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Super Robot Wars 64

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I thought I'd give this a try since I don't think there's much SRW64 content in English. I probably should have contributed to the community and done better/full logs of some of my runs of F, 4S, or Shin rather than just sharing a few neat tidbits to a small circle of folks, but those ships have sailed by this point. I have been enjoying my romps through classic SRW though, and unless this becomes overly burdensome I think it might be a fun thing to indulge in and maybe excite people. Unlike many of my other SRW threads here this run isn't a draft, and I don't plan on doing any unit restrictions or anything funky, just playing it how I feel like playing it for the most part. That said, I have planned out the routes and secrets I'm aiming for, and while I will attempt to avoid stalling or grinding, I won't be breaking my back going for LTC if the solution to a map doesn't seem obvious at first blush.

While I do have this tagged as "translated" this is my own amateur effort, and I obviously can't claim to be providing a perfect product here. Again, this is just something quick that's done for fun and not intended to be a professional quality release. If you have comments or feedback, feel free to drop what's on your mind, but you're also free to just sit back and enjoy the show. So without further ado...

Chapter 1: "Sortie! Simurgh"



It is now nearly two centuries since humanity's overflowing population began emigrating to space. Several hundred enormous space colonies are in orbit around the Earth, their artificial earth the people's new home away from home. This age sees nearly 80% of the total population living in space...

However, those that remain upon the Earth include government officials and members of the privileged classes, and even in such an age they believe they have the right to regulate space. The difference in opinions between these elites on the surface and the immigrants in space gave rise to a host of conflicts, and the Federal Government began oppressing the colonies.

In January of AC 191...

The furthest group of colonies from the Earth, Side 3, naming themselves the Principality of Zeon, declared independence from the Federation. The war lasted over half a year and caused the deaths of half humanity's population, an unprecedented disaster in the history of mankind.

The war ended in favor of the federation, who possessed superior national power, and the Zabi family's dictatorship of Zeon fell. But... this was nothing more than the prelude to mankind's hardships.

In September of AC 191...

Humanity became subject to a dreadful menace the likes of which had never before been imagined. Invaders from outer space, the Muge Zolbados Empire, made their appearance. Everyone was exhausted from Zeon's war for independence, and the victorious Federal Government, plagued with corruption, was still getting drunk on celebratory wine rather than having begun the process of postwar reconstruction.

Before the overwhelming might of the Muge Zolbados Empire's forces, the Federation was unable to mount a meaningful counterattack and was swiftly defeated. With attacks from satellites in orbit scorching 70% of the Earth's cities with hellfire, the Earth Federation finally unconditionally surrendered.

With that, the Earth Sphere was rendered an occupied territory of an alien empire.

And finally December arrived for AC 191.

For those who still remained after what has come to be called the One Year War, there was nothing left but bloody purges and fierce oppression by the Empire. Its rule was enforced by fear. Between the Empire's system of governance, and the emergence of inhuman races that had been lying dormant, people dreaded for the future.

Since then, three years have passed and once again, throughout the world, pockets of resistance against the Empire have begun to show their faces.

It is AC 195...
The Earth's future is as yet still shrouded in darkness.

(Here we select our protagonist from a pool of four options. We're going with Manami Hamill, and her rival, Aisha Ridgemond for this run.)

The world of AC 195...

The girl found it unforgivable. She always found herself thinking such.

Located in the heart of Europe, the Romfeller Foundation was the primary organization of the privileged class. And under the boot of the Muge Zolbados Empire's oppression, members of the Foundation sought to curry favor with it in an attempt to maintain their way of life. The girl was the present head of one such distinguished family comprising the Foundation.

However, the only reason she could stomach such disgrace, was to be able to provide information about the Empire and the Foundation to guerrilla forces who would oppose them.

But even with that goal in mind, she could not control her irritation at being unable to do more than simply watch the Empire's cruel conduct. She couldn't forgive the Empire, nor could she forgive the Foundation of which she was a part.

However one day...
The piece of news the girl had been intently waiting for arrived. It invited her into the battle, to toll the bell of fate.

<Our map cursor zooms in on a location in central Europe>

Lawrence has the following appearance:

Lawrence: Milady, the tea is ready. Today's offering is a Russian tea, where would you like to take it?
Manami: ...Lawrence, I could not care less about the tea, just how long am I to be kept waiting?! While we sit here like this, the people continue to suffer inhumane acts, dying with curses on their lips!
L: Milady, our course of action is pivotal for the anti-Empire forces. Due to Milady's position as a member of the Romfeller Foundation, we have access to information that others do not.
M: I have heard you say that so often it is enough to make one sick. So let me change my question, just how long do I have to silently sit and watch the Empire's evil deeds?! If only Simurgh, left to me by Grandfather, were complete... Lawrence, did you possibly...
L: Possibly what, Milady?
M: Did you do something to it in the name of keeping me safe?
L: Oh Heavens no. But so long as no word comes from that person, we remain unable to act. So please, at least for now, try to be a little patient.
M: ...Haaa, all right then... Lawrence,
L: Yes?
M: Bring the tea to me here.
L: Right away, Milady.

<the screen fades to black, then refocuses on the same location>
Banjo has the following appearance (and a greyed out silhouette when named as ???):

L: Hello...
??? (Banjo): Hey, you sound like you're doing well, Lawrence.
L: My my my, it has been some time. If you are contacting us on this line, perhaps...
???: Yup, it's just about time for us to make a move. Is Manami there?
L: Please hold a moment.
<Door noises>
M: Apologies for the delay, this is Manami. Dear Banjo, surely you are aware I have been anxiously awaiting your call?
Banjo: Forgive me, for a long time now I've been dealing with some troublesome business, sorry about that.
M: Then...
B: Yup, on our end the preparations have finally finished. Looks like Simurgh's adjustments have been completed.
M: Truly!? In that case, we are finally ready to get started, yes?
B: That's right. If things are good on your end, come on over. I'll put you in touch with Garrison for the details. I have to get ahold of one more person, myself.
M: Whom might that be?
B: Like you, she's someone who's been investigating the Empire's movements. And also like you, she is none other than the daughter of the Romfeller Foundation's Reflann Dukedom.
M: The Reflann Dukedom... that would be Lady Simone, yes? Come to think of it, I have heard that she had fought against the Empire three years back.
B: Just so. Well then, until later

<Fade to black, then reappear with the map centered on Sardinia, in the Mediterranean)

M: Banjo!
B: Yo, right on time. Simone's running a little late, so we might as well go take a look at it. This way.
<walking noises>
<door noises>
M: Ah...!
B: What do you think?
M: This is... this is my Simurgh?!
L: Mmm, you've certainly lived up to expectations.
B: Nah, nah, it's only because the designs were perfect. Without them it would've been impossible to come this far from scratch. But, there was a part of the plans where there was this joint on the back meant for attaching something like a booster. We ended up having to change things and leave that out.

Garrison has the following appearance:

Garrison: What's this? My oh my, everyone is all assembled. I must ask you to wait just a little more as I apply the finishing touches.
M: ...??
B: Hahaha, it's like his hobby, he's going to apply a coat of wax to Simurgh.
M: Just what is that?!
G: It seems the Empire's forces are approaching.
M: What's that you say?!
L: Hmm, I shall go take a look around.

<fade to black, reappear at the same location>

L: As surmised, it does appear to be the Empire.
B: Just what have they come here for? I can't imagine they spotted us...
L: It seems they're indiscriminately attacking civilians.
B: What!? ...I see, I have heard those kinds of things have been happening lately.
G: A moment please... It is true that the Empire has been engaging in guerrilla hunts, and this seems to be one such operation.
M: How deplorable! So you say they are attacking unrelated children and elderly!? Unforgivable... this is absolutely unforgivable!
<running sounds>
L: Milady!?
M: What are you doing, Lawrence! Prepare the Simurgh for takeoff!!
L: Milady! You cannot mean to suddenly engage in live combat!?
M: I most certainly do. Now, hurry up!

<transition from story mode to map mode>

"Sortie! Simurgh"
(and here's a view of the full map)

<enemy units appear>
<allied unit appears>

M: This is amazing... This is, Grandfather's Simurgh...
B: Good grief, this young lady sure is decisive. Garrison, I'm headed out too. I'll leave the rest to you.
G: Take care, sir.
B: Daitarn, Come Here!
<allied unit appears>
B: For the world, for the people, to crush the Muge Zolbados Empire's ambitions, it's Daitarn 3. If you don't fear the shining of the sun, then come on and fight!
M: Oh my!? What a splendid pronouncement, I shall have to think up something similar for myself.
M: What do you think, Lawrence?
L: Milady, those thoughts must wait! The enemy are coming!
M: ...I understand.

Here's a quick look at our protagonist's mech and its array of attacks.

And Banjo in the Daitarn3, of course.

Turn 1:
Nothing to do but to move forward and position to engage. I transformed Daitarn to jet form for a little extra movement. I don't want to kill with him at this point anyway, so its lack of some heavier attack options is not a concern right now.

Our first look at one of the enemy machines,
And the アッシャークルー attack, which I'm not sure exactly what the naming sense was going for. The most direct phonetic reading comes out looking like Usher Crew, which seems nonsensical, however I think something like a slurred together pronunciation of "Ash Circle" fits better, given that the machine is firing rings here.

Turn 2:
It's hard to see here, but for her Ultimate Beam attack, after sprouting what appear to be wings of light, the mech shoots out a series of crystalline spikes that impale the target. Not exactly a beam, but who's keeping score?
Meanwhile Daitarn continues to soften while taking almost no damage.
Here's where we end things after our continued advance.

After killing enough enemies during the enemy phase, Simone arrives.

Simone: That is... Wait a minute, Banjo. Just what caused a battle to break out here?!
B: How can you suddenly say that when you've shown up late? I'll explain things later, okay. More importantly, did you bring the Doll? It'd be great if you could help out.
S: Ahh, well, you say that but... actually I'm being chased as well.
M: What do you mean, Lady Simone?
S: Oh, I thought I saw a robot I didn't recognize, is that you? To tell the truth, one of my contacts was busted and the fact that I've been leaking info came to light. Since we'd made plans to meet here, the timing wasn't as bad as it could have been, but that's why I'm being chased.
G: I have confirmed that. There is an Empire squadron closing in. Not long till contact.
B: Good grief, escorting you noble ladies sure ain't simple.
<ally unit appears>

Kill a couple more units and her pursuers also arrive ready to act, still on the same enemy phase.

<enemy units appear>
M: They are here! They just keep on coming!!

A shot of Simone in action, and then finally we get to our turn again.

Turn 3:
Her stats after having wiped out the whole squad chasing her.
Just these few enemies in the north. The Mazinger series enemies have more bulk to them, but we're making good progress.

In fact, a hit with Manami's finisher, Destruction Boomerang takes one out after the softening it previously received from Daitarn.

Here's where we arrive at at the end of our phase.

Turn 4:
While I'd retreated Simone in the hopes that the enemy would swarm our MC, this one diverted southwards, so I had to about face and rush to meet it in order to clear this turn.
I didn't screencap them, but I did make sure Manami used both her casts of Luck to get us some increased income, and when we end things here everything wraps up on the enemy phase.
There was an enemy close enough and weak enough to get a nice look at her basic attack, the Lightning Sword.

<enemies routed: victory achieved>
M: Haa...
L: It seems it is finally over.
M: That it does.
B: Good work out there. You're not hurt are you, ladies?
M: No, things are fine on my end.
S: I haven't been run this ragged in a while, but no problems here.
B: Well that's good. Garrison, get us ready to move out, we can't afford to stick around and get discovered by the enemy.
G: Certainly, sir, preparations are already underway.

<transition from map mode to story mode>
<cursor moves to mainland Italy>
B: All right, now what happened again?
S: They've really started up in earnest. Rather than the security forces they used to use to quell dissent, they seem to be organizing actual units to combat the resistance. Not only that, but the Specials who've earned distinction from their guerrilla hunts here have been granted expanded authority.
L: Hmm, when you refer to the Specials, you mean the corps of earthlings who have been organized by the Romfeller Foundation I assume.
M: Unforgivable. Romfeller and the Specials, acting cruelly toward their fellow man for the sake of preserving their own interests, I cannot forgive it.
S: In the end, there are three kinds of humans under the Empire's rule: those who meekly follow the Empire in order to survive, those who collaborate with the Empire, and those who oppose it. Truly unpleasant times, these are.
M: Lady Simone...
S: Let's drop the "Lady", shall we? It never suited me anyway, and we're both nothing more than resistance fighters.
B: But if the Imperial Army keeps on sending out troops like this, from here on out things are gonna get pretty rough... Well, for now let's just hurry up. What we need to do now is hurry up and gather as much fighting force as we can.
M: And where should we go to do that?
B: For now let's carry on with our plan to met with the researcher from Karaba who's agreed to support us.
S: Karaba... that's the anti-Empire group you guys have organized, so they do research too?
G: Scientists, particularly those connected to military affairs, or those studying matters related to energy applications, are quick to draw the Empire's notice. Not only that, but prior to start of the Muge Zolbados Empire's occupation, we assisted more than half the engineering staff from the old Federation in scattering to various research institutions across Japan.
S: I see, so that's how they were able to create an Earth-made SPT like the Doll, huh?
B: You got it.
M: So then which institution is it that holds the person we are going to meet?
B: That would be the Photonic Power Energy Lab.
S: (Eiji... Everyone... Did you manage to survive...)


And that brings us to the intermission menu where we save and prepare to face the next chapter. Below is a chart that I use to keep track of my units and their loadouts. It's not perfect, especially in these old games where each weapon upgrades individually, but for a general purpose template it serves fine enough. Hopefully the forum software doesn't muck up the display too much...

Finish 1
Char           Lv   XP Kill  Mel/Sht/Eva/Hit/Rct/Skl  HP/EN/Mo/Ar/Lm/Wn    Skills                                                Parts
Banjo           5   10    0  150/126/108/108/092/124  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL4   | SwordL4    | PrevailL4  |             ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Simone          3  120    6  112/114/122/113/090/096  03/03/03/03/03/03               |            |            |             ||            |            |            |------------|||
Manami|Simurgh  3  116   11  149/130/102/101/099/102  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |             ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Lawrence        3  116    0  ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--               |            |            |             ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||



Edited by Balcerzak
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Chapter 2: "Angry Kouji, Demon God rises!"


First things first.
While I know the OG machine will get an upgrade, and there will be a new finisher, this will still be a strong attack for it, and upgrading Manami will pay for itself many times over, with expanding damage thresholds for securing Bless kills on bosses, etc. Rarely is investing in the MC a poor choice, so I make it a personal policy to give them a lot of love. We can only afford two ticks currently, but it's a start.


<map cursor moves from the Italian mainland to the Middle East>
Banjo: Saying that the cause was the Principality of Zeon's war for independence is certainly correct. The Earth Federation Army won that war, but it left most of the colonies destroyed, and the Earth was greatly damaged, with a sharp drop in its population. The systems themselves that were in place to run the Earth Sphere ended up failing.
Simone: That's right. If it weren't for that, the Earth Federation Army might still be continuing the fight against the Muge Zolbados Empire.
Banjo: Yeah. But the reality is, in many meanings of the word, the Earth Sphere had become exhausted.
Manami: And when the Empire's invasion arrived, the earth fell under occupation in the blink of an eye. At that time I had not yet realized just how dire the situation was. Nobody, not even Lawrence, had explained it to me.
Banjo: Well, that's unavoidable. You weren't in the position to deal with such complicated matters. By the time you got the notice about your parents' deaths, the Romfeller Foundation and the Imperial Army had already begun collaborating, right?
Manami: Even so, you all have been fighting since around that time, no?
Simone: Maybe it was just bad luck? I was at the research institute on Mars where the first earthlings were attacked by the Empire. It was wiped out. It's a wonder I'm even here today.
Banjo: Mars, huh...
Manami: What are you thinking about?
Banjo: Ah, it's nothing.
Garrison: Master Banjo, terribly sorry to disturb you in the middle of your conversation, but an urgent communique has arrived from the two individuals we are making our way towards.
Banjo: An urgent message? By all means, what did they say?
Garrison: Umm yes, well it seems our rendezvous point has been attacked by the Imperial Army. At any rate, they appeared to be in quite a state of panic and I was unable to get detailed confirmation of the situation.
Banjo: Come again?! All right, let's make haste. Garrison, I'm sorry but could you somehow get in contact with Professor Yumi?
Garrison: Understood, sir.
<cursor moves southeast down the Arabian Peninsula>
Banjo: Over there? Everyone, let's go!
Manami: Agreed!


<transition to battle map>
"Angry Kouji, Demon God rises!"
And here's the full map for your viewing pleasure.

<ally unit appears>
<enemy units appear>

Kouji: Dammit! Like hell I'm gonna die in a place like this without clearing up Gramps's regret!!
Great Marshall of Hell: Fuhahaha, accept it! Curses be upon Kabuto Juzo for creating such a robot, but with the likes of you piloting it, it will fall helplessly before my forces!
Kouji: Say what!
Great Marshall of Hell: Though you try to hide it, I know. You simply pilot the robot, so once I defeat you, I can take it as my own. Go!
Kouji: C-Crap...
<allied units appear>
Manami: That is far enough! I will not allow you to go any further!
Great Marshall of Hell: What!? Grrr, Anti-Empire Guerrillas, huh?
Banjo: That is... It can't be, Mazinger Z? Who's piloting it?
Kouji: What, who are you! More enemies crawling out of the woodwork!?
Banjo: I'm Haran Banjo from Karaba. And that's Professor Kabuto Juzo's Mazinger Z, right? Who are you? Where's Professor Kabuto?
Kouji: Can you not just keep piling it on like that? My head, it's all getting mixed up. Karaba was, a name I've heard from Gramps. For now that means you're not my enemies, right?
Banjo: Right.
Kouji: This guy is definitely Mazinger Z. I'm Kabuto Kouji. Kabuto Juzo was, Gramps was, killed by those bastards!
Banjo: What!? ...is that so, I understand. We'll continue the conversation after defeating them. Are you up to it, Kouji-kun?
Kouji: Thanks, with some backup I'll see if I can pull it off. Just wait and see, you monsters, I'll avenge Gramps!
Simone: Let's go too, Manami.
Manami: Indeed, we cannot let the Imperial Army do as they please.
Great Marshall of Hell: Grrr, pesky guerrillas, prattling on and on. Go, my combat beasts! Slaughter them all!

<map begins>
Here's a quick look at Kouji. 4 Movement hurts my soul a lot, but it's sure to get upgraded later so I'll bear with it. Mazinger is a staple and generally solid and serviceable.
Simone has the Scan spirit, and since the guides have told me the boss has a retreat threshold I want to scope it out to make sure I can plan things accordingly.
30% of 20k is 6k, and his Skill is abysmal so he'll be easy to crit. I can work with this.

Turn 1:
No combat, just advancing. While Kouji did start surrounded, the AI has all the Empire machines dash toward the group on the right, and the Mazinger enemies will start moving that direction after a couple of turns as well. 

Turn 2:
Due to how I spread things out last turn I was able to funnel two kills to Manami for Will. Daitarn actually took one as well. By the time I reach the end of the map it looks like he possibly didn't need it, but even if it wasn't required for hitting his finisher's threshold, it's still added damage and I didn't want to hassle with the retreat cutoff so I didn't go back and change things.

I move Kouji onto the light woods between the enemies and start using Rocket Punch. He has many turns to connect with his low accuracy, so it's not a pressing concern trying to make sure they happen right away. I do need to save his EN to Breast Fire the Dante later, so I'm not using any yet.

After testing the AI, I found it was safe to advance Simone since Daitarn is getting targetted anyway, but I do keep her out of range of the top enemy so Manami can build more Will by getting hit, and do more damange on the counter.

Turn 3: 
The Mazinger enemies have started advancing, so Kouji needs to move to get out of its range so it will continue to come closer.
Simone takes the kill Banjo softened for her, while you can see Manami just continues to beeline to the west. Simone won't draw fire from the top enemies here, so the positioning is perfect.

Daitarn switches out of Jet form and starts to work on the Zugar. I've had him cast Spirit for even more Will.

Some nice damage from Manami here on EP, we take that. She also kills the already wounded one.

Banjo lines up for another nice chunk damage here as well.

Turn 4:
With the Dante finally close enough we give it a blast of Breast Fire to the face.
It fires back with some lightning, but Kouji can take hits like a champ so I'm not worried.

Banjo dishes up one more softener,

Then Manami swoops in to cast her first Luck, as this is the 2nd most expensive enemy on the field.

It eats a crit and pays out.

Enemy phase sees another trading of blows between the Mazinger and the Dante, Simone finishing the final northern enemy, and the Grand Marshall of Hell finally making his move and approaching.

Turn 5:
I don't use Kouji's healing spirit here, as he has Prevail (though I haven't checked its activation thresholds here and it's probably not turned on yet), but I do cast Guard just to be safe. This makes him take 10s and I have a small chuckle. He can't quite seal the deal here, but a stiff breeze will be enough to finish it on the EP.

After moving Simone into position to counter the final Muge enemy, Banjo comes in to use Daitarn's Sun Attack.
This is always a treat, and looks even better when killing an enemy.
A crit here doesn't push the boss too low, but does leave it within killing range of a Manami crit.
I set her up, and knock him down.

Kouji would have had a dialogue with the boss if I'd been in position to have him engage, but due to how things played out, I didn't. Here's what it would have been:

Kouji: Prepare yourself, asshole!
Great Marshall of Hell: Impertinent brat! Rather than avenge your grandfather, I'll send you to join him!

The boss has a retreat threshold of 30%, with slightly different dialogue if he gets away (just adds an "I'll remember this!" basically).

Great Marshall of Hell: Curse you, Mazinger Z, curse you, guerrillaaaas!!

Great returns, with a lot of cash, her first level of Prevail, and a Hybrid Armor part.

Everything's over but the crying of the enemies.

<enemy routed, victory condition achieved>
<transition from battle map to story map>
Manami: Mazinger Z is pretty amazing.
Simone: You're right about that, I wouldn't want to have it for an enemy.
Kouji: Oh c'mon, no need for you to butter me up.
Banjo: Kouji-kun, we'll be heading out soon, but are you all right?
Kouji: Yeah, I'm fine like always.
Banjo: Great, then everyone let's take off.

<screen fades to black, then fades back in, same location>

Kouji: So then when Gramps went to go see who had called for him, he was attacked by those bastards.
Banjo: So that's what happened... I'm sorry. If only we'd been able to get here a little sooner.
Kouji: Well, there's no helping it. Not like it's your fault.
Banjo: I'm relieved you're so understanding. Anyway, continue on.
Kouji: Right, when I entered the ruins of the underground lab, Gramps was there, and so was that robot, Mazinger Z. Gramps told me to pilot it, told me "Kouji, so long as you have Mazinger Z, you'll be able to become a god or a demon. The Empire is trying to make the earth into a world for demons, are you just going to stand by and watch?"
Banjo: And then you got into Mazinger Z, huh? Still, it's a shame to have lost the professor. He was a talented man.
Garrison: Master Banjo, I have made contact with Professor Yumi. In order to provide training on how to handle Mazinger Z he is sending one robot and one pilot to our location.
Banjo: That's good news.
Manami: What sort of research does this Professor Yumi do?
Banjo: Previously he was an assistant to Professor Kabuto. Prior to the Empire's invasion he was entrusted with the research into Photonic Power. He's definitely someone we need to protect.
<running sounds>
Beauty: Banjo! You wrapped that up surprisingly fast.
Banjo: Beauty, Reika. Where have you two been?
Reika: We didn't want to get in the way, so we took shelter.
Banjo: Let me introduce you to everyone. These are my assistants, Beauty and Reika.
Beauty: Oh dear, forgive my rudeness. Simone and Manami, right? I'm Beautiful Tachibana, but please call me Beauty. This is quite the wild bunch, isn't it?
Reika: And I'm Sanjou Reika, pleased to meet you.
Simone: Likewise, I look forward to working with you.
Kouji: (Oh man, nothing but babes, this is gonna be great, heh heh.)
Manami: Something the matter, Kouji?
Kouji: ...Huh? Ah, no, it's nothing, yeah.
Banjo: What's the word from the facility, Garrison?
Garrison: Yes, after having made contact, there should be no problems expected at this time, sir.
Manami: Where are headed next?
Banjo: One of Karaba's secret establishments. We need to stop by for supplies.
Lawrence: Hmm, it would be splendid if they had some fresh black tea there as well.

And back to the intermission menu.

Finish 2
Char           Lv   XP Kill  Mel/Sht/Eva/Hit/Rct/Skl  HP/EN/Mo/Ar/Lm/Wn    Skills                                                Parts
Banjo           5   92    1  150/126/108/108/092/124  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL4   | SwordL4    | PrevailL4  |             ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Simone          3  380    9  112/114/122/113/090/096  03/03/03/03/03/03               |            |            |             ||            |            |            |------------|||
Manami          5   52   16  151/132/106/105/101/104  00/00/00/00/00/02    PrevailL1  |            |            |             ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Lawrence        5   52    0  ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--               |            |            |             ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Kouji           3  376    2  140/117/099/099/088/099  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL3  |            |            |             ||            |            |------------|------------|||

Total Cash:  34500
Total Turns: 9



Edited by Balcerzak
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Chapter 3: "Mycenae and Hyakki"


We were so close to another pip, but have to stop short.
Instead we pump EN considerably, for more time in the fight.
And we equip our Hybrid Armor to make the Simurgh a bit tankier. I'll only show what each part does the once, and then just note any part rearrangements in my little code box at the end of posts to avoid too much bloat, because I do tend to change them frequently, depending on needs and circumstances.

That takes care of our intermission business this time.


<cursor moves northwest, toward Egypt's Mediterranean coast>
Guerrilla: Thanks for your hard work. If you'd just bring the mechs all around to the storehouse, we can service them there.
Banjo: Thanks. How're things going on Alan's end?
Guerrilla: When I asked him, he said that the projects were proceeding at a good pace.
Banjo: Aha, well I guess for the moment then it's just wait and see, huh... All right guys, this is Karaba's facility, it's not the prettiest, but for the moment we'll be resting here.
Manami: Very well, I shall take advantage of the opportunity. Would there be a shower I can use?
Guerrilla: Of course, let me show you the way.
Manami: Thank you, that would be a great help.
Simone: Ah, hold up a sec, I could go for one as well.
<door noises>
Lawrence: Hmm, well then, I shall go and prepare the tea.
Banjo: Make some for all of us, if you would?
Lawrence: Certainly, sir.
Beauty: Haha, I'll leave you to it. Then, I suppose that means I should work on the teacakes.
Garrison: I will go assist with maintenance. Ah, hey now, you, the mechanic over there, don't go handling it like that, you'll leave a scratch...


<screen fades to black, fades back in over on the Arabian Peninsula where we were last map>
Great General of Darkness: We've discovered where they're hiding. This time I'll be the one to lead the troops. Though we Mycenaeans submitted to the Empire, it was merely to further our efforts toward ruling the world. We cannot afford to suffer further disgrace.

<map fades out, then fades back in on the same location>
Professor Graw: Great Emperor Brai, we've picked up on the Mycenaean movements.
Brai the Great: Oh? Speak.
Professor Graw: Sire, it seems they are leading a raid on the base of a group of humans calling themselves "Karaba" who stand opposed to the Empire.
Brai the Great: What, assaulting Karaba, you say? Hmm... I wonder if there's any connection with that energy source.
Professor Graw: Sire, my opinion is that the "Getter Rays" these humans have been researching would be optimal.
Brai the Great: And what they're calling Photonic Power, your thoughts on that?
Professor Graw: While certainly useful, the Getter Rays are more suited towards our purposes.
Brai the Great: I see.
Professor Graw: However due to the Imperial Army's invasion, the researchers have gone into hiding. Reports from our Oni soldiers who have infiltrated the Imperial Army indicate a high possibility that this Karaba is sheltering them.
Brai the Great: Hmm, accursed humans, you've really done it. But if we can get our hands on them, there will be no stopping our schemes.
Professor Graw: Precisely. And while we have already embedded Hyakki troops who've undergone covert reconstructive surgery into the Imperial Army, since we need to supply them with energy on a monthly basis we cannot continue to increase their ranks. If we overreach and slip up, even once, the Empire will find out and destroy us.
Brai the Great: I understand. Curse the Empire, for belittling us Hyakki. Professor Graw, we cannot rule out the possibility there is something related to that device in the human base the Mycenaeans are headed towards. Take some troops and investigate.
Professor Graw: It shall be done!
Brai the Great: If we can secure an energy source, we Hyakki, the most capable beings in the universe, shall expel the Empire and replace those incompetent humans in ruling the world. We will do whatever it takes...

<screen fades out, fades back in on Egypt's Mediterranean coast>
Kouji: Say what?! You're telling me you are the one who came to teach me how to pilot?
Sayaka: That's right. Since my father told me to, I had no choice but to come, so please make sure to pay attention.
Kouji: What a joke, getting taught by a woman.
Sayaka: Geez, just what are you saying! You can't even pilot well and have the nerve to speak like that? While it hasn't been that long, I've been piloting a similar type of robot and am much more skilled than you.
Kouji: I'll show you that I can get the hang of things real quick. I've already been in a battle. I don't need you to teach me nothin'.
Sayaka: We don't have time for you to get the hang of things, Kouji-kun. That's why I'm here, so stop dallying and come with me. And my name is Sayaka, make sure to use it.
Kouji: Tch. (She's not cute at all. I wish I could make her take some lessons from those other ladies.)
Sayaka: What? Did you say something?
Kouji: Nooope, didn't say a thing.

<transition to battle map>
"Mycenae and Hyakki"
(and the full map, as is custom)

<allies appear>
<Kouji moves from side to side>

Sayaka: There you go. Look at you, already getting a lot better.
Kouji: ... (Just you wait, before you know it I'll be so good it'll leave you speechless.)
Sayaka: What are you muttering about over there? Come one, another three reps. Let's go, let's go!
<Kouji moves from side to side>
<alarm sounds>

Banjo: What's that!?
Garrison: It seems the Imperial Army is approaching. After analyzing the route they are taking, they are most likely headed for this location.
Manami: They found us out!?
Simone: It seems that way. Certainly looks like it's true, that story about the Imperial Army ramping up their guerrilla hunts. In the past they wouldn't have chased after us this hard.
Banjo: Now that it's come to this, there's no use continuing to try and hide. Let's fight them off.
Manami: Understood. Lawrence! You can take care of cleaning up the tea later, we need to hurry!
Lawrence: Yes, at once, Milady!
<walking noises>
Banjo: Reika, tell the other two to come along and meet the enemy.
Reika: Got it.

Kouji: Sayaka, did you hear that? The Imperial Army is coming, you should pack it up and head inside.
Sayaka: Not gonna. Even this Aphrodite A is plenty useful!
Kouji: Suit yourself! But don't come crying to me for help.
Sayaka: Fine by me! I'm a proper member of Karaba myself, I'll have you know!

<enemy units appear>

Kouji: They're already here, huh. Very well, come and get some!

<ally units appear>

Manami: Kouji, no need to try to do everything yourself. We are all in this together.
Great General of Darkness: So you've come out of your holes, resistance scum. Time to mop you all up!

<battle starts>
Turn 1:
I discover that while I wasn't looking, my sub-pilot learned Accel. Perhaps the after action report only notifies me of changes to the main pilot's skills/spirits? Or perhaps I just missed it. Either way, this is a cause for much rejoicing.
Manami goes south to take out the three small craft, while Simone and Banjo head east to the other three enemies. If it looks like I'm just stuffing Kouji and Sayaka aside, well, I kind of am. At 4 move apiece there's no chance they'll be able to contribute to the southern front. I did do a test run to scope out the stats of the Hyakki though and take care of some prep work, so I know where reinforcements will come, and they're positioned close but not too close.

I do rather enjoy this animation.

Turn 2:
Banjo and Simone continue to advance,
While Manami does an about face. She's gained 18 Will already and I'm going to need her up top, as Kouji and Sayaka can't handle it alone. Splitting fronts also just feels better than lugging around my whole force to each individual threat, so this is the sort of thing you can expect to see from me time and again.

Simone's odds to avoid getting hit are actually pretty good, and these aren't particularly strong enemies, so even if she does it'll take a solid 4 or so to knock her out of the fight.

Turn 3: 
Some of the Mazinger enemies have begun to move.
Simone takes out this enemy,
Which ends up spawning the reinforcements. Looks like the trigger was 5 or less remaining. Like I said, Kouji and Sayaka are close, but not too close. If they'd spawned on the EP I didn't want them to get swarmed.

<enemies appear>
Great General of Darkness: Grr, what business have the Hyakki come here for?
Professor Graw: What, we're both serving under the same Empire aren't we? We've both been given the same mission of wiping out the Resistance, haven't we?
Great General of Darkness: I don't know what you're scheming, but fine. That said it's important that you remember that I did not ask for your help.
Professor Graw: We can agree on that.
Manami: Reinforcements!? Very well, bring as many as you wish!

Manami, however, I'm fine with rushing in and mixing things up. I need her to get to 150 Will so the Simurgh can deal with this boss's retreat threshold. The only other solution is Daitarn, but since the other boss also retreats and he can't be in both places...
Speaking of, there's still quite some distance yet to travel down south.
Simone's still gone hitless, I'm a little amazed.
Okay, so I only include this as a way to illustrate a point. I've been keeping a record of which unit types reward how much cash and how much experience, to help me plan things out. Yes, I can hear the chorus of teasing voices shouting "NERD", but that's just how I roll. Ordinarily this kill would have resulted in 500 money and 80 xp. The 40xp is expected, since Manami has outlevelled the enemy pilot by now and the XP formulas are well and properly understood, but the boost to money gain is new. Seems 64 was the first to implement the extra cash associated with "Ace bonus", though as I've read up on it it's not just a static 1.2 or something like it is sometimes in other places. Here, for every 20 kills a pilot has acquired, they get a cumulative 10% bonus, that also stacks with Luck. This was my first example of noticing it and catching it in a screenshot.
I've been neglectful, and not showing any images of Daitarn in combat for a while, so here's one as a treat.

Turn 4:
Thinned out the reinforcements nicely, and Manami is nearly to the Will cap.
Now that Simone is free to cast Scan, we take a peek at Professor Graw. The Combined Hyakki Robo has way more Armor than the Mikelos that Hell and Darkness have been piloting (and it's also worth more money). The retreat thresholds are also higher this map, 40%s instead of 30%, so things are pretty tight, even after investing 3 ticks.
I have enough EN to spend one Sun Attack on someone other than Great General of Darkness, so might as well spend it now.
Simone scoots a little closer, trying to get better use of returns on XP than Banjo would, while also allowing him to keep pushing forward.
We do a hefty chunk of Tekkouki's health here.
And I cautiously bring Sayaka and Kouji closer as well. It turns out I don't actually need to have them side-by-side yet, as they don't have the Lover bonus active yet, but I hadn't crunched the numbers into the damage formula to confirm it at this time. I've read conflicting reports on when it first turns on, so I'll keep you updated when I learn the truth. (Also apparently there is flexibility on the distance required in this game as well, another thing I've read.)
Sayaka doesn't do a lot here, but I have time, and I have a purpose. Trust in the plan!

Turn 5:
Manami takes a Luck kill on the Bouryuuki and levels up. Nice!
Breast Fire is a powerful weapon, if it connects.
I apparently forgot to take a screenshot of Banjo moving just to the edge of the range where Darkness will come and attack him, so just pretend with me here for a moment before I end turn. I can't really advance with Sayaka as I don't want her within Graw's 6 tile missile range, and if I attack with her now it's pointless, so she just waits.
Her accuracy definitely needs some work, I was lucky last phase, but had to reload a few times this phase, and some of my screenshots are from different takes, so if you notice that Muge enemy disappearing or reappearing, please do not pay attention to it. 
And a Sun Attack to the southern boss.

Turn 6:
Sayaka also has Luck. It's quite difficult to use in the Aphrodite, but they hadn't invented the Bless spirit yet. 
Doing damage in the right increments to play Price is Right with retreat thresholds is a tricky business, and even a small mistake (like forgetting to increment the boss's Will in your calculations as you go down the chain) can have a big impact. It took some doing, but I found a solution to this puzzle that wasn't too outlandish.
Down south, a Valor will easily cover the missing damage Banjo lacked with the first Sun Attack.
Great General of Darkness: Curses, I've made a mistake. It won't happen again next time.

A Booster! Now we're cooking with gas.

Simone finally took some punishment over the previous phases, but now she's able to clean up the last enemy down here.

A Breast Fire on Enemy Phase:

Turn 7:
I forgot to catch the small chip weapon Kouji used here, but there were several options.
As far as I know this is the only menu where you can actually see kill counts tallied. Unlike in some previous, and subsequent titles, it's not prominently featured on the pilot data page of the stats window. Odd, but at least we don't have to keep track of things by hand.
I think I only had a couple hundred damage of wiggle room, so hopefully the next retreating bosses will be kinder, or at least not on opposite ends of the map. Thankfully my crit chances are still something like 25%, but I do fear when actual pilots with real stats fight me in dangerous machines, instead of just these weak tacticians in battleship class units.
Professor Graw: Grah, I can no longer investigate Karaba like this!

I do this more for the money than the Chobham Armor, to be honest. And for the sake of completionism, feeling victorious, and just other rewarding feelings like that. Call me crazy if you must.

<enemy routed, victory achieved>
<transfer from battle map to story map>
Kouji: Heheh, how'd ya like that, were you watching, Sayaka? See how quick I've caught on?
Sayaka: Looks like the way I taught you worked out quite well.
Kouji: ...

<fade to black, fade in same location>

Simone: What do you think, Banjo. Should we move again?
Banjo: No, let's stay here a while longer. Right now I have Garrison and the others looking into things, it'd be better to wait for them to finish up before moving out.
Manami: That does seem wise. I am also concerned about Romfeller and the Specials.
Banjo: So it's settled then.

And that's a wrap for Chapter 03. Until next time!

Finish 3
Char           Lv   XP Kill  Mel/Sht/Eva/Hit/Rct/Skl  HP/EN/Mo/Ar/Lm/Wn    Skills                                                Parts
Manami          7   43   25  153/134/110/109/103/106  00/07/00/00/00/03    PrevailL1  | SwordL1    |            |             || Hybrid     |            |------------|------------|||
Lawrence        7   43    0  ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--               |            |            |             ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Banjo           6  296    3  151/127/110/110/093/125  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL4   | SwordL4    | PrevailL4  |             ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Sayaka|A        5  360    1  129/117/098/098/089/086  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |             ||            |            |            |------------|||
Simone          5  143   14  114/116/126/117/092/098  03/03/03/03/03/03               |            |            |             ||            |            |            |------------|||
Kouji|Z         4  231    4  141/118/101/101/089/100  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL3  |            |            |             ||            |            |            |------------|||

Total Cash:  66300
Total Turns: 16



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Chapter 4: "Elbrus's Fierce Attack"



Perhaps I tipped my hand last map, perhaps not. But this has been a tradition for me in classic, and it's not about to stop now.
Booster is +1 move, and there are arguments for putting it on a far-reaching unit to make them go even farther, but that's not necessary on this map yet, not for these strats. I still don't have a full team, so I need to keep growing all my units and raising the average to keep raising the levels of my enemies.
And for now I have nowhere better to slap the Chobham than to keep pampering Manami. It's not as good as another Hybrid, but it'll do in a pinch. Not that either are really needed for this stage.



<cursor on Egypt's Mediterranean coast>
Banjo: That reminds me, Lawrence, we were talking earlier about that thing that was supposed to be installed on the back of the Simurgh, do you know what happened to the blueprints for that? Our technicians were presuming it to be some kind of booster.
Manami: Oh my, as far as that goes, I had not heard anything. What do you know, Lawrence?
Lawrence: Yes, let me try to remember. If I recall correctly, it was some sort of flight booster capable of independent action.
Mamani: So, something like a jet fighter?
Lawrence: Yes. The master from two generations ago held quite the interest in such things. However what was entrusted to me were only the blueprints for the Simurgh, what became of the ones for the booster I could not fathom to guess.
Manami: What a shame. If we had that, the Simurgh could fly.
<door noises>
Kouji: Hey hey, everyone, Garrison wants us to come see something.
Banjo: Got it, we're on our way.


<fade out, then fade back in>

Garrison: This is imagery captured from a surveillance camera located in the mountains to our south.
Banjo: These are... Specials? Not that many of them are there?
Manami: Specials!?
Garrison: Precisely, however there is one thing that is slightly odd.
Simone: Meaning?
Garrison: Yes, with Lawrence's cooperation and my information network, it should have been possible to detect the movements of Romfeller and the Specials, at least to some extent. However the ones currently approaching this region do not appear to be a regular Specials squad.
Banjo: ...A squad of Specials irregulars... That's definitely a point of concern. The Empire must have already realized our location, but that force is too small for an assault on this facility. So long as we don't know their objective, we shouldn't make any rash moves.
Kouji: It's fine, isn't it? We can just catch one and ask them, I'll head out for a bit and get 'er done.
Simone: Don't, Kouji. Waiting to see how the enemy moves is also one way of fighting.

<fade out, then fade back in>

Beauty: Banjo, the enemy's incursion has reached this area.
Banjo: They're here, huh... Well then, what'll they do? Can you put it on screen?
<monitor noises>
Kouji: What the, there's really this few of them? Surely they've got more hiding somewhere?
Simone: That seems unlikely.
Lawrence: (Hmm... that... could it be...)
Banjo: Well, for now, let's go out and meet them.

<transition to battle map>
"Elbrus's Fierce Attack"
This is the same map as previous chapter, with a different enemy layout.

<enemies appear>
<allies appear>
Lawrence: ...It looks like I was not mistaken, Milady.
Manami: What do you mean?
Lawrence: Do you see that fighter?
<cursor moves to Elbrus>
Lawrence: That is the Elbrus, the craft that was designed alongside the Simurgh.
Manami: Truly, Lawrence?!
Lawrence: My eyes do not deceive me. It it unmistakably the Elbrus.
Manami: But then... just who did Grandfather entrust it to...?
??? (Aisha): As expected, I find you here, Manami. You have led me on quite the search.
Manami: Who are you!?
??? (Aisha): Have you forgotten my voice? It has been three years, I suppose.
Manami: Three years...? It cannot be... Aisha!?
Aisha: It seems you have managed to remember.
Kouji: Hey Pops, who's that? Someone you know?
Lawrence: ...Lady Aisha, of the Ridgemond Viscountcy. Milady Manami's cousin. I see, so that means the blueprints for the Elbrus were sent to the Ridgemond's.
Simone: Ahh, come to think of it, the Hamill family and the Ridgemond family were related by blood... So I wonder if we could get that girl to join our cause?
Banjo: Well from the looks of things, I don't really get that impression. Moreover, there's no doubting that was constructed by the Specials.
Manami: Aisha... just... what are you doing?
Aisha: What am I doing!? I already explained it, did I not? Searching for you.
Manami: Then why? Why are you with the Specials? The traitorous Specials, who calmly hunt down their fellow earthlings!?
Aisha: Traitors, you say? Hearing that said by you is quite the treat. You, who have joined up with the Resistance like this and been causing problems. It is because of you that the Ridgemond family has fallen under suspicion as well! Come back, Manami. It is not too late for me to try to smooth things over.
Manami: Wait, Aisha! You are mistaken, Romfeller is...
Aisha: Silence! If you say that you have no intentions of returning, then on the honor of the Ridgemond family name I will have no choice but to defeat you!
Manami: Why?! At a time like this, why must we earthlings fight amongst ourselves?! The enemy is the Muge Zolbados Empire, is it not!?
Aisha: Romfeller's guidance will lead us to a new age!
Manami: Aisha!
Aisha: Further talk is futile!
<battle start> 

So, here's our first introduction to our feisty rival character. Her mech looks great and I can't wait to staple it to the Simurgh. 

