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29 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we use "?!" or "!?"?

    • ?!
    • !?
    • None of these (Yes I failed grammer)
    • Either.
  2. 2. Is Grammer in English even important anymore?

    • Yes.
    • It's important but not THAT important.
    • Depends on the situation.
    • G4mm4r ain't n0 BIG d34l

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I'll kick the grammar out of anyone who uses "?!". The ! needs to be in front of the ?. Otherwise, it's taking up too much space and screwing over the reson for Enlgish- the uber language that's more concise than anything else. ?! is also bad because it doesn't fit because of the hump on the ?. Put the ! in front of the ? and they fit together perfectly.

B: ?! and !? take up the same amount of space.

I: You misspelled "reason". Also, your large and arbitrary rules make it seem less and less concise and terse.

U: !?

No, it doesn't.

Edited by Harold
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?! looks ugly because they don't fit together in that order.

!? looks better because the flat sides go well together and fit nicely, and doesn't leave the ?'s hump sticking out.

In your opinion. I think the other way looks much better.

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I wasn't even aware there was a proper order to use them in. o_O I switch 'em around, I guess.

I'll kick the grammar out of anyone who uses "?!". The ! needs to be in front of the ?. Otherwise, it's taking up too much space and screwing over the reson for Enlgish- the uber language that's more concise than anything else. ?! is also bad because it doesn't fit because of the hump on the ?. Put the ! in front of the ? and they fit together perfectly.

Epic troll is epic.

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I always used ?! when wanting to add extra emphasis of wanting to know whatever I was questioning, can't say I ever remember writing !?, I think it would be interesting to learn/discuss grammar on a college level because I haven't really studied it in years -yes underfunded US public schools fail- :mellow:

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This topic fails instntly for the misspelling of grammar

It also needs a grammar nazi, what with all the kommisars and kommunists.

The funny thing is, there was a guy on one of the older FESS forums who literally had the screename 'Grammar Nazi', going so far as to have a flag for it and everything.

I'll kick the grammar out of anyone who uses "?!". The ! needs to be in front of the ?. Otherwise, it's taking up too much space and screwing over the reson for Enlgish- the uber language that's more concise than anything else. ?! is also bad because it doesn't fit because of the hump on the ?. Put the ! in front of the ? and they fit together perfectly.

Says yo momma you. I personally think it depends on the situation. And plus, this is coming for the guy who can't even spell the name of the language right! :blink:

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Is this a typo inducing topic or what?! lol What are the chances? Every other post there's a new typo. Just to keep this going this is how you spell the word:

G. R. A. M. E.M. E.4.A. R.

Can we all agree with this?

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Is this a typo inducing topic or what?! lol What are the chances? Every other post there's a new typo. Just to keep this going this is how you spell the word:

G. R. A. M. E.M. E.4.A. R.

Can we all agree with this?

Yeah, seriously. And in at least one case, it's not the person's fault. Like me! :(

And yes, we can all agree with that spelling.

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