Barrier staff is a bit famous for being the staff people use to grind healers (whether regular exp or staff rank), as it gives OK exp, and can basically be used at any time on any person. Yeah the AI is being very silly, much to Wendy's benefit there. Java is a lot of people's first programing language now a days, heck it was even mine back in High School. For a second there I thought you were going to use your barrier staff to boost your cav's res before attacking the mage. Damn, enemy archer having exact damage for the kill on Shanna is unfortunate to see. OMG the jukes on Allen there to live that enemy phase.  Lol, yeah the thief AI freeing Lilina is one of those silly things that tends to happen on this map. Shame you completely missed that Wendy can talk to her brother Bors in spite of  when they waited beside each other. The Light Brand is weird, and probably not properly programed, because regardless of stats it always deals exactly 10 damage at range. The additional reinforcements on hard mode (from where Wendy and crew arrive) really change this map. RIP Killer Bow, bit of a shame. Never punished with Lugh there..aw, and then being one move short of Lilina salvaging the situation hurts to see. Yeah, its one of those finicky things, but Lilina has to talk to Roy, but Roy can't talk to Lilina (as she gets a free weapon from it). Oof, poor Cath. Yeah that rescue move was a little foolish there at the end, although if she had enough move left over to canto behind your lines it would have worked out OK. That Javelin Armor was really sneaky there. Ogier's free Armor Slayer coming in clutch to make that boss less of a nuisance. Side note, it is a bit of a joke to just call Ogier armor slayer, as most people have already committed to using another swordie, so it is the most relevant thing about his recruitment. A bit of a misunderstanding there, the x chapters aren't timed, it is unlocking most of them that is timed.


21 hours ago, yayCollie said:

Back but too depressed, worst trip of my life...one day I'll know peace.

🫂 Hopefully you start feeling better soon.


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