Turn 1:
This is a very simple map, with a lot of weak enemies. The Tragos are the most threatening, by my accounting, but that still isn't saying much. Aisha will retreat at 40%, but her base HP is so low that taking her down isn't a real challenge.

Turn 2:
The top 3 Zaku focused on Banjo, the bottom two came for Simone.
Kouji takes one.
Sayaka takes another.
Banjo flies ahead through the gap created and softens a Tragos.
Not pictured was Simone wounding another Zaku and Manami Accel advancing.

Turn 3:
Sayaka ate a few Zakus, and Simone defended to leave the other to Kouji, who's lower levelled.
This shot is out of order because I forgot to cast Strike on him the first go around, so had to reload. I also repositioned Sayaka and Simone slightly during the redo of the turn, but didn't retake all of the old imagery.
Another kill for Kouji.
Sayaka went in with Luck up.
As did Manami. I really like these wings, just gotta say.
Without having cast Spirit this would have been like 20 damage short of a KO, but it's clean now. I needed to ensure at least one died and this weapon only has 1 ammo, so I made sure to prep.
But then I think on this run this attack crit, mooting my efforts.

Interesting fact. Mr Blade's Library didn't actually have the text for the Banjo vs Aisha fight listed, so I had to capture it myself. I generally rely on his transcripts so I don't have to worry about misreading an unfamiliar kanji here or there, but his logs aren't foolproof, so it's important to pay attention. This also means it's possible that Simone or Kouji might also have dialogue with her, but I didn't find out. I lied, I went in to find this text because I'm only doing one pass on the Manami route, so it was now or never.

<banjo vs aisha>
Banjo: Manami is our precious comrade. Sorry, but we can't let you take her away.
Aisha: Haran Banjo... the man who created the Anti-Empire organization, Karaba. If you think that you can stop me, then go ahead and try!

<simone vs aisha>
Simone: Sorry, but Manami and I aren't concerned with our houses' honor!
Aisha: Reflann Dukedom's Simone Reflann... So you are here too? If you say you plan to get in my way, I will not forgive you!

<kouji vs aisha>
Kouji: Hey hey hey! I don't know about families, or foundations, or whatever, but you can't just keep saying only what you want! No matter how pretty you look, I can't just shut up and let that slide!
Aisha: Be quiet! I will not forgive any more reckless remarks!

Banjo does just about perfectly here. She's still above 50%, so we can probably even fit in another chip next turn.

Turn 4:
Repairing is worth XP in this game, so we'll always take advantage of that when we can.
Since Sayaka is now overlevelled, she chips this down,
For Simone to collect on.
Yup, as expected, we could fit in one more chip.
Just showing proof of turncount.
If I didn't cast Luck earlier I could have used Strike to ensure this, but this is still better than coinflip odds, and battle saves exist. As Manami fights Aisha we get some special dialogue.

<manami vs aisha>
Manami: Aisha!
Aisha: If you will not return, then allow me to take you down here! This is for your own sake!

Things did not go well for Aisha. And we snag a second Booster! Aisha has slightly different lines based on who shoots her down/forces her to retreat. I present the following based on Mr Blade, I didn't confirm the non-Manami shootdown options here. If regular enemies were still around, they would all retreat when Aisha does, so downing her clears the map.

<if shot down by manami>
Aisha: Kh... y-you, would really go so far as to try to kill me!? Even more unforgivable! Remember this well, I will, without a doubt, bring you down!
Manami: Aisha...

<if shot down/retreated by other>
Aisha: Khh... to fall here... Remember this, Manami, sooner or later I will definitely bring you down!

<if manami forces the retreat>
Aisha: Khh... To push me this far... I must retreat! Manami, I will definitely bring you down!
Manami: Wait, Aisha! I...

<transistion from battle map to story map>
Manami: ...Aisha... Why...
Lawrence: Milady...
Kouji: Man, women sure are scary.
Reika: What's that, you want me to scare you even more?
Sayaka: Kouji-kun, what a tasteless comment.
Manami: ...
Kouji: Ah, sorry, I didn't mean it like that...
Manami: It did not bother me, do not be too concerned about it.
Sayaka: Still... she's your cousin, right? Surely you'll be able to get her to understand.
Manami: Yes... I want to believe that too, but...
Lawrence: Milady, I've brought some Jasmine tea, perhaps it will help you settle down a little?
Manami: ...Thank you, Lawrence.

<fade out, then fade back in>

Banjo: What do you think, Simone?
Simone: About Aisha? I only bumped elbows with her a couple of times at parties so I can't really say for sure... but it feels like so long as nothing changes her core values, she'll keep coming for us again and again.
Banjo: I see. But no matter how lovely a lady one is, so long as she's coming as a member of the Specials, the way we deal with her will not change.
Simone: That may be true, but maybe we shouldn't be having Manami deal with her. There's no telling what a girl like that will do when backed into a corner.
Garrison: Master Banjo.
Banjo: What is it?
Garrison: General Igor from the Liberation Front of the Earth has dispatched a messenger with a missive for us.
Banjo: General Igor has? I see, he doesn't know about Alan. However, reaching out to us now... well, when are they expected to arrive?
Garrison: Likely a few days still, I'm afraid.
Banjo: Unfortunate, but I guess we'll have to stay here a little longer.


Finish 4
Char           Lv   XP Kill  Mel/Sht/Eva/Hit/Rct/Skl  HP/EN/Mo/Ar/Lm/Wn    Skills                                                Parts
Manami          7  471   27  153/134/110/109/103/106  00/07/00/00/00/03    PrevailL1  | SwordL1    |            |             || Hybrid     | Chobham    |------------|------------|||
Lawrence        7  471    0  ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--               |            |            |             ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Banjo           7   67    6  152/128/112/112/094/126  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL4   | SwordL4    | PrevailL4  |             ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Sayaka|Z        6  115    5  130/118/100/100/090/087  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |             || Booster    |            |            |------------|||
Simone          5  275   15  114/116/126/117/092/098  03/03/03/03/03/03               |            |            |             ||            |            |            |------------|||
Kouji|A         5   57    6  142/119/103/103/090/101  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL3  |            |            |             ||            |            |            |------------|||

Total Cash:  85160
Total Turns: 20



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Chapter 5: "The Day the Meteor Fell"


Roux: Karaba's Haran Banjo, I presume? I'm Roux Louka from Life.
Banjo: Good work out there. So where's the message from General Igor?
Roux: This, here.
Banjo: Thank you. ...
Kouji: ...um. What's Life?
Simone: You're quite ignorant, aren't you? The Liberation Front of the Earth... abbreviates to LFE, which pronounced as a single word becomes: Life. That's their preferred name for the organization, particularly among their agents in the field.
(The explanation in the original actually called out its name in English, which is always amusing to see.)

Kouji: Tch, I'm not ignorant. I'm not.
Sayaka: It's true, don't try to deny it.
Kouji: Say that again!
Banjo: ...I see. Roux, are you familiar with the contents of the message?
Roux: I am. That's why I was instructed to link up with you here. It's also why I brought my Jegan.
Kouji: So, what did General Whatshisname send you to tell us?
Banjo: After catching wind of the Colonies' Operation M, they reached out to us about a joint investigation, since the Liberation Front doesn't have operatives in this area.
Roux: Operation M refers to a plan being executed by what we consider to be a radical faction from the colonies. Putting it simply, it involves disguising a new weapon as a meteor and dropping it to the earth, presumably with the purpose of causing great destruction.
Banjo: I've heard the Liberation Front also operates in space, but even so that's the extent of the information they were able to get, huh?
Roux: We only have contacts in a small fraction of the colonies. Since the Empire's monitoring is so strict, cross-colony communication is almost non-existent. The group responsible for Operation M is completely separated from our contacts, so that's all we've been able to gather.
Garrison: Well certainly, when thinking ahead toward their future activities, it would be good to determine whether we should consider them as friend or foe.
Manami: When considering how risky a descent they are willing to attempt, surely we should be able to make them our allies.
Simone: While that would be great, the situation in space is even more chaotic than here on earth. There's really nothing we can do but go scope things out.
Banjo: Yeah, that's the plan. Garrison, send General Igor an message indicating our acceptance. Then, let's strengthen our space observation capability for the surrounding area.
Garrison: Understood, sir.
<walking noises>
<door noises>
Banjo: Well then, for now there's nothing to do but wait for the meteor to fall.

<fade out, then fade in>

Garrison: Master Banjo, there has been confirmation of six objects resembling meteorites entering the atmosphere nearly simultaneously.
Banjo: Six of them, huh. All right, where is the nearest one falling, have we confirmed that?
Garrison: Putting it on screen now, sir.
Manami: It is finally time. Just what is being sent down, I wonder?
Simone: No way to know yet. But Banjo, at that distance we won't be able to make it there by the time it hits.
Banjo: Well, it is what it is, we'll just have to hurry and get there as soon as we can.

<cursor moves southwest into the heart of Africa>
"The Day the Meteor Fell"

<allies appear>
Banjo: So this is where it fell. ...it's definitely moved since then.
Roux: Look, there's so many footprints. Must've been mobile suits.
Kouji: What? Then, you're saying they dropped a bunch of mobile suits from the sky?
Sayaka: I think you're wrong. Isn't it more likely that a mobile suit squad came into contact with whatever fell?
Banjo: Seems like it. Since there's no wreckage, I can't imagine it met with enemies and was destroyed. Was it captured, or did it get picked up by comrades...?
<incoming call noises>
Banjo: This is Banjo.
Garrison: It appears that there is fighting at a nearby Empire base. Be careful.
Banjo: Understood. Battle, huh... Right, let's go check it out.

<transfer to battle map 2>
<enemies appear>
<neutrals appear>
Quatre: Throw down your weapons and surrender. I won't go so far as to ask for your lives.
<Aries advances>
Specials: Don't mess with us! Eat this!
<Aries moves adjacent to Quatre>
<Quatre backs up>
<Quatre moves through the Aries>
<Aries destroyed>
Quatre: This is Quatre, your commanding officer's been shot down. We will level this base. ...I say again, surrender...
Rashid: Impressively done, Master Quatre. All right men, don't screw this up!

<allies appear>
Banjo: They're attacking the Empire base...? What Operation M dropped was that Gundam type?
Kouji: What do we do, Banjo?
Rashid: Master Quatre!
Quatre: Crap, reinforcements?!
Banjo: I'm Haran Banjo from Karaba. Are you the one from the colonies? Since you're fighting the Imperial Army I don't want to consider you an enemy, but...
Quatre: (Karaba... If I recall, that is an Earth-based anti-Empire organization. Their target shouldn't be me... but there's too little information to decide they're an ally.) My name is Quatre. Quatre Raberba Winner. It's true I've come from the colonies. However, all that I can say at the moment... is that I am not your enemy. Please do not interfere.
Banjo: Roger that. We won't get in your way. Everyone, let's attack the base.
Manami: Since they are not our enemy at the moment, that will be all we do, huh.
Lawrence: That is the case, Milady.
Roux: Understood, Banjo. I concur with that decision.
Rashid: Is this wise, Master Quatre?
Quatre: Don't worry about it. If this gets us through this with minimal damage, then it's for the best.
<battle starts>
(the full map at the time we take control)

Turn 1:
I put double booster on Simone's Doll, trying vainly to get either the Zaku's or the small Muge aircraft to divert to her instead of the neutrals. Double booster on Manami wouldn't have helped here either, even with her Accel she'd be far behind the backlines. So we end up losing 4 kills that we just can't help, so far as I can figure anyway.


They finish killing the Zakus and start to advance. The Tragos survives this.

Turn 2:
Simone swaps to ground form with her stronger attack and takes up position on decent terrain. Banjo rushes right to try to draw aggro so the neutrals only get one round of attacks instead of two. The rest of the team continues to furiously advance.

Apparently Roux was close enough to draw fire as well.
This neutral gets double-teamed by the other two Tragos and explodes.

Rashid misses and Quatre cannot seal the deal by himself.

Turn 3:
Roux does a good amount of softening here as she finishes the advance.
Allowing Simone to ensure it doesn't get stolen from us.
Banjo and Manami combo in on one of the others.
The Mazinger units advance slowly, still far in the rear.

Roux's shooting stat is stronger, so she can secure this kill, meaning we limited the neutrals kills successfully.

They divert westward, but there's almost nothing left for them. I do have to wonder if I'd had Simone focus on this one that's on regenerating terrain instead of cleaning Roux's, and just relied on it to attack Roux on EP instead if I could have maybe sped things up a bit, but given the position of my army and how things end up playing out anyway I'm not sure it would have mattered.

Turn 4:
Roux falls back to give Kouji someone to heal.
Simone will kill the enemy on its phase, so the rest of the squad spread out to receive the attacks of the incoming reinforcements.

<enemies routed, enemy reinforcements 1>
<enemy units appear>
Rashid: Master Quatre, it seems these are reinforcements, what shall we do?
Quatre: As expected, they're quick to react. Rashid, we'll fall back here. We've already achieved our first objective. Overstaying would be unwise.
Rashid: Understood, Master Quatre.
Quatre: Members of Karaba, it was a pleasure to fight alongside you. At this time we are withdrawing. I pray that when next we meet it shall not be as enemies.
<neutrals withdraw>

Sayaka: Hey, wait a second! Say, should we chase after them?
Manami: No! While the Specials are before us, we shall not retreat. Not ever!
Kouji: What's with you, all of a sudden. What are you saying?
Manami: While the Empire is certainly unforgivable, even more so than them, I cannot forgive the Specials!
Simone: You're right, I feel the same way.
Banjo: Everyone, defeat the enemy reinforcements!
Mash: It looks like several of them are running away.
Ortega: Let 'em run. Our primary role is stamping out the Resistance.
Gaia: You're right about that. We'll attack the remaining Resistance. Ortega, Mash, we've finally got these custom suits. In order to give the mechanics feedback on their ease of use, if we see a chance, let's do the thing.
Mash: Roger that, Gaia. Let's test out these Dreissens and see just how far we can push them.
Ortega: Aye.
Gaia: All right, let's go!

The Black Tristars start rushing at Banjo, which works for me.
They have a combination attack when they're all adjacent, though, which packs quite the punch. I tried to screenshot it in action, but only caught so much.
Honestly, very satisfying to see, even if it packs quite the punch.

Okay, I went back and recorded a video, just for you guys.

Turn 5:
These images were taken from an earlier run, but show the stats of the Dreissen and the three pilots, as well as the strength of their combo attack. Remember when I was talking about fighting actually skilled pilots before? Yeah, this is what I meant. Compare these guys' Skill stat to the earlier bosses, lol.

Anyway, this is what's left after the dust has settled. The Tristars are priority, taking down even one will eliminate their most threatening weapon.
I took this guy out with Roux for extra Will though, as I believe this pushes Manami to 120 for finisher access. However I forgot or changed plans and ended up working on downing one with Banjo and Sayaka first instead.
Without having Strike up as he did on the enemy phase, Banjo loses a bit of consistency.
But nowhere near as bad as Sayaka. I'll need to do something about her accuracy going forward, but I'm not sure what the right solution is and when.
Still, player phase and manageable rates will work for now. A good kill, and at this stage in the game any dropped part is a good dropped part.
Roux still has damage, so we continue to repair.
Manami takes out Mash.
And we huddle together to draw in the rest of the enemies and let the last Tristar live for a little longer.

Turn 6:
That's Ortega done.
Daitarn has enough HP left, so works on wounding enemies.
Kouji gets more heal XP.
Roux and Simone chunk down the other two Aries and now everything is weak enough it'll die to counters on EP.

<enemy routed, victory>
Banjo: Whew... It's over, huh.
Kouji: The enemy base is completely quiet. Do we head home now?
Banjo: Yea... no, wait a minute. It looks like they left something good behind.
Roux: Something good?
Banjo: A Garuda type transport. I was just thinking I'd like to get it secured, and then send Garrison and the others to bring it back later.

<end map 2 and transition to story map>

<fade in with cursor over the UK>

<beam gun noises>

Trowa: Hm? I'm under fire? Since my cover's been blown, might as well go in blazing. The objective was to destroy the spaceport, but now it's time to level everything.

<explosion sounds>

<fade out, fade in with cursor over China>

Specials: Uwaaaah!!

<explosion sounds>

Wufei: My name is Chang Wufei. This battle, is already over!

<explosion sounds>

<fade out, fade in with cursor over Egypt's Mediterranean coast>

Garrison: Gundam types similar to the one we just met have been confirmed in various locations, five of them, all told. We are identifying a broad scope of destructive activity, but due to a Specials attack, one of them fell into the ocean and chances of the pilot's survival seem to be quite low.
Banjo: So that accounts for all objects dropped by Operation M, huh. Not people we want to make enemies of. The one we met was still just a boy, but he was level-headed and composed. If they're down one member, then I wonder about the other three... wait just a second. Garrison, you said there five confirmed landings? What about the final one?
Garrison: Descent of the sixth was confirmed, however after that, no information whatsoever. The Empire does not seem to have located it either.
Banjo: Is that... so... Very interesting... Continue gathering information. After that, get in touch with General Igor, oh and also-
Garrison: Look into the the matter of the Gundam type that fell into the sea, yes sir, very well.
Banjo: You read my mind. I'll leave you to it.

<fade out, fade in with map cursor over Florida>

Relena: You said your name was, Hiiro? What are you doing in a place like this? Tell me. And, who are you?
Hiiro: ...
Relena: What I want to know is, why did I find you collapsed on the beach, wearing what appears to be a pilot suit? Answer me, Hiiro.
Hiiro: Relena Dorian... An A Class citizen. You've dug too deep. I'll kill you.

<gunshot sound>

Hiiro: Kh...
Duo: In a situation like this, no matter how you look at it, you're the bad guy. Are you injured, Miss?
<running footsteps>
Relena: Are you all right, Hiiro? Please, stop this already. Do you have some kind of grudge against him?
Duo: Wh...? Hey hey, just a moment here. How am I the bad guy here?
<sound of an impact>
Hiiro: Hm...? (That's my Gundam... Did he drag it out of the ocean?)
Relena: Huh... what...?
Duo: Oops, can't let you see that. Miss, looks like there's some special circumstances here, but the sooner you leave, the better. Even though you're a well dressed A Class citizen in this day and age, I can't bear to see a young lady get killed.
<running noises>
Relena: Hiiro!?
Duo: You still wanna go at it?!
Relena: (What's going on!? Just who are these people!?)

<screen fades out, fades back in with cursor at Egypt's Mediterranean coast)

Banjo: What's that!? It that true, Alan?
Alan: It's reliable information. It seems that Gresco's son is coming to receive his appointment as the new commander of the occupation forces. If at all possible, we'd like to deal with this man. If we can do that, the Imperial Army's morale should plummet.
Banjo: Certainly so, but the Empire... isn't likely to be that unprepared.
Alan: I understand. But it's also true we won't get many chances like this. If nothing else I'd like if we could at least get on-site and scope things out.
Banjo: What's everyone's opinions?
Simone: I'm in agreement. And if it's New York, I should have some acquaintances there.
Kouji: Same here. If things go well, we might be able to wrap things up with one fell swoop.
Manami: I have some reservations. That area is akin to the Empire's inner sanctum. I do not feel us sufficiently prepared for such a venture... however, I have to acknowledge the merits are there.
Garrison: Certainly, our current strength may be a bit lacking, but Anti-Empire activities have been on the rise in North America. There is significant possibility of enlisting the cooperation of the local Karaba members, as well as contacts from the Liberation Front.
Banjo: Well then, let's go. Up till now we've been able to handle our interactions with the Empire well enough. With a little preparation it might be worth trying something a little more daring.
Alan: It's decided then. We'll get in touch with the local Resistance and also augment our fighting force with great haste. We should be able to make things work out well.

And that's this map done and dusted. I'll probably do some more upgrading before next map.

Finish 5
Char           Lv   XP Kill  Mel/Sht/Eva/Hit/Rct/Skl  HP/EN/Mo/Ar/Lm/Wn    Skills                                                Parts
Manami          9  226   31  155/136/114/113/105/108  00/07/00/00/00/03    PrevailL1  | SwordL1    |            |             ||            | Chobham    |------------|------------|||
Lawrence        9  226    0  ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--               |            |            |             ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Banjo           7  257    6  152/128/112/112/094/126  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL4   | SwordL4    | PrevailL4  |             ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Sayaka|Z        7  173    7  131/119/102/102/091/088  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |             ||            |            |            |------------|||
Roux|Jegan      7   87    6  124/141/132/112/093/095  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL1       | SwordL1    |            |             ||            |            |            |------------|||
Simone          6  278   19  115/117/128/119/093/099  03/03/03/03/03/03               |            |            |             || Booster    | Booster    | Hybrid     |------------|||
Kouji|A         5  369    6  142/119/103/103/090/101  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL3  |            |            |             ||            |            |            |------------|||

Total Cash:  114240
Total Turns: 26



Edited by Balcerzak
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Chapter 6: "Daring! Ru Kain's Challenge"


First, the prep work. As I was going through things I made a discovery that I hadn't noticed previously, which is that the Doll has come with three upgrades already applied in every category. Now, that's certainly an interesting choice from a development standpoint compared to just giving us a base machine with three fewer upgradeable pips to it, but given that the cost and value of each pip is different depending on where you are in the curve that would be a different animal indeed. 


Now, as it ends up I didn't actually apply further upgrades to it, though that was one of the options I had considered after running some numbers calculations for defeating Gosterro cleanly and efficiently. Another option would be to have upgraded Roux's Jegan. Somebody mentioned that despite first impressions it can actually be a workhorse if you spend enough on it, but for the moment I'm not sold. I might try it on Brad's playthrough, as I have large misgivings about the Earthgain, and its level-locked attacks, but that's a discussion for another time.

At any rate, for the robots we have right now the craft have the following growth potential:
Daitarn, 7 bars
Simurgh, 11 bars
Mazinger, 12 bars
Doll, 15 bars*
Aprhodite, 15 bars
Jegan, 15 bars

For weapons I end up just investing more into the Simurgh, both on Ultimate Beam (for Gosterro now and presumable other cases in the future) and Destruction Boomerang (it never hurts to invest in your finisher), with a little bit to the Mazinger's Breast Fire to make some clean 1HKO numbers. I also gave them 2 pips each in Mobility to help hit rates versus Small enemies, which carry a global penalty to hit, and a bit more EN for Mazinger as well.



<airplane icon flies from Egypt's Mediterranean coast toward Nova Scotia, Canada>
Banjo: The new commander is Ru Kain, huh? Just what kind of man is he?
Garrison: Well now, I have not been able to collect his personal information, but... according to what Alan says, the people we will be linking up with should know him well.
Manami: What kind of people are they?
Garrison: I am told they battled the Empire three years ago at the cusp of the Earth's invasion.
Kouji: Then that means they're from the Federation Army?
Garrison: Well now, I have heard that they were Imperials who fought on the side of the Earth and their allies.
Banjo: Imperials fighting alongside Earthlings... I have heard of that.
Garrison: The military has been treating it as classified information.
Simone: ...it couldn't be...
Manami: What are you thinking?
Simone: I told you earlier about when I was living on Mars, right?
Manami: You did.
Simone: At that time, the reason we were saved was because Eiji came to help us. Alberto Null Eiji Asuka... a person of mixed Earthling and Imperial heritage from the region of the Empire known as Grados.
Manami: Mixed parentage...
Simone: Probably the "allies" referred to here are people I know. Without Eiji, none of us would have survived.
Banjo: Hmm, well that's heartening to hear.

<fade out, fade in near New York>

Ru Kain: (The Earth, huh... Now that I've come here, those that oppose the Empire will throw their bloody bodies at my feet, I suppose.)
<walking noises>
<door noises>
Gueler: Thank you for making an appearance, Your Excellency.
Ru Kain: So these are the earthlings you say we can make use of?
Gueler: Yes, Roanne Demitrich and Treize Khushrenada.
Roanne: It is an honor to have been invited. I will do anything you order to the best of my abilities.
Treize: As representative for the Specials, allow me to express our pleasure on learning of Your Excellency's assumption of office.
Ru Kain: Ha, so there are humans like this too. Very well, you shall work together with Gueler to make preparations for my ascendance parade.
Treize: Your Excellency, I have reports that amongst the guerrillas some have been making troublesome preparations.
Ru Kain: Did you think that we did not know this? It will be up to you to draw them out during the parade.
Roanne: A splendid plan, Your Excellency. As simple-minded as they are, they will definitely turn up to try something.

<fade out, fade in back in Nova Scotia>

Garrison: Hmm... but this is...
Banjo: What's the matter?
Garrison: Actually, we have received some information about the new commander's ascension parade, however...
Manami: However?
Garrison: No matter how one looks at it, it appears to be a trap.
Banjo: What makes you say that?
Garrison: To start, information started suddenly coming in from all sides. Moreover, the gathered intelligence has even begun including specific details about security. There are too many suspicious flags to count. For one, how few guards are slated to be in attendance...
Banjo: I see, that does seem fishy. What do you think?
Simone: It's obviously a trap, but the fact that they're not even trying to hide it has me curious.
Manami: It may be that they are trying to discourage attack simply by making the trap so apparent, or maybe...
Lawrence: They are... challenging us.
Manami: Yes. If you are going to do it, I would like to see you try. That sort of thing.
Kouji: What should we do? Say "Oh yes, certainly" or sit back and watch silently?
Banjo: Ru Kain... what an audacious move. However, when thinking about the fighting to come after this, it would be a momentous advantage to take the wind out of his sails. Alan said this too, but if we could defeat him, it would be an unfathomable blow to the Empire.
Reika: Then...
Banjo: Let's accept Ru Kain's challenge. We're headed for Old New York.

<plane flying from Nova Scotia to New York>
<transition to battle map>
"Daring! Ru Kain's Challenge."
The Map layout at the beginning looks like this.

Garrison: It it just about time.
<enemy units appear>
<Ru Kain advances>
Banjo: He's here. Everyone ready?
<Ru Kain advances>
Banjo: All right, now!
<allies appear>
Ru Kain: What!? Guerrillas, curse you! Intercept them!
<battle starts>

Something feels off about this. The HP and stats are so far below what I expect from having faced him in Shin and J.

Turn 1:
I send Banjo north and spread my other units to sides, in anticipation for what I learned will happen from trial and error.

I cast Strike beforehand, and have been rationing my EN a bit, but we give him the full counter. 

Turn 2:
Then we transform out of jet mode and finish him (again with Strike up).
<ru kain defeated, ally and enemy reinforcements>
Ru Kain: Uwaaaaa!!
This is good XP for Banjo.

<enemy unit explodes>
Roux: He hammed it up too much... this was definitely a decoy.
Garrison: Seems to be so, we have been completely surrounded.
<enemies appear>
Kouji: Tch, swarms of them!?
Banjo: Ahh, it seems the real one has finally shown up.
Ru Kain: I see, so you knew it was a trap but came to meet it anyway. Surprisingly shrewd behavior for mere earthlings. However, you will now experience just how shortsighted that was. Listen well, Earthlings! I shall show you right here, right now, how foolish an act it is to try to oppose me. Happiness for you earthlings lies in being ruled over by us. The rulers, and the ruled: that is the sole principle of the universe. Under good dominion, pure obedience; from this truth is birthed the ideal world. I have come to Earth to bring about true peace under this principle. Abandon everything Earthly! Believe in me, believe in the Empire!
Banjo: Shut up! As long as the Earth has us, we will definitely smash the Empire's rule!
Ru Kain: Fufufu, it looks like you'll provide me a lot of enjoyment. Why don't you start by showing me what you've got?
<allies appear>
Banjo: Ah, looks like our reinforcements have arrived too then.
Simone: That's... Layzner! Eiji, it was you after all, Eiji!?
Eiji: Simone? To think you were with the Resistance...
David: It's Simone!? Hey, Eiji's not the only one, I'm here too!?
Simone: Oh, David? Glad to see you've lived.
David: Tch, that's all I get, huh?
Ru Kain: It's you... Eiji Asuka... betrayer of the Empire. Hmph. I always expected you'd show up.
David: Uh oh... is that Ru Kain?
Eiji: It is. A man who sees no difference between conceit and confidence. I will definitely see you and Governor Gresco driven out from the Earth!
Ru Kain: Sorry to disappoint, but I simply cannot spare the time to listen to a man with impure blood who's lost his way.
Gosterro: Eiji... It's Eijiiii!?
Eiji: That voice... It can't be, Gosterro!?
Gosterro: Eijiii, you survived? I'm so glad. This means I'll be able to enjoy beating you to death!!
Eiji: So you lived, Gosterro.
Gosterro: Well, if you can call a body like this living. But I can't believe a spoiled brat like you had the nerve to keep on living after killing Gale and his own sister.
Eiji: I...
Gosterro: S'pose it don't matter, since you're dying here anyway. Arg, my, head, hurtsss.

These reinforcements are overlayed onto whatever the state of the map is when you shoot-down the Ru Kain body-double.

Okay, this is a bit of an improvement, but still below what I had expected. I guess I shouldn't complain, since there's a 50% retreat threshold according to Akurasu, and this is still early-game.
These are the Demon Death Squad goons as well. Strong, but not too strong.

Letting Roux eat the counter here was a deliberate choice to give Kouji someone to heal, though I did end up having to redo EP more than I should have expected based on the other enemy's ~60% hit rate on her. You never know in advance though. Guess I should have cast Alert and let the repair machine idle.

Simone starts working on Manjero.

Luck up, and no critical as I don't think her Skill is high enough, but we upgraded her weapon to make this happen so it's no surprise. This adds another Chobham Armor to our pile as well as a nice infusion of credits.

Sayaka can one-shot the Bravers after the upgrades I gave to the Mazinger, and while her Hit could use some work, it's still decent for a Super.

David Focuses and moves to position to counter all the enemies in his quadrant.

While Eiji rushes towards Ru Kain's direction and works on taking out the Bullgren guards.

I check to make sure everyone has acted and I didn't forget someone somewhere, and we end the turn.

Daitarn cleans up all but one of the enemies in his area, that one however decided to ignore him and head southward towards my main group.

Both of these are clean kills by Eiji, who's overlevelled comparatively.

Manami deals with this one nicely.

Roux finally dodges that 60.

David doesn't have much to worry about the grunts up north.

I debated defending, but decided there was no harm trying for chip XP because survival wasn't in question either way. She missed both I think, but it was whatever.

David survives this with dual digits I think, so the coinflip here isn't that bad all told. He only has to worry the once since he has the damage to finish.

Defend might actually be the better option than evade here, but it ended up not mattering.

<eiji vs ru kain>
Eiji: Prepare yourself, Ru Kain!
Ru Kain: Hmph, interesting. Let's see what you've got.

Mr Blade says that Eiji has the following lines with Gosterro, but I never confirmed this.
<eiji vs gosterro>
Gosterro: Eijiii, I'll beat you to death with my own hands if it's the last thing I do.
Eiji: Gosterro! There's no way I'll fall to the likes of you!

Turn 3:
Roux moves central to position to clear the one getting away from Banjo, and Kouji heals her up some more, learning Valor in the process.

Eiji Strike + Alert and waits at the edge of Ru Kain's range, ready to fire back on the EP for unpunishable chip damage. Manami has moved right below him to be ready for next turn.

David cleans up NW boss.

Banjo in position to wipe out NE boss on the EP.

Simone makes sure Sayaka can downshift and use a more accurate move, which still is a bit wanting, but could be worse. She has her cast of Luck up as she ought.

Kouji can't finish the deal here, but it wasn't necessary, we have backup for that.
Not even close. This Rocket Punch doesn't need to hit; it's the enemy we've tuned Breast Fire to 1HKO anyway. But it ends up doing so this time, which is fine by me.

Sun Attack has a sick Dynamic Kill, with the BG changing color and him crashing into the enemy for the last 20% of the bar.

Could hardly ask for better.

Turn 4:
Eiji Accels east to help Roux secure the straggler.

Simone punches what Kouji couldn't clean up.

Allowing him to continue to heal.

We nab these last couple space bucks,
Double-check that the coast is clear,
Cast Luck and Strike, just to be absolutely sure,
Clean kill, no need for a crit. 
This nets us Valor on MC, which should now easily clinch any future retreat bosses. We also get a fancy Biosensor.

<ru kain shot down/retreat, victory achieved>
<if defeated>
Ru Kain: What!? Fuffufufufufu, I see, it seems you're not just all talk. But to go so far as defy the Empire while still at this level is just absurd.
<enemy explodes>
<enemies appear>
Reika: There's so many of them!?
Garrison: This is not good. Everyone, let us retreat.
Banjo: Kh, we certainly have no choice but to withdraw for the moment. Everyone, fall back!
Eiji: Ru Kain, remember well that Earthlings are able to fight, even if only for the sake of their pride!
<allies retreat>
Ru Kain: Fufufu, interesting. This planet is full of excitement, I like it! Hah hahahaha!!
<transition from battle map to story map>

<airplane icon flies from New York to Wisconsin>
David: Simone... Simone!
Simone: ...
<sound of being slapped>
David: Simone, what...!?
Simone: That's payback for stealing my lips. It's been on my mind the whole time, these past three years.
Anna: *giggle giggle*
Banjo: Thanks for showing up. I'm Haran Banjo from Karaba.
Eiji: I'm Eiji Asuka. He's David and...
Anna: Anna Stephanie. Pleased to meet you.
Banjo: Likewise, young lady.
Simone: Eiji... Let me touch your face. Eiji, you really lived... I never thought I'd see you again... Uuu... I'm sorry... oh man, I'm falling apart.
David: Aww man, that's completely different treatment than getting suddenly slapped in the face.

<fade out, fade back in by New York>
Gresco: That was a pretty flashy thing you did there.
Ru Kain: Oh, you've already hear about it, huh.
Gresco: Do you know why I've summoned you?
Ru Kain: I understand, Father.
Gresco: Meaningless bloodshed and destruction will only serve to alienate the population.
Ru Kain: ...!? Father, you've changed. In the three years you've spent on Earth, it really does seem you've been afflicted by Earth Sickness.
Gresco: Earth Sickness?
Ru Kain: That is what the generals have been calling it. Father, your inconsistent policies and unnecessary softness will leave you looked down upon by the Earthlings.
Gresco: ...You are still young. There is much you do not understand.
<walking sounds>
Ru Kain: Even if I tried to understand, I do not think I could. Father, don't you think it's time you opened your eyes?
<door noises>
Ru Kain: Father!? ...I see, so it's like that. Father has realized that Earth's atmosphere has him growing sentimental. That's why you've called me here... Father.

<fade out, fade in still in New York>
Lady: You called?
Treize: Lady, now that His Excellency Ru Kain has assumed office, we'll be able to move even more freely than before.
Lady: Preparations have already been completed to present His Excellency with that plan.
Treize: As expected. Continue to proceed as you have been. By the way, Lady Une.
Lady: Yes?
Treize: There seems to be a Mr. Darlian who is hard at work trying to reconstruct the colonies and secure the rights of self-government by earthlings.
Lady: Understood. I will prepare essence of rose for your next bath, sir.
Treize: Please do.

Finish 6
Char           Lv   XP Kill  Mel/Sht/Eva/Hit/Rct/Skl  HP/EN/Mo/Ar/Lm/Wn    Skills                                                Parts
Eiji|Layzner   12   50    2  138/158/148/137/105/125  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |             ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Manami         11  202   34  157/138/118/117/107/110  00/07/02/00/00/05    PrevailL1  | SwordL1    |            |             ||            | Hybrid     |------------|------------|||
Lawrence       11  202    0  ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--               |            |            |             ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
David|Doll     10  208    3  137/137/134/123/099/115  03/03/03/03/03/03               |            |            |             ||            |            |            |------------|||
Banjo           9  467   15  154/130/116/116/096/128  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL4   | SwordL4    | PrevailL4  |             ||            | Chobham    |------------|------------|||
Sayaka|Z        8  401   10  132/120/104/104/092/089  00/03/02/00/00/02               |            |            |             || Magnetic   | Booster    |            |------------|||
Roux|Jegan      7  308    7  124/141/132/112/093/095  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL1       | SwordL1    |            |             || Booster    |            |            |------------|||
Simone|Doll     7   89   20  116/118/130/121/094/100  03/03/03/03/03/03               |            |            |             ||            |            |            |------------|||
Kouji|A         6  255    6  143/120/105/105/091/102  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL3  |            |            |             ||            |            |            |------------|||

Total Cash:  72890
Total Turns: 30


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Now I'm kind of curious to see Layzner because Ru Kain and The Harley Riders (Bohn, Getey and Manjuro) show up late in J but in GC and here in 64 they sure seem to show up early. Maybe J plays out the early plot while GC and 64 work with the second half.

Have you watched Layzner?

Edited by Dr. Tarrasque
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I've never seen Layzner, no. I'm still quite green when it comes to many SRW staples. All I know about it comes from what I picked up in other SRWs, or by hanging around in robots channels elsewhere. It sounds like there are two main arcs, and the second one was handled badly/cancelled early. My guess is one was the invasion arc, and the other is the occupation arc? Gale, Julia, and pre-disfigured Gosterro is probably part 1 content, and everything else with Ru Kain and disfigured Gosterro feels like it might be part 2? I'm honestly just guessing and I should probably just sit down and actually watch more shows.

As long as we're on this subject though, as far as the 64 roster goes, I've only actually watched the Gundams. I have some knowledge of Getter Robo G from the plot that showed up in MX. Other than that my Getter exposure is Shin vs Neo, and the plot that was present for Armageddon in Z2, neither of which should prove relevant. All I know about Mazinger as well comes from its Shin representation in Z2, as most of the time in the SRWs I've gone through it's been post-plot or just splotchy representation. Grendizer though was covered pretty decently in MX, I think, so I'm doing better there, at least. Still as far as the 3 pillars go, I'm pretty weak over all, sad to say.

My only exposure to Daitarn and Zambot plot comes from their 4S representations, which isn't deep but seemed to cover the basic beats. All I know about Dunbine comes from 4S/F/FF where some bits had more depth in 4S (Nie, Keen, Riml even existing, as a start) and other elements (some of the interplay between the enemy battleship villains) had better coverage in the Fs. Combattler V had like, one or two stages of plot in anything I've seen, so anything beyond The Tragedy of General Garuda I can't claim to have an understanding of. Similar boat with Goshogun, who felt fairly unmoored in Ex/4S/F/FF as they join and leave and join your party in their frantic chasing after their crazy Ride of the Valkyries bosses, There was a taste of Dancougar in F/FF, but there was so much missing (all of Muge, basically). Godmars had good coverage in Z2, however, so I feel okay there. Giant Robo is a complete unknown for me, this will be my first experience with it in any format.

If it does seem I'm getting something mixed up as related to plot elements, any reader is welcomed to bring it to my attention and I can reread the script to try to see where I went wrong.

As long as we're between content posts doing some housekeeping and answering questions, I should mention that while I will try to do my best to use consistent naming conventions (aka what people should already be familiar with), I'll probably forget or mess up a stray one here or there. In rare instances when something feels egregiously wrong, I might buck the trend and forge my own way. And while we're on the subject of egregiously wrong, I suppose I should start to discuss the topic that's been giving me a bit of difficulty recently. That is to say, the rank structure used by the Specials forces. After doing a little digging I have no confidence I can rely on the ranks given in the official subs for Gundam Wing, and I should probably explain why. This will unfortunately also necessitate a small warm-up lesson on the terms conventionally used for Japanese military ranks. Actually, let's start there, as that will be a good foundation from which we can springboard further.

In some ways the Japanese ranking system is simpler than the ones used in the English speaking world, due to 1) no split schema between naval forces and land/air forces and 2) maintaining a common root word for all officer types within an officer division. Since that's probably not easy to understand just by words alone, let me try to illustrate it another way. Below I have three tables, one for Flag Officers, one for Senior Officers, and one for Junior Officers (with a special case inclusion of the top level non commissioned officer).

Romanized	Taishou		Chuujou		Shoushou	Jun'shou
Kanji		大将		中将		少将		准将
Paygrade	OF-9		OF-8		OF-7		OF-6
Army/Air	General		Lt General	Maj General	Brig General
Navy		Admiral		Vice Adm	Rear Adm	Rear Adm (lower)/Commodore

As I mentioned, all the Flag Officers can be seen utilizing the character 将, which you may recognize from 将軍 (Shogun). They are prefixed by the characters for 大 (Big), 中 (Middle), 少 (Small). (准 is a special case that will become relevant, I promise, but does spoil the pure simplicity I'm introducing for the moment. Let's consider it as Associate for the moment, I think that's close to the proper feel.) So you have Big Flag Officer, Middle Flag Officer, Small Flag Officer. Not too complicated.

Romanized	Taisa		Chuusa		Shousa
Kanji		大佐		中佐		少佐
Paygrade	OF-5		OF-4		OF-3
Army/Air	Colonel		Lt Colonel	Major
Navy		Captain		Commander	Lt Commander

The Senior Officers likewise all share a root character 佐, which I don't have a cute common word for you like I did earlier, but can be seen to tie the class together. Again, the ranks are all prefixed by Big, Middle, Small.

Romanized	Taii		Chuui		Shoui		Jun'i
Kanji		大尉		中尉		少尉		准尉	
Paygrade	OF-2		OF-1		OF-1		OR-9
Army/Air	Captain		Lieutenant	2nd Lt		Warrant Officer/Sergeant Major
Navy		Lieutenant	LTJG		Ensign		Warrant Officer/Master Chief

So too for the Junior Officers, this time using the root character 尉, and again Big, Middle, Small. (准 also shows up here, similar to its appearance for the Flag Officers.)

So, where does this get complicated, I might hear you asking? Well, it's because the Organization of the Zodiac decided they wanted to be really special. They just had to throw out the rank system commonly used in Japanese and invent their own, tying military ranks to titles of nobility, and generally making a really big mess of things. Blame Treize, I do. Initially I was incredibly stumped, but doing some research I found that the Japanese Wikipedia included a table associating Military Rank with Title of Peerage, example characters possessing that rank, and its corresponding rank in the standard system of Japanese ranks. The footnote by the table sources this to page 24 of the 110th edition of Weekly Gundam Perfect File, published Oct 29, 2013. I'm taking them at their word that this is accurate and not the work of some rogue wiki editor. I will reproduce the table below followed by a translation of it.

