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Who's your favorite Lord in all of FE?

Father Wood

Who's your favorite Lord?  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w48OJ-K8-UM

    • Marth
    • Arum/Alm
    • Selica
    • Sigurd
    • Celice
    • Leaf
    • Roy
    • Lyn
    • Eliwood
    • Hector
    • Erika
    • Ephraim
    • Ike
    • Micaiah

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1 FE4 def = 1 FE10 def, at least in my opinion. Why not? Every game has the same system of strength, defense, might and so on, why is it so wrong?

To attempt to put paid to this idea as succintly as possible:

FE4 Holsety has 30 might.

FE5 Holsety has 20 might.

What I said was about stats, not weapons. When I said might, I meant the formula.

What? 1 FEX stat = 1 FEY stat, unless it doesn't because you weren't talking actually about that particular stat after all but the formulas it's used in?

Assuming this is so, assuming we're discarding all the difference in formulas that do exist such as FE1 magic being solely based on might and triangle effectiveness when that came in and so on and so forth. It is so wrong because the system means nothing. Only the numbers and their overall effectiveness does.

Average defence in FE1 is 12, and average defence in FE10 is 25. There are two ways you can look at this. Either FE1 characters are all scrubs, or defence is worth less point-for-point in 10 than it is in 1. I don't understand the mindset of people that would take the former tack and consequently attempt to compare it anyway, unless it's just to go HUR HUR HUR FE1 CHARACTERS FAIL

Taking hypothetical FE20, it's a freakingly difficult game that uses all the same formulae/etc as FE10 but the problem is that your characters only average around 70 in each stat whereas the enemies are all 90-120 and you need to use extreme tactical skills and groups of units to have any hope of winning. But the scrubbiest character on your team (Graham, the Dancer, with a horrific 50 in each stat... one-hit-killed by decent enemies) can wipe the floor with the best FE10 unit! The systems are the same so it must be true!

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Hahahahaha, incredible.

Do you seriously think I'm COMPARING the usefulness of characters with a deathmatch? How stupid of you.

I'm simply trying to have fun here and see who would beat who. There is nothing wrong with that.

I guess I'm an idiot for that. I'm truly sorry.

And it's funny how you're the one insulting my comprehension ability.

Also Twilkitri, I understand what you said better now, I was just stunned because I never saw anything like that before.

Edited by Julius
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Sounds like a cheap excuse to not be made a fool out of yourself to me. And that is a huge waste of a post.

We should have a game which has all the Lords battling each other, that would be cool.

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My favourite lord should be either Leaf or Sigurd but somehow I choose Ike.

We should have a game which has all the Lords battling each other, that would be cool.

Not just the lords. A bunch of characters from each game could meet each other in RD part 3-like maps. Or a smash game dedicaed to FE.

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Oh my.

Characters in FE4 get only 30 level ups at the most. Levels do not reset after promotion. FE10 get about...60? (I really don't know.)

Very unfair comparing the two separate games directly, but it proves Yurius still almost un-godly powerful enemy against any characters in any FE ever made.

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FE4 units also have obscenely high bases compared to FEGBA units, and huger promo bonuses as well, so saying "they only get 30 level ups at most" is not looking at the whole picture.

For example, Erk's bases are 17/5/6/7/2/4/3. Azel's are 30/10/7/9/2/6/2. And yet, Erk is generally considered more useful than Azel. Other than by "lol i dump erk for pent" and "nino great look at her growths" fanboys.

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None. They all either suck or get horridly late promotions. They're also pretty generic and in my opinion, hard to like. Although I would have liked Lyn if she didn't suck so much or have a man's voice in Brawl.

That's just the kind of answer I'd expect from you. You don't even like Ephraim?

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None. They all either suck or get horridly late promotions. They're also pretty generic and in my opinion, hard to like. Although I would have liked Lyn if she didn't suck so much or have a man's voice in Brawl.

Sigurd starts promoted, and he's amazing. :3

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Not just the lords. A bunch of characters from each game could meet each other in RD part 3-like maps. Or a smash game dedicaed to FE.


I've long been of the opinion that at the very least they should be giving you old FE characters as the bonus characters for trial maps/etc instead of scrubby bosses.

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None. They all either suck or get horridly late promotions. They're also pretty generic and in my opinion, hard to like. Although I would have liked Lyn if she didn't suck so much.
Since when did Lyn suck? And if by "generic":, you mean they have "generic" personalities, then Lyn's boyfriend says hi over here.

But on a more serious note,

That's just the kind of answer I'd expect from you. You don't even like Ephraim?
I have to and gladly agree with CGV. I mean seriously, you might even change your opinion if you expand your FE boundaries. Edited by Little Al
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  • 4 weeks later...
None. They all either suck or get horridly late promotions. They're also pretty generic and in my opinion, hard to like. Although I would have liked Lyn if she didn't suck so much or have a man's voice in Brawl.

You can't be talking serious? Well, there some lord are kinda bad but most of them are good, like: Lyndis, Hector, Eliwood, Erika & Ephraim, Micaiah and Marth.

And let's just forget that HORRIBLE mistake Nintendo Of America(NoA) made when voicing Lyndis, man, what the heck where they thinking? :blink:

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You can't be talking serious? Well, there some lord are kinda bad but most of them are good, like: Lyndis, Hector, Eliwood, Erika & Ephraim, Micaiah and Marth.

And let's just forget that HORRIBLE mistake Nintendo Of America(NoA) made when voicing Lyndis, man, what the heck where they thinking? :blink:

Nintendo made a lot of fuck-ups in Brawl. I would have forgiven them if Tingle was playable, but he's not. Take a hint Nintendo, they's only one Zelda character that you can add in the next SSB as a new character. No, its not fucking Toon Zelda. Its Tingle.

Did I already say my favorite lord in this topic? Oh well. I like Sigurd the most. A godly great unit, he's not the cliched 15 year old lord out to save the world, he doesn't activly seek out battle (he mostly gets caught up in it),

tragic death, and he's a walking tragedy

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