SMS/OZ階級	爵位			主な叙位者		連合軍階級
上級特佐		公爵 (Duke)		トレーズ			少将
一級特佐		侯爵 (Marquess)		-			准将
二級特佐		伯爵 (Count)		レディ・アン、ゼクス	大佐
准級特佐		子爵 (Viscount)		-			中佐
上級特尉		男爵 (Baron)		ゼクス			少佐
一級特尉		准男爵 (Baronet)		ノイン			准佐
二級特尉		騎士爵 (Knight)		オットー			大尉
特士		騎士 (Sir)		ワーカー			中尉

If you look carefully, you can see our earlier homework already paying dividends, as you will notice 佐 and 尉 featuring prominently in the divisions, basically dividing the top half from the bottom half. I should point out one feature common to all OZ ranks, the character 特 (toku), this is seen in common anime words like Special 特別 (tokubetsu), or Singularity 特異点 (tokuiten, literally special divergent point) etc., and I will just be treating it as "Special" in the translated table below. To round out our kanji lesson I might as well continue: 上 is used for (among other things) Senior, Upper, etc.; 一 and 二 are just the numbers 1 and 2; and 級 is something like Class, Grade, or Rank.

SMS/OZ Rank					Noble Title			Chief Example		Allied Army Ranking
Senior Grade Special Senior Officer		Duke				Treize			Shoushou
First Grade Special Senior Officer		Marquis (Marquess)		N/A			Jun'shou
Second Grade Special Senior Officer		Count (Earl)			Lady Une, Zechs		Taisa
Associate Grade Special Senior Officer		Viscount			N/A			Chuusa
Senior Grade Special Junior Officer		Baron				Zechs			Shousa
First Grade Special Junior Officer		Baronet				Noin			Jun'sa
Second Grade Special Junior Officer		Knight				Otto			Taii
Special Warrior					Sir				Walker			Chuui

The observant among you might have also noticed a problem. Our earlier tables for Senior Officers lacked an entry corresponding to Jun'sa, which we could find both for Flag Officers and for Junior officers (even if just by way of non-commissioned officers, in my book that's close enough). What on earth do we do here? Reproducing our Japanese to English tables from earlier with the OZ ranks as another row to help clearly delineate things, we see once again

OZ		N/A		N/A		上級特佐		一級特佐
Japanese	大将		中将		少将		准将
Paygrade	OF-9		OF-8		OF-7		OF-6
Army/Air	General		Lt General	Maj General	Brig General
Navy 		Admiral		Vice Adm	Rear Adm	Rear Adm (lower)/Commodore

OZ		二級特佐		准級特佐		上級特尉		一級特尉
Japanese	大佐		中佐		少佐		准佐
Paygrade	OF-5		OF-4		OF-3		???
Army/Air	Colonel		Lt Colonel	Major		???
Navy		Captain		Commander	Lt Command	???

OZ		二級特尉		特士		N/A		N/A
Japanese	大尉		中尉		少尉		准尉	
Paygrade	OF-2		OF-1		OF-1		OR-9
Army/Air	Captain		Lieutenant	2nd Lt		Warrant Officer/Sergeant Major
Navy		Lieutenant	LTJG		Ensign		Warrant Officer/Master Chief

This leaves me not only the normal conundrum of weather to use Army/Air vs Naval terms for MS pilot ranks, but also what to use for the missing rank category, which prominently features not only Noin, but Emma has been added here as well. And speaking of Emma, I have to take this moment to rag on the convention of how these OZ ranks are being used as form of address. Let me include a couple of lines by way of example.

Walker: Zechs Special Junior Officer!

Basque: Emma Special Junior Officer this is a chance to clear your name.

Emma: Yes, Basque Special Junior Officer!

Basque: Noin Special Junior Officer, what are you doing?

(chapters later, after his promotion)
Noin: Zechs Special Senior Officer...!

During standard conversation/typical address we can see no daylight between the different grades of 上 一 二 准, so without knowing based on the chart provided on the wiki, or without waiting for a clearly explicit introduction a la--

Emma: I am Specials Emma Sheen, First Grade Special Junior Officer.

--I simply have to infer what rank a character might have, based on who gives orders to whom, or other context clues like rough position in their home series. Since I have no intention of doing a sitewide search on Mr Blade to try to find exact rank (aside from Emma, whose introduction comes immediately after the chapter this issue really started to rear its ugly head, and was an easy enough instant find), I will quite probably mess up somewhere and get someone's rank wrong. Apologies in advance for that.

As for the that pesky 准佐 rank that doesn't really exist, straddling the line between (army/air) Major and Captain, I'm initially leaning toward Brigade Major which appears to be an obsolete position, and has some symmetry with Brigadier General at least to suggest it nicely enough. Unfortunately this does lock me into the Army/Air line of ranks, and often spaceship captains and such are treated with Naval ranks, so it would be a bit odd to be calling Bright a Lieutenant Colonel instead of a Commander. I know I'm super overthinking things, but once I get going it's hard to dial back. The need to be RightTM is too strong some times.

Interestingly enough, we've been told that Simone comes from a family holding a Dukedom, so either she or her parents were super high up the charts, and Aisha's family had been cited with the Viscount rank, which if that's due to her directly would place her at 中佐 equivalent, which is frankly impressive so it's probably her parents. Hard to say at this stage, since none of her allies addressed her in the chapter we met her in. Either that, or the game designers didn't put as much thought into this as I've been, and just slapped around some ranks willy nilly. That said, the Gundam Magazine with the detailed outline for the rank structure didn't come out until well after SRW64 did, so it's possible they didn't have as much insight into the nitty gritty as we do now looking back on things.

Anyway, I've made progress playing the chapter, I just need to get all my lines and images and such sorted, and that's not going to be done before late tomorrow at earliest.

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On 8/7/2024 at 7:42 AM, Dr. Tarrasque said:

Now I'm kind of curious to see Layzner because Ru Kain and The Harley Riders (Bohn, Getey and Manjuro) show up late in J but in GC and here in 64 they sure seem to show up early. Maybe J plays out the early plot while GC and 64 work with the second half.

Have you watched Layzner?

9 hours ago, Balcerzak said:

I've never seen Layzner, no. I'm still quite green when it comes to many SRW staples. All I know about it comes from what I picked up in other SRWs, or by hanging around in robots channels elsewhere. It sounds like there are two main arcs, and the second one was handled badly/cancelled early. My guess is one was the invasion arc, and the other is the occupation arc? Gale, Julia, and pre-disfigured Gosterro is probably part 1 content, and everything else with Ru Kain and disfigured Gosterro feels like it might be part 2? I'm honestly just guessing and I should probably just sit down and actually watch more shows.

To clarify, yes, the anime is divided into two acts. Episodes 1 to 26 (covering the 1996 events), and Episodes 27 to 38 (covering the 1999 events). And yes, Grados conquers Earth at the end of the first act. SRW 64 only covers Act II, since it plays into the conquered Earth storyline it's doing (hence why the Muge are also there).

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Posted (edited)

Chapter 7: "Blade of Suffering"


<location unclear, too zoomed in. Florida?>
Lady: ...It's about time.
<explosion noise>
<screen shakes>
Relena: Huh... What!?
Lady: Did it go off without a hitch...?
<running noises>
Relena: Father!? Father!!
<running noises>
Lady: Darlian's daughter!? Don't let that girl get away!
Relena: Uuu... Father!?
<running noises>
Alan: Shit, were we too late? Hurry up and carry Mr. Darlian out of there!
Guerrilla: Yes!
Alan: It's dangerous here, hurry and get outside.
Relena: W-Who are you!? Stop! What are you doing to Father!?
Alan: The people that are here want to kill you too. At any rate, come with us!
Relena: Stop! You need to take Father to a hospital! At this rate he is going to die!
<machinegun firing>
Lady: Khh. Why are the Resistance here!? Stop them!
<machinegun firing>

Relena: mm... Where am...
Alan: So you've come to, huh. This is a safe space. I'm sorry. If only we'd gotten the information a little sooner, this wouldn't have happened...
Relena: You... murderers! You did not bring Father to a hospital! If Father had gotten to a hospital right away, perhaps he could have been saved!
Alan: The hospitals are in enemy hands. But even if we had, I regret to say, it was already too late for Mr. Darlian.
Relena: Just who are you! Why did Father have to be killed!?
Alan: We are from Karaba, an Anti-Empire organization. The ones who took aim at Mr. Darlian were the Specials, no, the Romfeller Foundation.
Relena: The Romfeller Foundation...
Alan: That's right. They must have decided that Mr. Darlian's activities were getting in their way. They haven't changed how they act one bit.
Relena: But why... Father was working hard for the sake of peace...
Alan: There was something Mr. Darlian wished to tell you... no... it was more of a last will, I suppose. Here are his final words to you.
Relena: ...Please let me hear them.
Alan: ..."Relena, it's already too late for me. There is something I have to tell you no matter what. I am not your real father... Your real name is Relena Peacecraft... honored daughter of the Peacecraft family, who once espoused the doctrine of Complete Pacificism. But your father was assassinated, and had instructed me to treat you as my own daughter to help you escape..."
Relena: ...
Alan: ...And then Mr. Darlian breathed his last.
Relena: Father... was not my real father...? Lies... T-That cannot be true!

<fade out, fade back in at Wisconsin>

Banjo: New Edwards Base, you say?
Garrison: Yes. Information indicates that the top brass of the Imperial Army as well as the leaders of the Specials have gathered there.
Banjo: Impressive. What's going on there?
Garrison: Presumably a meeting regarding countermeasures for the ramped up Anti-Empire activities. But as far at that goes, we have no grasp on the specifics. We will simply have to wait for our ongoing investigations to provide clarification. 
Banjo: Any word from the Liberation Front?
Garrison: There are no major differences between our intelligence on the matter and theirs.
Banjo: Hmmm... What to do...

<fade out, fade in by New York>

Lady: I have carefully increased the volume of information suggesting that the upper ranks of both the Empire and the Specials are all gathering at New Edwards Base.
Treize: Well, it is true that you and I will be there at least.
Lady: You intend to include yourself as a decoy?
Treize: His Excellency Ru Kain was also most taken with the idea. We should be grateful.

<fade out, fade in by Virginia>

Duo: Yo, we meet again. You were planning on hijacking this transport to head to New Edwards, right? I've already got it loaded up. Hurry up and get aboard.
Hiiro: ...You understand the gravity of this mission, right?
Duo: Yup. If it goes well we'll only have one job left, and be able to return to space quicker than expected.
Hiiro: ...Very well, Duo Maxwell. Start the engines.
<running sounds>
Duo: Can't believe that guy actually remembered my name...

<fade out, fade in by Morocco>

Quatre: I am Quatre Raberba Winner. You are?
Trowa: I have no name. If you must call me something, Trowa will do. Trowa Barton.
Quatre: Trowa, you're going too, right? To the base?
Trowa: You don't need to know that.
Quatre: But if we help each other, surely things will go smoother.
Trowa: I wonder about that.

<fade out, fade in by China>

Wufei: Thanks.
GuerrillaF: Where should we move the goods?
Guerrilla: Here works.
GuerrillaF: A place like this? What does a place with only one kid need with so much ammunition?
Guerrilla: Don't ask me. I'm just the transport pilot. Take care.
Wufei: Sorry for the trouble.

<fade out, fade in by Wisconsin>

Banjo: Everyone, listen up. After this we're heading to New Edwards Base. You might already know this, but the base has become a gathering place for Empire and Specials leaders. There will be plenty of guards deployed.
Simone: Are we really headed there?
Kouji: Damn right. We can't always be doing small time jobs.
David: Yeah, we've gotta take big risks like this going forward.
Manami: I suppose you have a point. This sounds to be a pretty rough one, but if all goes well it will have a big impact on the state of affairs.
Lawrence: It is as you say, Milady.
Banjo: That's right. I've already sent Garrison and the others ahead to confirm the information. Everyone, let's focus on the task at hand.
<cursor flies from Wisconsin to California>

<transition to battle map>
"Blade of Suffering"
And here's the full map,

Walker: Major Zechs!
Zechs: Lieutenant Walker, it's been a while.
Walker: You seem to have been doing well, Major. I've heard the rumors about the Lightning Baron.
Zechs: I'm not particularly fond of the rumors preceding me.
Walker: But Major, as I understand it, it's due to your hard work that we've gotten into good graces with the aliens.
Zechs: And that result has soured my standing in the eyes of my fellow earthlings. But you've been deployed here too, huh. Looks like this will become the site of a pretty fierce battle.
Walker: So you hold that opinion too, Major? With the commanders from the Empire's side here, there shouldn't be anyone fool enough to assault these defenses, and yet...
Zechs: And yet the fools will come. And today we will be the ones to keep said fools company.
Walker: Yes. I understand and accept my purpose on the battlefield.
Zechs: !? ...Do you have a deathwish, Walker?
Walker: The words you taught me, "Fight for the sake of the troops who come after you," have become my guiding light, Major.
Zechs: ...Today you have become truly brave.
Gueler: Hmph, the earthlings are certainly in high spirits. Well whatever, if things go smoothly it'll just be another feather in my cap.
<alarm noises>
Gueler: W-W-What!? What's happening!?
Gosterro: What, schmut. The enemy's come, haven't they. Hyahahahahaha.
Bohn: Hyeheheheheheheh.
Gueler: Wh-What idiocy...
Manjero: Hiyah! Exactly as we planned it!
Gueler: Y-You lot, with the enemies here shouldn't you hurry up and deploy!
Getey: Don't sweat it. First we let the earthlings soften 'em up. Fuhihihihi.
Gueler: Kh...  (Why has His Excellency made this bunch his honor guard?)
<enemy units appear>
<unit deploy selection screen>
We finally have a deployment list to choose our units from. This means we could leave some units behind, but that doesn't exactly suit our purposes. However, this also means that we have some agency over which unit is deployed to which position. On the map I've numbered our deployment positions. The numbers indicated on the map squares correspond to the order selected on this unit screen here. For example, by selecting Manami as the fifth unit chosen, I can put her in the most advanced position.

Banjo: Based on the information from Garrison and the others, the targets should be gathered in this area.
<cursor highlights base area>
Banjo: If we have three or more units take that position we can capture it. If we take too long, we'll end up surrounded by reinforcements from the surrounding bases. Everyone, let's get the lead out.
Manami: Understood.

Technically entering the highlighted zone is optional, as you can advance the stage simply by routing enemies. There's actually quite a lot of different reinforcement triggers on this map, so part of the strategy involves deciding how and when to push things forward. I tried a couple different tactics before settling on what I felt was the best.

We start out with Scanning a few named enemies we haven't seen before. I'm laying them out here so you guys can have a good look. Walker and Zechs aren't in mechs that really scare me, so I don't anticipate any trouble there. (In fact, I accidentally saw Hiiro one-shot Zechs in a prior attempt, so that might tell you all you need to know...)

Turn 1:
As mentioned, this is how I ended up patterning my deploy. The general idea is that Roux, David, and Simone will lag behind clearing stragglers as the others push forward, weakening things and rushing to cut off neutrals from taking objectives for themselves.

This is our first indication of the Lover bonus that debuts in SRW 64. The fact that it's called out graphically is a bit of a surprise, I'd thought it might just be hidden. Kouji and Sayaka also finally get this treatment starting this map, apparently the initial sparks have settled and they like each other now? That said, Kouji and Sayaka are going separate ways this chapter, so I won't benefit from the nice jump in offense and defensive specs this bonus provides.

I save scummed so David would get damaged by one of the approaching Zaku, to give my healer some free XP to collect on.

Turn 2:
A start of turn event plays out the following plot:

Noventa: Wh-What is going on!?
Treize: An assault by the Anti-Empire Resistance. They are interrupting the conference.
Noventa: Impossible. We were finally able to prepare this conference to persuade Governor Gresco to acknowledge Earthling rights... what an unlucky coincidence. I never expected something like this to become an impediment on the path toward peacefully realizing our autonomy.
Treize: I understand the sentiment very well. We must immediately eliminate the Resistance.
Noventa: What foolishness are you saying!  What can you Romfeller Foundation elites actually understand when you're solely concerned with maintaining your own stability. These young folk are earnestly thinking about the future of the Earth. If we eliminate them then what is even left for Earth? Please understand the significance of convincing both Governor Gresco and the Resistance!
Treize: Like I said, I understand you very well. However, we must first figure out how to evacuate. There is a Garuda on standby, please use that to get to safety. Once one dies, they are unable to accomplish anything. Without Former Field Marshall Noventa, all our hard work thus far will be lost.
Noventa: But...
Treize: Preparations are already underway to get the rest of guests to join you there, please hurry.
Noventa: ...Very well, I'll leave you to it.

I'm unconcerned about Simone getting damaged for the same reason here, plus she ends her turn positioned on a building with HP and EN regeneration properties.
Eiji Accels to the west to punch a Tragos and get it softened up.
Roux and David are also on the great terrain, and will be spreading their damage around to the various Zakus, rather than focusing any individual one down.
This is the final placement of my units before hitting End Turn.

Banjo sometimes takes a lot of damage in jet form, but not today, these enemies are pretty weak.
Eiji only has two Calf Missiles, but I want to push a reinforcement trigger this phase, so I let him use one to get a OHKO.
One of the Zakus suicided into my squad of weaker units, while Banjo kills what Eiji weakened on PP, thus triggering the next batch of enemies.
The wave of Gradosians appear without fanfare in the following positions, with all other units in the positions they previously occupied. "10 enemies remain/kill 3 of the initial enemy" was the magic number.

I hadn't been expecting to actually hit Walker here, because I'd been thinking I might do the strategy I tried previously of saving him for latter, however when this landed in my face I decided to pivot, and it turns out that it works really well for the aggressive push I was already going to have to try anyway.

Turn 3:
Manami keeps casting Accel, and is finally in range to get a kill and pump some Will.
The Regen terrain puts in so much work I don't actually end up with much HP to heal.
I continue leapfrogging forward with my Dolls, moving to the next batch of defensive terrain as I advance.
While Eiji continues to punch it and run down mid. He got hit unexpectedly on a low percent earlier, but he'll be fine as long as he manages to dodge things going forward. There's no chance Kouji catches up to heal him.
I've popped Strike now, so there's no shot Walker gets away from this.
Aries continue to be worth nothing, but his high level and boss nature actually awards XP, compared to the typical Specials pilots not being worth much.

Zechs: Walker!!
Walker: Khh... couldn't do it after all. ...I leave my battle data in your hands. For the sake of the soldiers to follow!
<enemy explodes>
Zechs: I'm sorry, Walker...
Bask: Just fools rushing in. Brigade Major Emma, what is His Excellency Ru Kain's exclusive unit, the Demon Death Squad doing!?
Emma: Commander Ru Kain's honor guard are launching now, sir!
Bask: Finally, huh.
<enemy units appear>
Gosterro: Hihahahahaaa! Time to kill those kids! Let's go, guys!
Getey: Oi, don't order me around! Nobody made you the leader!

The Demon Death Squad spawn when Walker is shot down, over in the far corner of the map. They don't move right away, but having them around will let them target Eiji when he gets there next turn.
David will be fine again on the regen terrain. 

Actually, this pair of screenshots should be perfectly illustrative of just how powerful the Love boost is.
The damage formulae in this game are as follows: 
Attacking Side Value (ASV) = Weapon's Base Attack Power * Weapon's Terrain Rank Adjustment * Attacker's Offensive Stat/100 * Attacker's Will/100 * Attacker's Terrain Adaptability Rating Adjustment

Defending Side Value (DSV) = Base Armor * Defender's Will/100 * Defender's Terrain Adaptability Rating Adjustment

Final Damage = Defend Action Correction * Love Correction * Critical/Valor/Soul Correction * (((ASV - DSV) * Defensive Terrain Bonus) - Barrier Reduction)

In the exchange pictured above David is using his Knuckle Shot, which has the following properties:
Base Power = 1250
Terrain Rank A = 1.2 correction
David's own values at the time of the fight are:
David's Melee stat = 137
David's Will = 107
David's Combined Air Terrain Rank = A = 1.2
The Dimache he is attacking has
Base Armor = 1100
Defender's Will = 100
Defender's Combined Terrain Adaptability = A = 1.2

Without a love correction this would result in
1318 damage, which when added to the resulting health of 2486 would result in 3804, a mismatch to its total health.
Using a love correction of 30% bonus damage however would yield
1714 damage, which added to 2486 gets us to that perfect 4200.

Similarly, when we switch things around for the enemy's at bat, we'd have the Dimache's Lasered Rifle:
Base Power: 1600
Terrain Rank A = 1.2 correction
Enemy Pilot stats are:
Shooting stat = 129
Will = 100
Combined Air Rank = A = 1.2
The Doll (airborne) has:
Base Armor = 1000
David's Will = 107
David's Terrain Adaptability = 1.2
Without a love correction this would result in
1688, which is too much damage compared to what we observe. 
Using a love correction of 30% damage reduction however would yield
1181, a perfect match with our screenshot.

The Aphrodite's lack of move really is a hindrance, but I needed all my boosters on Mazinger, so it can't be helped.

Lasered Rifle does almost perfect chip.
Just another possible target for healing, I don't mind if most of my guys get hit on this map.
The AI love to focus Banjo, I think it's probably because they have high hit rate on him, but I haven't fully confirmed how the pattern actually unfolds. This enemy does not survive but this screenshot was more dynamic than the one where you can see the bar actually hit 0.
Eiji could have KOd this enemy, and arguably should have to keep pumping will, but I also want to spread some XP around and he's way ahead of the curve there.
More chip damage and allowing you to see what the Slomco enemy type looks like.

At the end of this phase the neutrals pop up, and thankfully do not act immediately. That gives us a little more wiggle room on our timeframes.

<neutral units appear>
Duo: Whoa, looks like someone beat us to the punch. Are those the Resistance folks...? Hey hey, looks like there's even more than that.
Quatre: That is... the folks from Karaba, we meet again, huh.
Manami: The kid from before... Are you an enemy, or an ally? If you are our enemy, I will not show you mercy.
Trowa: ...
Quatre: We have no intention of fighting you at this time. Our objective is likely the same as yours, so I'd like to say we're allies. Trowa, let's fight with them.
Trowa: ...They're not my allies. If they get in the way of completing the mission, I'll take them out.
Kouji: Man, what an annoying brat. Everyone, let's just leave them alone and clean things up.

Turn 4:
Leapfrogging up again, Simon gets a huge amount of XP for being underlevelled.
Love actually works up to two spaces away, I'll have to check double diagonals later, I can't remember.
David uses the extra boost to dunk on the enemy. It's actually really been helping both of them, since the Doll's flight form keeps them locked to their weaker attack.
Eiji rushes right into the mix and downs the Marasai
Roux and Banjo push forward, collecting kills as they go. Sayaka and Manami continue to advance but can't reach action yet, while Kouji struggles to play catch up as well.

David doesn't have the range to fire back, so I choose Evade here. Defend would also be fine, I suppose.
Should have. Oh well.
Manami also lacks range, 1~4 is not enough for the enemy's 1~5
Eiji somehow eats another low percentage incoming, but deletes the enemy in response.
This ends up putting him at the perfect Will to activate VMAX, and I now no longer worry about his survival chances.
That said, Bunshin isn't perfect, so we don't take unnecessary risks.
This final Calf missile though goes Getey's direction. I do need to do some serious damage to him and this is a perfect chance.
We return to evasion right afterwards though.
Neither of the neutral flanks can get close enough to engage in combat. Just the way we like things.

Turn 5:
Manami slides into place, with enough Will to use her Finisher on Zechs. His Aries doesn't stand a chance, so long as it hits.

This robs us of the possible banter dialogue he would have had with Hiiro, which I will produce below for you.

<hiiro vs zechs>
Zechs: The Gundam I shot down!? I can't believe it's still in working order.
Hiiro: ...Zechs Marquise, huh.
Zechs: It's seems there's a connection between us. I didn't want to face you again with an Aries, but... I suppose I don't have a choice.

Manami's skills rank up, and we collect a Shuffle Crest part. We certainly didn't want to lose that drop to an NPC.

I cannot capture how cool this attack looks with screenshots, though I tried. Maybe I'll remember to take a full recording again in the future. I'm not as pressed for time as I was with the Jet Stream Attack, which may or may not ever return, but I have Eiji all game long, as far as I know. Anyway, here are a few stills to whet your appetite.
One Demon Death Squaddie down.

Clean up squad cleaning up. The Marasai will come to me on EP, I'm not concerned.

Banjo needs to swap Daitarn to jet for the extra move, so we push ahead.

We'll defend Bask's shot here, raising the question why he didn't even bother trying to attack Eiji last turn. Hit rate was too bad I guess? But that won't line up with future behavior either, so it's a small unsolved mystery for the moment.

Roux tanks and finishes.

Eiji saved an Alert by one-shotting, so we have zero risk here.
With Bunshin active and a battlesave I'll take these odds every time, so long as I don't need to chain together a long string of poor probabilities.
Manami collects on the chip we did with Eiji last turn, downing the second of the Demon Death Squaddies.
Duo and Hiiro begin to work on Bask, while Quatre and Trowa are still too distant to actually do anything.

Turn 6:
I would have preferred to have Sayaka get this kill, since Manami's plus alpha she gets from high kill count would've been much nicer on the higher reward Alexandria, but I just didn't want to sit through single digit hit rates, especially when I might have needed to upgrade the Rocket Punch ahead of time, which I didn't. Rocket Punch probably is a good investment, as it would unlock a new attack in Giant Swing Rocket Punch (or whatever the community accepted term for Daisharin Rocket Punch is), but that's still a long way off and I'm more concerned about some rapidly upcoming shoot downs which I'm going to have to see if continuing to fund Manami's finisher will be enough to handle on its own, or if she'll need to use Valor in exchange of a second Luck.
Sayaka does bat 100% vs Bask though, so we'll just need to bring him down to her damage range.
Daitarn can almost get us there in one.
But I end up needing to tickle him with Eiji's flamethrower as well.
This nets us huge cash and a Megabooster. Definitely not something to let fall into the hands of the Wing boys.
That leaves Manami to use one of her Lucks on Gosterro, worth the most of the Demon Death Squad. This results in another Chobham for us as well, and we can still use the extra parts.
I bring Roux in, and now that we have a third unit in the target zone...

<incoming call noise>
Garrison: Master Banjo, observe the Specials' Garuda.
Banjo: Crap, do they plan on breaking through?!
Duo: Bad news, looks like the target's escaping!
Hiiro: I won't let you run...
<Hiiro casts Valor>
Banjo: Everyone, we need to focus on that as well. It they escape, this operation is a failure!

It's fine, I bring down my Dolls and end turn.

I finally managed to time the screenshot right to catch a good Bunshin proc.
And that brings us down to only the transport left. This would actually have triggered the transport appearance itself, and the corresponding win/lose condition updates, but I figured I should actually do it the proper way since this is meant to be illustrative.
I use Valor here to cancel out the enemy's decision to Defend. This brings its HP low enough that rather than choose defend it switches its choice to Evade. This has always been a funny quirk of the enemy AI, but I'm not afraid to exploit it. (I don't remember exactly how it works, but I think it makes its choice based on whether or not the unadjusted damage would KO the unit. If it wouldn't KO, it Defends, if it would KO it evades. On the face this makes sense, "if I'm going to die anyway, take any chance I can" but since the choice is made on the unadjusted damage instead of the damage applied through a Defend, that leaves a large HP range where it actually would have survived, but instead tries to gamble on a dodge and ends up perishing.)
Manami grabs this kill with Luck, since transports and battleships are always worth big bucks.

This means we avoid the potential text caused by Hiiro fighting the transport

<hiiro vs the transport>
Noventa: What...!?
Hiiro: Target within reach. Destroying...
Noventa: Don't be hasty... young man...

Instead we get,
<transport destroyed, enemy reinforcements 4>
Noventa: Khh... Young men, why are you so hasty...
<enemy destroyed>
<enemies appear>
Emma: What a tragedy! All units, don't let the Resistance escape!
This is the final reinforcements of the chapter. You can see that one of the yellow unit's position forced an Aries upwards out of formation. I'll have to try to remember that the first default reposition is North for the future. I bet I could go back to my notes on how it worked in J as well, if I need to get really complicated in the future at some point. I think the same team developed both games.

Anyway, I have Sayaka take down Emma for a big gain in XP. The Mk II doesn't give much in the way of funds, probably because it shares that value for if we get it shot down on our side? Mazinger's positioning matters here, actually, for manipulating AI targeting on the enemy phase. If Sayaka was out of range to counter the displaced Aries, it would attack her. However with this positioning it will not, since she's now either: close enough, on defensive terrain, or both. Another change I have to also make may have mooted this in the end, but it was worth noting anyway.
Both Dolls switch to land mode for powerful attacks and take down an Aries apiece.
Roux rushes ahead to use a grenade. She needs to be hit, if she's in danger of being KOed the enemy will attack her, instead of a neutral unit (now that Mazinger isn't as attractive a target). I didn't run this test when Mazinger was still out of position, so I can't say how things would have shook out in that instance.
Eiji's softens this up. 
And we're prepared to end turn and wrap up the map on the enemy phase.
Eiji gets two of the Marasai
Apparently at this point his Beam Coat is enough to null the damage even.
The one he wounded switches focus to Banjo, which really is making me wonder if it's hit percentage that's the primary factor (aside from chance to KO?) Banjo was out of range of the other two, which might have been why they went to Eiji instead.
"Way to go, me!" Way to go indeed, Roux. We take Valor level-ups here.
With all enemies destroyed, Wufei shows up and breaks the bad news.

<enemy routed or 2nd player phase after enemy reinforcement 4, victory achieved>
<neutral unit appears>
Wufei: You bastards, still not satisfied with your meaningless battles!? You assholes... have been thoroughly tricked! Try looking into their communications. Just as they were about to win concessions from the Empire, you bastards have wiped out the entire pacifist wing of their organization!
Trowa: ...Wh-What...?
Quatre: ...That, can't be...
Wufei: Ru Kain and Treize Khushrenada have you dancing in the palms of their hands.
Hiiro: I've...
Emma: What... What are they saying...?
<ally battleship appears>
Garrison: Master Banjo, we have confirmation. It appears what that young man is saying is the truth.
Reika: Banjo, there's also a squad of Imperials approaching!
Banjo: ...Damn you, Specials... Everyone, fall back!
<allies retreat>
<neutrals retreat>
<ally battleship retreats>
Bask: Brigade Major Emma, this is a chance to clear your name. I'm entrusting you with leadership of an interception unit, do not let them escape!
Emma: Understood, Major Bask. I will go assemble the pursuit team.
Bask: Hurry.
Emma: (If I heard right... they said they were tricked... what does that mean?)
<end battle map>
<transition to story map>

<cursor at California>
Lady: That was handled flawlessly, Master Treize.
Treize: So it would seem. With this, the people can entrust themselves to the flow of history without reservations.
<airplane flies to Wyoming>
Kouji: Dammit, so they really got us?!
Banjo: Looks like they were one step ahead of us. If even Garrison couldn't sniff it out, though, there was nothing we could have done.
Kouji: And that makes things better how!?
Sayaka: Calm down, Kouji-kun. Acting like this isn't getting us anywhere.
Kouji: I get that, but...
Banjo: I imagine it's even harder on them.
Simone: Two of them stayed behind, the other three quickly disappeared somewhere though.

<fade out, fade in same location>

Banjo: What are your plans now? If you want, why not come with us?
Duo: Thanks... for now that sounds good...
Quatre: I wish to go with you as well. I think that is for the best.
Rashid: Master Quatre! Are we so unreliable?
Quatre: That's not true, Rashid. The Maganac Squad still has plenty they can do, there are still many battles to come.
Rashid: Well, if Master Quatre says so, then I guess I can't complain. Understood, we will remain at the base. But, if anything happens, give us a call.
Quatre: Of course. Well then, thank you very much for having us. Banjo, let me introduce myself once again. I am Quatre Raberba Winner.
Duo: And I'm Duo. Duo Maxwell. The Duo Maxwell that won't run, hide, or tell a lie.

<fade out, fade in same location>

Roux: Are Lieutenant Colonel Bright's forces coming?
Simone: Right now they're talking with Banjo and the others. The man with the sunglasses is also with them.
David: By Bright, you mean, that Bright, Bright Noa, right? From the One Year War? I didn't think he was still alive.
Roux: Lieutenant Colonel Bright and Captain Quattro are both central pillars among Life. What are you going on about?
Banjo: So then, you are saying you would wish to accompany us?
Garrison: My, oh my, that is certainly most heartening.
Bright: Well, it's been some time since I've been aboard a ship, my instincts have dulled somewhat.
Banjo: If it's you, Bright, I'm sure you'll be all right. But you think the Liberation Front is in dire straits...?
Quattro: These recent events have sunk the troops morale. Brigadier General Blex and General Igor are anxious about that. There are some who suggest that too fierce a desire to resist the aliens will drag us into a war with no consideration to the number of sacrifices involved.
Banjo: Karaba is the same way. At the moment, we may be the only ones who are truly able to take action.
Quattro: Quite right. The Liberation Front also holds such belief. If it didn't, we wouldn't be here.
Banjo: I see. In conclusion, this squad will exist to provide backup for both Karaba and the Liberation Front then? 
Quattro: Precisely. I look forward to working with you, Banjo.
Banjo: Likewise. Reika, gather the troops, including those from the Liberation Front. We have introductions to make.
Reika: Will do. I'll have them rounded up quickly.

Finish 7
Char           Lv   XP Kill  Mel/Sht/Eva/Hit/Rct/Skl  HP/EN/Mo/Ar/Lm/Wn    Skills                                                Parts
Manami         13  278   39  159/140/122/121/109/112  00/07/02/00/00/05    PrevailL2   | SwordL2    |            |            ||            | Hybrid     |------------|------------|||
Lawrence       13  278    0  ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--                |            |            |            ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Eiji|Layzner   13  256    9  139/159/150/139/106/126  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Bright|Aud     13    0    0  112/147/142/134/098/112  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |------------|------------|------------|||
Quattro|SD     13    0    0  130/162/153/143/106/139  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL4        | SwordL4    | ShieldL3   |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Duo|Death      13    0    0  150/124/139/134/107/117  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL3     | ShieldL2   |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Quatre|Sand    13    0    0  148/127/144/134/107/117  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL3     | ShieldL2   |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Banjo          11  477   21  156/132/120/120/098/130  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL4    | SwordL4    | PrevailL4  |            ||            | Chobham    |------------|------------|||
David|Doll     11  181    6  138/138/136/125/100/116  03/03/03/03/03/03                |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Sayaka|Z       10  186   12  134/122/108/108/094/091  00/03/02/00/00/02                |            |            |            || Biosenor   | Booster    | Booster    |------------|||
Roux|Jegan     10  101   14  127/144/138/118/096/098  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL1        | SwordL1    |            |            || Magnetic   |            |            |------------|||
Simone|Doll     8  456   24  117/119/132/123/095/101  03/03/03/03/03/03                |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Kouji|A         7  129    6  144/121/107/107/092/103  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL3   |            |            |            || Chobham    |            |            |------------|||

Total Cash:  160840
Total Turns: 37


Edited by Balcerzak
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Chapter 8: "Gundam that Leads to Ruin"


It's possible I didn't need all these ticks, but I definitely needed more than that I had and I was in a spending mood.
I noticed that Eiji's riding a gas guzzler. Unlike how I remember it from J the Lasered Rifle here runs of EN not ammo, so in addition to VMAX and flight, this machine is just pretty hungry. I'll stop here and see if this will be enough.
I remembered that I had to stop my EN upgrade of Mazinger earlier because I ran out of funds and forgot to go back and fix that previously. So here's my next "wait and see".
The last thing I do, aside from swapping around parts, is to swap around pilots. Quatre has Luck, so I want to make the most of that, but his Sandrock's best attacks have no air rating, and the bosses I was looking at both fly. So he's jacking Duo's ride. 

Enough said, let's get into it.

<plane flies east-southeast toward Nebraska>
Bright: What news of our enemies?
David: They're still on our tail. It's proving a little troublesome to shake them.
Roux: That goes to show they're pretty skilled, huh.
Bright: So we really won't be able to escape... I guess we'll have to look for a good place to stage a counterattack.
Roux: Seems right.

<fade out, fade back in>
Bright: What's that!?
Roux: Enemies approaching from 2 o'clock.
Bright: They've brought in another unit? We have no choice. Everyone, level one battle stations! Prepare to intercept.
<transition from story map to battle map>
"Gundam that Leads to Ruin"
This is the full map here, again with deployment slots numbered for our convenience.

<battle map 1>
<enemies appear>
<ally battleship appears>
<unit select>
Jerid: It's them all right. Looks like we're in luck!
Lila: The guys chasing them will be along soon. No need to do anything too reckless.
Jerid: Understood.
Kacricon: Don't be impatient, Jerid.
<battle start>

I did give Manami the Shuffle Crest, and you can already see it in the deploy screen here.

Turn 1:
I will be sending both Dolls, Duo in the Sandrock, Eiji and Banjo northward. I send Roux, Sayaka, Quattro, Bright, Kouji to the right. Manami heads northwest. They were deployed to try to best facilitate this.

The three are all in the same machine, so I'll only include the one shot of the Marasai.

Kouji actually hitches a ride in the Audhulma, since there's no way anyone can get injured, and this gives more possible movement range for him.

The little minimap and the shots in the aftermath of the EP save on time compared to showing a bunch of movement-only posts. With the Megabooster and jet mode, Daitarn is actually in range of some of the Marasai to counter them, other than that the enemy either rush into the water, or were already amphibious suits and continue moving around in there.

Turn 2:
Here's what everything looks like at the start of our next phase. Keeping some of the enemies from moving into the water will help get my Dolls a few more kills, and I'm trying to boost my overall levels still, so this should work well for me.

I caught a bad screenshot of Shield Flash attack so just dropped it, Simone transforms and advances. I probably should have gone another square forward even, but I was trying to balance forcing some to attack her without giving them a chance at David (who will still be in aerial form an unable to counter), but still close enough to get the Love bonus.
He has enough damage to get a kill at least.

Eiji stays put and fires a grenade so that Daitarn can get a clean kill. It definitely didn't need to crit.
Because I think even at 1100 or whatever the Zanbar would finish and if not he has stronger less accurate options. You can also see Manami's pushed northwest deep into the water as well.

That's pretty much what the final northern front looks like. The south front just pushes southeast some more but I didn't grab a shot of their final positions here, you can see it at the start of turn 3 instead.

I think Simone is just short of the KO here.
I miscounted the Aries range, so David defends.
Eiji continues firing grenades.
Simone works well on the Aries that chose her, though.
As well as having scrounged up enough Will to seal the deal on the other of the Marasai that Daitarn had softened up last turn.
This gives her Accel access, which should be great.
The Pisces runs into Daitarn's waiting arms.

Turn 3:
Enemy reinforcements show up right at the start of the phase, they do not act. Apparently if I'd killed more I could have forced them? That's what Mr Blade said.

<enemies 12 or less, or 3pp, enemy reinforcement 1>
<enemies appear>
Karla: Damn them... Definitely not letting them get away. Specials Squad, keep them from moving!
Emma: Understood. (I have to find out...)
Lawrence: M-Milady, that is...
Manami: Aisha...
Aisha: This time I shall see you defeated. Prepare yourself, Manami.
At this point we are presented with choices. None of the guides say anything about this influencing recruitment, so it appears to be just for flavor.
<Wait Aisha!>
Manami: Wait, Aisha! Please, listen to me!
Aisha: So long as you will not return to Romfeller, there is nothing for us to speak about.
Manami: Aisha! I...
Aisha: Discussion is futile!

<Too bad for you, Aisha>
Manami: Too bad for you, Aisha. While I did not wish to fight you, I will not just quietly let you take me down.
Aisha: That is fine by me. If you gave up without a fight you would be an unworthy rival.

I decided to go with the "Wait," option.

Ultimate Beam and Manami's current Will is enough for a clean OHKO.

I remembered that I forgot to Scan and show the new bosses, so here they are. Apparently Aisha is Super Strong Willed personality, while Karla is just Strong Willed.

I have Quatre slide down and start working on Aisha. He takes more of a beating in return than I was expecting.
I fly Bright over and unload Kouji to repair him.

Roux makes sure to go in with Alert, because if she took that hit she wouldn't survive.

Sayaka is queued up to take her down. I definitely routed for her to take the Super boss and not the Real boss, but her hit rate still could be higher. If I had enough move parts that I could have been at 1 range that would have solved things, and probably avoided needing Roux's chip as well, but...

She connects and collects. More Chobham for our troubles as well.

This means we do miss out on a boss conversation between Manami and Aisha, 'cause Manami is miles away.

<Manami vs Aisha>
Manami: Aisha!!
Aisha: Come, fight me!

It wasn't particularly exciting or spicy though.

Simone collects a kill.
Eiji and Duo chip down the other Aries so the Dolls can eventually collect on them.

David needs to transform and reposition though, so no immediate kill from him.

I need Banjo to start booking it back to the west, for "reasons", and he stops to smack this waterlogged MS along the way, chunking it down pretty good.
Critical 15 always makes me laugh.

Quattro has a Persuade option for Emma.

<Quattro convinces Emma>
Emma: I am Brigade Major Emma Sheen of the Specials. I have something I wish to ask. At New Edwards Base you lot said you were "tricked". What exactly did you mean by that?
Quattro: Just what it sounds like. We, the Liberation Front of the Earth and Karaba, had intercepted intelligence that elites from the Empire and the Specials were meeting at that base. That is the reason for Karaba's assault. But what was the result? The ones who were at the base were those suing for peace between Earth and the Empire. Obviously someone anticipated we were planning an attack and fed us false information. Eliminating the pacifists holds no merit for us.
Emma: ...That's impossible.
Quattro: Can you really say that? The Specials claim to be an organization dedicated to maintaining public order on Earth, but in reality they've become nothing more than pawns the Empire uses to torment other Earthlings with. They could easily do such a thing.
Emma: That cannot be true. The Specials act with the purpose of promoting peace within the Earth Sphere and to secure rights for Earthlings. What reason would there be for them to orchestrate such a thing? It's unthinkable.
Quattro: You're wrong. Think about it carefully and you should come to the answer. Whose rights are the Specials focused on securing? Their own rights, no, those of the Romfeller Foundation. The Specials are not fighting for the Earth Sphere as a whole, they are acting as a private army.
Emma: ...that can't...
Quattro: Then ask Bask about it and see for yourself.
Emma: Khh...
<enemy retreats>

And this is the state of things at the end of the phase.

Death by Daitarn.
Simone escaping by the skin of her teeth.

Quattro had Focus up, I'd cast it in anticipation of fighting Karla, but then decided to do Emma Persuade right away instead of waiting. So if Focus reduces the hit rate to 0 you will still be attacked. Unsure about natural zeros still for the moment, but this is good data.
I mistimed the screencap of Sword Cut here, and honestly I think I would have preferred the +1 Will cause Manami has plenty of HP, but it doesn't matter in the end. Love the flavor dialog though. "How unskilled. Or is it just that I am too amazing?"
Bright misses this 73...
Roux gets some focus from the next closest of the Terminator police from the bottom.
I really don't want them to dogpile Bright.
And thankfully the others do switch to Kouji, which is honestly not great either, but I can deal with it.
Simone lives dangerous and gets rewarded for it.
Manami only has enough Will for her finisher because of the Shuffle Crest (though if she hadn't procced sword cut she could have done without it). This is needed to cleanly deal with the Cancer and allow her to retreat back southward to land next turn.
Damn woman! I know Kouji is a misogynist, but do you have to hit him that hard?

Eiji and Lila trade blows. Jerid and Kacricon just advance to get into range.

Turn 4:
David casts Valor and unloads. Not thrilled about Vigor as his next spirit, but what can you do.
Duo Valors his remaining Shield Flash on Kacricon. Eiji has retreated, I'd been assuming Lila would come forward and finish herself on David alongside the final Aries there but she ends up waiting in place.

I'm not sure why I chose Alert instead of Focus, I guess I was thinking that maybe if the one Terminator that does attack Quattro hit him, maybe it would change how things play out? Either way, this shot is also fueled by Valor.
Resulting in a good chunk of damage.

Quatre has Luck up here, and does enough damage.
Thinking on it, this does answer the "who heals the healer" question, lol.
Sayaka and Roux (using Valor) clean out two Terminators who were untouched due to Kouji/Bright magnets.
This means I should escape with only losing a few counters to poor targetting this phase, allowing Bright to get healed and Kouji to get some good XP.
I'd initially hoped to use Eiji to weaken this, but surprisingly a Flamethrower cannot affect targets in water. Simone will have to just chip away.

David gets the Aries.
The Terminator misses Quattro anyway.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.

Bright defends the Pisces.
Roux kills one Terminator, and badly wounds a full health one.
The last full health one attacks Kouji, and since this is his only incoming I let him fire back.
Bright tangles with the Cancer, who is surprisingly on Shore terrain and not Lake terrain, thus actually gets affected by beams.

Turn 5:
Bright casts Luck and Strike, and snags his first kill.
Sayaka cleans up the Pisces and learns Alert.


Roux kills, with Alert for safety.
My overlevelled units retreat to the battleship.

That's the end of the last aquatic Marasai.

Roux cleans on the EP.
Lila had stayed still previously, so I brought Eiji back up to give him her kill. I think he's the best choice of the three options I had up there (the others being Duo and David). Repair Kit isn't a great drop, but it might come in handy.
LOL, like he needs VMAX now.
This triggers the arrival of the Devil Gundam.

<enemy defeated, ally reinforcement 1 & enemy reinforcement 2>
<enemies appear>
Manami: Wh-What is that!?
Lawrence: There seems to be no data on it, Milady.
Quatre: Could it be...
Duo: Of course, you think so too, huh. I also think it somewhat resembles someone we know.
<ally units appear>
Ryouma: We've caught up to it, Domon Kasshu. That's the one, right?
Domon: Yes, without a doubt. I've finally found you, Kyouji! Rain, I'm setting you down here! Uooooohhh!
<Domon casts Drive>
<Domon transforms>
Banjo: Professor Saotome's Getter Robo?!
Hayato: Ah, Banjo, right? We'll explain later. For now we have to beat this up first.
Duo: No doubt about it. That's the Devil Gundam.
Bright: You know about it?
Quatre: Yes. I have been, no likely all five of us, have been ordered to destroy it. That is... the sixth meteor's true form.

Turn 6:
Some final Heal XP.
Getter and Domon are too far away to really contribute, so we'll end it this turn without them. That means we don't get to see the following exchange:

<domon vs kyouji>
Domon: Khh... Kyoujiii!!
Kyouji: ...kehkehkeh.

Sun Attack puts in some solid work, keeping it about the 50% retreat threshold.
I forgot to Scan, but combat opens up the windows anyway to see his stats. Kyouji is literally uncrittable, that Skill is through the roof, damn!
Well, I have a solution for when they don't allow me to crit.
That is a tasty, tasty Minovsky Craft. And with the last enemy defeated, we begin the process of playing out the end.

<kyouji defeated or below 50%, victory achieved>
(destroyed case)
<enemy unit explodes>
Rain: ...Did we get him?
Domon: No... seems like he got away. Let's follow him, Rain!!
(below 50 case)
<enemy unit retreats>
Domon: Wait!!
(both cases)
Ryouma: You can't, Domon Kasshu. There's too many Imperials in the area, chasing too far is forbidden.
Domon: But we can't just let him get away!
Rain: It's no use, Domon. Do you plan on taking on the Imperial Army all by yourself?
Domon: Khh...
Bright: ... Well then, for now, everyone return to the ship
<end map 1>
(if quattro convinced emma)
<map 2>
<ally ship appears>
<neutral unit appears>
Manami: Wh-What are you doing...?
Banjo: What's this? ...Whoa, what have we here.  Sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to step away from that black mobile suit.
Emma: I have no intentions of fighting you.
Banjo: You were, Brigade Major Emma Sheen... from the Specials?
Emma: That's right.
<end map 2>
(if quattro convinced emma)
<map 3 start>
<allied ship appears>
Quattro: I heard that a mobile suit showed up, but how'd it go, Banjo?
Banjo: Captain, it went like you said it would.
Quattro: I see... Brigade Major Emma Sheen, huh.
Emma: What is this about?
Banjo: Captain Quattro said he didn't think you'd stick with the Specials.
Emma: He did?
Quattro: If you were going to stick with them, you wouldn't have left the field back there, would you have?
Emma: ...Would you allow me to join up with you?
Banjo: If it were up to me, I'd definitely say yes... but what do you think, Captain?
Quattro: Would you care to explain what caused your change of heart?
Emma: I just want to live in a way that lets me believe in myself. I wouldn't exactly say I've changed.
Quattro: ...I see. Banjo, I'll leave the decision to you.
Banjo: Well then, welcome aboard. Look forward to working with you, Brigade Major Emma
Emma: Thank you.
Reika: Hold on, Banjo!
Roux: Oh my, you're ready to believe her so easily?
Anna: I think it's okay to trust her.
Reika: Fine, fine. I get it.
<map 3 end>

<map 4 start>
<ally battleship appears>
Bright: What is it!?
Roux: Three craft of unknown origin approaching quickly. Model type... also unknown!
Bright: In this airspace? Everyone, man the guns! Are we able to hail them?
Quattro: Captain, allow me to intercept.
Bright: Please do. At this altitude if you get shot down, we won't be able to find you. Be careful.
Quattro: Understood.
<running noises>
<ally unit appears>
Quattro: It's fast... a mobile armor!?
<enemy units appear>
Buran: You've spotted me, Resistance scum? Don't underestimate this Assimar's performance. All units, spread out.
<robot transforming noises>
Quattro: It can change into a mobile suit!? This is bad!
<Assimar squad advances>
<beam launching noises>
<explosions at ally battleship>
<screen shakes>
Bright: Kh, shoot back at them from the deck as well. Where are our flak cannons! Can we bring down at least one of them!?
<quattro moves to buran>
<buran moves to bright>
Quattro: What!?
Buran: Fuhahahahaha, I've got you now, Audhulma!
<neutral unit appears>
??? (Amuro): Uoooo!
<??? (Amuro) moves to Buran>
Quattro: What!? What are you doing, Amuro!? ...That is you, Amuro?
Amuro: Stay back, Char!
Buran: What!?
(Amuro moves into Buran's space)
Buran: Wh-What, in a transport!? Impossible!
(Amuro moves out of Buran's space)
Amuro: Khh...
Bright: Now! Gun embankments, aim carefully!
<machinegun noises>
Buran: Uoooooh!? Kh... All units, retreat!
<enemies retreat>
Quattro: They're falling back...
Amuro: I can't hold together long enough to land on deck...
<Amuro explodes>
<neutral unit destroyed>
Quattro: Did he eject? He's crazy...
<quattro moves to amuro's space>
Quattro: ...Amuro... Amuro Ray...?
Amuro: I called you Char, earlier... You're Char... But...
Quattro: There's no doubt... it's Amuro Ray...
<end map 4>

<transition to story map, still in Nebraska>
Bright: Amuro! Is it really Amuro!? I'd heard the Empire had you under house arrest but...
Amuro: Because you guys have been acting up so much, they eased up on their surveillance. After I heard about what happened at New Edwards Base, I somehow managed to escape... but I never thought you'd be here, Bright.
Bright: You did well to make it here. Let's have some introductions. This is Karaba's Haran Banjo, and the Liberation Front of the Earth's Captain Quattro.
Banjo: I've heard the rumors, Captain Amuro Ray. But to be able use such an unmaneuverable transport to crash into a mobile suit, you certainly don't disappoint.
Amuro: Just Amuro is fine. And things just happened to work out.
Quattro: It's an honor to be able to meet the hero of One Year War.
Amuro: ...pleased to meet you too, Colonel.
Quattro: It's Captain.

Manami: Amuro Ray... What kind of person is he, I wonder?
Garrison: Oh my, you are unfamiliar? Three years ago he fought to great effect in the war against Zeon's Independence, and then later against the Empire. He was a member of Captain Bright's White Base.
Kouji: So he's an ace pilot, huh? So why has he only turned up now?
Sayaka: What are you saying? Didn't they just say he'd been captured by the Empire and been held under house arrest? Kouji-kun, were you even listening?
Kouji: I heard that, yeah, but something still feels fishy.

<fade out, fade in>

Banjo: It's good that you've come. Is Professor Saotome doing well?
Ryouma: Yeah. Using the data collected from the Proto-Getter three years ago he completed this Getter, and after that he's moved on to some new research.
Hayato: The professor told us to come and meet up with you.
Quattro: I see. I'd heard that Karaba was home to a number of researched robots, but to see it's this many. Then is that Gundam type also from Karaba?
Banjo: Nope, I don't know about that one. Ryouma, is he some new recruit or something?
Rain: Ah, that's not the case. They were helping us to chase after that Devil Gundam...
Domon: Rain, don't say anything unnecessary.
Rain: But, they helped us out. It's only right to explain.
Domon: I don't feel like it.
Rain: Then what are you saying we should do? Start searching for the Devil Gundam again? While on the run from the Imperial Army?
Domon: Th-That's...
Bright: Um, sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about...
Hayato: When we heard about that monster, we met these guys just as we started to investigate. To tell the truth, we don't really know that much about their circumstances.
Duo: Since they're chasing the Devil Gundam, they must have come down from the colonies. Isn't that right, you two?
Quattro: From the colonies?
Domon: ...Asshole, who the hell are you!?
Duo: Hey hey, no need to get so physical. Just means I came down from there a little bit earlier than you.
Bright: Speaking of you guys, you said you know about that Devil Gundam?
Duo: Yeah, now that it's come to this there's no use hiding it, right Quatre?
Quatre: Yes. I also think it's better to talk about it.
Quattro: What are you saying?
Duo: The five of us... well, I don't really know the others' details, but I expect it's the same... We were sent down to the Earth to cause damage and confusion to the Empire. But on the way down it seemed some kinda trouble happened. At almost the same time as us, something else was also sent down to the Earth.
Quatre: That's right. That was the Devil Gundam... and so we were given an additional mission... To capture or destroy the Devil Gundam.
Duo: Since the Empire has cut off communication between the colonies we don't know the details. But we heard the name of the guy who sent the Devil Gundam down to the Earth. That name was Kyouji Kasshu.
Ryouma: Kasshu!? Then...
Rain: He is... Domon's older brother. But we can't understand why Kyouji would do such a thing... after all, the Devil Gundam was originally...
Domon: Don't say it, Rain. All you people need to know is that I will defeat Kyouji and the Devil Gundam with my own two hands! I won't let anyone get in my way!
Rain: Domon...
Banjo: We understand your circumstances. And this so-called Devil Gundam is extremely dangerous.
Duo: Self Evolution, Self Regeneration, Self Propagation. A true monster. The one redeeming feature is that it'll be a lot of fun for the Empire too.
Banjo: Domon Kasshu. Like Miss Rain has implied, if you travel with us, using our information network should make it easier to track down the Devil Gundam. What do you say?
Domon: ...Fine. But for me, fighting the Empire is only a secondary objective.
Banjo: That works for us.

<fade out, fade in>

Quattro: ...Do you have some business with me, Captain?
<walking noises>
Amuro: Char... Why, have you come back to the Earth Sphere?
Quattro: ...I came here to laugh at you. That's what you want to hear, right?
Amuro: Things didn't turn out this way because I wanted them to. But you should already know that.
Quattro: But you don't want to be pitied either, right? In that case I want you to be the Amuro Ray who can show these young ones the proper way forward. That's the best thing I can say to you.
Amuro: ...Why have you come back to the Earth Sphere?
Quattro:  Lalah's soul wanders the Earth Sphere. I felt that if I headed to Mars, I wouldn't find her there.
Amuro: ...
Quattro: ...If you stay trapped in your shell, it will benefit the alien empire.
Amuro: Until now I've been under house arrest, what could I have done!? Going to space would have been impossible!
Quattro: Are you sure about that? Just remember that those who have lost their drive are unable to accomplish anything.
Amuro: ...

Finish 7
Char           Lv   XP Kill     Mel/Sht/Eva/Hit/Rct/Skl  HP/EN/Mo/Ar/Lm/Wn    Skills                                                Parts
Manami         14  459   43$$   160/141/124/123/110/113  00/07/02/00/00/08    PrevailL2   | SwordL2    |            |            || Shuffle    | Hybrid     |------------|------------|||
Lawrence       14  459    0     ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--                |            |            |            ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Eiji|Layzner   14  122   10     140/160/152/141/107/127  00/05/02/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Quatre|Death   13  378    1     148/127/144/134/107/117  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL3     | ShieldL2   |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Duo|Sand       13  250    1     150/124/139/134/107/117  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL3     | ShieldL2   |            |            || Booster    |            |------------|------------|||
Quattro|SD     13   66    1     130/162/153/143/106/139  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL4        | SwordL4    | ShieldL3   |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Bright|Aud     13   60    1     112/147/142/134/098/112  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            || Chobham    |------------|------------|------------|||
Ryouma         13    0    0     152/127/114/120/097/111  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4   |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Hayato         13    0    0     145/130/122/122/099/113  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Musashi        13    0    0     151/126/107/116/095/107  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL3   |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Domon          13    0    0     156/128/140/130/106/148  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL2     |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Banjo          12  270   24$    157/133/122/122/099/131  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL4    | SwordL4    | PrevailL4  |            || MBooster   | Chobham    |------------|------------|||
David|Doll     12  254    9     139/139/138/127/101/117  03/03/03/03/03/03                |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Sayaka|Z       12   88   15     136/124/112/112/096/093  00/06/02/00/00/02                |            |            |            || Biosenor   | Magnetic   | Booster    |------------|||
Roux|Jegan     11  251   18     128/145/140/120/097/099  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL1        | SwordL1    |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Emma|MKII      11    0    0     110/138/130/125/098/106  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL2    |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Simone|Doll    10  320   29$    119/121/136/127/097/103  03/03/03/03/03/03                |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Kouji|A         9  155    6     146/123/111/111/094/105  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL3   |            |            |            || Chobham    |            |            |------------|||

Total Cash:  75130
Total Turns: 43


Edited by Balcerzak
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Chapter 9: "Sorrow, Soldiers"


Since Quattro has Accel, I'm giving him the UC suit with the least move. I'm a little sad we painted the black MKII white, but what can you do. This following stage didn't have any particuarly new challenges, no new retreating boss or anything, so I haven't spent more money yet. I like to save it until it feels like it's going to make a difference.

<map opens in Nebraska where we left off>
<incoming call noise>
Beauty: Captain, General Igor from Life is on the line.
Bright: General Igor? Put him through.

Igor: Ahh, Lieutenant Colonel. Is Banjo there as well?
Banjo: Sorry for the lack of contact lately, General.
Igor: It seems Karaba's been going through a rough patch as well.
Bright: Well then, what sort of business do you have with us?
Igor: Hmm. Truthfully, there's been a sudden uprising of armed citizenry against the occupation forces in Kansas City. However, it sounds like the occupation forces' subjugation unit is assaulting the city. I'd like you to head there to rescue the civilians.
Quattro: But we've run low on supplies.
Igor: Understood. I've already made arrangements between our members and the local Karaba to have supplies and personnel in place. They should already be converging on location.
Banjo: We cannot abandon a citizen uprising under attack. Understood. Let's head to Kansas City.
Igor: I'm counting on you.

<fade out, fade in>

Sara: Sara Yuki, Ryo Shiba, and Masato Shikibu, formerly of the Federation Army's 13th Special Armored Unit, reporting for duty.
Bright: Thanks for your hard work. But to think that the Cyber Beast Force were still alive and well. We're glad to have you.
Sara: Under General Igor's orders we were disbanded for a time in order to go into hiding.
Bright: I see... Weren't there four members to the Cyber Beast Force? We seem to be missing one.
Masato: Shinobu hasn't been found yet. Sara's quite lonely while he's away who-knows-where.
Sara: Shut it, Masato. We have a rough idea of where he is, we just need to tug on his collar.
Ryo: Really, what is that fool doing. Without all four members, the Cyber Beast Force is in a sad state.
Bright: ...Is that right. Well then, what about the supplies?
Masato: Regarding those, a beauty from Karaba calling herself Beltorchika is bringing them.
Sara: Of course that's what you focused on...
Masato: If life's not fun, it's not worth living. And this place is also filled with beauties, it was definitely worth coming.

<fade out, fade in>
<walking noises>
<door noises>
Beltorchika: Captain, checks of the delivered goods have been completed.
Bright: Ah, thanks for that. Why don't you take a small break. Amuro's here too, why don't you both introduce yourselves.
Beltorchika: Beltorchika Irma from Karaba.
Amuro: Pleased to meet you, Amuro Ray.
Beltorchika: Amuro... You are. Hmm? This fragrance... Helen Helen, right?
Amuro: Huh?
Beltorchika: My favorite brand of soap.
Amuro: (...Why would the Audhulma stock Helen Helen?)
Bright: (I have no idea.)
Beltorchika: ...So you're Amuro Ray? Hmmm, they call you a Newtype, but you're just a normal person, huh.
Amuro: Well sorry about that.
Beltorchika: I'd always had the impression that Amuro Ray would be a more warlike person, so this is a relief. I'd been worrying about what to do if it turned out that Life and Karaba turned out to be the same as the Empire, no as the Specials. Just a group using a good cause as a front so that they could calmly kill their fellow earthlings.
Amuro: And even worrying this, you joined Karaba?
Beltorchika: With cities being burned in guerrilla hunts, I hate the occupation forces too.
<door noises>
Quattro: Captain, we're pressed for time. I was thinking about going to see about hurrying things up.
Bright: Yes, please do.
<door noises>
Beltorchika: Who was that?
Amuro: Captain Quattro from the Liberation Front.
Beltorchika: ... he gives off a frightful impression. I don't sense any peaceful intelligence from him at all.
Amuro: Captain Quattro isn't that sort of man. He's fundamentally a gentle person.
<walking noises>
<door noises>
Beltorchika: ...did I say something wrong?
Bright: No, don't worry about it.
Beltorchika: ...liar.

<fade out, fade in>

Rain: Balancer, Power-Balance system... OK. Open Gauge... Error Margin 0.2. Transformation System... normal. All right.
Astonaige: Sorry, but when you're done over there, can you come and take a look at this?
Rain: Sure, I don't mind. Just a second.
Astonaige: That's a relief. We just don't have enough hands on deck.
<plane flies southeast to Kansas City>
Bright: Just about there. Everyone, stand by at primary battle stations!
Quattro: Banjo, was releasing Brigade Major Emma from her probation the right move?
Banjo: Yeah, she'll be fine.
<end story map, transition to battle map>

"Sorrow, Soldiers"

The chapter starts with a cut-scene battle map before we switch to what we're actually gonna be doing.

<battle map 1>
<enemy units appear>
<Marasai unit approaches city>
<city explodes>
<neutrals appear>
<Hiiro moves to city>
<Hiiro transforms>
Hiiro: ...what a miserable job... shit.
<marasai takes damage>
<marasai moves next to hiiro>
<marasai takes damage>
<enemies destroyed>
Hiiro: Mm...? That is...
Relena: Hurry, everyone take shelter! Hiiro...? Hiiro is fighting.
Hiiro: ...Relena Darlian, huh.
<enemy units appears>
<hiiro advances>
<city explodes>
Specials: There she is, that's Relena Darlian.
Relena: Specials... They killed Father...
<Aries units, approaches Relena's position>
Relena: Ah... Hiiro...
<Aries units, approaches Relena's position>
Specials: Do it.
<Aries units, approaches Relena's position>
<Marasai takes damage>
<enemy unit destroyed>
<hiiro approaches aries units>
<hiiro uses MAP weapon "Buster Rifle">
<enemies destroyed>
Relena: ...Hiiro!? Hiiro saved me...?
Hiiro: ...Kh, what am I doing.
Specials: N-No good! Retreat!
<enemy units retreat>
Relena: Hiiro... Hiiro, can you hear me? Why did you save me? Were you not going to kill me? Answer me, Hiiro!
Hiiro: ...Kh.
<Hiiro transforms>
<Hiiro approaches the edge of the map>
<neutral unit retreats>
Relena: Do not run away! Please, Hiiro!
<end map 1>

<map 2>
<enemy units appear>
The full map of initial enemies.

Professor Graw: Take lots of prisoners. With surgery we can turn them into troops to serve for us.
Great General of Darkness: Damned Hyakkis. ...Grr, the Resistance!?
Professor Graw: Oh!? This reaction.... without a doubt, the cursed Getter Robo is in their midst.
<ally battleship appears>
Banjo: Mycenae and Hyakki! You devils have joined forces with the Empire to destroy humanity, huh? Everyone, let's go!
Amuro: Kh...
<running noises>
Bright: Hmm? Stop that! It's been three years since you've touched a mobile suit, right!?
Beltorchika: We have machinegun emplacements, right?
Amuro: But I'm a Gundam pilot.
Beltorchika: (Amuro... Ray... As I thought, he's a pilot. He was a fighter...)
Bright: All pilots deploy!
<unit select screen>

Turn 1:
There's going to be reinforcements on the sides of the map, so our slow units will advance up the left, while our faster movers will dash to the other side.
The first time you change to a new Getter form, it gives you a neat little in-window movie. Here's a few shots of going to Getter 2.
This is the end of T1.

<1st EP>
Amuro: Dammit...
Beltorchika: (Why? This man who just said he was going to fight is now trembling in fear. Is this the man they were calling a Newtype? ...No, just like how I'm scared of the sky falling, he's afraid of fighting... and yet!) Lead me to the machinegun emplacements!

Turn 2:
Eiji softens enough for Roux to add another kill to her tally.
Everybody else just positions to take hits on EP.

<2nd EP>
Quattro: (What are you doing, Amuro... The young ones are fighting here too, isn't your blood racing like it used to back then?)

I thought this one was going to go to Getter, but it had enough range on Manami that she couldn't counter and went for her instead.
Simone also has to deal with an out-of-range attacker as well. The rest of the attacks went back and forth normally without much interesting happening.

Turn 3:
These are some snippets of changing to Getter 1.
We feed Simone a kill as we rush ahead.
David is still catching up, because no Accel.
Eiji softens for Jet form Daitarn.
Getter and Manami poke at an Oberius.
Emma puts Gain on and waits to EP, while my left flank is in position for the reinforcements' arrival.
This is the positions of our other flanks.
After killing enough enemies, we trigger the reinforcements.

<enemies fall to 8 or below, enemy reinforcements 1>
<enemy units appear>
(if Graw is still on the field)
Tekkouki: Fall back, Graw. Leave the rest to me. Puny Earthlings, I am the Hyakki Tekkouki. Now then, let us fight fair and square!
Musashi: You claim to fight fair? Don't make me laugh.
Professor Graw: (If he seriously believes what he's saying, we will be unable to achieve the ambitions of the Hyakki.)
<enemy units appear>
Tekkouki: What!? Graw, stand back! Did you forget our promise!?
Professor Graw: Be quiet. If we can defeat them here and get our hands on the Getter Ray Amplification Engine it will be a huge step forward toward achieving our ambitions!
Manami: Such numbers... But we cannot afford to lose here!
Lawrence: As you say, Milady.
Tekkouki: Damn you, Graw! My pride doesn't permit a fight like this. You lot, our match is on hold. Until we meet again.
<enemy units retreat>
Professor Graw: What!? How dare you, Tekkouki...!
Ryouma: Whew, I don't really understand all that, but we lucked out there.

(if Graw was already defeated)
Tekkouki: You did in Graw, huh. Whatever, that leaves the rest up to me. Puny Earthlings, I am the Hyakki Tekkouki. Now then, let us fight fair and square!
Musashi: You claim to fight fair? Don't make me laugh.
<enemy units appear>
Tekkouki: What!? Khh, curse Graw, he'd kept this many forces hidden still?
Ryouma: Tch, this many coming huh. Hey, you called yourself Tekkouki? Bringing along a swarm of Imperial unmanned units is what you call fighting fair!?
Tekkouki: Dammit, my pride doesn't permit a fight like this. You lot, our match is on hold. Until we meet again.
<enemy units retreat>
Ryouma: Hey, wait!!
Hayato: Huh, so the Hyakki have folks like him too.

This is what the reinforcements look like (don't pay attention to the bosses, I didn't erase them from the map template because I don't know what terrain is under them). Everything else remains where it was when the trigger happens.

A couple of shots of some enemy phase in the middle of the map.
Again, Kouji and Bright are grabbing most of the aggro in their area.
Quattro and Roux get some action on the right.
Sayaka also gets some focus.
Trying to preserve some HP here.
We badly need a better battleship. This transport is made out of paper.
Mazinger is holding up quite well, on the other hand.
And one for Daitarn.

Turn 4:
Time to heal up and fight back.
A couple of Valors to soften things up.
Bright uses his Luck after Ryo does the final soften.
Kouji keeps Bright from dying.
Sayaka eliminates Terminators and will do more softening on the EP.
Another Quattro + Roux tagteam.
She earns Luck and Shield Defense. I've planned for this, and we'll be in a good place to take advantage of it.
Simone still playing catch-up on levels.
Getting some more chip done on some of the remaining enemies in the central area.
Eiji lets Quatre grab this with Luck.
Lawrence has enough SP to manage Trust and still have an Accel left, so I give Getter what they need.
Before grabbing this with Luck.
Emma is going to get this on a counter with Gain.
Waiting for EP chip.
Emma levels on EP.
Daitarn weakens and Simone kills.
Bright can fire once.
Roux and Sayaka doing work.
As does Banjo.
Bright has to defend the second incoming shot.
Sayaka can definitely get this next turn based on the numbers.
Needed that Trust health.

Turn 5:
Eiji uses Valor to put in big chip.
Roux uses her newfound Luck, and her now 20+ killcount to squeeze out some more cash here.
Sayaka has enough SP for one Trust in addition to her Luck, I give it to Manami just in case.
Then she earns her payday. Not quite to 20 kills on her yet, another map or two.
The SD models for the Dancouga machines rub me the wrong way, and I can't really say what exactly the problem is. It's not as obvious as the stupid eyes on the SD Gundams, but I guess I just don't gel with the proportions.
More Kouji healing.
Another Gain kill for Emma.
Doll leapfrogging.
Duo doesn't have anything to do, I'm saving these kills for Sayaka and Ryo.
Domon can at least get in some chip.
Banjo needs to stay out of range of Graw, so we'll park him here.
With Alerts I didn't need to have Trusted Manami, but I forgot I had the spare SP for it. She'll have enough damage on her own between this, EP and next PP.
Now that we're Will 130 Getter 2 is so much more survivable. Gotta love Bunshin and Bunshin equivalents. I think the Getter Vision pic is from an earlier take before I fixed Banjo's position, so the exact damage might be off slightly because different Will going in.
Quattro getting some chip XP.
Some defends to give the kills to other people.
Also, just to survive in Bright's case.
Some more generic EP action.
Versus the bosses.

Turn 6:
This gets Darkness in position for Getter to clean up.
We sneak in a level on Ryo. I don't know how the Average Level system works as far as counting subpilots or alternate pilots, but perhaps I'll be able to figure something out with enough maps of data. In fact, I'm not sure if I've addressed the subject more than in passing, maybe it deserves its own post at some point. Hopefully I'll have it fully figured out by the time I'm ready to lay it down and explain things.
That's left side all done and cleaned up.
Another Roux kill.
Proof of turn count.
Last Terminator.
Since I probably didn't need Valor here, I could have avoided the Trust here as well by using some of Ryouma's SP to heal himself. Still, number go big always feels good. It's a shame they cap it to remaining health in the old games so you can't see the overkill.
I was surprised to see it popped up a window for each level on a multilevel kill.
Propellant tanks can be handy, but it really depends on circumstance.
Manami gets her last spirit for a long while. The repair kit likely won't see use, but maybe I stuff it on Getter 3 to have it on hand in case of emergencies.

<enemy routed, victory achieved>
<end map 2>
<map 3> 
<ally battleship appears>
Banjo: All right, everyone, let's hurry up and help the wounded.

(There would be more here if we were using a Real Protagonist, apparently, but as a Super this is all we get.)

<end map 3, transition to story mode, still at Kansas City>
Banjo: Garrison, what's the status on our supplies?
Garrison: Sir, after what we just received we are now in a good state as far as arms, ammunition, parts, and the like go. However, we have expended most of the food and medical supplies in Kansas City, there are scarcely any left.
Kouji: What's that!? So what are we gonna eat then?
David: This is no laughing matter!
Simone: Christ, you guys are gluttons.
Kouji: But you know, if you don't eat you can't fight, right?
Garrison: Hoho, the rare case of a sound argument from you.
Kouji: You could've held back on that "rare case" bit.
Banjo: It can't be helped. Captain, take us to Hong Kong.
Bright: Hong Kong? That's quite the distance.
Banjo: However we should be able to make arrangements there with Luio & Company.
Bright: There's no two ways about it then, we'll take the Audhulma to Hong Kong.

<Audhulma moves in west southwest direction toward Nevada? Las Vegas?>

Masato: Wait a sec, Sara. Isn't it bad for us to head out on our own now?
Sara: I'll be back in no time. I've just gotta stop by somewhere real quick.
Masato: Even if you leave the Land Cougar behind... wait, Sara!
Ryo: Let her go, Masato. You should know what's she's up to right?
Masato: Tch. So I'm the bad guy here? Got it, I'll just let her be.
Duo: All right. You're taking the ferry? I brought you the keycard.
Sara: Thank you, that's awful thoughtful of you.
Duo: Heheh, no need to thank me.

<fade out, fade in at California. Los Angeles?>

<door noises>
<walking noises>
Sara: So you were here after all... Shinobu. You look as filthy as I'd expect.
Shinobu: ...Sara...
Sara: You got the order to assemble, right Shinobu? Ryo and Masato have already returned to fight those Muge bastards. What are you doing here, wasting away?
Shinobu: ...
Sara: Don't just sit there silently, say something!
Shinobu: ...shut up... leave.
Sara: Shinobu!? What are you saying? Are you telling me you've become a coward!?
Shinobu: I've... already fought enough.
Sara: Shinobu... you... That's right, it was a long long battle. It's gone on forever, and we've done nothing but lose, and before we knew it we'd been stripped bare. Just what have we been fighting for... I've had those thoughts too.
Shinobu: Sara...
Sara: But you know... you do have something to believe in. Don't you, Shinobu?
Shinobu: ...
Sara: I... I believe. Well then, it was nice to see you again after all this while, Shinobu.
<walking noises>
<door noises>
Shinobu: ...dammit...

<fade out, fade back in at Las Vegas?>

Manami: Oh, Duo? What are you doing here?
Duo: It's you... Well, I just thought that it was pretty, looking at the moon from the earth. You can see it too plainly when looking from the colonies, it almost resembles a graveyard. There's Imperial bases there too. How long will I be able to look at the moon like this... I don't suppose he's looking at the moon though...


Finish 9
Char           Lv   XP Kill     Mel/Sht/Eva/Hit/Rct/Skl  HP/EN/Mo/Ar/Lm/Wn    Skills                                                Parts
Manami         16   19   45$$   162/143/128/127/112/115  00/07/02/00/00/08    PrevailL2   | SwordL2    |            |            || Shuffle    | MBooster   |------------|------------|||
Lawrence       16   19    0     ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--                |            |            |            ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Ryouma         15  202    1     154/129/118/124/099/113  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4   |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Hayato         15  202    0     147/132/126/126/101/115  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Musashi        15  202    0     153/128/111/120/097/109  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4   |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Eiji|Layzner   14  156   10     140/160/152/141/107/127  00/05/02/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Quatre|Death   14   73    2     148/127/144/134/107/117  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL3     | ShieldL2   |            |            || Chobham    |            |------------|------------|||
Bright|Aud     13  286    2     112/147/142/134/098/112  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            || Chobham    |------------|------------|------------|||
Duo|Sand       13  269    1     150/124/139/134/107/117  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL3     | ShieldL2   |            |            || Booster    |            |------------|------------|||
Sayaka|Z       13  182   18     137/125/114/114/097/094  00/06/02/00/00/02                |            |            |            || Hybrid     |            |            |------------|||
Roux|Jegan     13  132   22$    130/147/144/124/099/101  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL1        | SwordL1    | ShieldL1   |            || Booster    | Booster    | Biosenor   |------------|||
Quattro|MKII   13  113    1     130/162/153/143/106/139  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL4        | SwordL4    | ShieldL3   |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Domon          13   31    0     156/128/140/130/106/148  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL2     |            |            |            || Minovsky   |            |------------|------------|||
Banjo          13    0   25$    158/134/124/124/100/132  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL4    | SwordL4    | PrevailL4  |            ||            | Chobham    |------------|------------|||
David|Doll     12  452   10     139/139/138/127/101/117  03/03/03/03/03/03                |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Ryo            12  296    2     150/138/118/111/096/108  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Emma|SD        12  260    4     111/139/132/127/099/107  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL3    |            |            |            || Magnetic   |            |------------|------------|||
Simone|Doll    12    0   33$    121/123/140/131/099/105  03/03/03/03/03/03                |            |            |            || Repair Kit |            |            |------------|||
Masato         11    0    0     134/138/117/108/095/094  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Sara           11    0    0     139/139/118/110/095/096  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Kouji|A        10  372    6     147/124/113/113/095/106  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4   |            |            |            || Chobham    |            |            |------------|||

Total Cash:  157650
Total Turns: 49


Edited by Balcerzak
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Chapter 10: "Break Out of the Vile Trap!"


<Audhulma departs from California and begins moving over the Pacific Ocean, stops somewhere past Midway?>
Bright: Almost to Hong Kong... The enemies should have grasped our position by now, yet it's curious they haven't acted.
Banjo: The Special Administrative District of Neo Hong Kong should be under the direction of Won from Romfeller. I wouldn't expect him to overlook us like this.
Bright: That's right... that's what I was thinking.

<fade out, fade in>
Amuro: ...Are you going to the negotiations with Luio & Company?
Beltorchika: That's why I've come along, for those kinds of jobs.
Amuro: Beltorchika...
Beltorchika: If we can't fight because we're not properly supplied, we won't be able to drive the Empire from the Earth, you know.
Amuro: ...Didn't you hate fighting?
Beltorchika: I hate war. Doesn't everyone? But the times when you're fighting because you have to are different.
Amuro: But you despise me, right?
Beltorchika: I'm not that obtuse. Amuro Ray has been asleep for three years, both body and mind. You needed that rest, but you should wake up now. To get back to how you used to be.
Amuro: ...I'm not that confident.
Beltorchika: In the past you were doing what these kids are now, weren't you?
Amuro: You're not wrong, but...!?
Beltorchika: Mm...
Roux: Oh my, if you're going to kiss him right there, we can't get to the elevator.
Masato: Aww aww, and I liked that one quite a bit too. Captain Amuro sure moves fast.
Roux: What are you saying. C'mon, we can't watch forever, let's go.
Amuro: ... Beltorchika, if you're pitying me, forget it.
Beltorchika: I already told you I'm not that thick, didn't I? If a woman can cheer up a man with a loving touch, then that's what the woman is going to do. Why do you think that is?
Amuro: ...to test him?
Beltorchika: That's right. She wants to see if he can become the kind of man she deserves. But if it turns out he can't, she needs to be ready to dump him. There's no room for things like sympathy.
Amuro: You said you lost your parents earlier in the war?
Beltorchika: That's right. I'm the one who wants sympathy.
Amuro: My apologies... Let's see about driving the Empire out from the Earth.
Beltorchika: I might quickly forget...?
Amuro: I don't mind...
Beltorchika: Mmm...
<door noises>
Quattro: ...Beltorchika, Captain Bright is calling for you.
<walking noises>
Beltorchika: I have to go now... I hate that man.

<Audhulma starts to move again, finally arrives at Neo Hong Kong>
Ryouma: So this is Neo Hong Kong, huh? Looks like the rumors about it hold up.
Hayato: Yeah. It's the one city on earth that hasn't changed much since the occupation began.
Duo: Huh? What are you talking about?
Hayato: Neo Hong Kong is a Special Administrative District with an Earthling in charge of it. Seems like he's related to that Romfeller Foundation. Well, I guess that's at least one good thing the Romfellers have done.

<fade out, fade in>

Boss: Yo, been a while, Kabuto.
Kouji: Boss!? What are you doing here!?
Boss: Damn man, that's cold. I'm fighting for justice too, you know.
Kouji: C'mon Boss, this isn't fun and games. Besides, the only thing you can do to help out is swab the decks, right?
Boss: Don't underestimate me. Take a good look, Kabuto. That's my super robot, its name is Boss Borot.
Kouji: ...what the. There's nothing over there but supplies though?
Boss: Wh-wh-wh-wh, wait a minute. Where on earth did my Boss Borot go?
Rain: ...Wait, you wouldn't happen to be the ones who left that pile of scrap here, were you? Since it was getting in the way of bringing in goods, we moved it outside.
Boss: What the! Wait, no, stop. Where did you put my Boss Borot? Wait, hold up!
<running noises>
Kouji: ...
Sayaka: What are you up to, Kouji? Not causing trouble again are you?
Kouji: It wasn't me, Sayaka!
Manami: What was that?
Kouji: I don't really know, but it seems like he wants to come along. He's not really a bad guy, so I guess we should let him.

<fade out, fade in>

Astonaige: That doesn't go over there, bring it over here!
Professor Hazuki: How's the resupplying going?
Masato: Professor Hazuki!? What are you doing here?
Professor Hazuki: Even I have things I need to get done. Since we heard you guys were making contact with Luio & Company, I brought some newly developed models from the Liberation Front. By the way, I still haven't seen Fujiwara?
Masato: Sara went searching for him, but she's been a bit strange since she came back. That Sara, I think she probably met up with Shinobu but...
Professor Hazuki: Is that so...
Quattro: Professor Hazuki.
Professor Hazuki: Ah, Captain. What do you think about it?
Quattro: You've brought some good machines, I thank you.
Duo: Uhya, would you take a look at that golden mobile suit!
Roux: Amazing, I wonder who's gonna ride in that.
Professor Hazuki: Are Kabuto Kouji and Yumi Sayaka here? Professor Yumi asked me to deliver some things for him.
Kouji: Over here, Professor.
Sayaka: From Father? I wonder what it is.
Professor Hazuki: Mmm, the Jet Scrander and the Diana A.
Kouji: ...what's this do?
Professor Hazuki: The Jet Scrander can be equipped to the Mazinger Z to allow it to fly, with this you can fight battles in the air.
Kouji: Really!? That's great, with this Mazinger Z will be unstoppable! I'm gonna test it out right away!
<running sounds>
Masato: That way of reacting is just like how Shinobu would handle things.
Ryo: Hmm, those with simple minds will act in similar ways.
Sayaka: Professor, what about the Diana A?
Professor Hazuki: It seems to be a powered up version of the Aphrodite A. There's no change to the cockpit system nor its handling methods, so you should be good to test it out as well.
Sayaka: Understood.
<walking noises>
Masato: Hey Professor, is there anything like that for the Dancouga?
Professor Hazuki: Of course it's been under consideration. We've received data on that from Professor Yumi as well, but I think it will still take a little more time.

<fade out, fade in>

Lady: (Accursed Resistance, we'll deal with them here. Something on this level this isn't worth involving Treize directly.)
Won: But Colonel Lady Une, while it's certainly true that, like you said, we have some number of research laboratories under my management here, we still haven't collected enough data.
Lady: So you are unwilling to cooperate, Administrator Won? Then I suppose you won't mind living on an empty stomach.
Won: No no, that's not what I was saying at all. If you're saying something like that, there's only one thing to do. Let's have my test pilots assault the Audhulma. Please give my best regards to Major General Treize. 
Lady: Certainly. Let's hope for good results, for both our sakes.
<door noises>
Won: Hmm... damn vixen. Trying to use me like this.
???: But something like that is just clever use of tactics. By the way, have those preparations been completed?
Won: Well if it isn't Sensei. Eavesdropping is in poor taste, but yes of course. I'll leave the rest to you.
???: Fufufufufu, I'll take care of it.

<fade out, fade in>
Banjo: Captain, an enemy unit has been sent out. They seem to be approaching the city.
Bright: So they're coming after all. Get ready to call everyone back, any leftover pilots will be on standby!
Quattro: Captain, I'll be at the ready in the Hyaku Shiki.
Bright: I'm counting on you, Captain. Amuro, I want you to take out the other new unit, the Dijeh. Think you can do it?
Amuro: Yeah, it'll be fine.

<fade out, fade in>

Reika: Captain Bright, we've intercepted an wide-area broadcast from the enemy.
Bright: What? Put it through.
Lady: Can you hear us, Audhulma? I am Lady Une of the Imperial Army's Specials. We have finished arranging our forces for the purpose of your elimination, however, if battle proceeds like this, the city will incur considerable damage. That is not something we wish for.
Banjo: Huh, what is she trying to say?
Lady: For this reason, I am personally advising you to surrender. If you do not wish to see Neo Hong Kong City reduced to a sea of flames, why don't you peacefully lay down your arms.
Bright: Unbelievable... are they serious!?
Banjo: Seems so. What a shameless woman.
Garrison: However... what are we to do?
Banjo: We cannot afford to surrender now. Let's hurry up and leave.
Beauty: That's no good, Banjo. We haven't finished loading the supplies yet.
Bright: Kh... For now we'll have to buy some time huh...
<transition from story mode to battle mode>

"Break Out of the Vile Trap!"

<ally battleship appears>
<enemy units appear>
Four: Lieutenant Commander Buran Blutarch, I have a request.
Buran: What is it?
Four: Let me do as I please, I won't follow orders.
Buran: ...Fair enough, show me what you can do.
Four: Thank you very much.
Buran: (She's a Cyber Newtype but... will this be okay?)
<explosions on map>
Anna: H-How terrible... Why are they doing this!?
<ally units appear>
Bright: Captain, the Audhulma will break out of Hong Kong. Buy us some time.
Quattro: Roger that. (However, I don't think things will go so smoothly...)
Amuro: ...Attacking indiscriminately like this, and yet you call yourself an Earthling?!
Four: W-What!? What is this rough sensation? Is this sensation from one of the enemies... it feels awful.
Quattro: ...Grr... What's with, this pressure!?
Amuro: It's... coming from that black machine!?
Bright: All pilots, deploy in order!
Professor Hazuki: Captain, the tuning on the Cyber Beast Forces' machines is not yet finished. Sorry, but they'll need a bit more time.
Bright: Please hurry it up! Have we still not deployed!?
<unit selection screen>
Kouji: Yoohoo, this is great! Flying through the sky really is the greatest!
This is the full map, complete with the deployment order indicators.

Turn 1:
We're on a 9 turn time limit here, but we won't even come close to running out. Worth noting, Amuro and Quattro are force deployed in their new machines, and Kouji and Sayaka are forcibly relocated to the upgraded Mazinger machines, I'll rearrange them to my preferences again later, but for now we deal.

Here are the two bosses we're dealing with. Both of them are in the right wing of the enemies.

I didn't end up using it in the final run, but while I was planning things and finding where reinforcements come, I accidentally discovered that 64 implemented Combination Attacks. I think this was the debut of the system in fact, I don't remember them showing in any of the preceding games in production order. I'll have to keep an eye out and bear this in mind when making my unit choices.

Diana boards our battleship and I scatter my units in three directions, East, Southwest, Northwest.

I keep Eiji around to level Boss because I don't actually need his firepower and he flies to drain EN, and is relatively high levelled.

Turn 2:
No action on the EP, everyone is just too far away so we get right back into approaching.
More Boss fueling.
And here's how close our approaches can manage to get.
Simone getting hit allows Sayaka to get some healing done.

Turn 3:
Roux chucked a grenade at the wounded Assimar, and David moves up to supply that 30% damage bonus.
Kill, Heal, and position for EP.
This chip by Kouji will allow Emma to get the kill easily on EP.
Ryouma can one-shot with Getter Beam after Musashi casts Spirit. I'll have to consider when to start upgrading Getter, I'm used to it punching a lot harder for its weight class, and I noticed on this map that I also really need to pump its EN.
Manami's just gonna sit and wait here, she'll counter on EP and things will be fine.
Daitarn Strikes up to make EP easy.
Resupply fueling as well.
She has to defend the second one, but it's fine.
Daitarn kills the top one, and mauls the other two here, just as planned.
Unfortunately this went differently than on a trial run. In one of the trials a Gaplant rushed Roux and wounded her, causing the Assimars to shift their focus her direction. Since it decided to try to chase Amuro instead (hello questionable choices?), the dominoes don't fall, and Sayaka just defends. We'll have enough dpt to deal with them anyway.
We tango with the boss pretty well here.

Turn 4:
Amuro uses Valor to bring this super low,
So that Sayaka can Luck up and collect the free kill.

<enemies 9 or fewer, allied reinforcement 1>
<ally unit appears>
Masato: That's... the Eagle Fighter! It's Shinobu!
Sara: Shinobu!? Are you all right!?
Shinobu: Sara... Sorry, I kept you waiting!
Professor Hazuki: Stop, Fujiwara. You can't do this as you are now.
Shinobu: Heh, don't worry about it, Mister Hazuki. I remember exactly how this works.
Professor Hazuki: You remember?
Shinobu: Yeah, the Cyber Beast Force doesn't need their reason restraining their instincts! If you understand, then strap in for a show!
Ryo: Hmph, as usual he's got a one-track mind. But you can't win a battle on energy alone.
Shinobu: What's that, Ryo, you jerk!
Masato: Now, now, Shinobu. It's fine, Ryo, that's just how Shinobu is.
Sara: You guys, what're you doing grumbling! The enemy is right here! Professor, you still won't let us leave!?
Professor Hazuki: Calm down, we've just put on the finishing touches. 
Masato: So then where're heading out? Captain, Cyber Beast Force deploying!
<ally units appear>
Shinobu: Heh, you guys took your sweet time there, didn't ya?
Sara: Shinobu, don't just space out now!
Shinobu: You don't even have say it. Let's go, Ryo, Masato, Sara. This is no time for Aggressive Mode. We're combining!
<Shinbu Will+30>
Masato: Heheh, that's the spirit!
<Masato Will+30>
Sara: You really kept us waiting!
<Sara Will+30>
Ryo: Hmph, been a while since I've been this fired up.
<Ryo Will+30>
Shinobu: Keyword, D A N C O U G A...
<lock opening noise>
Shinobu: Dancouga! Lock Off! Leeeeet's do this!!
<screen flashes>
<machine combining noises>
<Dancouga combines>

David also uses a Valor to smash another Gaplant into easy kill range.
Roux and Simone soften the Assimars.
Kouji softens another for Emma.
Getter easily finishes what Manami left for them
Boss gets a good option in his spirit list, but probably going to be spending most of his SP on Daunts instead of heals. We'll see going forward though.

After getting a Trust, Manami can go in here safely, not even needing to spend on Alert.
We decombine Dancouga here because it's super slow; 4 movement is not okay. I ran some tests on combine/decombine as well, and this feels more modern than F/4S/Shin. I might be able to exploit this in places.
This is the minimap before we press end turn.
This kill is being saved for Bright, so we defend.
Amuro will weaken with this, and then a standard beam rifle next Player Phase will set things up quite nicely.
David collects this kill and levels up.

<enemy units 5 or lower, enemy reinforcement 1>
<enemy units appear>
Domon: That's the Nobel Gundam... Is that Allenby!?

My prepwork should now be obvious.

A couple of the Terminator Police fire at Shinobu.
Domon's at a real disadvantage for range here, but he can counter one of them. Allenby actually doesn't do anything herself, she just waited this turn, it seems.
Manami whiffs this one, but the damage isn't needed so no need to reload for it.

Turn 5:
Here's Allenby's Scans.
Like I mentioned, combining and decombining is so much more flexible here. In older titles you lost your move on the main unit when it got combined, so you'd need to have Double Move or just wait a turn. Here we can do some shenanigans. I did test casting Gain on Ryo first and then combining. That did not transfer the Gain to Shinobu. However, casting Gain while combined and then decombining did leave Gain, Valor, etc on him, ready for use. He flies ahead here after being buffed to the max, and nukes the enemy blocking Domon's path. This allows us to,
<Domon persuades Allenby>
Domon: Allenby!
Allenby: Huh...? Domon? Is it really you, Domon!?
Domon: Allenby, why are you here.
Allenby: I didn't have a choice. Since I was raised in a military institution, there wasn't anything else I could do. But Domon, I'm glad to be able to meet you here. Please, take me with you.
Domon: Allenby... Very well, come with me!
Won: Whoa, whoa. Can't let that happen. Activate the Berserker System!
Allenby: Uwaaaah... Stop! Please, cut the system! Domon, save me!
Domon: What's wrong, Allenby!
Amuro: Stand back, Domon. They're using a remote control system to force her to fight. It's unfortunate, but there's no way we can save her now.
Domon: B-But!
Amuro: Do you mean to die without achieving your objective, Domon Kasshu!?
Domon: Kh... Forgive me, Allenby...
<Allenby transforms>
<Allenby Will+30>

This is what she looks like after the switch.
We Valor up and Quattro is prepared to do big numbers.
Just barely avoids a kill, which is honestly fine by me.
We clear up the last two Gaplants with Bright and Roux.
I Daunt Allenby so Quatre can collect a Luck kill on her.
She drops a Propellant for our troubles as well.
Duo kills the top Terminator.
The last Assimar is killed and we do a little Repair work as well.
Getter's chip isn't really needed, but getting boss XP is always good if it's available.
Manami cleans and we grab a High Performance Radar, which actually will be quite nice.
More XP for Boss.
Only this one Terminator left, and it'll kill itself on us easily.
I guess I forgot the Turn X screenshot this time around. I did gloss over and take less shots overall, I probably overcorrected from my concerns about having too many. I'll try to keep balancing.

Here's all the possible boss dialogues that Mr Blade tells us we missed seeing.

<Amuro vs Four>
Amuro: What's with, this pressure!?
Four: Khh... I feel sick...  there's an enemy like this...

<Quattro vs Four>
Quattro: Grah, is this what they're calling a Cyber Newtype!?
Four: Wh-What? Stay away!!

<Domon vs Allenby (in Nobel)>
Domon: Allenby! Why!?
Allenby: Domon...

<Domon vs Allenby (Berserk)>
Allenby: Come, let's Fight!!
Domon: Allenbyyy!!

<enemy routed, or 9pp, victory>
Garrison: Captain, it appears we have finished loading all of the supplies.
Bright: Great, we'll have the Audhulma take off at once and leave Hong Kong behind. All units, retreat!
<end battle mode, transition to story mode>

Manami: Amuro Ray... Hero of the One Year War... The rumors were true.
Beltorchika: I suppose I have to retract my first impression. Amuro Ray has awakened from his slumber... I don't like cowardly men, but I also don't like warlike men...

<fade out, fade in>

Beltorchika: Amuro, Amuro! I'm glad you're safe...
<running noises>
Amuro: You're hurting me, Beltorchika...
Banjo: Good work out there. Captain Amuro really lived up to expectations. And it was good that Shinobu showed up as well.
Shinobu: Heh, no need to thank me. Just find me more Muge bastards to fight.
Sara: You haven't grown up at all, have you?
Shinobu: What are you saying, Sara. I don't want to hear that from you.
Sara: Say what? I guess that makes two of us, Shinobu!?
Duo: Yes, yes, why don't we leave it there. We've got mountains of things we need to get done.

<fade out, fade in>

Bright: Plot our course for Tibet.
Reika: Tibet?
Bright: Yes. According to Professor Hazuki, the Liberation Front has secured a battleship for our use there.
Banjo: That would great.

<fade out, fade in>

Lady: It doesn't seem like these Cyber Newtypes or whatever will be of any use.
Won: What a horrible thing to say. I already told you that we're still in the experimental stages here.
Lady: Hmph, then are you telling me you can't send out a pursuit force?
Won: No no, I'm not saying that at all, Colonel Lady Une. But I've also been entrusted Neo Hong Kong by the Empire, I can't do anything that would leave it endangered. I hope you can understand.
Lady: That's the same for all of us. But whatever, we'll make arrangements for the pursuit force then. However, I will request you provide us some soldiers.
Won: Of course. If Four doesn't show more in the way of results, it'll be hard to secure more funding for the research laboratories.
Four: Those of you who can't use the Psycho Gundam can't understand that sensation! How can you possibly understand, that sensation like a snake slithering around inside your head!?
Won: Of course I can't. But depending on how hard you work on the situation, we might be able to fix that.
Four: Kh... I get it. I just have to go after the Audhulma, right?
Won: That's right. I have high hopes for you, Four.

Finish 10
Char           Lv   XP Kill     Mel/Sht/Eva/Hit/Rct/Skl  HP/EN/Mo/Ar/Lm/Wn    Skills                                                Parts
Manami         16  371   46$$   162/143/128/127/112/115  00/07/02/00/00/08    PrevailL2   | SwordL2    |            |            || Shuffle    | MBooster   |------------|------------|||
Lawrence       16  371    0     ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--                |            |            |            ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Ryouma         16  361    3     155/130/120/126/100/114  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4   |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Hayato         16  361    0     148/133/128/128/102/116  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Musashi        16  361    0     154/129/113/122/098/110  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4   |            |            |            || Propellant | Repair Kit |------------|------------|||
Quatre|Death   15   69    3     150/129/148/138/109/119  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL3     | ShieldL3   |            |            || Chobham    |            |------------|------------|||
Boss|Borot     14  360    0     148/103/108/097/091/083  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |            |            |||
Shinobu        14  192    2     148/147/130/118/098/103  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL2   | SwordL1    |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Eiji|Layzner   14  156   10     140/160/152/141/107/127  00/05/02/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Quattro|HS     14  151    5     131/163/155/145/107/140  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL4        | SwordL4    | ShieldL3   |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Amuro|DJ       14   18    0     136/160/156/143/110/131  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL5        | SwordL4    | ShieldL2   |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Sayaka|A       13  497   19     137/125/114/114/097/094  00/06/02/00/00/02                |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Banjo          13  420   28$    158/134/124/124/100/132  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL4    | SwordL4    | PrevailL4  |            ||            | Chobham    |------------|------------|||
Bright|Aud     13  416    3     112/147/142/134/098/112  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            || Chobham    |------------|------------|------------|||
Duo|Sand       13  401    2     150/124/139/134/107/117  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL3     | ShieldL2   |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Roux|Jegan     13  284   23$    130/147/144/124/099/101  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL1        | SwordL1    | ShieldL1   |            ||            | Booster    | Biosensor  |------------|||
Emma|SD        13  266    6     112/140/134/129/100/108  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL3    |            |            |            || Magnetic   | Minovsky   |------------|------------|||
David|Doll     13  111   11     140/140/140/129/102/118  03/03/03/03/03/03                |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Domon          13   43    0     156/128/140/130/106/148  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL2     |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Simone|Doll    12  314   35$    121/123/140/131/099/105  03/03/03/03/03/03                |            |            |            || Repair Kit |            |            |------------|||
Ryo            12  296    2     150/138/118/111/096/108  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            || Booster    |            |------------|------------|||
Masato         11    0    0     134/138/117/108/095/094  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Sara           11    0    0     139/139/118/110/095/096  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Kouji|A        10  412    6     147/124/113/113/095/106  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4   |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||

Total Cash:  216330
Total Turns: 54


Edited by Balcerzak
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Chapter 11: "From the Space between Sea and Land"


<map cursor over Hong Kong>
Lady: The Audhulma's route is taking them through the Taklamakan Desert, huh... I can't tell what their destination is.
Zechs: Colonel Lady Une, what are your intentions?
Lady: My intentions about what?
Zechs: With respect to Hong Kong, and to the party in pursuit of the Audhulma. I had thought His Excellency Treize was taking a wait-and-see approach with respect to that group.
Lady: That decision is not yours to make. Crushing the Resistance when given the opportunity is simply the natural thing to do. It matters not if some civilians end up sacrificed in the process.
Zechs: Even going so far as to use a fellow like Won's experimental troops, huh. Colonel, call back the pursuit forces. That would be what His Excellency Treize desires, I don't think you understand what His Excellency has in mind.
Lady: The one who does not understand is you, Zechs.
Noin: No, it is you, Colonel Lady Une. His Excellency does not wish for a fight like this.
<sound of a cheek being slapped>
Lady: You dare to give me orders!? The both of you should shut up and watch.

<fade out, fade in with the map cursor somewhat northeast of Tibet>
Bright: With a detour this large, they shouldn't be able to easily read our destination.
Amuro: Yes, and it should be hard for the bases along the shore to detect us.
Bright: Quite so.
Banjo: Everyone, can you come with me for a moment?
Amuro: What's happened?
Banjo: Just got a strange bit of news. Garrison if you would?
Garrison: Yes, sir. According to the information we have intercepted, unknown forces of unknown affiliation have been appearing in various places. At any rate, they do not belong to the Resistance.
Kouji: So then they're some sort of special battalion of the Occupation Forces or something?
Garrison: That does not appear to be the case, when the Imperial Army has encountered them, they have been given a run for their money.
Ryouma: So then... don't tell me, it's the Hyakki or the Mycenae?
Banjo: Unlikely, those two don't seem to have prepared enough forces to engage in resistance to the Empire.
Kouji: Then what? I don't have any other ideas.
Garrison: That is precisely why I referred to them as unknown forces of unknown affiliation.
Bright: We can deal with figuring out their identities and intentions later. It sounded like you had another issue to raise however?
Banjo: That's right. The truth is, it seems some of those forces have made an appearance in a nearby region.
Beauty: Oh dear. Then you're saying we might run into some?
Banjo: Exactly. I just want everyone to be fully prepared. It doesn't seem like the pursuit squad from the Specials is giving up either.

<fade out, fade in>
Ryo: That reminds me, Sara. You'd been looking for Shapiro, did you end up finding him?
Simone: What's this, is this Shapiro her boyfriend?
Sara: ...It has nothing to do with you.
<walking noises>
Masato: Wait up, Sara. Where are you going?
<door noises>
Shinobu: Leave her alone.
Ryo: Shinobu, do you know something about this?
Shinobu: Yeah... Shapiro, that bastard, fucking sold us out to the Muge.
Masato: Is that the truth, Shinobu?
Simone: Who is he?
Shinobu: You said it yourself, Sara's boyfriend. And he was our instructor at military academy.
Simone: I really put my foot in my mouth, didn't I?
Ryo: So, where is he?
Shinobu: He's gone to ground. I didn't tell you guys about it, but it was confirmed he'd switched to the Empire's side before the ceasefire. But he hasn't been seen in the Imperial Army afterwards. Other than that, I've got nothing.
Masato: I wonder if he was killed by the Imperials?
Shinobu: Who knows. That'd serve a traitor like him well.
<Audhulma moves northwest into the desert>
Banjo: What is it?
Reika: Ah, Banjo. Seems to be those unknown forces.
Bright: At present we've only confirmed two craft. Should we try contacting them?
Banjo: Yeah, let's do that. I'd like to confirm their intentions.
<transition from story mode to battle mode>

"From the Space between Sea and Land"
Ordinarily I'd stagger the reinforcements, but this map is both a bit special, and I got a bit lazy.

<ally unit appears>
<enemy unit appears>
Show: Stop, Garalia! We don't have the time to be fighting here!
Garalia: If I'm unable to return to Bystonwell, what kind of warrior would I be if I didn't at least defeat you!
Show: You saw that military force, didn't you!? Those were neither soldiers from the surface nor from Bystonwell. Something strange must be happening on the surface!
Garalia: That is of no concern to me!
<battle starts>

Turn 1:
There's two ways do do this. With only Show and Garalia on the field you can 1) Defeat Garalia ASAP and have allies and enemies show up immediately. 2) Stall to recruit her, and the other secrets locked behind her. Now, I have a special spot in my heart for Garalia, as she was my first experience with any Dunbine unit ever, on the Lune route of SRW EX. Needless to say, Hyper Aura Slash left a very positive impression. So I'm definitely recruiting and using her on this run. Perhaps in a future run on a different route I will defeat her here for her Minovsky Craft drop. But today is not that day!
We defend. Odds were against us and she hit us, but that gives us some Will and she would need to connect all three turns of stall for this to game over us, so it's no big deal.

Turn 2:
(garalia not attacked, 2pp)
Cham: Show, I can't take it any more!
Show: Cham, don't get in the way!
Cham: Don't touch me anywhere weird, you lech!
Show: Now's not the time for that! Garalia, there should be others besides us who've arrived on the surface. We might even be able to find a way back!?
Garalia: In that case I'll look for them after defeating you!
We move up and to the side and defend again. 

Turn 3:
Stay put and defend, as in Turn 2.

Turn 4:
Show needs to use Accel for 1 extra space. It hurts a little, but the positioning will be worth it.

(garalia defeated, or 4th EP arrives without attacking garalia, ally reinforcement and enemy reinforcement 1)
<garalia defeated case>


Garalia: Uwaaaa!!
Show: Kh... Garalia...
Cham: Show...
Show: It'll be all right, Cham.
Cham: ...Show, will we really be able to return to Bystonwell?
Show: I don't know. We might get defeated by those military forces before we can... I've found myself thinking that if that happens, at least I'll have the small good fortune to be able to die on the surface...
Cham: Then, I'd be the unfortunate one, wouldn't I?
Show: Hahah, sorry Cham. What!? There's a reaction on the Aura Radar!?
Cham: Show! Something's coming!!
<ally battleship appears>
Show: Khh, is it those enemies!?
Amuro: Can you hear us? We have no intention of fighting you. We would like to confirm your affiliation.
Show: You're not them? You're not that enemy? ...I'm Show, Show Zama. I'm a surface dweller like you. Please don't attack me.
Amuro: A surface dweller? Do you mean an Earthling? We won't attack. We just want to figure out the situation.
Show: I've just returned from Bystonwell. It seems like something's going on over here that I don't understand.
Amuro: Bystonwell? Where is that?
Show: ...It's a world in the narrow gap between the Sea and the Land. It's like a fantasy world.
Cham: Show, are these people safe?
Bright: ...Wh-What? A little person...?
Duo: No way, she's even got wings.
Show: I have some questions of my own I'd like to ask. Just what is happening on the surface?
Amuro: You're not an alien?
Show: I'm an Earthling.
Amuro: ...The Earth is under occupation by an alien empire.
Show: Are you serious? Then that group back then were aliens...?
Amuro: You said your name was Show, right. If you're an Earthling then won't you cooperate with us? We'd like to hear your story in full, there have been cases of groups of people like you appearing here and there around the world.
Show: Around the world? Then it was Jacoba Aon behind this after all? The Ferrario were responsible...
Amuro: I don't know?
Show: Understood, please take me with you.
Cham: Show, is this all right...?
Show: I think so. I think we can believe them.
Amuro: It's a relief to hear that. Then you can land on the rear deck...
Amuro: What!?
Quattro: Enemies!? Were we careless?
<enemy units appear>
Burn: Dunbine!? Show Zama?!!
Show: Burn Bunnings!? Wait!
Burn: Words are worthless! Prepare yourself!
Show: Burn, think about the situation! We're on the surface now, stop fighting!
Burn: That matters not. You being the first that I meet on the surface is just simply a sign of my good fortune. Consider yourself lucky to die up here on the surface!
Show: Good fortune...? You think you're lucky to meet me here!?
Burn: I do! My being brought to the surface has provided me this chance!
Show: That's all you can think about, when it comes to wondering why a Bystonwellian was sent to the surface!
Amuro: What are you trying to say, Show!
Show: We have to fight back! He's not going to change his mind!
Bright: So he's an enemy!? All right, deploy!

(garalia not attacked, 4th EP case)
Cham: Show! Something's approaching!
Show: What!? ...Garalia!
<ally battleship appears>
Garalia: Khh... An Earthling ship!?
Amuro: Can you hear us? We have no intention of fighting you. We would like to confirm your affiliation.
Show: You're not that enemy? ...I'm Show, Show Zama. I'm a surface dweller like you. Please don't attack me.
Amuro: A surface dweller? Do you mean an Earthling? We won't attack. We just want to figure out the situation.
Show: I've just returned from Bystonwell. It seems like something's going on over here that I don't understand.
Amuro: Bystonwell? Where is that?
Show: ...It's a world in the narrow gap between the Sea and the Land. It's like a fantasy world.
Cham: Show, are these people safe?
Bright: ...Wh-What? A little person...?
Duo: No way, she's even got wings.
Show: I have some questions of my own I'd like to ask. Just what is happening on the surface?
Amuro: You're not an alien?
Show: I'm an Earthling.
Amuro: ...The Earth is under occupation by an alien empire.
Show: Are you serious? Then that group back then were aliens...?
Amuro: You said your name was Show, right. If you're an Earthling then won't you cooperate with us? We'd like to hear your story in full, there have been cases of groups of people like you appearing here and there around the world.
Show: Around the world? Then it was Jacoba Aon behind this after all? The Ferrario were responsible...
Garalia: Show! You bastard, are you selling yourself to the surface dwellers? You've been colluding with the surface, haven't you!?
Show: Calm down, Garalia! As expected, there are others who've been sent to the surface as well. If you can't get back to Bystonwell, do you want to die up here? I've shown you I don't wish to fight. Can you just give it a rest and listen to even a bit of what I'm saying!
Cham: Yeah! Even just a little!
Garalia: ...I'm listening. What do you want me to do, Show Zama?
Show: Let's go with these people. At least they're not our enemies. And while we're at it we'll be able to get information about the others.
Garalia: ...I suppose that's fine. Dying on the surface would be a waste, after all.
<garalia changes from enemy to ally>
Bright: ...I think I followed that.
Amuro: Great, then you two come over here...
Quattro: Enemies!? Were we careless?
<enemy units appear>
Burn: Dunbine!? Show Zama?!!
Show: Burn Bunnings!?
Garalia: Burn!?
Burn: Garalia, you're with him? Hmmm, well if you've turned traitor, that's no big deal. I'll just have to take care of the both of you at the same time!
Garalia: Wait, I'm not...
Burn: Words are worthless! Prepare yourself!
Show: Burn, think about the situation! We're on the surface now, stop fighting!
Burn: That matters not. You being the first that I meet on the surface is just simply a sign of my good fortune. Consider yourself lucky to die up here on the surface!
Show: Good fortune...? You think you're lucky to meet me here!?
Burn: I do! My being brought to the surface has provided me this chance!
Show: That's all you can think about, when it comes to wondering why a Bystonwellian was sent to the surface!
Amuro: What are you trying to say, Show!
Show: We have to fight back! He's not going to change his mind!
Bright: So he's an enemy!? All right, deploy!
<unit selection screen>
Don't forget, all this goes down on the enemy phase, so Burn's forces immediately move forward. The five in the back row appear primed to chase Show, while the others appear to ignore him and head toward my main forces, only attacking if they end their move incidentally within range. I have carefully positioned both Show and Garalia to maximal effect. Neither are in any danger from the grunts.

Turn 5:
Here's Burn's stats that I forgot to grab, so loaded up an old save and rushed the stage to give a proper Scan for your viewing pleasure.
I cast a couple of Spirits and take a gander at the aggressive forms of the Dancouga mechs. I also need to move 5 spaces, so they need to be separate to do that, since my Boosters were required elsewhere.
Apparently when separated Sara and Shinobu get Love bonuses. There may be opportunities to exploit this.
The bulk of my forces remain in the south, as I tipped you off at the location of the Specials' pursuit forces.
Three of my Accel units make haste to mop up what the Aura Battlers can't cash in on.
Garalia and Show both injure some full health Drumlos. Sometimes Show will crit and one-shot (both his ranged and sword moves have enough power to do so) but this run I rolled no crits. This doesn't end up being a problem, we have the resources to handle that case too.
I'm not sure why this one's AI changed and he now fights back against Garalia instead of going for Show, but it's fine, she'll be a good recipient for kills anyway.
Two of the advancing line suicide into Eiji and Quattro. I made sure to take the Jegan both for its high base move stat, and for its non-beam weaponry in hand grenades and missile launchers. It's honestly the best choice of my UC roster for anti-Dunbine affairs. I might have to positively re-evaluate the suit on the whole.
Having a 50-50 on the boss with Focus up is not the greatest. 
This is almost certainly due to the coding bug in the personal skills for the Holy Warriors, which maxes evasion regardless of Skill Level. This bug also negates the base weapon damage growth that should occur for Hyper Aura Slash as levels are gained as well, so it's really a double-edged sword, as far as bugs go. The third portion of the skill, Aura Barrier Strength increasing with rank, apparently operates correctly, which I guess is something. It's hard to know what scaling each individual level would have given, since 32 is kind of an odd duck stopping point for a skill that has 9 levels, but Burn is only L2 here, so there's a large amount of difference at least. He likely has anywhere from 26~32 extra evade over his intended value (looking at how the skill works in EX and Alpha as comparison points). Show is also only L4, so while we're certainly getting some benefit as well (though not as much as Burn is), don't get me wrong. Which explains all the grunts batting zeros, even without Focus. Maybe 20~22 extra evade on Show? So this probably should have been a Burn 50% Show 75% matchup, if we were bugless. Which wow, coming in after focus, yeah, he's riding a good machine right now and just exemplifying boss stats I guess.

<show vs burn>
Burn: Show Zama! Prepare yourself!!
Show: Khh... damn you, Burn!

Turn 6:
Quattro and Simone take care of the final two of the rushing Drumlos.
Their armor is so pathetic her punch attack actually does damage. Usually this runs 10s and she has to be on ground using her laser to do work.
Eiji and Garalia take care of the two living backline grunts.
Show Focuses up again and rubs Cham for Luck.
We also get another Magnetic Coating, which is a lot better in this game than it was in F at least, so I'm glad to have more.

Which means we never got to see the following boss dialogue.

<garalia vs burn>
Burn: Garalia, this will be the end for you!
Garalia: Silence! Like I'll lose to the likes of you!

<enemy routed, enemy reinforcement 2>
Beltorchika: Captain! The Specials pursuit squad has caught up!
Bright: What!?
<enemy units appear>
Amuro: That enemy is...?
Quattro: ...

So, right now you're staring at my carefully crafted plan for solving the game's puzzle. Can you already see how this unfolds? I bet many of you can. I don't know about you all, but I really enjoy solving these kinds of puzzles. It's a bad habit of mine to sit and stare at the map in GIMP and move colored dots around to simulate positioning from one turn to the next. I can spend hours planning instead of playing if I'm not careful. It's the worst when I'm offered one turn puzzles, which is what this basically ended up being, given how unconnected the northern front was.
Ben's in a boat. We have nothing to be afraid of, and simply thank him for bringing along so many funds.
I've neglected using Domon for too long. He's either been too late to show up, unable to counter at range, or just not able to get in position in all the maps so far. So here's a bit of service.
Shining Finger!
Duo Valors a kill.
Amuro barely didn't need the Mercy I cast with him,
As I continue to spoonfeed Bright.
Exploiting combining robots for extra attacks, first instance of many to come.
We weaken these two Gaplant for future purposes.
And we soften this one so Emma can get a kill, as she isn't packing her own Valor yet. (Still a ways off if being perfectly honest; probably 3 chapters to go?)
Emma, David, Sayaka clean up the eastern Aries.
Dancouga... yeah, I dunno what it is. The animal forms look great, but the humanoid ones really throw me off for some reason.
Shield Flash, ladies and gentlemen. A masterpiece of animation.
Please tell me you all saw this coming. They give me a Hyaku Shiki, I'm going to use it for its intended purposes.
Ryouma is loaded for bear.
We're about to bring this home.
Sun Attack. It didn't need to crit. It might have needed her not to Shield Defend it, but I didn't run the numbers.
Manami's gassed up.
And boomerangs herself another kill.
Plus more Chobham. 

<enemy routed, victory achieved>
<battle map finished, transfer to story mode>

<Audhulma moves south southeast>
Amuro: I see. Basically, you were an Earthling who was called to that other world, and those girls were residents of that world?
Show: Yes.
Cham: It's not another world, it's Bystonwell!
Quatre: Amazing... She's really alive.
Cham: Of course I am!
Banjo: There's no reason to disbelieve you. But we're in the middle of a war, and if your enemies were also brought to the surface that will be a problem.
Show: Right. There were other surface dwellers there too, but I don't know what they're doing. If my companions are among them, I'd like to link up.
Banjo: Got it. Garrison, give gathering information about this matter your top priority.
Garrison: Very well, sir.
Quattro: However, for now the ones ruling the surface are the Empire. We won't have much liberty to investigate.
Show: I understand that. While I'm worried about Drake and my enemies from Bystonwell, I am still an Earthling. I'd like to fight against the alien empire too.
Banjo: That's a relief to hear. We look forward to working with you.
(Garalia joined case)
Banjo: And how about you, Miss Garalia Nyamhi? We've heard you're a member of a group opposed to Show's but...
Garalia: ...I'm not sure. For now I'm in your debt. As a warrior, I won't suddenly betray you. As proof of that, you need look no further than my fighting alongside you against Burn and his troops.
Banjo: Good enough, I'll believe you.
Shinobu: Wait, wait, really?
Masato: C'mon, don't complain, Shinobu.

Henken: Good work out there, Captain Bright.
Banjo: You as well. I'm Karaba's Haran Banjo.
Henken: Liberation Front's Henken Bekkener. So you're the one I've been hearing rumors about.
Banjo: I suppose I am. Looks like this Albion's in good shape.
Henken: Though it was supposed to be decommissioned, we kept it hidden during the post-war confusion. We've been servicing it as often as we can manage.
Bright: It'll come in handy. I heard there should be a new recruit as well, but...
Henken: Ahh, let me introduce you. This is Shiro Amada. His Ez8 is loaded on the Albion.
Bright: Ez8? That's a land war model Gundam, right?
Shiro: Correct. I'm 2nd Lieutenant Shiro Amada. It's an honor to serve under you, sir.
Bright: Bright Noa. Pleased to have you. This is Karaba's Haran Banjo.
Banjo: A pleasure, Lt. Amada.
Bright: That's enough on our end, why don't you go meet the rest of the crew.
Shiro: Yessir! 

Banjo: ...that pocket watch the Lieutenant had... looked like it was designed for a woman but...
Henken: Ah, that? I'm told it's from a lady pilot in the Specials.
Bright: The Specials?
Henken: The two of them got caught up in some trouble on the battlefield. They would have died if they hadn't worked together to scrape through it. Wouldn't you know it, they fell in love.
Banjo: Heh, with an enemy woman, huh?
Henken: It's fine with me, so long as it doesn't cause any troubles. By the way, Banjo, why don't you guys take the Albion to Beijing?
Banjo: To Beijing?
Henken: Yeah. I was hoping you could meet up with some former staff from Interpol there.
Bright: Interpol? Ah, the armed group that dealt with organized crime? I'd heard the organization was dismantled after the war.
Henken: Same as we were. Well, I haven't heard exactly who we'll be dealing with, but they should be reaching out to you guys when you get there.
Banjo: I see. So you're saying that even those of you in the Liberation Front wish to make our unit the core of operations?
Henken: Precisely. Lieutenant Colonel Bright and Captain Quattro are also working hard towards that end. Our situation is fundamentally the same as yours in Karaba, after all. Without a strong central pillar to lead the way, we won't be able to manage even our allies.
Banjo: I suppose you're right. We'll head to Beijing.
Henken: I'm counting on you. I'll deliver this Audhulma to Alan.

<If Emma is present>
Henken: You must be former Specials Brigade Major Emma Sheen?
Emma: I am, but... what of it?
Henken: Ah, no, it's nothing, just, I heard you were a good soldier and thought I'd stop by and see. That's all. Keep up the good work. We're counting on you.
Emma: ...Sure... (Just what was that about?)

<fade out, fade back in over the desert>
Burn: ...Defeat after defeat... it all started when that surface dweller turned up. Khh... I... want to win. I want to destroy him. I 'm... supposed to be a knight!!

<fade out, fade back in over the Pacific, roughly halfway between Hawaii and California>

Drake: It seems like quite a number of Aura Ships and Aura Battlers have arrived on the surface.
???: Yes. At present we should hurry and rendezvous with Sir Shot. The ones who are ruling the surface world currently are a different race than the surface dwellers, however I have a plan. Please leave the negotiations to me.
Drake: ...You are a surface dweller yourself, yet... Very well, let us see what you have in store.
???: Yes, sire.

<fade out, fade back in over Hong Kong>

Lady: What!? What do you mean you failed? Damned Resistance. But they should have been suitably damaged. Gather some more troops from Won and send out a second wave.
Noin: That's enough, Colonel. I have new orders from His Excellency, Treize. All operations related to the Resistance are to be suspended, and you are to return to headquarters.
Lady: Wh... What? Don't just spout whatever you like!
Noin: And one more thing, Colonel. His Excellency says "carry yourself more elegantly". "More elegantly", Lady?

Finish 11
Char           Lv   XP Kill     Mel/Sht/Eva/Hit/Rct/Skl  HP/EN/Mo/Ar/Lm/Wn    Skills                                                Parts
Ryouma         17  321    4     156/132/123/128/101/115  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4   |            |            |            || Chobham    | Propellant |------------|------------|||
Hayato         17  321    0     149/134/130/130/103/117  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Musashi        17  321    0     155/130/115/124/099/111  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4   |            |            |            || Propellant | Repair Kit |------------|------------|||
Manami         17  261   47$$   163/144/130/129/113/116  00/07/02/00/00/08    PrevailL2   | SwordL2    |            |            || Shuffle    | Hybrid     |------------|------------|||
Lawrence       17  261    0     ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--                |            |            |            ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Show           16  263    3     145/140/158/130/120/135  00/00/00/00/00/00    HolyWar4    | SwordL2    |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Cham           16  263    0     ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--                |            |            |            ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Garalia        15  194    2     142/138/154/118/104/119  00/00/00/00/00/00    HolyWar1    | SwordL2    |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Quatre|Sand    15  124    4     150/129/148/138/109/119  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL3     | ShieldL3   |            |            || Minovsky   |            |------------|------------|||
Eiji|Layzner   14  396   12     140/160/152/141/107/127  00/05/02/00/00/00                |            |            |            || Booster    |            |------------|------------|||
Quattro|Jegan  14  491    7     131/163/155/145/107/140  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL4        | SwordL4    | ShieldL3   |            || MBooster   | Booster    |------------|------------|||
Shinobu        14  412    3     148/147/130/118/098/103  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL2   | SwordL1    |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Roux|HS        14  408   27$    131/148/146/126/100/102  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL1        | SwordL1    | ShieldL1   |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Boss|Borot     14  360    0     148/103/108/097/091/083  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |            |            |||
Sayaka|JS      14  140   20$    138/126/116/116/098/095  00/06/02/00/00/02                |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Bright|Alb     14   85    4     113/148/144/136/099/113  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |------------|------------|------------|||
Emma|MKII      14   52    7     113/141/136/131/101/109  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL3    |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Duo|Death      14   44    3     151/125/141/136/108/118  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL3     | ShieldL2   |            |            || Chobham    |            |------------|------------|||
Amuro|DJ       14   31    0     136/160/156/143/110/131  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL5        | SwordL4    | ShieldL2   |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Shiro|EZ8      14    0    0     142/151/146/128/103/119  03/03/03/03/03/03    SwordL2     | ShieldL1   |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Banjo          13  496   28$    158/134/124/124/100/132  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL4    | SwordL4    | PrevailL4  |            ||            | Chobham    |------------|------------|||
David|Doll     13  254   12     140/140/140/129/102/118  03/03/03/03/03/03                |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Domon          13  186    1     156/128/140/130/106/148  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL2     |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Ryo            13  165    2     151/139/120/113/097/109  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Simone|Doll    13   86   36$    122/124/142/133/100/106  03/03/03/03/03/03                |            |            |            || Repair Kit |            |            |------------|||
Masato         11  442    0     134/138/117/108/095/094  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            || Biosensor  |            |------------|------------|||
Sara           11  442    0     139/139/118/110/095/096  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            || Radar      | Magnetic   |------------|------------|||
Kouji|A        10  412    6     147/124/113/113/095/106  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4   |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||

Total Cash:  295040
Total Turns: 60



Edited by Balcerzak
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Chapter 12: "His name is Daisaku Kusama"


I noticed something interesting to share between this map and last map.
Our flight icon changes when we change battleships, would you look at that? I guess this is why it was important that Banjo talked about grabbing that Garuda class from the Empire base we raided on the day the meteors fell. We actually flew the Audhulma from Africa to New York, even though we didn't have Bright to pilot it (which is, I guess, why it couldn't deploy on the maps until after he joined us after New Edwards Base map).

<Albion moves from Tibet to Beijing>
Hayato: As far as ruins go, these are quite magnificent.
Ryouma: Indeed. But it seems that people are living here.
Kouji: Do you really think so? Well, I guess in a place like this, the Empire won't come around bothering you much.
Sayaka: Hey you guys, don't just play around over there, come and help out, won't you?
Boss: Sayakaaa, I'll help you. And I'll be much better at it than Kouji would.
Sayaka: Thank you, Boss. Seriously, you guys need to be more thoughtful.
<walking noises>
Kouji: W-Wait up, Sayaka.
<running noises>
Musashi: ...the women around here sure are strong-willed.
David: You're telling me. It's a bit unbearable when they're all like that.
Shinobu: Dumbshits, what kind of female resistance pilot is gonna be all well-behaved and gentle?
Simone: Hmmm? Just what are you trying to imply there?
Sara: I'd like to know that too.
Roux: That's right? Won't you please tell us what you mean?
Shinobu: Geh.
Ryouma: W-We've got nothing to do with this.
Masato: Digging your own grave, huh, Shinobu?
<running noises>
Sara: Just a minute, you. Wait up!
Eiji: What's going on?
Simone: Eiji, catch them!
Astonaige: If you guys are gonna cause a ruckus, go do it outside!

<fade out, fade in>

Hayato: ...
Ryouma: What's up, Hayato?
Hayato: Nothing... Just, looking over this ruined city suddenly gave me a blast from the past.
Ryouma: From the past?
Hayato: Yeah... got me thinking about my friend. Always said he was gonna do something great someday.
Ryouma: Where is he now?
Hayato: ...No idea. Haven't seen him since I joined the Getter team.
Ryouma: Is that right...
Hayato: Well, knowing him, he's probably living well. He's a survivor.

<fade out, fade in>

Anna: What are you doing, Manami? Thinking about something?
Manami: Mmm... a little bit, yes.
Anna: About Aisha?
Manami: ...yes. Trying to piece together just how things have come to this.
Anna: I'm sure you'll be able to get her to understand you sooner or later. She didn't seem like a bad person.
Manami: But you know... Aisha never was one to listen to people. I just have to hope that she realizes it for herself, that now is not the time to be worried about money, or family background, or the like. ...Still, thank you, Anna.
<transition from story mode to battle mode>

"His name is Daisaku Kusama"

<battle map 1>
<enemy unit appears>
Ginrei: Khh, it's no use, they've caught up!?
Q Boss: Fufufu, I wonder where you think you can run now. Come on, just quietly hand over the case and the professor.
Professor Yumi: G-Ginrei, run along ahead by yourself.
Ginrei: I can't do that, Professor Yumi! We're almost at the rendezvous point!
<running noises>
Q Boss: Hoh? You still think you can run, huh? You know I only really need to get my hands on the case, right?
<rumbling noises>
<Q Boss advances>
Ginrei: Not like this!
<running noises>
??? (Daisaku): Run faster! That's the spirit, just a little further!
Ginrei: Huh!? Okay!
<running noises>
<rumbling noises>
<Q Boss advances>
<running noises>
<rumbling noises>
<Q Boss advances>
<running noises>
<ally unit appears>
Q Boss: Wh-What!?
Daisaku: Please keep running, Ginrei. Stop them! Giant Robo!
<G Robo howls>
<Q Boss damaged>
Ginrei: Daisaku! And Giant Robo!
Q Boss: Th-This is, Giant Robo!?
<Daisaku moves next to Q Boss>
<Q Boss damaged>
<Q Boss retreats>
Q Boss: Enough!
<Q Boss moves next to Daisaku>
<battle begins>

We can't see how damaged it is, or what its stats are, since apparently event damage didn't flag it as previously scanned or engaged. But we can just attack it and find out.
It was crippled. I'm also amused to see what looks like a little Daisaku on the sprite, holding onto Giant Robo's cheek for dear life.
We had Gain up because you always should when killing a boss. At least if possible.

<Q Boss defeated, enemy reinforcement 1>
Daisaku: We're moving now. Ginrei, Professor, please hold on tight.
<end map 1>

<map 2>
<ally battleship appears>
Bright: There might still be more out there. Be vigilant.
<ally unit appears>
Kouji: What's that?
Sayaka: That's... Father!?
Banjo: Professor Yumi? What on earth...
Masato: Oh, they're coming down. Uuhya, what a beauty!
Sara: Masato, please. Don't make a fool of yourself.
Ginrei: I'm Ginrei, formerly of Interpol. I've come here under the direction of Director Nakajo.
Banjo: We appreciate your efforts, beautiful lady. But why is Professor Yumi here as well?
Professor Yumi: Ah, Banjo. The truth is, our research institute came under assault. Ginrei had brought Giant Robo in for a tune-up and that's the reason we were saved.
Sayaka: Father, are you all right!?
Professor Yumi: Sayaka, you seem to be doing well. Yes, I am fine. The institute has been destroyed, however I've managed to salvage all the data regarding Super Alloy Z and Photonic Power.
Garrison: That was artfully done, sir.
Amuro: So that's Giant Robo... and who's the kid?
Ginrei: Right, that's Daisaku, he's in charge of operating Giant Robo.
Daisaku: Kusama Daisaku! Pleased to meet you!
Kouji: What's this, he's just little brat?
Daisaku: No little brat, am I! But seriously, what are you thinking? Your first meeting with someone and you suddenly address them with such rude language?
Kouji: Wh... what the...
Sayaka: Give it up, Kouji. You're a disgrace. I'm sorry, Daisaku.
Daisaku: Ah, that's...
Kouji: (Dammit, what is it with this little shit...)
Beltorchika: Enemies approaching. Prepare to intercept, please hurry.
Banjo: Ginrei, please escort the professor to the Albion!
Ginrei: I will!
<enemy units appear>
<ally unit select screen>
Bouryuuki: Fufufu, I'm in luck. It seems that following them was the right idea after all.
Ryouma: One of the Hyakki!?
Bouryuuki: That's right. My name is Bouryuuki!
Hayato: This voice...
Bouryuuki: Do it, men! Crush the enemy!
Hayato: There's no mistaking it... Isamu, you're Isamu, aren't you!?
Bouryuuki: You... Hayato?!
Hayato: You're really Isamu? How did you turn out like this!?
Bouryuuki: I'm no longer Isamu. I'm Bouryuuki. I became Bouryuuki of my own free will!
Hayato: You're saying you really became an oni!?
Bouryuuki: That's right! There are many ways for people to live. That's the kind of era we're in. So I won't let anyone say I'm in the wrong here!
Hayato: Isamu!
Bouryuuki: Hayato, you have your own way to live, so let me choose my own path! If you say you're going to stand in my way, then I'll defeat you!
Hayato: Isamu, don't come to the wrong conclusion on whether what you are doing is correct or not!
Bouryuuki: Let that be decided by battle. The winner will be the righteous and the loser will be the wicked. Come, let us fight!

A note about the unit select screen. There are three squares that I've colored differently, because these squares are rubble squares that cannot be stood on by grounded units, but can be flown over by air units. That complicates the possible deploy options. The only way to deploy on A, B, C (as I have labelled them) is if you don't have any flying units selected after square 11. Otherwise they would backfill the slots, even if there were land units that had been selected before they were. For this reason, I cannot deploy Getter on any of the bonus squares, since it always sorties as Getter 1, which flies. I end up with the arrangement I chose here after a bit of thinking, and a test run through the map. I probably could have just used that completion, but it felt very unsatisfying, and it did end up that I could cut a turn if I shuffled some of my parts around and played smarter.

This guy is on something like 9 bars of upgrades since we've last seen him, which makes him incredibly formidable. Several of the other enemy units are sporting bars of upgrades here too. I'd been slacking some on my record keeping in previous chapters, and there have been some upgraded enemies here and there before, but now seems to be when it's pretty much a constant, and the jump in performance can be quite noticeable. One particularly relevant example is the small Muge fighter aircraft, now sporting 5 bars of upgrades. This more than doubles their base durability, sending them from 1500 hp to 2500 hp, with an additional 500 armor to their starting 800 armor. Still, it's nothing we can't handle, we're just going to need to start spending some of this money I've been Scrooge McDuck piling up and swimming around in, instead of continuing to sit on it while waiting for fancy endgame-tier units to spend on. For this chapter I pumped some upgrades into Layzner's Lasered Rifle, Mazinger's Breast Fire, and Getter Beam. I might have to upgrade my Aura Battlers at some point, but I'm hoping I can hold out until I at least get Billbine. In new unit and upgrade related news, while going through and making choices, I actually saw that Shiro's Ez8 came with a solid 3 bars of investment across the board, similar to how the Dolls were when we got them, so that's a huge leg up it has over the other UC suits at the moment. I gently remove him from it and shuffle around my UC roster a bit for this map.

Turn 1 (I guess the player-phase-only turn that happened earlier in the map didn't increment our counter?):
I've put the Megabooster on the Albion and loaded many of my landlocked units onto it. Quatre's only participation this map will be to fly circles around Borot and give Boss someone to resupply. Here's the first instance of such behavior.
Then it's just a matter of casting Accel on everyone who owns it, and advancing as we can to meet the enemies.
The Zai Fa are on 3 bars of upgrades themselves, so the upgrades we put into Layzner are helping to keep pace. I could have upgraded even more or tried fishing for a crit, but it doesn't hurt to leave some wounded behind for others to clean up.
I had fully expected this other one to stand still and fire at Eiji as well, but it ran into the shallow water and started fighting Garalia. Okay? That's certainly a choice.

Turn 2:
Giant Robo needs to collect a certain number of kills for a secret, so regardless of whether I decide to use it long-term on the team, it's not a bad idea to just have it solo this trio in the south.
Everyone else continues to Accel and advance. Shiro is in the Mark II and positioned so he's only taking two enemy attacks, the one in the water is too far away. Emma is in the Hyaku Shiki this time around.
Just making sure nobody was forgotten and getting the big picture view. It's interesting how the Muge aircraft squad in the south split up, with two heading north and one heading west. Not sure exactly how their AI is governed here, but this feels similar to the Drumlos of last chapter where they have specific targets in mind?
Shiro kills one and wounds the other. Even if he hadn't procced Shield Defend, they wouldn't have had the damage to kill him here, and I might not have actually needed the Chobham I slapped on him for safety.
Bright lands his potshot on the guy in the shallows.
Giant Robo can actually afford to miss these, but I think he actually landed both chips anyway.

Turn 3:
Quattro Accels ahead and grenades this Muge fighter that's blocking the bridge.
Allowing Show to sweep in and finish the job. This was one of the setbacks I hadn't prepared for in my previous attempt.
Garalia wounds this other one so it will suicide on enemy phase.
While Daisaku positions to easily wrap up the squadron he was tasked with.
Eiji has enough move with Accel to land and make it to the trees for extra evasion, allowing him to get good positioning to deal with the quad of Mazinger enemies in the northeast. 
Emma finishes the one in the drink. If Bright had missed she could have teamed up with Shiro to do the same to the one on the ground instead. 
Bright advances and Amuro descends and positions to put in work next turn.
Big picture mode. Shiro actually just holds and prepares to fire back on EP instead. I suppose I could have fished for the dodge here, and defended on EP instead, to ensure survivability, but it ended up a non-issue.
As he just dodged straight out of the gate.
As mentioned, the AI went with a suicide on the EP for this guy.
Eiji did get plinked on the 25% or whatever the first enemy had on him, but all the other enemies are less accurate so I'm not worried. A couple of them even moved towards the squad instead of firing. More split AI programming?

Turn 4:
Emma gets another Gain kill and learns another spirit. Still not Valor, but Alert is always good to have, so I can't complain.
Boss casts Daunt on the boss and I remembered to take screenshots this time. Watching the little Green Haro fly across the map to gobble down the enemy's Will always amuses me.
I believe I packed Valor behind this.
Banjo and Bright also did some chip of their own to get the Gratinos low enough that a pre-Gained Dancouga finish was possible.
It doesn't explicitly show the gains for the subpilots, but getting them all levelled up as well makes this four for one deal pretty attractive, especially with Ryo feeding them all Gain every chance he gets.
So, I think there's some bug here that I haven't fully be able to suss out how it works, but we can see that somehow Roux lost an extra 10 Will beyond what she should have on that battleship ferry journey. She's at 80 right now, and she started at 100 and only should have lost 10. We can see that Dancouga only lost 10 and not 20 since I'd pumped three Spirits into them and they came out at 120 at the same time. Amuro and Sayaka only lost 10 Will as well when they got out last turn after two turns of travel, while Shinobu and Roux took three turns of travel and had different results. So I really can't figure out what the special difference is here, but I did notice similar (and worse) results on the prior playthrough, which is why I ended up unloading Sayaka a turn before she really needed to come off. As long as we're talking about battleships and Will gains though, I'm also noticing that unlike in some other games, the units that are loaded on the battleship don't receive the passive +1 Will when allies achieve kills elsewhere around the map. Just another entry in the list of things things to keep in mind moving forward I guess. Battleship travel will almost certainly still be worth it, more often than not, especially once Bright learns Accel, but it's good to have a full grasp of what some of the the downsides might be here.
Eiji eats another unlucky hit, but I still have faith in him.
He did what he needed to to set up Sayaka to collect this kill.
Manami has to cast Spirit to get the Will she needs to use her finisher, but since she's over 130 base SP that doesn't cut into our Luck casting opportunities, and it helps keep things safe for Getter. Speaking of, it's a little weird. On the previous run, the AI had moved this Dante one less square west and one more square north, and it had attacked Getter on the enemy phase, but this time it chose differently. Subtle stuff sometimes. I wonder which of my units being in different positions caused the change. Maybe it was Show?
I swap to Getter 3 for the first time this game, and it finally plays the intro video it probably wanted me to see four chapters ago.
We don't actually attack, I need to preserve my Alert for enemy phase, because like I said, the boss is packing some serious heat with all his bars of upgrade.
Quattro chunks away at this enemy,
As does Garalia. When we see Gararlia's damage and note that Show has more Will than her by the kills he's been racking up,
It's zero surprise that he gets a clean finish here. Part of me is wondering if I shouldn't have given Garalia the Booster and all the kills this map, since I'm probably going to use her longer term than him, but he has a bigger base SP pool, which I think was necessary this time around. That said, the increased money gain "Ace Bonus" isn't so strong that I'm really all that concerned about a handful lost here or there.
All the enemies in Shiro and Emma's section are actually deceased, and they'll never make it to a fight again with their move speeds, so he just idles as Daisaku comes eastward for that stray Muge fighter that's still flying around.
Eiji chips both Mazinger enemies in the north on the counter.
Musashi lands his chip.

<getter team vs Bouryuuki>
Hayato: Isamu, stop this. Isamu!!
Bouryuuki: Don't stand in my way! I will win! I will win and acquire everything!

Most importantly, Musashi lands this Daisetsuzan Oroshi. I'm used to seeing bigger numbers from that move, but please remember the boss is rocking insane amounts of armor for this stage of the game. We also needed both of the Chobham armors I stacked on Getter 3 just to survive the hit as well. I would have preferred the Alert ate this instead of the earlier mook, but alive is alive.

Turn 5:
Amuro's Mercy leaves this for someone else. I probably should actually get him some kills here and there so he can at least learn Accel, but on the other hand, he's strong enough he can probably make better use of them coming back from a larger level deficit and getting bonus XP for it.
Daisaku gets this last enemy over here, which actually swerved to veer northward for some reason, but it didn't move far enough afield to leave his range at least.
I gave it to Dancouga for more Gain and trying to push my average pilot levels higher. The other choice would have been to Bright for Luck and trying to just keep the battleship fed. It's not an expensive enough enemy to really be concerned here, so I think I'm happy with this choice for now.
I switch to chip weapons to stretch as much XP as possible out of the last enemy in the north here.
Before finally feeding it to Roux.
Garalia versus the boss.
Free chip XP for Quattro vs the boss as well. I think it might actually have helped secure the kill for Getter as well.
Since Musashi had to spend all his SP on the first Spirit and then Accels from there, Ryouma could only afford Gain and Valor, and we have to go in without Strike this time.
Probably because of Prevail we're not actually too punished for this. It being a Super enemy helps as well, but all the mobility bars it has does mean we're not batting 100.
Seeing the enemy cry out for his mother, and all his dialog with Hayato actually makes me feel for him a bit.

<Bouryuuki defeated>
Bouryuuki: Uooooh!? N-No, I don't want to lose...

Two levels for the Getter pilots, and a Hybrid Armor drop.
Manami probably needed the crit, given she's submerged, but since she landed it first try I don't really know. Musashi did land his missile previously, which definitely helped out.
Showing proof of turnage.
And with a Valored Hyper Aura Slash there's just no way the enemy survives, lol.

<enemy routed, victory achieved>
<transition from battle mode to story mode>
Hayato: Isamu... Isamu!!
Bouryuuki: H... Hayato? I, was a fool. Those bastards, lured us in using money and A Class citizenship as bait, then used surgery to reconstruct us into oni soldiers.
Hayato: You don't need to keep explaining.
Bouryuuki: I... wanted money and power... so I could live without having the Imperial Army doing whatever they wanted to me...
Hayato: Keep it together, Isamu!
Bouryuuki: I... don't like this, being an oni. I wanted to... at least be able to die a human...
Hayato: You are a human. And you're my friend, Isamu.
Bouryuuki: H...Hayato... I have... a horn, though...
Hayato: What nonsense are you saying now, Isamu. I don't see a horn anywhere. You're 100%... pure human.
Bouryuuki: Ha... yato... I...
<screen flashes white>
Hayato: Khh... Isamu... Damn the Empire, and damn the Hyakki. I absolutely will not forgive them!

<fade out, fade in>

Kouji: Tch, why do I gotta be doing something so basic. Can't they get someone else to go running around in all this rubble? Geez.
??? (Erika): Kyaaa!!
Kouji: What's that? Those Empire bastards must be up to something. The nerve to be messing around in a place like this. Hey, assholes!
<gunshots x3>
Muge Soldier: Uwah, run away, run away!!
Kouji: Well aren't they quite quick on the retreat, huh? Hey you, you're not hurt are you?
Erika: No... thank you.
Kouji: So, why were those guys after you?
Erika: ...I don't know.
Kouji: ...What's your name?
Erika: I think it's... Erika.
Kouji: You think it is? What are you trying to say here?
Erika: I... seem to have forgotten just about everything. I can't remembering anything...

<fade out, fade in>

Boss: Heeey, Sayaka, big news!
Sayaka: Well if it isn't Boss? What's going on?
Boss: Don't be so distant, Sayaka. Anyway, that Kouji brought back some pretty girl with him.
Sayaka: A girl? A pretty one!?
Ryouma: Heh, Kouji's quite the player, huh.
Sayaka: As if. Kouji doesn't have the looks to attract beauty. The fact that I'm ignoring him should be all the proof you need.
Boss: Somehow that doesn't quite feel like it's the truth...
<smacking sound>
Boss: Wh-What are you doing, Sayaka?
Sayaka: Hmph!

Finish 12
Char           Lv   XP Kill     Mel/Sht/Eva/Hit/Rct/Skl  HP/EN/Mo/Ar/Lm/Wn    Skills                                                Parts
Ryouma         19   11    5     158/133/126/132/103/117  00/05/00/00/00/04    PrevailL4   |            |            |            || Propellant | Repair Kit |------------|------------|||
Hayato         19   11    0     151/136/134/134/105/119  00/05/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            || Booster    |            |------------|------------|||
Musashi        19   11    0     157/132/119/128/101/113  00/05/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4   |            |            |            || Chobham    | Chobham    |------------|------------|||
Manami         17  426   49$$   163/144/130/129/113/116  00/07/02/00/00/08    PrevailL2   | SwordL2    |            |            ||            | Hybrid     |------------|------------|||
Lawrence       17  426    0     ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--                |            |            |            ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Daisaku        17  124    5     154/134/128/128/103/111  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL1   |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Show           17   83    7     146/141/160/132/121/136  00/00/00/00/00/00    HolyWar4    | SwordL2    |            |            || Shuffle    | Booster    |            |------------|||
Cham           17   83    0     ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--                |            |            |            ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Shinobu|Dan    16  288    5     150/149/134/122/100/105  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL3   | SwordL2    |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Boss|Borot     16  220    0     150/105/112/101/093/085  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL1   |            |            |            ||            |            |            |            |||
Garalia        15  277    2     142/138/154/118/104/119  00/00/00/00/00/00    HolyWar1    | SwordL2    |            |            || Magnetic   |            |------------|------------|||
Ryo            15  215    2     153/141/124/117/099/111  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Roux|Ez8       15  204   28$    132/149/148/128/101/103  03/03/03/03/03/03    NTL1        | SwordL1    | ShieldL1   |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Eiji|Layzner   15  153   12     141/161/154/143/108/128  00/05/02/00/00/04                |            |            |            || Biosensor  | Magnetic   |------------|------------|||
Quatre|Sand    15  124    4     150/129/148/138/109/119  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL3     | ShieldL3   |            |            || Minovsky   |            |------------|------------|||
Quattro|Jegan  15   67    7     132/164/157/147/108/141  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL4        | SwordL4    | ShieldL3   |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Emma|HS        15   16    9     114/142/138/133/102/110  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL3    |            |            |            || Chobham    |            |------------|------------|||
Sayaka|JS      14  423   21$    138/126/116/116/098/095  00/06/02/00/00/05                |            |            |            || Chobham    |            |            |------------|||
Masato         14  262    0     137/141/123/114/098/097  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Sara           14  262    0     142/142/124/116/098/099  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Shiro|MKII     14  254    1     142/151/146/128/103/119  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL2     | ShieldL1   |            |            || Chobham    |            |------------|------------|||
Bright|Alb     14  147    4     113/148/144/136/099/113  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            || MBooster   |------------|------------|------------|||
Amuro|DJ       14   79    0     136/160/156/143/110/131  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL5        | SwordL4    | ShieldL2   |            || Radar      |            |------------|------------|||
Banjo          14   14   28$    159/135/126/126/101/133  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL4    | SwordL4    | PrevailL4  |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||

Duo|Death      14   44    3     151/125/141/136/108/118  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL3     | ShieldL2   |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
David|Doll     13  254   12     140/140/140/129/102/118  03/03/03/03/03/03                |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Domon          13  186    1     156/128/140/130/106/148  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL2     |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Simone|Doll    13   86   36$    122/124/142/133/100/106  03/03/03/03/03/03                |            |            |            || Repair Kit |            |            |------------|||
Kouji|A        10  412    6     147/124/113/113/095/106  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4   |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||

Total Cash:  181800
Total Turns: 65


Edited by Balcerzak
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As a note, in the postmortem stats block, I'm now going to be separating things a bit, with the top chunk being units on my squad that were deployed that chapter, a space break, and then the other units currently with me, followed by a bigger space break, and then lastly any units that have left my squad but will rejoin again sometime later in the future.

Chapter 13: "Town of Betrayal"


Erika: Kouji, why are you fighting the Empire?
Kouji: What do you mean?
Erika: You could be killed any time now.
Kouji: If that ends up happening, then that's just what was meant to be.
Erika: Huh!?
Kouji: Just look at the world today. The Earth is stretched to its limits and so many people are living in agony. Aside from those Romfellers, there isn't any earthling who's able to experience happiness. Under the Empire's merciless rule, everyone lives in fear. To make matters worse, you have the Hyakki and the Mycenae, who'd been lying in wait, who've now shown up and started following in the Empire's footsteps. Until the Empire is defeated, we humans have no future. We have to fight to take back our peaceful days. And if in the course of making sure that happens, if I were to end up becoming a sacrifice along the way... I'd have no regrets.
Erika: Humanity's... future... I...
Boss: Kabuto, what are you doing!?
Sayaka: Hmph, he's just trying to act cool in front of a lady!
Duo: He's not actually wrong, though. Defeating the Empire still leaves us with a mountain of problems, but it's the first step we need take to move forward.

<fade out, fade in>

Simone: Kouji, it looks like that girl's memory is starting to come back.
Kouji: Really? That's great news!
Simone: It seems like that's not the end of things, though.
Kouji: What do you mean?
<door noises>
Erika: Ah, Kouji. I just remembered. The Imperial Army is torching my town...
Kouji: What's that!?
Erika: They're hunting humans as part of their experiments...
Hayato: Don't tell me, it's the Hyakki!? Those buncha assholes.
Kouji: Let's go, Erika. Lead the way to your town!
Hayato: We'll come too. Isn't that right, Ryou, Musashi?
Ryouma: Of course. With that settled, let's hurry.
Emma: Wait up, you guys. Think about what might happen if you run into the enemy. We should consult with Captain Bright first.

<fade out, fade in>

Bright: Very well, I approve. However, we should have pilots standing by at the Albion as well.
Kouji: Great to hear you agree, Captain. All right, let's go, Erika.

<fade out, fade in>

Ryouma: There don't seem to be any enemies around.
Quatre: But is is really true that this place was attacked?
Sara: Quatre's doubt seems reasonable. This place doesn't feel like it's been a battlefield.
Erika: ...It's true.
Kouji: If it were for conducting their human hunts, there wouldn't need to be that much destruction, I wouldn't think. At any rate, we should continue to hurry.

<fade out, fade in>

Kouji: Doesn't seem like there's that much damage. That's some good news at least?
Erika: Thank you. I know it isn't much, but why doesn't everyone stay for a meal?
Musashi: That'd be great. I'm just about dying of hunger.

<fade out, fade in>

Amuro: Beltorchika, any word from Kouji and the others?
Beltorchika: Nothing yet.
Amuro: So then they haven't encountered any enemies... Hmm? What's that!?
Beltorchika: This is... Captain, we're surrounded by enemies!
Bright: Come again!? How did this go undetected! Send out a team to intercept immediately! Call back those that went to the town!
Beauty: ...It's no use, Captain Bright. There's no response!
<screen shakes>
Bright: At least we fight back! Beauty, keep trying to hail Kouji and the others.
Beauty: Yes, sir!
<transfer from story mode to battle mode>

"Town of Betrayal"
The player reinforcements on the town don't show up until well down the chain of triggers, but I'm leaving them on for easy visual reference here.

<begin map>
<ally battleship appears>
<enemy units appear>
<unit select screen>
Sayaka: Good grief. Kouji tags along with that woman, and now this happens.
<map start>
The fact that Sara is forced to deploy separately means Dancouga is split into all its component parts. Since I don't have the deploy spaces to use everyone, it feels fine to only take Shinobu and leave behind Ryo and Masato.

Marquis Janus is the boss this time around. The flying pig she's in is all bulk and no bite. There is something important to keep in mind with her though, and that is she'll flee if too many enemies are shot down before you get to her. How many? She peaces out after the third kill. Yeah, it's a tight window. We're essentially forced to just weaken, with one or two allowed for Will gains or in case of accidents.

Eiji Accels southwards and chips this enemy. He'll be joined on the southward journey by Show, Banjo, and Manami.
My other forces split left and right. For the most part I'm sending my airborne ones to the left, with all its trees, and the landbound ones east. Sayaka is in the Borot this time around, letting Boss fly around for her to resupply.
Getting Strike on her will solve many issues.
Big Picture view.
Show needs a crit on the enemy phase, but he's got decent rates, 20~30% I think? This kill plus the Shuffle Crest sets him up for his important threshold.
<an enemy destroyed>
Ryouma: Hey, is that the Albion getting attacked!?
Roux: What!? We need to head back, now!
Kouji: Got it. Erika, sorry about this but we need to get back to the ship...
Erika: I'm sorry. Please don't move.
Kouji: What are you doing, Erika!?
David: ...Hey, hey, we're in for it now. We're surrounded by armed citizens.
Hayato: It can't be, have the people here already been reconstructed...?
Kouji: Erika, just what are you doing!?
Erika: Please. Don't move.
Kouji: Erika...

Turn 2:
Garalia and Eiji start in on weakening some of the bulkier enemies.
The Doll is really falling off now that enemies are getting upgrade bars. Looking at the flow chart, its replacement is still many chapters away. I was planning to use Simone long-term, 'cause she will learn Rouse and I had fun times with her in J, but maybe I have to reconsider.
Some chipping and advancing on the right.
Big Picture.
Amuro accidentally crit this one, but he deserves some levels and it doesn't ruin anything.
I have to avoid killing, so defend/evade it is.
The bulky enemies still get to be countered though.

Turn 3:
Banjo had to spend all of his SP on the two Spirit needed to unlock Sun Attack, so there wasn't anything leftover for Valor. I couldn't have given him the Shuffle Crest and the kill to make up for 10 of it because Daitarn needed movement items in both parts slots to make it here on time as well.
Laying down some big number here too.
Continuing to whittle away at the left side.
Amuro took some big hits earlier, but odds are decent he won't get hit again.
Emma can survive another one of these as well, more if she defends.
Shiro also has some bulk to rely on with the parts I loaded on the MKII.
Domon is Domon.
Duo just has the devil's luck and keeps dodging.
Putting Eiji in position, hoping to counter everything.
Advancing Manami as far as she can go.
A little additional chip on this enemy instead of working on the boss.
Big Picture.
So, the plan was to defend, get knocked deep into prevail range and then have better shots at dodging, but Shinobu decided to just dodge against the odds anyway. What can I say?
We have to counter with the grenade to keep it alive. The original plan was to kill this one now and maybe do something else with Eiji next turn, but Amuro's earlier crit changed that, and I don't think it really mattered in the grand scheme, since the bottom enemy was a coward anyway.
Another dodge...
Both of my Aura Battlers continue to put in work.
For some reason only the top Dante attacked Eiji.
I got too cocky with Shiro, but wasn't punished.
Banjo didn't crit here, but we'll make it work.

Turn 4:
We reposition south side with a little more chip.
Then send in Show with Valor up.
Rather than dropping a part, Janus just drops more money. I guess that works. I'm also a bit amused that being the third enemy downed leads into her regularly scheduled retreat speech with no apparent changes.
<3 enemies destroyed>
Marquis Janus: Well done, Espionage R1.
Kouji: What?
Roux: Don't be dumb. It's coming from her transmitter. 
Kouji: So that's the mastermind!? You bastard, just what have you done to Erika and the people of this town!?
Janus: Hohohoho, foolish humans. That one's name isn't Erika nor anything of the like. It's Espionage R1, our android spy.
Kouji: What? Is that true, Erika!?
Erika: ...
Ryouma: It can't be, then all these people too...
Janus: We didn't do anything to them. We simply told them that if they helped to capture you, their lives would be spared, and they happily agreed to do so. Hoohohoho.
Hayato: How cowardly of you!
Janus: Espionage R1. Have you acquired the data?
Erika: ...Yes.
Janus: Excellent. Transfer it.
Erika: ...It is done.
Janus: Fufufu, well done. I'll head back a little early. You deal with this lot, then once more infiltrate their ship. Destroy its engines.
<enemy unit retreats> (if she hadn't been shot down)
Kouji: Erika... you...

Our prohibition on killing has now been lifted. Engage!
<5 enemies destroyed>
Erika: ...
Kouji: It's not true, right Erika... That bit about you not being human?
Erika: ...I... I wanted to become human. I always prayed for God to make me human. But...
Kouji: Stop this, Erika. You don't have to do what they say. You can let us go. You can come with us, and together we can fight against them.
Sara: It's no use, Kouji. We're screwed... The guys surrounding us are filled with bloodlust.
Musashi: I don't think we're getting out of this in one piece.
Hayato: Yeah, and if somehow they didn't kill us, I get the feeling they'd kill themselves.
Quatre: How horrible...
Roux: Give me a break! We can't afford to die here!
Erika: ...
Kouji: Erika!
Erika: ...I can't... I can't, but, I...

And another one down.
<6 enemies destroyed>
Kouji: Erika, you are human.
Erika: Huh...?
Kouji: You can laugh, and you can cry. You can get embarrassed, and I bet you can get angry too. Not only that, but you can put yourself in someone else's shoes, isn't that right?
Erika: ...
Kouji: What I'm trying to say is, you have a heart. And if you have a heart, you're a human. That's what I think, anyway.
Erika: If you have a heart... you're human...
Kouji: Erika, if you keep doing things like this, you'll end up losing that heart of yours.
Erika: Kouji... (I can't, as expected... it's impossible for me.)
Kouji: Erika...?
Erika: Everyone... please run. I'm begging you, hurry.
Sara: I'm glad you're willing to help us, but if we don't do something about those guys outside, there's no way we can escape.
David: Yeah, those guys are really amped up. The second we step outside, we'll be buried under a hail of bullets.
Hayato: It doesn't look like this ends without us putting them down.
Quatre: We can't! They're just normal people!
David: But what else can we do?
Erika: ...I'll go. Maybe if I talk to them, I can get them to let you go.
Kouji: Send you out there?
Sara: She has a point. If we try that, there's a chance it could work.
Kouji: Got it, give it a go, Erika. If your mind's made up, there's no point waiting. Let's go everyone!

Amuro kills his, Quattro just wounds.
After Garalia kills this eighth one we're left with just ten enemies remaining.

<10 enemies or less>
<running noises>
Ryouma: Is it working...?
Musashi: But look, they're giving chase.
<machinegun firing>
Roux: No good! Everyone run!
<machinegun firing>
Erika: Kyaaa!
Kouji: Erika! Are you okay!? This way!
Hayato: Kh, no good. Looks like they're determined to kill us at all costs.
<machinegun firing>
Ryouma: Kh... But if we've made in this far... Daisaku!
Daisaku: Yes! Robo!
<ally unit appears>
Daisaku: Come, Giant Robo!!
<Giant Robo roars>
<Giant Robo moves to Daisaku's position>
Kouji: Uwah!
Sara: Don't hurt the townsfolk, boy. They're all victims too.
Daisaku: I understand! But after this is all done, can you please stop calling me "boy"!
<machinegun firing>
Daisaku: All right, Robo. We're all on board, now get us out of here!
<Daisaku leaves the town>
Sara: Whew, looks like we've escaped somehow.
Kouji: Yeah, if we've made it this far, then the rest is on us!
Ryouma: All right everyone, let's go!
Quatre: Yes!
<ally units appear>
Bright: That's...
Beauty: Kouji and the others!
Bright: So they were all right... Okay, fight the enemy with everything you've got!

Alert will keep Shinobu safe.
Eiji lets Getter collect this kill. Maybe I should have done it the other way around for XP purposes, but I was on Luck brain as I was playing.
Another notch in the belt towards that Giant Robo secret.
Emma has the Will to do Hyaku Shiki things now. Gain up, of course.
Continuing to feed Bright.
Big Picture. I do not think it's possible to push faster and clear on this turn, at least not while trying to kill Janus. If you give up on her and focus your efforts elsewhere, yeah, I probably could have done the northwest more effectively, and could have also then spent my time dealing with the Zagarls in the south instead of fighting Demonica. But for this run I wanted to get the boss kill. It's not like I'm in a competition with anyone, or gated by a turn limit for a True Ending, or some other factor that would otherwise force me to LTC at all costs. So, as long as I'm not dragging my heels, or making big blunders, I think things should be fine, playing like this. I'll have it on the record then, that I'll be trying to collect all the retreating bosses possible, even if that might conflict a little bit here or there with the absolute bleeding edge of speed.
A couple enemies suicide on EP, and Roux takes a hit to give a hit.

Turn 5:
Banjo's non-critical Sun Attack perfectly maims this.
Allowing easy feeding to Roux.
We gum this one down, both to get some chip XP,
And to allow Bright to get another kill.
If Duo had been wounded, I could have got some heal on him with Boss as I continue to level Sayaka, but he'd somehow dodged literally everything.
Just the one enemy remaining.
One chunk now,
Final turn display,
And it easily goes down on the Enemy Phase.

<enemy routed, victory achieved>
<transition from battle mode to story mode>
Astonaige: No good. The engine's busted. I'll make some temporary repairs here, the best I'm able, but sooner or later they'll give out and we'll be unable to move.
Bright: Dammit. For now, hurry with the repairs.
Banjo: What do you think we should do?
Bright: For the moment there's nothing to do but return to Tibet and get repaired.
Reika: Pardon me. Kouji and the others have returned.
Bright: Understood, I'll be there soon.

<fade out, fade in>

Amuro: So then, you're saying you'd like to bring this Erika girl along with us?
Kouji: We can't just leave her alone. She saved us. If she goes back there, they'll kill her.
Sayaka: What are you saying? After all, she's the reason things even turned out this way to begin with. Don't try to cover for her.
Kouji: Are you seriously saying that, Sayaka? It's not like she wanted things to happen that way. Everyone should be able to recognize that.
Bright: However... Ryouma, David, are you guys of the same opinion?
Ryouma: Yes. The Empire and those who went along with them were the bad guys here.
Quattro: While that's certainly true, all we can discern from this is that she didn't kill you this time. There's no saying she won't cooperate with the enemy for the same reasons again in the future.
Daisaku: You cannot be serious! She is a good person!
Banjo: Daisaku, it's precisely because she's a good person that they can use that against her.
Daisaku: ...I am not following you.
Banjo: That sort of thing can happen. Especially if the enemy is the type not to play fair. Manami, what do you think?

I do not mind her coming along
I... am opposed.

<don't mind selected>
Manami: I do not mind her coming along. The truth is, that she saved us. In the end, the ones I cannot forgive here are those who forced her to do such a thing.
Lawrence: Furthermore, there is also the fact that we are shorthanded that must be considered when evaluating whether or not doing as Kouji has suggested is the proper course of action.
Banjo: Hmm... What should we do, Captain Bright? Captain Quattro?
Bright: No two ways to it, I'll allow her to come along. That's fine with you, right Captain?
Quattro: If we didn't bring her along, it would be bad for morale.
Kouji: That's the ticket. I'll go tell her right away!

<opposed selected>
Manami: I... am opposed. It is not that I think she will betray us again, however, I do foresee several possible problems. I have no problem with letting her do as she pleases, but bringing her along with us is a little... you know?
Lawrence: Indeed. The fewer causes for concern, the better in my opinion.
Kouji: But.
Banjo: I'm sorry, Kouji, but I'm leaning that way too. I'm not trying to complain about what happened this time, but taking her along with us is a separate issue, you know?
Bright: It seems we've reached a conclusion. Setting aside whether her actions were right or wrong, we cannot allow her to come with us. I hope we can all accept this.
Kouji: ...I got it. If you're gonna push back at it this much, there's nothing to be done about it.
Banjo: Sorry, everyone.

<fade out, fade in>

Shinobu: What's wrong, Mister Captain. The repairs will be done soon, right? Is there some other problem?
Bright: Our enemies will know that our ship has taken damage.  So, anticipating a second raid from the enemy I ordered strict surveillance of the surroundings but...
Eiji: There haven't been any movements over the last couple days. That certainly gives one a bad feeling about things.
<door noises>
Banjo: Captain, got some bad news.
Bright: What's happened this time?
Banjo: Just got word from Alan. The Empire has started up some wide-scale Resistance crushing efforts.
Bright: What!? How's the situation?
Banjo: Terrible. Best to think of as all the various resistance organizations have been nearly wiped out. Karaba has also lost significant numbers of personnel and institutions.
Shinobu: What!? Seriously, you're not pulling our legs! Captain, what about the Liberation Front!?
Banjo: Based on the information we got, the Liberation Front is also, mostly destroyed.
Bright: Hold on a second. Beltorchika, can you put us through?
Beltorchika: ...There's no response from HQ.
Bright: What about the others?
Beltorchika: ...No good. No reply on any channel.
Bright: This is unimaginable... Damn those Imperials!
<door noises>
Amuro: What's the matter, Bright?
Bright: It's the Empire's Resistance Elimination Operation. The Liberation Front, Karaba, and all the other organizations have taken crippling blows.
Amuro: That shouldn't be possible!? Even in a remote place like this, there should have been plenty of intelligence coming in. To not have gotten even a whiff of their movements ahead of time, for such a large scale operation, how could that be?
Quattro: No, it's possible. It it were Ru Kain's doing he'd have done it more as a show of force, but I suspect this was probably Treize or Jamitov.
Banjo: They really got us good this time. I guess we overestimated our intelligence networks. If things keep up like this, we'll lose. Sorry, I'm going to have to withdraw for the time being. If I don't put Karaba back together...
Bright: Very well. However... what should we do? It's possible the Albion may not survive its next encounter with the enemy.

<fade out, fade in>

Duo: Yo, how'd it go, Quatre?
Quatre: Seems like I was somehow able to get in touch.
Bright: Will it work out? That is, with the Maganac Squad, I mean?
Quatre: Yes. Their base is below the city and it seems that kept them from being discovered. They said they would be able to repair the Albion.
Roux: So, where did you say this base was again?
Quatre: It's in the Middle East.
David: The Middle East!? That's pretty far away, do you think we can make it all the way without being spotted?
Bright: We have to go, really. We don't exactly have a choice. Everyone, prepare for departure.

Finish 13
Char           Lv   XP Kill     Mel/Sht/Eva/Hit/Rct/Skl  HP/EN/Mo/Ar/Lm/Wn    Skills                                                Parts
Ryouma         19   51    6     158/133/126/132/103/117  00/05/00/00/00/04    PrevailL4   |            |            |            || Propellant | Repair Kit |------------|------------|||
Hayato         19   51    0     151/136/134/134/105/119  00/05/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Musashi        19   51    0     157/132/119/128/101/113  00/05/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4   |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Show           18  215   10     147/142/162/134/122/137  00/00/00/00/00/00    HolyWar4    | SwordL2    |            |            || Shuffle    | Booster    |            |------------|||
Cham           18  215    0     ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--                |            |            |            ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Manami         18   86   50$$   164/145/132/131/114/117  00/07/02/00/00/08    PrevailL2   | SwordL2    |            |            ||            | Hybrid     |------------|------------|||
Lawrence       18   86    0     ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--                |            |            |            ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Daisaku        17  204    6     154/134/128/128/103/111  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL1   |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Sayaka|Borot   17  103   21$    141/129/122/122/101/098  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |            |            |||
Erika|         17    0    0     126/114/121/120/099/095  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            || Chobham    |            |            |------------|||
Garalia        16  365    4     143/139/156/120/105/120  00/00/00/00/00/00    HolyWar1    | SwordL2    |            |            || Magnetic   |            |------------|------------|||
Shinobu|Eag    16  345    5     150/149/134/122/100/105  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL3   | SwordL2    |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Boss|A         16  220    0     150/105/112/101/093/085  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL1   |            |            |            || Minovsky   |            |            |            |||
Emma|HS        16   13   11     115/143/140/135/103/111  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL3    |            |            |            || Chobham    |            |------------|------------|||
Roux|Jegan     16    3   29$    133/150/150/130/102/104  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL1        | SwordL1    | ShieldL1   |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Eiji|Layzner   15  377   13     141/161/154/143/108/128  00/05/02/00/00/04                |            |            |            || Biosensor  | Magnetic   |------------|------------|||
Quatre|Sand    15  124    4     150/129/148/138/109/119  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL3     | ShieldL3   |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Quattro|Ez8    15  115    7     132/164/157/147/108/141  03/03/03/03/03/03    NTL4        | SwordL4    | ShieldL3   |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Amuro|DJ       15   50    2     137/161/158/145/111/132  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL5        | SwordL4    | ShieldL2   |            || Radar      |            |------------|------------|||
Bright|Alb     14  449    6     113/148/144/136/099/113  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            || Chobham    |------------|------------|------------|||
Shiro|MKII     14  338    1     142/151/146/128/103/119  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL2     | ShieldL1   |            |            || Chobham    | Hybrid     |------------|------------|||
Sara           14  262    0     142/142/124/116/098/099  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Duo|Death      14  114    3     151/125/141/136/108/118  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL3     | ShieldL2   |            |            || Chobham    |            |------------|------------|||
Domon          14   66    2     157/129/142/132/107/149  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL2     |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Simone|Doll    13  291   37$    122/124/142/133/100/106  03/03/03/03/03/03                |            |            |            || Repair Kit |            |            |------------|||
David|Doll     13  254   12     140/140/140/129/102/118  03/03/03/03/03/03                |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Kouji|JS       10  434    6     147/124/113/113/095/106  00/06/02/00/00/05    PrevailL4   |            |            |            || Chobham    |            |            |------------|||

Ryo            15  215    2     153/141/124/117/099/111  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Masato         14  262    0     137/141/123/114/098/097  00/00/00/00/00/00                |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||

Banjo          14  256   28$    159/135/126/126/101/133  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL4    | SwordL4    | PrevailL4  |            || MBooster   | Booster    |------------|------------|||

Total Cash:  255360
Total Turns: 70



Edited by Balcerzak
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Chapter 14: "Shock at Victoria"


<albion flies from beijing over to Taklamakan Desert, stopping where we recruited Show and Garalia>
Ryouma: But man, they really got us, huh.
Sayaka: They did... It looks like almost all the bases have been completely crushed.
Anna: To have done it all at once like that... it's hard to believe.
Roux: There's certainly something strange about it. It happened all too fast.
Anna: I wonder if Earthlings... reported on the Resistance bases...
David: No doubt about that. I'm sure some lapdogs of the Empire wormed their way in, similar to Roanne.
Manami: Not everyone can fight like we can. That it happened cannot be helped. What is unforgivable is the Empire, who makes use of the people like that, as well as the Romfellers, who only think of themselves.
David: Man, the times we live in have really gotten rotten.

<fade out, fade in>

Duo: Hey, have you heard? Word is there's currently some blowback to the Resistance mop-up activities over in North America. This anti-war movement is calling itself followers of the "Holy Maiden of Cusco". I'm surprised they haven't been killed yet.
Anna: Wow, is that rumor true?
Emma: What exactly is this "Holy Maiden of Cusco"?
Anna: There's a woman that an increasing number of the downtrodden have begun calling a Holy Maiden. The rumors started spreading from Cusco in South America, so that's probably why she's called that.
Duo: Well, they're practitioners of nonviolent resistance, sounds like they're criticizing Gresco's policies without using any weapons. A guy like me finds that hard to wrap my head around.
Anna: That's why they're amazing. It seems they're even winning some support from some of the Empire's troops.
Eiji: What is her name?
Duo: Beats me. If I remember right there was a picture of her face in the data that came in, but, lemme see if I can find it... Ah, here it is.
Eiji: !! ...this is...
Anna: Eiji, what is it!?
<running noises>

<fade out, fade in>

Ginrei: Captain, why has the Layzner moved to the catapult deck?
Bright: That'd be Eiji Asuka right? I gave him permission, let him launch.
Amuro: What's going on?
Bright: Seems that "Holy Maiden" person is his older sister. So long as he's unsure of what's going on with her, he's not able to fight, so I've given him permission to go check things out.

<albion flies to the center of saudi arabia>
Shiro: ...Aina...
David: Oh? That's a unique pocket-watch. Can I take a look?
Shiro: Ah, hey!
David: Heh, what a funny design.
Shiro: C'mon, give it back!!
David: Whoa!? Ah, it's broken...
Shiro: What!?
David: Ah, no, it just opened up on its own. Ah~ What a surprise.
Shiro: Enough, just stop messing with it!
David: What's with you, no need to get so mad about it.
Shiro: (Hmm...? There's a photo inside? A picture of her with a man!? Aina Sahalin... so you had a lover, huh. ...That's... not surprising, actually.)

<fade out, fade in on a more zoomed in version of current location in Saudi Arabi>

Quatre: Rashid, glad to see everyone's doing well.
Rashid: Same to you, Master Quatre, seeing you safe is a relief. Everyone, please feel free to rest while you're here. We'll get your battleship fixed up properly, and while we're at it we'll service your machines as well.
Quatre: Is that okay?
Bright: No objections here. Please go ahead with it.
Rashid: Leave it to us. Our hopes lie with your continued activities. Everyone is happy to be able to cooperate with you. You guys, get to work as soon as you can!
Maganac Soldier: Aye sir!!

<fade out, fade in>

Rashid: The Empire's activity has really stepped up, now that the Resistance has been nearly wiped out. As a result of their contribution to the cause during that operation, the Specials have been granted the authority to operate in space.
Simone: What an unbelievable bunch, just using us as a tool to get ahead in life.
Rashid: In related news, we've received some information that they're preparing to launch spacecraft from Africa's Lake Victoria base.
Quattro: Hmm. If possible, that'd be something I'd like to prevent... What do you think, Captain?
Bright: As we are now, we can't afford to act recklessly... but if we simply stand by quietly, the Empire will only be further emboldened...
Ryouma: Let's go for it, Captain. The longer we wait, the worse our disadvantage will grow. If we take that path, at some point we'll become unable to hold out.
Professor Yumi: I think that's the right call as well. We haven't lost yet. Even at Karaba, there are likely still other researchers who managed to escape and are working on developing new assets. We need to buy them time.
Sayaka: Father...
Kouji: Let's go, Captain. We can't just let them do as they please.
Bright: Understood. Our next objective will be Lake Victoria Base. Make sure everyone knows.
Kouji: That's the spirit!
Rashid: If that's the case, I'll have the Maganac Squad come along too.

<fade out, fade in>

Rashid: The Imperial Army!? They found us out?
Quattro: They must have seen us when we were docking.
Rashid: Likely the case. However, we'd taken that into account when making our preparations.
Bright: I'm sorry about this. Astonaige, how are the ship's repairs?
Astonaige: They've finished up. We're able to leave at any time.
Kouji: Great! Well then, let's fight our way out!
Rashid: No, you should head straight to Lake Victoria.
Amuro: But in that case...
Rashid: We Maganac can deal with the situation here. You are our greatest hope, don't forget that. Some day there will come a time when we will fight together for the sake of this planet's future.
Bright: I understand. We'll leave this to you, then.
Quatre: Rashid, please don't push yourselves too far.
Rashid: Yourself as well, Master Quatre. Well then, I'll lead the troops in the interception. Fare well and good luck.
<running noises>
Bright: Time for us to depart as well!

<fade out, fade back to zoomed out map>

<albion flies from central Saudi Arabi to Lake Victoria>
<transition from story mode to battle mode>
"Shock at Victoria"

<battle map 1>
Wufei: You are weak, so why are you following me?
Sally: Because this is a battle I have to fight.
Wufei: Did someone order you to do so?
Sally: No, I'm here of my own free will. Much like you. You are fighting for your own sense of justice too, aren't you?
Wufei: You're a strange one. Hmph... Do as you like.
<end map 1>

<map 2>
<explosions on the base>
Bask: What's going on!?
Noin: Sabotage from the Resistance!
Bask: What!? So what are you doing about it! Hurry up and go!
Noin: Yessir!
<enemy units appear>
Noin: Where's the enemy? There!
Wufei: We've been found out... You, run over there.
Sally: Got it!
<running noises>
<cursor moves outside the base>
Noin: Stop! If you don't stop I'll shoot!
Wufei: Hmph.
Noin: ...A child!?
Wufei: A woman, huh... that's why you're naive.
<noin takes damage>
Noin: Kh... dammit, the controls won't function!
<cursor moves outside the base>
<neutral unit appears>
<aries squad appears, approaches wufei>
Noin: That's... a Gundam!? You can't!
<aries squad takes damage>
<enemy units destroyed>
Bask: Fools. There's only one enemy! Brigade Major Noin, what are you doing?
<enemy units appear>
<wufei moves to map edge>
Noin: W-Wait!
Wufei: Woman, can you hear me? Letting down your guard because you think someone's a child is the sign of a worthless soldier. I don't kill women or weaklings.
Noin: Kh...
<ally battleship appears>
Beltorchika: Captain, there seems to be a battle ongoing. The enemy base has been destroyed.
Bright: I don't know whose work that is, but it's fine by me. All right, sortie. We're also attacking the enemy base!
<selection screen>
This is the Map as we're making our unit selection, but this is a bit of a lie, to tell the truth.
Wufei: The Resistance, huh... I'll leave the rest to you then.
<wufei moves to map edge>
<neutral unit retreats>
Bask: Impossible! We can't let this happen after having been entrusted to it by Treize and the others. Fight back!!
<enemy units appear>
Noin: Crap, it's no use. I've no choice but to abandon this mobile suit...
<enemy unit retreats>
<battle starts>
This is the true Map and accurately depicts the situation before any waves of reinforcements.

Turn 1:
Manami can casually one-shot this Aries, some of the enemies with more bars aren't possible straight out of the gate, but this one is weak enough.
Quattro needs to wound this for Garalia to take it out.
She gains another level of Holy Warrior, but this isn't the magic threshold yet.
Quatre, Getter, and Shiro head south. Giant Robo and Erika join the three already headed east, while the rest head west. Show dances around and lets Boss resupply him for XP. I probably won't use Valor on Boss, he's more of a support unit for me. It never hurts to have options though.
Big Picture, showing you visually what I tried describing in words.
Garalia has a few ranged counters, we fire off one of them here.

Turn 2:
Quattro is lower level than Erika, but XP is XP.
Garalia heads as far south as she can and chunks another enemy.
Quattro has to wear down the Tragos for Manami, I think it's on defensive terrain here.
Dancouga can actually manage 6 units of distance by exploting the decombined movement. I had thought it was 5 units previously, but with this fish-hook like formation 6 just works. 
More resupply.
The other units keep moving south.
Garalia finished what she started on the EP.
I had Shiro in the Sturm Dias for the extra movement, but damn if that craft isn't showing its age at the moment. It's a Chapter 1 unit on the real route so I guess that makes some sense, since I haven't put any money in it. This is also a 5bar upgraded Aries instead of a 3bar one like Manami and the others were facing, so there's also that to consider. Really would have been nice if it could take more than two hits without proccing shield or sword.
Garalia and Quattro getting in some counters on the Assimars.

Turn 3:
I'd initially planned on just rushing Shiro towards where Aina will spawn, but I hold back and grab some XP on him here because, well, XP is just good to get when you can, and he has Gain.
Quatre moves and wounds the other one in the pair that came to play here.
I finish setting up the formation over here, preparing for reinforcements.
Quattro falls back to help feed Daisaku for his secret.
Also brings him back into range for Erika.
Manami had to cast Spirit once to hit threshold for the attack, but she does great chunk of damage here. She actually can't crit or she'll kill on EP, and while that could be an option, I really would prefer to cast Luck on big targets.
She had almost a 50% chance to dodge, so it's nice that it happened.
Garalia comes close and does some chip.
Hayato just keeps pushing south. I probably should have done something with him, but I wasn't fully sure what I wanted other than Getter to be in the vague general position to be ready for what is to come.
Big Picture.
Maybe I should have saved this, I do eventually run out of her ranged counters. I probably should have even swapped to Dunbine with her for this chapter? It's hard to say.
Manami got tagged this time.
I didn't want to chance relying on the sword cut here, and I don't have Gain up anyway, so no point fishing for a kill. We defend.
If I remember right, I can't kill this one at the moment, otherwise Bask retreats, so we just use our weakest attack.
Giant Robo landed some ranged counters and took a little damage.
Garalia got tagged but Aura Barrier is amazing.
Manami is out of range, so she defends.
She can chunk the close one, though.

Turn 4:
A big boss kill, deserves a big Luck cast, and swapping around fairies is why they exist. So we end up with images like this sometimes. 
Down he goes!
Big cash and another Shuffle Crest.

<5pp or enemies 8 or less, enemy reinforcement 1>
<enemy unit appears>
(bask already defeated)
Zechs: Kh... we're too late, huh?
Lila: They were just faster. Why don't you show us the skill of the Lightning Baron?
Zechs: With enemies like this, it might not go so simply as you think... but I'll give it a try.
(bask still present)
Bask: You're only showing up now, Zechs?
Zechs: Lt Colonel* Bask, your situation seems disadvantageous. Please fall back.
Bask: You're saying you'll take responsibility, huh? Very well, I'll leave the rest to you. Show your stuff out there.
<enemy retreats>
Lila: Flattering him? Not how I would have handled things.
Zechs: Getting him to leave the battlefield felt a better choice than pointlessly losing a battleship.
Lila: Ah... if that's what you were going for, roger that.
(both cases)
Emma: Is that Major Lila!? Jerid and Kacricon have come too!?
Lila: The traitor Emma Sheen is here, huh? How brazen of you.

*Okay, I really have to address this here. I don't know if the Chapter 7 text with Emma was a typo, or if Bask was promoted between these chapters. You can clearly see his rank has gone up, even with the simplified version that's used in direct address here. Also, I'm starting to think that perhaps I should have handled the ranks differently after all. Since there's the obvious in-universe difference that comes between how the OZ address their ranks and how that contrasts with how the other organizations organize theirs. Plus, smoothing out the whole "Nth Grade Special <Senior/Junior> Officer" designations does remove what explicitly makes the Specials, well, the Specials... Whatever, I'm already on the train to just use a unified system in the interest of general comprehensibility, so I'll just keep with the decision I made earlier.
(See the difference here in plain text. 特尉 vs 特佐. Something clearly changed or was mistaken somewhere. His earlier rank felt way too low, given his position in Zeta, but I was just following what was written.)

Anyway, the western reinforcements have arrived. Dancouga's position actually shifts Lila's position up one, since it's taking her place (you can note this explicitly by seeing the difference between my playthrough's pic and the second pic from a run where I just blitzed several turns to see the alternate reinforcement text to dig in and nitpick on military ranks). This is a purposeful choice here, as I'm sure will be obvious shortly.

I upped the bars on Breast Fire a significant amount here, making it possible for Sayaka to one-shot Zechs here, even in the Tall Geese. How embarrassing!
Big gains here, and another Booster drop. I'll put that to good use.
Giant Robo continues to farm, and Erika just keeps healing what she can.
With Sayaka now out of the way...
Just MAP weapon things.
The Cyber Beast Force take down Jerid and Gain a goodly chunk of levels, which is especially good for catching up the subpilots.
Quattro slides forward, to get back into action.
If Amuro is low enough HP, he'll draw aggro, so we fish a bit for him to get hit while on Focus. I think it was maybe a 20% chance.
This allows Emma to take a kill off what he weakened.
Manami nukes this Gaplant as she moves westward.
Bright puts up Strike so he can hit counters without worry, and I rearranged position to be safe and where I want him. I'd been a little unsure before what to do with him. Also, I guess I forgot to post it, but Shiro moved eastish, Quatre moved south with Hayato again.
Like I said, Amuro is drawing aggro and dishing out damage, both better and safer than Emma.
This was a risky move with Shiro, but I wanted to feed him and for him to feel like he was doing something. I did have to reset and reload several times for him to actually dodge, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it.

<10 enemies or less, enemy reinforcement 2>
<enemy units appear>
Aina: This is...
Specials: The base we've come to for repairs and supplies is under attack. What should we do?
Aina: We can't afford to just leave. Let's assist in the counterattack.
Specials: Is that wise? Our Minovsky crafts are in poor condition...
Aina: They just need to hold out a little longer.
Specials: Understood.
Shiro: T-That's... Aina's Apsalus!?

I think this is Emma and Quattro countering? I decided I'd try to mix things up with more combat shots and less of the stats screens where I choose weapon/defend/evade, but in my opinion those stat screens make it easier to see what's going on, even if they aren't as cinematic or picturesque.
Amuro fights for the good chip XP, but since it was a good EP run and losing him would have ruined a good Shiro dodge, I probably should have been safer and defended. Didn't get punished though!

Turn 5:
More Giant Robo action.
So close to getting Sara Strike, but she's still 18 after this and she needs 19. Once she gets that and Shinobu gets Accel though, Dancouga will be just about fully online. More goodies further down for sure, but we can do a lot of work with Strike and Accel.
If Zechs couldn't survive Breast Fire, this grunt has no hope.
Roux and Emma get a couple kills here as well.
Emma even gets her Valor, so that's a nice milestone achieved.
More heal XP.
I give Quattro a kill, as a treat.
Getter Beam clears out one of Aina's squad that came westward.
Garalia chunks the full health Gaplant.
Bright was badly wounded, and honestly so are several of our other troops (Manami as well, even after a self-Trust I forgot to cap). Time to push the Emergency Faith button.
Manami scoots west and takes a second of Aina's buddies.
Amuro kills the Aries, leaving only the Aries near Bright and the Assimar below him in the northwest.
Big Picture. 
We're out of ranged counters now...
I defend here because I think Bright levels up on chip, and I'd rather get the bigger underlevelled bonus on a kill instead. Being under level by three is 1.9x multiplier, while under level by two is 1.6x. Chip damage is 1/10 of kill XP, so if my memory of the Aries base XP is correct it's like, 209 from kill vs 20 from chip + 176 for kill, so like, it's a minor difference, and probably would come out in the wash later, but... I don't know, sometimes I obsess over certain small details.
I suppose I could have countered Aina here to get some chip XP, but it never crossed my mind at the time. Why did this detail escape notice, but the one with Bright seemed important? I honestly can't tell you.
Emma chunks the Assimar some.
Garalia dodges and kills the last Gaplant.

Turn 6:
We do a little Persuade.

<shiro persuade aina>
Shiro: Aina!!
Aina: Shiro... Shiro Amada!? Please leave!
Shiro: Aina... I love you!
Aina: Huh!?
Shiro: ...I hate the Empire and the Specials. I absolutely cannot forgive them.
Aina: Shiro...
Shiro: But even so, from the first time we met, I've been unable to forget you. Even if... you're with the Specials. Even if... you have a lover.
Aina: A lover? I don't have anyone I could say that about. And even if you're my enemy, my answer would be...
<screen shakes>
Aina: Uwah...!? The power level has already dropped this low!?
Shiro: Aina, are you all right!? It's dangerous here, hurry up and retreat!
Aina: I, I can't. That's not...
Shiro: I'm begging you! I don't want you to die! I, I want to be with you...
Aina: Shiro... I understand. Shiro Amada... stay safe...
<enemy unit retreats>

Garalia and Quattro finish this Aries.

I get a little chip in on the Aries near Bright for some XP.
Bright needs it the most, so he takes the kill.
Amuro takes out the Assimar by himself, nabbing very important Accel.

<enemy routed, enemy reinforcement 3>
Ginrei: No more signs of enemy activity.
Bright: Great, let's hurry up and leave.
Beltorchika: Please wait, Captain! There's an enemy unit approaching... I believe they're Hyakki!
<enemy unit appears>
Ryouma: You're the one from back then... Tekkouki of the Hyakki!?
Tekkouki: It's been awhile! Our battle back then was interrupted, but this time we can fight fair and square! Come now, Humans! Fight me!

It's just these three, but another set of reinforcements really does make this stage feel long. Fortunately, I scouted ahead and knew to prepare for this.

<Ryouma vs Tekkouki>
Tekkouki: Let's go, Getter Robo! Fight me!
Ryouma: That's what I want too! Here we come!

Getter Beam with high Will and Valor was enough for the one-shot.

That means I don't get to see either of these conversations.
<Hayato vs Tekkouki>
Tekkouki: Getter Robo will fall before my Mecha Tekkouki!
Hayato: Stop boasting! It'd be better for you to quickly run away!

<Musashi vs Tekkouki>
Tekkouki: You think you can best my Mecha Tekkouki with that?!
Musashi: Sure do!

But does lead straight into,

<Tekkouki defeated>
Tekkouki: Uwaooo!? I, I've lost!!

Still getting good XP even as highly levelled as the Getter Team are. Another Hybrid Armor is also quite useful.
I'd originally wanted Quatre down here because he has Luck, but there weren't enough troops here, so I couldn't really chip it down far enough to make use of that without stalling. Maybe if he had enough SP to use both Valor and Luck at the same time, but as it is we're in a one or the other situation. In which case I need to use Valor here (as show), plus the enemy phase if I have any hope of getting a clean clear here.
Boss gets another level himself on this final turn as well, which is neat.
Manami crit kills the other Zagarl.
Turn count display.
And a kill on the EP to clear the map.

<enemy routed, victory achieved>
Bright: It's over, huh... All right, fall back!

<transition from battle mode to story mode>
Sally: Former Earth Federation Forces Major Sally Po. You have my thanks for picking me up.
Quattro: Think nothing of it. It was due to your guys' work that things were made much easier for us.
Quatre: Um, where did he go?
Sally: He? Ah, you mean Wufei? Well, I'm not really sure. I only ran into him by chance...
Quatre: Is that... so...
Sally: Sorry for not being able to help.
Roux: Oh my. Quatre, you're still hoping to make the other three our allies, right?
Quatre: Please don't make fun of me. However... They are radical, but they are good people.
Sara: I'm not sure I can really call the radical people I know good people.
Ryo: Hey, you hear that, Shinobu?
Sayaka: Oh, I thought she was talking about Kouji?
Shinobu: Tch, we can't take you people anywhere. C'mon Kouji, let's go grab some grub.
Kouji: Let's.
<walking noises>
<door noises>
Masato: Don't tease them too much. They care about you in their own way.
Ryo: But it really is, in their own way.

<fade out, fade in near New York>

Eiji: It really was you, sister... You survived?
Julia: Eiji...
Eiji: ...Sister... Why did you...
Julia: Eiji... it's all in the past. There are things now that I have to do. As long as the people wish for it.
Eiji: Sister...
Julia: Eiji... You think I've changed a lot, don't you? What might have caused that? Sooner or later you'll understand. But you have to go now. You should also have things that you need to be doing. Though, whether or not they're the right things is a different matter.
Eiji: ...
Julia: I'll be all right. Now, go, Eiji.
Relena: Lady Julia, we will protect you. True peace cannot be achieved by wielding weapons. That is why we fight in the way that we do.
Eiji: And you are?
Relena: You may call me Relena Darlian. I am in agreement with Lady Julia's thoughts, and am working together with her. It is my pleasure to have made your acquaintance.
Eiji: Is that so... Then I'll leave my sister in your care.
Relena: Yes. Well then, shall we go, Lady Julia? We have to get Governor Gresco to agree to a meeting.
Julia: As you say, Relena.
Relena: (Hiiro... I am sure you are still fighting even now. Watch me as I fight on my own battlefield.)

<fade out, fade in>

Ru Kain: I've been hearing this too. This "Holy Maiden of Cusco" and her believers are coming here? For what purpose?
Gueler: Yes, most likely to make a direct appeal to His Excellency Gresco.
Ru Kain: They're coming to prattle such nonsense as "Earthlings and the Empire must coexist"!?
Gueler: Y-Yes... it seems so...
Ru Kain: Fool!! Why have you left this so-called Holy Maiden free to deceive the people's hearts?! Go and capture her at once!
Gueler: Y-Yessir!
<door noises>
Ru Kain: Roanne Demitrich?
Roanne: At your service.
Ru Kain: During the earlier Resistance Search and Destroy Mission, classified information that shouldn't have been possible to be intercepted somehow made its way into the hands of the enemy. Because of that we were unable to capture some of their most important figures, and thus unable to crush the most effective fighting force in their possession. How could this have happened?
Roanne: Wouldn't the most likely explanation be that there is a spy within our midst, sire?
Ru Kain: A spy... a spy, you say? Three years ago, were you yourself not accompanying Eiji and fighting against the Empire?
Roanne: If you doubt me, sire, I have no objection to you ordering my execution on the spot.
Ru Kain: ...
Roanne: ...
Ru Kain: Ha... You didn't even flinch. If you're a spy, you're made of frightful stuff. Very well, you may leave.
Roanne: Yes sir. If you'll excuse me, then.

<fade out, fade in back at Lake Victoria>
<albion flies north west toward Western Sahara's Atlantic coast>
Roux: What's this? ...Say, don't you see something over there?
David: Hmm? Over where?
Roux: Over there. In the shadow of that mountain.
Duo: There, huh? Looks like something's fallen there. Some sort of a crash, or an emergency landing I'd guess.
Quatre: That's... Isn't that Zaku headed thing from earlier?
David: Ah, you're right. It certainly resembles that thing. So it ended up crashing.
Shiro: Say that again!? Where is it!?
Roux: Just take a look, it's over there.
Shiro: That's definitely the Apsalus. Captain, bring the ship down, please! Captain! Dammit, Aina... please be safe...

<fade out, fade in>

Shiro: Aina!! Aina, are you all right!?
Aina: Ah... Shiro...
Shiro: Aina... I'm so glad... truly...
Aina: Shiro!

<fade out, fade in>

Aina: Thank you for rescuing me, you have my gratitude.
Quattro: Well... if you want to thank someone, direct it to 2nd Lt Amada. Without his forceful request, we would have simply passed you by. Besides, we're now faced with a problem, since you're a Specials pilot. There's some resistance to the idea of returning you and your machine to the enemy.
Shiro: Captain Quattro!?
Aina: It's fine, Shiro. Your Captain is merely speaking the truth.
Quattro: For now, I'd like to hear what it is you're hoping will happen...
Aina: ...I stopped fighting against you and evacuated. In all likelihood, I will be punished as a deserter.
Shiro: That's crazy!
Aina: I would be fine with that, but... Lately the way the Specials and the Foundation have been acting has given me some doubts.
Bright: Ever since the New Edwards incident, huh...
Aina: Correct. I've heard the rumors.
Quattro: Having listened to your story, it sounds like if you had somewhere else to go, you wouldn't want to return to the Specials, but...
Aina: I'm... Looking for something to believe in. I've been feeling like that for a while now.
Shiro: In that case why don't you just stay here? Fight alongside us, Aina.
Aina: Shiro... When I'm with you, it strangely feels like all my stress just melts away. Would it be all right for me to stay here?
Bright: If that's what you're hoping for, that works for me. That's kind of why this group was formed.
Quattro: It's like he says. 2nd Lt. Amada, show the lady to her room.
Shiro: Yessir, Captain!

<fade out, fade in>

<door noises>
Shiro: Aina... about, not having a lover... you said that, but...
Aina: Yes, Shiro... What made you think I had one?
Shiro: Well... there was a guy with you in that photo in your pocket-watch...
Aina: Ah, because of that? That's... my older brother.
Shiro: Your brother? ...your brother!? So that's what it was!?

<fade out, fade in>

Hayato: Nazca? Just what do you think will be there?
Bright: It's only natural that you don't know. It was an underground supply base constructed by the Federation in absolutely secrecy. It was scheduled to have been destroyed at the end of the war, but its construction was halted partway through.
Amuro: So the Liberation Front went ahead and secretly resumed its construction, huh?
Ryouma: Then it should still be safe there?
Quattro: There's no proof, but according to Karaba's Banjo, it seems that anti-Empire activities involving armed citizenry have started up again in South America. If they've found someplace to get weapons and supplies, it's not an unthinkable proposition.
Kouji: Then we're heading to South America next, huh?
Bright: That's the plan. For now, everyone get some rest.

Finish 14
Char           Lv   XP Kill     Mel/Sht/Eva/Hit/Rct/Skl  HP/EN/Mo/Ar/Lm/Wn    Skills                                                Parts
Ryouma         20  358    8     159/134/128/134/104/118  00/05/00/00/00/04    PrevailL4  |            |            |            || Propellant | Repair Kit |------------|------------|||
Hayato         20  358    0     152/137/136/136/106/120  00/05/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Musashi        20  358    0     158/133/121/130/102/114  00/05/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4  |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Shinobu|Dan    19  367    7     153/152/140/128/103/108  00/00/02/00/00/00    PrevailL3  | SwordL2    |            |            || Biosensor  | Magnetic   |------------|------------|||
Boss|Borot     19  160    0     153/108/118/107/096/088  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL1  |            |            |            ||            |            |            |            |||
Manami         19   49   55$$   165/146/134/133/115/118  00/07/02/00/00/09    PrevailL2  | SwordL3    |            |            || Booster    | Hybrid     |------------|------------|||
Lawrence       19   49    0     ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--               |            |            |            ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Ryo            19   19    2     157/145/132/125/103/115  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Daisaku        18  381    9     155/135/130/130/104/112  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL1  |            |            |            || Chobham    |            |            |------------|||
Sayaka|JS      18  288   23$    142/130/124/124/102/099  00/06/02/00/00/09               |            |            |            || Chobham    |            |            |            |||
Sara           18  216    0     146/146/132/124/102/103  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Masato         18  216    0     141/145/131/122/102/101  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Show           18  215   10     147/142/162/134/122/137  00/00/00/00/00/00    HolyWar4   | SwordL2    |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Garalia        18  198    8     145/141/160/124/107/122  00/00/00/00/00/00    HolyWar2   | SwordL2    |            |            || Magnetic   | Shuffle    |------------|------------|||
Cham           19  147    0     ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--               |            |            |            ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Roux|HS        17  460   33$    134/151/152/132/103/105  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL1       | SwordL1    | ShieldL1   |            || Chobham    |            |------------|------------|||
Erika|A        17  274    0     126/114/121/120/099/095  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Emma|Jegan     17  116   13     116/144/142/137/104/112  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL1    | ShieldL3   |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Aina|Aps       17    0    0     111/144/134/134/104/101  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Quattro|Ez8    16  473   11     133/165/159/149/109/142  03/03/03/03/03/03    NTL4       | SwordL4    | ShieldL3   |            || Booster    | Chobham    | Repair Kit |------------|||
Quatre|Death   16  116    6     151/130/150/140/110/120  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL4    | ShieldL3   |            |            || Minovsky   | Chobham    |------------|------------|||
Shiro|SD       16   96    3     144/153/150/132/105/121  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL2    | ShieldL2   |            |            || MBooster   | Hybrid     |------------|------------|||
Amuro|DJ       16   34    4     138/162/160/147/112/133  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL5       | SwordL4    | ShieldL2   |            || Radar      |            |------------|------------|||
Bright|Alb     15  198    7     114/149/146/138/100/114  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |------------|------------|------------|||

Eiji|Layzner   15  377   13     141/161/154/143/108/128  00/05/02/00/00/04               |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Duo|Sand       14  114    3     151/125/141/136/108/118  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL3    | ShieldL2   |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Domon          14   66    2     157/129/142/132/107/149  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL2    |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Simone|Doll    13  291   37$    122/124/142/133/100/106  03/03/03/03/03/03               |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
David|Doll     13  254   12     140/140/140/129/102/118  03/03/03/03/03/03               |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Kouji|         10  434    6     147/124/113/113/095/106  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4  |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||

Banjo          14  256   28$    159/135/126/126/101/133  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL4    | SwordL4    | PrevailL4  |            ||           |            |------------|------------|||

Total Cash:  129450
Total Turns: 76



Edited by Balcerzak
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Apologies for the slightly longer gap in content than normal. Labor Day and a few other things kept me busy, and then there was hunting down some Layzner plot that I wanted to make sure I hadn't fouled up. Everything should be in order now though, so without further ado, I present you:

Chapter 15: "Shapiro, Reincarnation!"


<cursor located over New York>
Ru Kain: And...?
Gueler: Yes, based on reporting from the scene, it appears as though someone is distributing weapons to the populace.
Ru Kain: Someone, you say!? It's clearly the Resistance. It seems somehow we missed our chance to cripple them. Of course, you're continuing your investigation?
Gueler: Yes... That is, I've sent out several scouting squads, but as yet...
Ru Kain: Useless! Call Roanne and Treize.
??? (Shapiro): There is no need for them, Your Excellency.
Ru Kain: Hoh? It sounds as if you know something of this?
??? (Shapiro): Yes. That area had an underground base that was supposed to have been destroyed before the end of the war. But as it turns out, this was subterfuge; its construction had simply been suspended. I believe it fully possible they are making use of it.
Ru Kain: Gueler, have you looked into this?
Gueler: Yes... no... that is, it was left off of the list... since it's deep underground, we were unable to find it using thermal detection...
Ru Kain: Hmm. Seems like we've found our mark.
??? (Shapiro): If you would leave this to me, I will show you a splendid victory. It shall be yet one more example of proving my loyalty to the Muge Emperor.
Ru Kain: You have brought that army from Bystonwell or wherever... Intriguing, let's see what you can do.
??? (Shapiro): Yes, allow me, Your Excellency.
Ru Kain: Call Graw of the Hyakki. I'm not sure what he's scheming, but they need to show they can be useful.

<fade out, fade in at Western Sahara's Atlantic coast>
<albion begins moving across the atlantic, pauses at the halfway point>
Anna: Eiji! You're safe! When we heard from our contacts over there about a rumor that a golden SPT was chasing you... I...
Eiji: Ah... Sorry for worrying you, Anna.
Daisaku: So, was the "Holy Maiden of Cusco" really your older sister?
Eiji: ...It was. More importantly, where are Bright and the others? I've caught wind of some Imperial Army movements.
Anna: If you're looking for the Captain, I think he's in the briefing room.

<fade out, fade in>

Bright: You're saying that enemies are gathering on the Pacific side of the South American continent?!
Eiji: Yes. Large numbers of them are on the move.
Quattro: Nazca Base has been discovered, then. But how? If it had managed to go undetected all this time, what happened now that led them to uncover it?
Amuro: Now's not the time to be discussing that. Rather, the fact that the enemies are targetting Nazca base just goes to further show that its underground stockpiles must still be in place.
Bright: We have to hurry then.

<fade out, fade in>

Hayato: It seems like the underground base at Nazca is under attack.
Ryo: So that means it really hadn't been found until now.
Masato: It seems that's no longer the case, though.
Sayaka: But if it had been hidden so well, then I wonder how it was suddenly discovered?
Kouji: No point thinking about that, really. We just have to beat up the enemies.
Sara: (He... knew about that base. He'd already been thinking about how it could be used from the time its construction was abandoned... could it be... that he's responsible...?)

<fade out, fade in over New York>

Ru Kain: What are you doing, Father! Why have you kidnapped the "Holy Maiden of Cusco"?!*
Gresco: I don't know what you're talking about.
Ru Kain: Father, I've received reports that one of your subordinates has abducted the holy maiden.
Gresco: I haven't been told of this.
Ru Kain: Father, what are you trying to hide? You also stopped me from following Eiji. What was your reason for that? Is there something going on with them?!
Gresco: Enough, leave me. I weary of this.
Ru Kain: Father!! Please wait, Father!! Kh... (A secret he cannot even tell his own son... that only makes me want to know even more...)

*I had to do some research, because I was like "...Didn't Ru Kain just order Gueler to capture her last chapter? Why is he upset she got captured? What's going on?" Based on some summaries I found, it sounds like in the show Julia was first captured by Ru Kain, then Gosterro got hold of her and Eiji fought and freed her, then ran away when Ru Kain got personally involved. After that, Gresco had Karla capture Julia again, and now that he has her, he's been keeping her away from his son. This seems to line up with what's been said previously, and inferred here, but is honestly a lot of stuff to be happening off-screen without us really getting a chance to see it. Then again, there's a lot going on in this game and we're still in the middle of filling out our roster. We don't even have all of the characters we would have had if we'd been playing the initial Real Route splits yet, so there's that to consider as well. Also worth mentioning, it looks like 64 might actually be relying on the Layzner OVAs here for content, not just the TV episodes.

<fade out, fade in back at the Albion, in the middle of the Atlantic>
<albion flies to the Nazca Lines in Peru>
<transition from story mode to battle mode>

"Shapiro, Reincarnation!"

<battle map start>
<enemy units appear>
<ally battleship appears>
<explosions on the map>
Duo: Say, isn't this pretty dire?
Quatre: I'd say... No matter how many underground bases there were, this would be...
Shinobu: What are we gonna do, Mister Captain?
Amuro: Bright, it's a shame, but I think we have no choice but to give up. I wager the underground base has been destroyed.
Bright: Kh... Full speed astern, we're withdrawing from the battlefield.
Beltorchika: Captain! Large numbers of enemies approaching from the rear!!
Quattro: What!?
Ryo: Tch, this was a trap.
Sara: What are you saying, it's too late for that!
<running noises>
Bright: All hands, battle stations!
Ginrei: The enemies are coming!!
<enemy units appear>
Cham: Show, that's the Will o' Wisp! Todd and the others are there too!
Show: Drake being with the Empire turned out to be true, huh. Todd, why is a surface dweller like you with the enemy...
Sara: (Prepare carefully, strategy is all about who has the initiative... he was always saying stuff like that. Without a doubt, this operation proves he's alive.)
Shinobu: Hey, Sara!
Sara: We're heading out, everyone!
Masato: Hold up, Sara!
<ally unit appears>
Beltorchika: Dancouga has deployed.
Bright: In 20 seconds!? That's fast. Everyone else, launch in order!
<unit selection>
Drake: So you're saying everything is going according to plan, Shapiro?
Shapiro: Yes. All that remains is for Your Excellency to defeat this lot using your power. If you can achieve that, the Empire will be no issue for you. Once you are able to join up with Lord Shot, Your Excellency's strength should be superior to theirs.
Drake: Those with power will defeat those who should be defeated, restoring the world to order. That is the way of a world at war.
Luna: Lord Shapiro.
Shapiro: What is it, Luna... is that Dancouga? They still remain then... Fujiwara... and Sara?
Luna: You seem to be acquainted?
Shapiro: Heh... It is of no matter to a man who's abandoned his past.
Allen: Hey, Todd. See that Aura Battler's movements, that's Show Zama, isn't it?
Todd: Show!? So he was sent back to the surface too.
<battle starts>

This is the map layout. We're faced with three fronts. Layzner enemies in the northeast, the Hyakki in the southeast (who will retreat on Turn 4 if their leader is not defeated), and Drake's army in the northwest. In addition to our old friends, Karla and Graw, we have several new named enemies on the field.
Here's the stats for the Leprechaun, with the first page of its attacks. Having so many ranged options and even ranged post-move makes it a top of the line Aura Battler, and I'm jealous we don't get one of our own. (Not pictured, its standard Aura Slash and Hyper Aura Slash on page 2, not worth another whole image to mention.)
Allen, Jeryll, and Fei are all somewhat similar. They have the same pilot skills, SwordL2 and Holy WarriorL4, and I've listed them in relative order of raw stats. Despite Jeryll coming out a little behind there, she is definitely scarier overall, since she is Super Strong personality type, while Allen is just Strong, and poor Fei is just Normal.
Todd's Vierres lacks a lot that the Leprechaun has, to be perfectly honest. In exchange it is only slightly more armored and mobile. I wouldn't take that trade if given the choice, personally, but hey.
Compared to the three stooges, Todd's offensive stats are less and a bit more on the mixed side, and his Holy Warrior skill is also much lower, though he is better with a sword.
Drake's Will o' Wisp isn't particularly threatening, just beefy.
Drake's level isn't particularly high either, just slightly above the grunts of the stage (which at least ranks him better than Bask on that front).
On the other hand, Gyuugaki is the highest levelled person on the field.
His ride, the Mecha Gyuukenki, isn't particularly frightening, though, especially not compared to Bouryuuki's 9 bar upgraded one, from a few stages back.
I've chosen this deployment. I probably should have left Amuro in the Dijeh, but I'd been thinking about the Aura Barriers and since the Mark II has better non-beam options it seemed like the right play at the time. However even with Accel I couldn't really get him in position to assist in the fight against Drake, so I ended up redirecting him, but I didn't change his unit assignment back to what it had been before my first attempt. Also, I have Shiro in the Apsalus, since he has an A in the Air, which gave him the edge over Emma, since I was looking for a UC pilot with Gain at this point. Boss and Erika in the support craft, and will be just doing their own thing for most of the map.
Here's a better looking example of how to get maximum range by decombining and recombining Dancouga. Barring other units being in the way at the time of decombining, Big Moth always deploys to the south, Land Cougar always to the north, and Land Liger always to the east. You can only get the full seven squares if you're willing to go somewhat diagonal. If you need to go straight along any of the four cardinal axes, I believe six tiles is the limit. This shot was from a previous attempt, so Dancouga actually ends up standing on a different part of the Nazca lines Condor in the real run.
Like you see here. Obviously, you can go further when you start equipping move parts, but moving 7 squares on a 4 square speed robot is honestly impressive enough I'd be hard pressed to think movement parts are a worthwhile investment on it. That said, that analysis changes completely when Shinobu learns Accel, since then you can start seeing 7+1, 7+2, or 7+3 from Dancouga alone, depending on how many you're willing to stack on there. The decombine trick can no longer keep pace at that point. However movement parts are always in short supply, so they're still likely better assigned elsewhere, unless there's a burning need for Dancouga, and specifically Dancouga, to be in a given position on a given map.
Domon, Roux, Sayaka, and Getter are assigned to handle the Hyakki. Shiro, Garalia, and Eiji push into Karla's group, while Bright and Amuro are positioned to handle a couple of those that break through. Everyone else makes for Drake.
With Musashi able to cast two Spirits, and now that we have two Shuffle Crests, Getter 2 has access to its Bunshin straight out of the bat.
On my test run I found that getting a crit kill, in addition to the ambient Will gained from other enemies passing away, was enough to allow me to cut out the chip from Roux that I had ordinarily been planning to use in order to get the damage needed to down Graw before his timed retreat at the start of Player Phase 4. Armed with that knowledge, I just decided to rig a crit again on this run, instead of sitting down and meticulously updating Will values in a spreadsheet to see just how far I needed to push things to make everything work. Getter actually activated its Bunshin way more than expected on the first run that nabbed me that crit, so I didn't end up reloading to try to find a more typical case where it was somewhat damaged. That said, I do have the other Getters toting along Repair Kits, because I had anticipated they'd be necessary, so I don't feel too bad accepting this unforeseen turn of good luck.

Turn 2:
We have Shinobu put up Gain before decombining, so he'll have it active after recombining, and we make another seven move forward, positioning him to take one attack on the enemy phase, to get the crucial levels we need for him and Sara.
Show and Quattro advance and chip some of the other Drumlos. The hope is to leave as many of those kills for Giant Robo as I can, in order to continue to advance towards his secret.
Manami does need some Will as well, though, so she just straight up deletes one of the ones positioned further out of the way.
Eiji and Garalia chip down one of the Terminators so that she can kill it on the counter.
She'll definitely have the damage to finish.
Sayaka cleans up one of the wounded Zei Fas that Getter used its ranged counters on.
Domon cleans up another wounded one.
Getter then uses more Accel to start chipping away at Graw.
At this point, I make use of one of Erika's spirits. I don't have a lot of experience with Substitute in other games, but based on the description it will have the casting unit replace the target unit for one instance of counterattack. If the target Combines, Separates, or Loads onto the battleship the effect will be lost.
So, if all goes well, Erika will soak a hit for Getter on the EP. This will both remove one layer of RNG on whether or not it procs Bunshin, as well as damaging her to give Boss someone to heal without him needing to leave her resupply range.
While I'm casting utility spirits, I decide to also Daunt Drake. He has a high retreat threshold (15000 out of his 45000), and this will make engaging him easier when I get to that segment of the map.
I don't need to chip the one below Roux, since Getter already wounded it, so she just puts herself into position and waits.
On the enemy phase she takes some damage in counters, but manages to survive.
Since this won't kill Erika from full, and she's nowhere near any other action, I elect not to choose defend, instead taking the full amount. Thanks for the Substitute!
Show works on the Drumlos that won't die, and Defends any he might actually kill. There wouldn't be much chance to get him to 130 for Hyper Aura Slash unless he was eating all of these, and I found a path to defeat Drake that didn't require it, so I'm happy with how things turn out here.
The Apsalus is a one-attack-wars unit, and I was initially a bit dismissive in my analysis of it due to that fact. However, the one attack it does have is on the stronger side for UC mechs, and not only that but it is fairly economical EN-wise. Then when you consider the fact that they gave it the full 15 upgrade bars available, that means you can make it into something of a real monster if you're willing to foot the bill. I'm not sure how much I'll invest into it this playthrough, but so long as it's still worth fielding, you can expect to see me deploying it map after map.
It definitely also has the advantage of bulk, on top of everything else I described, particularly when compared to other UC options.
Sayaka lets fly in case it hits, it won't matter either way. I think she missed.
I may need to consider upgrading this move in the future, but there is something to be said about having a low powered attack in your arsenal that you can use to weaken so that others can kill.
It's important that this move doesn't kill, so I swap to the weakest missile Mazinger has.
Eiji's fallen a bit behind on levels, so he'll just take the kill.
This is Getter's last ranged missile.
Shinobu gets the kill I promised to him. Dancouga's performance is practically fully unlocked now.
Another chunking applied to Professor Graw.
The other boss actually landed his hit.

Turn 3:
Sara: Shapiro, I know you're here. Shapiro!
Shapiro: It's been a while, Sara. I see you remember what I taught you.
Shinobu: Seriously? Shapiro's really fucking here?
Sara: Shapiro, just what are you planning!?
Shapiro: Sara, you should know my thoughts the best, but you still won't come and join me? Sara, it's still not too late to reconsider.
Sara: Those aren't the words I want to hear from a traitor.
Shapiro: Heh... so you've become just another human, still stuck operating on a small scale.
Shinobu: Shapiro! This time we're gonna beat your ass!!
Shapiro: Foolishness... so you really are the kind of man who can only rely on power, huh? My ideals are still far away, I don't have the time to waste on opponents like you.
Ryo: I'd thought you were a bit of a better man than that.
Sara: Do you intend to die, clinging to that unrealized dream? Shapiro!?
Shapiro: I'm fairly certain that within this play, dying unfulfilled will be the part that is assigned to you. Members of the Cyber Beast Force, I offer you a parting toast.
Sara: Shapiro!!

After the fun start of turn dialogue we were greeted with, we jump right back into the fray. Current objective, getting our Gain kills where we can to help raise our average level.
Giant Robo Punch!
We do a little Persuade.

Todd: Is that you, Show? How about a toast to our reunion?
Show: Todd! Why are you using your Aura Energy to help Drake and the Empire!?
Todd: The one responsible for that is you. If you hadn't become my enemy, I wouldn't have to be doing this.
Show: That's your reasoning!?
Todd: What's wrong with it? Because of you, I've seen hell!
Show: Haven't you thought about the meaning behind Bystonwell's battle being brought to the surface!?
Todd: I don't have time for anything but worrying about my mother. It would have been better if everything had ended in Bystonwell.
Show: Todd!
Todd: Just shut up already!

...I guess that went as well as it could have?

Quattro lands a clutch crit on his postmove here. I believe he gets chunked back a fair amount in return, but that's acceptable losses.
Since Getter wasn't wounded too badly I just fall back on my Trust instead of burning the Repair Kits. But I was prepared and ready should the need have arisen.
We unload a Valored Getter Beam to greatly chunk down the boss. This is our final turn to take him down, but I'm saving Getter's Luck+Gain combo for the higher levelled boss,
So the duty falls to Sayaka to collect on this one.
Another Minovsky Craft!! This is a part that is badly needed right now. Part of why I haven't been using Domon has been his crippling lack of air game, and flight always helps for getting around poor terrain as well.
Since I ended up not needing to have to use Roux to chip the boss, she's free to eliminate this wide swath of threats to EP durability. She snags some nice skill rank increases for her troubles as well. Much appreciated.
I'm not sure why two of the Terminators ignored my squad that was stationed near them, while the rest stayed and fought, but after my prior test run I was prepared to intercept. Amuro uses a little Mercy to gum things down for Bright.
Who secures the kill.
Garalia will wound this one that stayed, and end up finishing it on the EP.
Manami only has enough SP to spare on Strike here, she has to save a lot for Drake next turn, so we don't end up using Luck on Todd. This kill will give enough morale to unlock her Boomerang though, which is perfect.

That said, since we don't engage him in any other fights that does mean we miss out on seeing the following dialogue:
<Show vs Todd>
Show: Todd!!
Todd: Show, I will defeat you!

I guess I forgot to grab a screencap of the $/XP he left (it's base 2800 for the Vierres and base 275 for Todd, altered up for Ace status and for Manami being below his level), but we also nab this Repair Kit. I swear I'll actually start using them any day now, honest.
I could have cast another Spirit to unlock Super Mode and kill it that way, but that would leave Domon out of range to counter if the other enemy aimed for him on the EP, so I used Valor to secure this kill. The Will from killing will put him over the top anyway.
This is what things look like in the Drake sector of the map.
Eiji puts up Strike and Alert and waits for EP.
I was hoping this Substitute would eat Allen's attack, granting Quattro a lot more safety then it actually ends up doing in the end. Speaking of Substitue, though, I think I've actually noticed what seems to be a bug with it and the Getter team. After the previous cast on Hayato, once I switched to Ryouma I noticed there was still had 身 listed in the status bar and I was unable to cast it on them again. I guess Transform wasn't actually called out in the caveats listed for the spirit, so maybe it still thinks he's covered even though it was actually used up on Hayato? That said, she won't actually jump in and block for him, so it seems to just be sitting there like a ghost effect, simply preventing me from covering for him with it a second time. I'll have to do more checking on this in the future.
Repair, Resupply.
I guess I should have used the Repair Kit earlier so that I could have Trusted after chunking the boss down, in hindsight. I need to Defend now. (Well this one would have been out of range anyway, but you know what I mean...)
One of the Drumlos was attracted to Quattro, eating up the Substitute instead of letting me soak Allen's attack. RIP that plan.
At least the other two Drumlos go for Giant Robo.
Shiro defends now so that I can kill it with Gain next turn.
Garalia gets the kill we predicted she would.
I defend with Roux just to be safe.
Bright can miss here if he wants, but I think this one landed.
In the test run Manami landed a crit, which was what caused me to run some numbers and see if a 4 turn was actually possible. It was, but since I didn't have Dancouga in position back then, I needed to reroute things. We can still manage without getting the crit this time, but Dancouga will need to work a little harder.
Jeryll is one-shot by the Boomerang. Good riddance. Look at that 130 Will she was packing! Super Strong enemies are no joke, folks! I'm lucky I didn't get trolled by Bunshin.
Evade is probably a better choice, but I went with Defend for more certainty.
That does make the Fei fight more of a gamble, though.
But Quattro pulled through by proccing one of his many skills, allowing us to chunk Fei greatly in return.
Eiji didn't need to crit here, but he ended up doing so so we'll roll with it. That just means I get my chip XP next turn with an even weaker weapon than the one I'd planned on using.
I would have preferred to be able to counter here, but another Defend is in the cards, given our current HP count.

Turn 4:
(if graw has been defeated but gyuugaki has not)
Gyuugaki: Craaap. My dad, Gyuukenki, is known one of the Hyakki's heroes, I want to be one too! I can't turn back when the situation's like this!

Here are the other options for the text that would show up at this time based on the other cases.
(if gyuugaki has been defeated by graw has not)
Professor Graw: With this, our purpose has been achieved. There's no point in wasting the oni troops we've worked so hard to produce. We're retreating.
<enemy units retreat>
Ryouma: Tch, the Hyakki fled, huh.

(if both graw and gyuugaki are alive)
Professor Graw: With this, our purpose has been achieved. There's no point in wasting the oni troops we've worked so hard to produce. We're retreating. Hmm? Gyuugaki, what are you doing?
Gyuugaki: Professor Graw, my dad, Gyuukenki, is known one of the Hyakki's heroes, I want to be one too!
Professor Graw: You want to be a hero, huh? What do you think you can do, alone, in your first battle?
Gyuugaki: It's precisely because this is my first battle that I can't turn back in a situation like this. Professor Graw, please allow me this request.
Professor Graw: ...fine, do as you like! But don't come crying to me later.
<enemy units retreat>
Ryouma: Hmm? They've got a reckless one.
Hayato: Does he intend to brazenly challenge us alone?
Ryouma: If he decides to ram into someone, that'd be bad. Everyone, keep your wits about you.

I would have preferred to give this kill to anyone but Sara, but I need Shinobu, Quattro, Show, and Manami all on Drake duty. Giant Robo will take the Drumlo and Quatre will take Allen, so Fei has to go to someone... And she has Strike so... We get some extra funds and the satisfaction of not letting anyone get away, even if she's not the best recipient of solo XP.
Robo punch.
With a lot of missing health, the Prevail makes this crit much easier to happen.
Another Repair Kit for our troubles.

<Gyuugaki defeated>
Gyuugaki: Uwaaaaah, Daaaad!!

We throw a Valor behind this.

<Show vs Drake>
Show: Curse you, Drake! You won't stop the fighting, even up here on the surface?!
Drake: Hmph, so insolent, Show Zama.

And a Valor behind this.
And a Valor behind this. I probably should have waited to kill everyone else first, but I was more worried of overshooting his retreat threshold now that I had to Valor on Dancouga, when my original plan was based off of Manami critting earlier. That said, seeing the numbers now I feel safe. Manami's did ~8750 on the EP, and she'll have ended up gaining more damage from her Will gains than Drake will have gained armor from his, so when I double that for her Valor cast, that means I'm now good to go whenever.
We collect another Gain kill for Shiro.
Some chip XP for Roux.
A clean kill for Sayaka.
More Mercy from Amuro.
Giving Bright another kill here.
I finally have enough Will to see Domon's (current) final attack.
That's a spiffy looking portrait change.
Eiji does a little more chip on Karla, just for XP purposes.
We have to buckle down for a few reloads to get Quatre to actually connect his shot.
He gets quite a bit out of it in return though, so worth.
Garalia's hit rate also isn't great, which is a bit surprising, but then I remember that in this game attacking Small units is just a universal accuracy penalty, even if you're also a Small unit.
Repair and Resupply.
Everything is all cleared out, only Manami left to act.
Juiced up and ready to unload.
Drake didn't stand a chance.

<Drake defeated, or below 1/3, victory achieved>
(defeated case)
Shapiro: Your Excellency, I think it would be best if we withdraw for the moment.
(retreat case)
Drake: The Will o' Wisp will not fall to the likes of this.
(both cases)
Drake: This isn't like you, is it Shapiro?
Shapiro: Our original objective had already been achieved before we began to fight them. From the start, this battle was just about grabbing an opportunity that had presented itself. We must still consider what is to come.
Drake: ...You're right. Will o' Wisp, retreat.
<enemy unit destroyed/retreats>
I can't believe we almost hit the hard cap on $ earned with just the Will o' Wisp alone. That's just what results from the stacking Ace bonus, on top Luck, on top of a sky high base value, I guess. And it goes without saying that another Radar will definitely find a welcome home in our arsenal.

Kouji: Wait up, ya bastards!!
Bright: Don't chase too far. We also have to hurry up and head out.
<end map>

Now, if things had made it to turn 5, Jun and Tetsuya would have appeared down here.
<ally units appear>
Jun: Tetsuya, we've found them. It's the Albion.
Tetsuya: I know what you want to say. Albion, can you hear me? This is the Tetsuya in the Great Mazinger. I'm here to help, as Banjo's directed me.
Ginrei: Captain Bright, there's an incoming message from Great Mazinger's Tsurugi Tetsuya.
Bright: Great Mazinger? Professor, what's this about?
Professor Yumi: Ah, that's the improved version of the Mazinger Z that Karaba developed. Seems it's been successfully completed.
Bright: Roger that, Tsurugi Tetsuya. Pleased to have you.
Tetsuya: You can leave things to me!

However, since things didn't last that long, we instead get this:
<transition from battle mode to story mode>
(if completed before ally reinforcements)
Jun: Tetsuya, we've found them. It's the Albion.
Tetsuya: I know what you want to say. Albion, can you hear me? This is the Tetsuya in the Great Mazinger. I'm here to help, as Banjo's directed me.
Ginrei: Captain Bright, there's an incoming message from Great Mazinger's Tsurugi Tetsuya.
Bright: Great Mazinger? Professor, what's this about?
Professor Yumi: Ah, that's the improved version of the Mazinger Z that Karaba developed. Seems it's been successfully completed.
Bright: Right, put him on screen.
Tetsuya: Banjo told us to come here, but it looks like we didn't make it in time.
Bright: Yes, Nazca has been destroyed. But if you say this was on Banjo's direction, then you've come here to join up with us?
Tetsuya: That's the intention, yes. Our names are Tsurugi Tetsuya and Honoo Jun. If you'll have us, may we have permission to come on board?
Bright: Certainly. Permission granted. Beltorchika, turn on the guidance lights.

<fade out, fade in>

Tetsuya: Tsurugi Tetsuya, pleased to meet you.
Sayaka: So this is the Great Mazinger? It does feel more combative than Mazinger Z.
Kouji: Hmph. Like you can tell how strong it is just by looking at it.
Tetsuya: Hey, this is just an introduction. If you want to know how strong the Great Mazinger is, I'll be your opponent any time you want. I'll show you the difference in power it has compared to Mazinger Z.
Kouji: What's that you say!? You wanna go!?
Tetsuya: Oh, you ready to tango?
Jun: Tetsuya, give it a rest.
Boss: Oooh!? What a hottie...
Tetsuya: Hey, he was the one that first started things.
Jun: We've only just joined up, you know? If you don't behave for a at least a little while, things might get difficult for us later.
Tetsuya: Tch, fine.
Jun: Honoo Jun, it's a pleasure.
Boss: Oh yeah, I'd be happy to meet you as often as you want, isn't that right, Kabuto?
Kouji: Agreed, agreed.
Tetsuya: Keh, cocky bastard.
Boss: (Hey, Kabuto. She's prettier than Sayaka, don't ya think?)
Kouji: (What a surprise, Boss. Looks like we agree on a lot today.)
Sayaka: Hey, you two. You know we can hear you, right?
Boss: Ah, Sakaya... Um, that, uh, there's nothing really...
Sayaka: Shut up!
<slapping sound>
Kouji: Uwah, wait a second, Sayaka!
<slapping sound>
Sayaka: Hmph, well excuse me!
Bright: Tsurugi Tetsuya and Honoo Jun... They seem to have been through combat training.
Professor Yumi: That's what I've heard. Because of that it seems they have some troubles getting along with others, but they should become valuable assets for us.
Bright: That's what I'm hoping.

<fade out, fade in>
<albion, moves out into the pacific, stopping southwest of hawaii and east of micronesia>

Show: You said an Aura Battler went down here?
Bright: Yes, there. It was under attack by another craft, but that one fled when it saw us. Have a look.
Show: That is... a Botune, isn't it? Who's inside?
Bright: You think they're an ally?
Show: They should be. Please, bring them aboard.

<fade out, fade in>

Cham: Marvel! You're all right!!
Marvel: Cham!? Show!? You're.. all right...
Show: Same to you, Marvel. How are you doing?
Marvel: Well... you saved me. 
Astonaige: ...Who's that?
Rain: I'm told she's Show's comrade.
Roux: From that Bystonwell place?
Show: Marvel is also a surface dweller. She's from North America... but what were you doing here?
Marvel: Show, Lady Elle and Lady Sheila have also come to the surface. They're fine for the moment, but if they keep taking attacks like they have been, they'll be done for.
Show: Do you know where are they?!
Marvel: Yes. They sent us out to look for aid, but everyone else got killed...
Show: I see, we should ask Captain Bright for advice. You should get some rest, Marvel. Cham, take her to the infirmary.
Cham: Sure, Marvel, come with me.
Sally: Ah, wait a second. I'll come along.

<fade out, fade in>

Quattro: So based on what you're saying, these people will be willing to work with us?
Show: I believe so.
Amuro: But our position doesn't exactly afford us a lot of flexibility. It's a little much to try to reach out to both of them, isn't it?
Quattro: Then we should see if we can have Banjo lend us a hand on that front.
Bright: You're right... Okay, we'll go with that.
Show: Thank you very much.
Quattro: Well, this might be a poor way to phrase it, but if they'll add to our fighting force, then there's a large merit in it for us as well. Since our hand is forced, you shouldn't worry yourself over it.
Show: I see.

<fade out, fade in over Japan>

Gyuukenki: What!? Professor Graw, is that the truth!?
Professor Graw: It is. Your son fought bravely, but the Resistance tortured him to death. It's regrettable.
Gyuukenki: Ooooo, how terrible. To have finally been blessed with a son at such an old age, only for this to happen to him... I will not forgive this. I will hunt the bastards to all ends of the earth. I will definitely have my revenge! Just you see!!
Brai the Great: Well said, Gyuukenki. I am deeply moved by your determination. We will dispatch soldiers to aid you in your vengeance.
Gyuukenki: Such kind words. I'll show you that I will definitely defeat them.
Brai the Great: Umu, I have high hopes for you. 

Finish 15
Char           Lv   XP Kill     Mel/Sht/Eva/Hit/Rct/Skl  HP/EN/Mo/Ar/Lm/Wn    Skills                                                Parts
Ryouma         22  174    9     161/136/132/138/106/120  00/05/00/00/00/04    PrevailL4  |            |            |            || Chobham    | Repair Kit |------------|------------|||
Hayato         22  174    0     154/139/140/140/108/122  00/05/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            || Shuffle    | Shuffle    |------------|------------|||
Musashi        22  174    0     160/135/125/134/104/116  00/05/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4  |            |            |            || Repair Kit | Propellant |------------|------------|||
Manami         20  493   59$$   166/147/136/135/116/119  00/07/02/00/00/09    PrevailL2  | SwordL3    |            |            || Booster    | Hybrid     |------------|------------|||
Lawrence       20  493    0     ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--               |            |            |            ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Shinobu|Dan    20   81    8     154/153/142/130/104/109  00/00/02/00/00/00    PrevailL3  | SwordL2    |            |            || Biosensor  | Magnetic   |------------|------------|||
Daisaku        20   61   13     157/137/134/134/106/114  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL1  |            |            |            || Chobham    | Booster    |            |------------|||
Sara           19  423    1     147/147/134/126/103/104  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Sayaka|JS      19  372   26$    143/131/126/126/103/100  00/06/02/00/00/11               |            |            |            || Chobham    | MBooster   |            |------------|||
Boss|D         19  351    0     153/108/118/107/096/088  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL1  |            |            |            || Minovsky   |            |            |------------|||
Erika|Borot    19  314    0     128/116/125/124/101/097  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |            |            |            |||
Ryo            19  277    2     157/145/132/125/103/115  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Garalia        19  258   10     146/142/162/126/108/123  00/00/00/00/00/00    HolyWar2   | SwordL2    |            |            || Magnetic   |            |------------|------------|||
Cham           20   57    0     ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--               |            |            |            ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Masato         19  144    0     142/146/133/124/103/102  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Roux|HS        19   57   36$    136/153/156/136/105/107  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL2       | SwordL2    | ShieldL1   |            || Booster    | Radar      |------------|------------|||
Show           18  323   10     147/142/162/134/122/137  00/00/00/00/00/00    HolyWar4   | SwordL2    |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Tetsuya|Great  18    0    0     156/130/127/130/102/117  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4  |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Jun|V          18    0    0     144/131/128/127/102/105  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Marvel|Bot     18    0    0     144/139/156/135/103/117  00/00/00/00/00/00    HolyWar2   | SwordL1    |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Shiro|Aps      17  330    5     145/154/152/134/106/122  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL2    | ShieldL2   |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Quattro|Ez8    17  151   11     134/166/161/151/110/143  03/03/03/03/03/03    NTL4       | SwordL4    | ShieldL3   |            ||            | Chobham    |            |------------|||
Quatre|Death   17  100    7     152/131/152/142/111/121  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL4    | ShieldL3   |            |            ||            | Chobham    |------------|------------|||
Eiji|Layzner   16  241   14     142/162/156/145/109/129  00/05/02/00/00/04               |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Bright|Alb     16  176    9     115/150/148/140/101/115  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |------------|------------|------------|||
Amuro|MKII     16   72    4     138/162/160/147/112/133  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL5       | SwordL4    | ShieldL2   |            ||            | Hybrid     |------------|------------|||
Domon          15  160    5     158/130/144/134/108/150  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL2    |            |            |            ||            | Hybrid     |------------|------------|||

Emma|Jegan     17  116   13     116/144/142/137/104/112  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL1    | ShieldL3   |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Aina|SD        17    0    0     111/144/134/134/104/101  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Duo|Sand       14  114    3     151/125/141/136/108/118  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL3    | ShieldL2   |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Simone|Doll    13  291   37$    122/124/142/133/100/106  03/03/03/03/03/03               |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
David|Doll     13  254   12     140/140/140/129/102/118  03/03/03/03/03/03               |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Kouji|         10  434    6     147/124/113/113/095/106  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4  |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||

Banjo          14  256   28$    159/135/126/126/101/133  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL4    | SwordL4    | PrevailL4  |            || MBooster   | Booster    |------------|------------|||

Total Cash:  179510
Total Turns: 80


Edited by Balcerzak
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Okay, so, as I'm doing my pre-map spending, I max out Breast Fire on Mazinger Z,
Which unlocks a new weapon in its arsenal! Breast Fire, MAP version! Now, I don't know about you all, but I'm a big enjoyer of MAP weapons, and it's even better when it's on a mech with a pilot that can use Luck (in these pre-Bless games, especially), so getting this ready for Sayaka is a huge plus, and part of why I've been investing in it so heavily, so early. Basically as soon as Manami was up to speed with her finisher it was like: How best can I invest to not only get good damage returns, but also sweet dividends? The answer was pretty clear.

Not all weapons unlock new weapons, and not all of the unlocks will be MAP versions of what you maxed out. It's a very select and set list, and you're going to need a guide to know what upgrades reward you with what results, which can be a bit of a pain if you're playing blind, but I am not about that blind life for SRW. 

Anyway, the new weapon comes with 0 upgrade bars, you'll need to max it from scratch if you want it at full power, but honestly just having the option is good enough for me, for the time being. I still haven't upgraded the Hyaku Shiki's MAP after all. I'll have to do some serious thinking about where to start putting my next batch of funds, but for now we'll just bask in the glory of one job well done. I do some more parts and pilot rearranging, and then we're ready to get the show on the road.



<cursor in the Pacific Ocean, southwest of Hawaii, east of Papua New Guinea>
Bright: Our current position is here... And the Bystonwell battleships are believed to be...

<fade out, fade in with cursor over Lithuania>

Bright: Here...

<fade out, fade in over Mongolia>

Bright: And here...

<fade out, fade in back over Pacific>

Bright: Based on what Marvel's said, the first location is Queen Sheila's Gran Garan, and the other is Queen Elle's Goraon.
Amuro: From our current position, it seems there's no great difference whichever we aim to meet up with.
Manami: I suppose either way, there will be trouble.
Amuro: You're right there. Show, what are your thoughts regarding who we should meet up with?
Show: ...I don't know. Both of them are vital to Bystonwell.
Cham: He's right. If you ask us to choose between Lady Sheila and Lady Elle, it's impossible to give an answer.
Bright: Then we'll have to make that choice, huh.
Kouji: Well then, Captain, how about we save the prettier one?
Sayaka: Kouji!
Tetsuya: Good grief. I have to fight alongside someone like him...
Kouji: What's that!?
Jun: Stop it, both of you. Could you be any more disgraceful?
Ryouma: ...I'm not saying I agree with Kouji's opinion, but since there's no significant difference, we will need some criterion to base our decision on.
Bright: You're right... Are there differences in the class of ship between the Gran Garan and the Goraon?
Show: Let's see... The Goraon has an Aura Nova Cannon at its bow, and might be more on the offensive side.
Cham: Lady's Sheila's carries more of the sense of being a flying castle.
Ryouma: I see... What do you think, Manami?

Let's go to Sheila's aid
Let's go to Elle's aid

Now, on a practical level, there's all kinds of reasons why you should consider choosing one of these pilots over the other. As previously mentioned, I'm a huge MAP enjoyer, so you might expect me to take the Battleship equipped with a MAP over the "flying castle". And that's a very valid point, especially when you consider that as it is a Dunbine series unit, one can very easily just slap Cham on board for on-demand Luck. 

Another point of consideration are the captains' spirits. 
Sheila: Alert, Focus, Trust, Zeal, Renew, Hope
Elle: Trust, Strike, Love, Rouse, Substitute, Enable

I also love me some Enable users, so that's another big point in Elle's favor. 

<Sheila chosen>
Manami: If I had to say... I suppose I would suggest Lady Sheila?
Bright: Hmm... Anyone disagree? ...Since it seems there isn't any objection, we'll go with that. Then we'll be heading out to rendezvous with Queen Sheila of Bystonwell. Everyone to your stations.

I end up taking Kouji's advice.

To be perfectly honest though, what propels this choice is considering future runs. I'm going to be playing through the game again later, and Manami is probably the strongest MC, as I see it. Not only does she start with Luck, but she is able to recruit Erika, something the Real protagonists are completely locked out of. So based just on those two points alone, that mitigates a lot of the potential financial reasons for picking Elle, as well as the Enable one. I really ought to save Elle for Real pilots who might need that extra source of income, and possibly even for Brad because having his weapons locked behind level progression just sounds painful. That said, we are also limited to 1 battleship per stage, and the Bystonwell battleships move much slower than Bright's. Also, as seen by their spirit lists, they won't ever learn Accel, while Bright does, and in only a few more levels from where we're currently at. That means on maps where ferrying is important, they won't be making any appearances. So with the very realistic prospects of limited deployments, it may be questionable whether getting Elle to Enable levels at a decent pace is even a thing to be expecting; it has been kind of tedious feeding Bright so far. All in all, very hard to say based on where we're at in a first playthrough; I can only guess as to what endgame levels will end up being.

Also, in the interests of being entirely honest, I was mainly sandbagging on Sheila for comedic effect. Her Zeal does come much earlier than Elle's Enable, and that's certainly not nothing. Renew and Hope are also great support spirits to throw your SP at as well, so it's not like she doesn't have redeeming qualities. We'll give her a spin and see how things feel as we move along.

<fade out, fade in over New York>
<door noises>
Gresco: ...Ru Kain, huh?
<walking noises>
Ru Kain: Father, I have to ask. Why have you kept me from making contact with the Layzner? And further, what are you planning to do with the kidnapped Holy Maiden? I've learned she's being kept somewhere within this Grados Tower. Father, today I will have you will answer me.
Gresco: Ru Kain. I've heard that due to the success of Resistance Search and Destroy operation, the greater part of the insurrectionist influence has been devastated. As leader of the occupation forces, you still need to be doing your utmost to subjugate the Earth. Are you trying to make an unforced error by continuing to obsess over such nonsense?
Ru Kain: Are you dodging the question, Father?! The likes of them will be completely suppressed without need of my direct supervision. What I want now, is for you to tell me what you're thinking, Father. The people, and even some foolish portion of the troops, have begun raising a fuss regarding the whereabouts of the Holy Maiden. Father!
Gresco: ...Ru Kain... Everything I'm doing, is for your sake.
Ru Kain: ...what do you mean?
Gresco: I understand that you believe Imperials are a superior race to Earthlings.
Ru Kain: That's simply the truth, there's no contesting it.
Gresco: Then as a superior individual you deserve superior guidance. And then in accordance with that, I expect pure obedience. That was your theory of dominion, as you expressed it.
Ru Kain: That is the principle, yes... what are you trying to say, Father?
Gresco: ...Ru Kain, return here again tomorrow.
Ru Kain: ...I understand. I will trust that the answers you will give me tomorrow will clear things up, Father.
<walking sounds>
<door sounds>
Gresco: ...

<fade out, fade in over the Pacific>
<albion flies to Vietnam>
<transition from story mode to battle mode>

"Bloodstained Road"

<start map 1>
<ally battleship appears>
Quattro: Captain, we just now received communication from Brigadier General Blex.
Bright: I see, then the General is safe? What was the nature of the message?
Quattro: It's as we've suspected. The Liberation Front of the Earth and Karaba have both received such damage that rebuilding them will be difficult.
Bright: Like we thought, huh... Did he say anything about what to do going forward?
Quattro: The General himself, together with Director Igor, are planning to rebuild the organization, prioritizing those areas in Asia that escaped the brunt of Empire's attack. However...
Bright: So we really are the last force currently able to effectively continue to fight.
Quattro: That's correct. If we fall, reconstruction of the Resistance will no longer be possible. With that in mind, the General has said that he wishes for us to operate based upon our own independent judgement.
Amuro: That's rather harsh. So that means they won't be able to back us up either, I suppose?
Quattro: Upon hearing we were headed to the continent, he said that they would provide us supplies to the best of their current ability.
Bright: So this will be... the final time, then?
Quattro: Assuming we're able to meet up with the supply squadron, that is.
Amuro: Where's the rendezvous point?
Quattro: They said they'll direct them to meet us at the location of the battleship we choose to head toward. Speaking of which, have we made a decision on that front?
Bright: We have.
Quattro: In that case, there's nothing left to do but pray things go smoothly.
<end map 1>

<start map 2>
<ally battleship appears>
Ryouma: From here on, it's possible the enemy will be able to detect where we're heading.
Shinobu: Yeah. Mister Captain, if we've been able to get this close without running into the enemy, isn't the possibility that that battleship is currently under attack pretty high?
Bright: You have a point. Start making preparations to deploy.
Shinobu: Understood.
Amuro: Still, it's rare for you to come visit the bridge.
Shinobu: After running into Shapiro, Sara's been getting on my nerves. Every time we meet, she flares up at me, so I've been trying to avoid her.
Amuro: Shapiro Keats... I'd heard he'd been ostracized at Staff Headquarters due to advising surrender to the Empire prior to the start of the war.
Shinobu: And then he ended up defecting to them. At that time, if I hadn't been there to stop her, Sara would have ended up going along with him.
Bright: But since the close of the war, there hadn't been any news of Shapiro being with the Empire. I'm also curious about the fact that he was with the Bystonwell army.
<end map 2>

<start map 3>
<ally battleship appears>
Beltorchika: Captain Bright.
Bright: What is it?
(Sheila chosen case)
Beltorchika: We've had a report come back from the advance forces we sent to make contact. They've spotted something that appears to be the Gran Garan. It's touched down in a mountainous region and appears to be attempting to camoflauge itself.
Bright: Is it able fly? Are there signs of the enemy?
Beltorchika: No report of that at the moment.
Amuro: That no enemies are present is most fortunate. Now we just need to wait for the supply squad.
Bright: Great. Let's continue to meet up with the Gran Garan. Show, Marvel, until we're able to get closer, I want you to go on ahead and confirm the situation.
Show: Yessir.
<end map 3>

(Sheila chosen)
<start map 4>
<ally battleship appears>
<ally units appear>
<show and marvel approach Sheila>
Show: Were they taken down?
Marvel: It seems that way. I wonder if Lady Sheila is all right?
<show and marvel approach Sheila>
Show: This is Show Zama in the Dunbine. Gran Garan, please respond!
Sheila: Show...? Show Zama? Is it really you!?
Show: Sheila Rapana? Are you safe?
Sheila: We've taken quite a few attacks. I don't think safe is really the right word to describe that.
Marvel: Lady Sheila, we're cooperating with the anti-government forces on the surface. Shortly, one of our battleships will be coming this way. I presume you'll allow us to approach?
Sheila: Marvel's here too? The surface dwellers' anti-government army... You find them to be trustworthy? I heard the surface was invaded by people coming from the world of the stars.
Show: Those ones resemble Drake's army. They're also fighting alongside him.
Sheila: Drake Luft... would certainly have done similar, wouldn't he? I understand. I will meet with your people.
Cham: That's great!
Sheila: ...Show Zama, and Marvel Frozen too... it is well that you have come.
Show: No, I apologize for taking so long to show up.
Marvel: Show, the Albion is here.
<ally battleship appears>
Bright: So that's the Gran Garan...
Ginrei: We have confirmation from the Dunbine's signal flare. It seems they're all right.
Bright: Excellent, prepare to pull up alongside them.
Beltorchika: Emergency transmission from a 2nd Lieutenant Kou Uraki, one of the escorts for the supply convoy!! They're under attack!
Amuro: What!? Where?
Beltorchika: They're close by, Amuro.
Bright: Dammit! All hands, battle stations! All pilots make haste to launch!! Can anyone see anything!?
Ginrei: ...! There they are. The supply convoy's Medeas and their escorts!
<ally units appear>
<Medea squad approaches>
<enemy units appear>
Kou: Khh, they've caught up!? This is Kou Uraki from the supply convoy! Please hurry!
Marvel: Show, it's the supply convoy!!
Sheila: Go, Show Zama. The Gran Garan is all right.
Show: Understood. Sheila Rapana, be safe.
<unit select screen>
<battle start>
This is the initial map, and then Medeas get to move southward a bit. Starting the second turn, Kou (in the southern Jegan) will also move southward.

The allied NPCs always move before you do on the Player Phase. Their deaths affect your pilots' Will, based on their personalities, and you're almost guaranteed to lose two of them. In fact, trying to save them is probably counter-productive, since the longer the enemy stays put fighting the NPCs, the less time they have to move closer to your troops, where they'll meet their inevitable demise.
Amuro is in the Apsalus this time, Emma is in the Dijeh, Jun is in the Great, and Boss is now in the Venus instead of the Diana.
I load Giant Robo and Boss onto the Albion for ferrying purposes.
I'm using a more advanced technique with the Dancouga parts this time, since I need extra move and don't have as many booster parts as would otherwise be required. I can Accel with Shinobu to get up to 10 squares (ideally), less currently because of poor terrain. Then the others catch up and combine on turn 2, and Shinobu uses Accel and gets 7 squares on the second turn, so up to 17 squares in two turns, which beats our other techniques, but does require a fair amount of SP expenditure. 
Ordinarily Getter is one of my fastest moving, hardest hitting units. They also rock both Luck and Gain, and can generally get good worth even when they're overlevelled. But I have them on Erika feeding duty for this map. I don't think putting them in the rotation would have sped things up, based on the layout of the map and with everything that needs to happen. Since that's the case, I made the executive decision that rushing Erika to higher levels will be of greater value, as I anticipate that pay off to be huge in the long term.
Here's the Big Picture view, after everyone's moved.
And the individual zoomed-in locations, as well.
The Guerrillas get in one hit apiece, because they die to the second, that's all there is to see, barring the enemies rolling a Nat 1.
He dies the same as she did. No miracles this time.
Kou is only slightly better in that he does more damage, and faces like 70s hit rates instead of 95s. He's positioned to only take fire from one enemy, after the female guerrilla soaks the other hits, which is the only thing that keeps him alive.

Turn 2:
It's actually impossible for the enemies to catch them, at this point. The Medeas have one less move, but have a huge head start and nothing to get in their way. While Kou will eventually run into some forests, he has higher base movement speed and such a good starting position that he can just outpace them indefinitely. I tested out of morbid curiosity, simply hitting end turn consecutively, and one Medea was attacked once, but that positioning then slowed the pursuer enough that it wasn't able to catch up again. Everyone safely evacuated at the start of Turn 9.  It was honestly a bit hilarious.
Here you can see what I'm talking about with the two turn Dancouga parts plan. If not for the bad terrain and an already slow Big Moth I could have gotten another square further, but...
Marvel and Show have Love bonus, so that's a thing. It's why I didn't Accel with Show last turn, since keeping them close together is ideal, coupled with the fact he couldn't have really reached anyway.
This lets Marvel do clean two-shots with just the Shuffle Crest I gave her, so that's super convenient. She needs to earn a lot of kill count to enable a secret later on.
More XP for Erika.
Big Picture. We're still slowly approaching, there's so much distance between us at the start.
The enemy went for Show instead of Marvel, unfortunately. I don't have a handle on enemy AI yet.
The Gratinios are both perfectly in range to come and start getting carved up though, which is great 'cause they'll need several turns of work done on them before they go down.

Turn 3:
Some of the enemies aren't even chasing the NPCs, they've split off toward Show and Marvel. Easiest escort mission of this archetypal "3 Medea on the run" that's also seen in 4/F/etc.
Setting up the next of the two turn Dancouga movements.
Bright brings Boss close enough to start repairing the Gran Garan, which is badly damaged and drained of most of its EN.
That learns him Taunt, which may come in handy at some point. 
Eiji flies ahead to chip on one of the Terminators that flew past Marvel and Show instead of stickin around.
He does good work here.
Show repositions slightly here, allowing one of the Oberius that will start to move this phase an open slot to attack him from. It also allows Marvel to move where she needs to and still be in Love aura.
So she'll take this kill and be in position to counter a Zei Fa on the enemy phase.
Sheila just advances a bit because, why not? She'll be able to get in some chips here and there, and as long as she doesn't outpace Boss it's more than fine to help out here.
Big Picture.
Oh, it was one of the ones Kou/Guerillas damaged. A free kill then.
Show gets in some ranged chip.
As does Sheila. Her Aura Barrier kept the enemy's beam from doing any damage when it hit her.
Finally starting to be killable, after so many back and forths.
But of course there's fresh meat lining up right behind them too...

Turn 4:
The forest barely slowed Kou, and that shadow is just the Eagle Fighter, there's no enemy in sight to chase the NPCs.
We put the band back together.
Eiji flies around behind and flamethrowers this Terminator to open up space for Manami to take its place and kill the Gratinios to help build her Will.
She also gets another level of Prevail for her troubles.
Garalia and Dancouga chip this enemy since its the only one that ends up being within range of Sayaka as she continues to move her full movement to get to where I need her to end up.
She's started this map in a bit of a Will hole, because of her Weak personality and the NPC deaths, so I'd like to get a little extra to put her back up on top. It probably isn't 100% necessary, I think we have the damage thresholds we need without this, but it does makes me feel more comfortable. I have the SP leeway to cast Strike here if I need to, I'm not sure why I didn't in this screenshot. Maybe I did it after I took the shot? I don't remember.
Show doing a bit more positioning to work on the Oberius that couldn't reach him.
Marvel actually leaves his orbit, and the enemy ranges so she doesn't draw their fire when she can't counter, to collect the free kill Sheila left her.
Since Show left this Gratinios alone, it decided to charge south for some reason instead of using its ranged attack, so Quattro can actually reach and engage it. He gets an unlucky hit, but he's a big boy, he can take it.
More Repairing and Resupplying.
Big Picture. Still quite a ways to go, although our thinning efforts have been making good progress.
Some zoomed in shots of the lay of the land before we hit End Turn.
Some chip from Show.
Oh, right! I unloaded Daisaku to put him in range, but he couldn't secure this kill on the first punch thanks to the Will drain and the enemy's upgrade bars. I should have unloaded him at the start of the turn, not the end, so he could have got the passive gains from player phase kills, but I'm still not used to the way the 64 battleships work.
Eiji draws the fire of both Dantes and counters them, which is another huge reason why I placed him where I did, and why he used Flamethrower instead of Knuckle Shot.
Now that Show has Aura Slash unlocked, his carving goes a little faster.
Ah, here's that second Dante I was mentioning earlier.
Quattro just can't catch a break this map.

Turn 5:
Be free!
Quatre can now collect the kill that Quattro provided him.
No more need for the two stage Dancouga turns, I've gotten enough squares of progress under my belt so we're just doing standard 1 turn 7 squares again.
Marvel can kill this at her current Will, no issues.
I should have cast Alert, but in my hubris I assumed he'd dodge. I should probably also put more mobility on him while I wait for more mobility parts to drop. I didn't have the money for that this stage, though, since I was rushing Breast Fire.
This does set up Manami to get a Luck kill, and finish earning the Will she needs to Boomerang. She's in pretty prime real estate for counters as well. (Don't ask why, but both Zagarls go for Eiji, and the Dante and the Demonica will go for her.)
I forgot to screen it, but we had another Repair job here.
Sheila contributing chip.
Thankfully the enemy chased Daisaku as he moved eastward, so he can kill it now.
This other one moves right into Jun's range, escaping by a thread. (Planned, as I need to feed Daisaku more kills still.)
Quattro's luck turned around, and he tried his hardest to kill this, even when I gave him his weakest weapon option.
I'm honestly surprised Eij's not getting more benefit from the woods he's in, I guess I should have checked, maybe these are only 5% forest or something.
Dante must die (and he does).
Manami Sword Cut the enemy missile. Amazing. I was too slow on my trigger finger to get the animation.
Girl, calm yourself, you don't need to go so hard.

Turn 6:
It's custom at this point, even though their safety is not in question.
Giant Robo, punch!
I forgot the stats screen for this one, but you can tell just by my health bar who did this.
I think Amuro cast Valor for this, just to be sure I get it low enough.
I had hoped this enemy would attack Marvel last enemy phase, but it was going for someone else, apparently and diverted path even though she was in range. Whatever, it dies now instead.
Show and Cham kill this with Luck and Valor.
Attacking from out of range means never having to say you're sorry.
Luck kill.
Just chipping the Demonica for XP at this point. Even if I killed all the enemies this turn, I'm not in position to kill the reinforcements, so I can take my time.
Erika cast Substitute just to make sure Quattro is safe.
Quatre with a Luck + Valor on an Oberius.
Repair, Resupply.
I've moved to where I need to be now.
I forgot one of my Big Pictures earlier. We're just about done. I'd have ended this turn, if not for the reinforcements...
Weak counter for chip.

Turn 7:
Marvel grabs her last Gain kill here. She had a very productive first outing, taking 6 kills and getting 2 levels.
Just getting chip XP from a high levelled boss, nothing to see here folks.
And of course, the Luck finish.
Janus still carting around bonus cash as a drop. You love to see it.

There's actually two ways the reinforcements on this stage can play out. 1) If all the NPCs evacuate from the bottom of the map, Aisha's reinforcements arrive first, and then you have to deal with them before the second set of reinforcements come in. The other way is the way I did it, to rout the enemy, which causes both sets to show up at once.

<enemy routed, enemy reinforcement>
Bright: ...It's over, huh.
Beltorchika: Please wait. A number of unknown craft are approaching.
Bright: Enemies?
<enemy units appear>
Gyuukenki: At last I've caught up. It was you that killed my son, yes? I am the Hyakki Gyuukenki. I will have my revenge!
<enemy units appear>
Aisha: ...so you have fled to here after all, Manami? But this is where it ends.
Manami: Aisha!? Do you understand what it is that you are doing!?
Aisha: I say the same to you. Please cease this pointlessness.

This is the same robot his kid was using, just with many bars of upgrades.
He's also a pretty decent pilot. As expected from a Hyakki hero.

I had hoped to be able to use Garalia for this, but her hit rate was bad, and her damage wasn't enough either, so instead of giving Jun a Gain kill, she needs to Strike etc. to do the wounding we need on Aisha.
Great Booster is just about perfectly tuned, and we have the bulk to take the return hit without issue.
This lets us use Bright's Luck, and also feed him a hefty 6 level difference bonus multiplier as well (this comes out to be worth 2.8x her normal XP value). Stacking Gain on top would have been ideal, but you can't use what you don't have, and damn if it isn't effective enough already. Look at that huge XP infusion.
I gotta start actually using these, even if I look at a situation and think to myself, "I bet they can dodge". Would cut out the occasional annoying restart.
Roux doing Roux things.
Valor kills.
Valor kills.
Crit kills. If the crit didn't land, it would die on Enemy Phase, so not particularly fussed here.
Another repair, and a final level from resupply.
I'm doing it. I'm actually fighting with all the component pieces. This one is powered by a Valor.
Not even close. Plenty of HP still. 
You can see the Love bonus damage reduction quite clearly here, she's so much healthier than Masato.
We put them all back together, and use all the spirits at our disposal.
A perfect maiming.
Big Picture and Turn Count display.
Breast Fire, version MAP.
Oh man, that's tasty to see. Sure we needed Strike and Luck, but boy is it worth it. And just wait until she learns Valor.
You can never have too many Chobham. Especially if you're going to stuff them onto the individual units of a combiner robot. Not like anyone would actually use those for anything, right? Right?

<gyuukenki defeated>
Gyuukenki: Damn you, damn yoooooou!!

She (and Kamille if you didn't recruit Emma) are scripted to show up 1 turn after one of the batches of reinforcements. I'm not actually sure which, since Mr Blade thought they came in based on turns, but that clearly didn't happen for me on his timeline. Probably the Aisha reinforcements if I had to guess. That means we miss out on the following conversation:

<ally reinforcement 1>
<ally unit appears>
Fa: It seems we've managed to catch up. What should we do, Kamille?
Kamille: The battle's still raging. Let's provide support.
Fa: Huh... I see, understood.
Bright: Is that Specials reinforcements?!
Kamille: I'm Kamille Bidan from the Liberation Front of the Earth, and this is Fa Yuiry. Albion, please respond.
Bright: This is the Albion, Captain Bright Noa speaking.
Kamille: We've come under orders from Brigadier General Blex. We'll back you up.
Bright: From the General? Roger that, we're glad to have you.

Instead we get this variant version as follows:

<enemy routed, victory achieved>
(if before ally reinforcement)
<ally unit appears>
Fa: It seems the battle is over. What should we do, Kamille?
Kamille: The Brigadier General told us to join up with them if that were to happen, so that's just what we'll do.
Bright: Is that Specials reinforcements?!
Kamille: I'm Kamille Bidan from the Liberation Front of the Earth, and this is Fa Yuiry. Albion, please respond.
Bright: This is the Albion, Captain Bright Noa speaking.
Kamille: We've come under orders from Brigadier General Blex. We were intended to back you up, but it seems the battle is already over.
Bright: Yes. It seems there are no more enemies in the vicinity. What do you plan to do next?
Kamille: The General told us to join up with you in that case.
Bright: Is that so? Well that's a relief.
<end map>

<transition from battle mode to story mode>
<cursor over Lithuania>
Rain: How's it look, Astonaige?
Astonaige: Well, if we've got this much, we should be okay for the time being. This'll make maintenance easier.
Rain: Fufufu, we've really had to push ourselves to come this far, haven't we?
Astonaige: You're telling me, we really need a break.
Rain: Come to think of it, seems there's a new fighter craft sort of machine but...
Astonaige: Ah, that'd be the G-Defenser.
Rain: It looks pretty unreliable, doesn't it?
Astonaige: That's about right. It seems it's meant to be used to strengthen the Gundam Mark II.
Masato: Ehh, that fighter craft is?
Astonaige: Just think of it as increasing its armor and choices of weaponry. Of course, you could use it on its own, but...
Domon: Rain, if you have the spare time to stand around chatting like this, could you go adjust the Shining Gundam? The right arm is slow to react.
Rain: Geez! I'm tired too, you know!? Couldn't you learn a little something from other people's example, Domon!?
Domon: You're supposed to be in charge of maintenance, though.
Masato: Now, now, Miss Rain. Domon's probably just displeased seeing you chatting so happily with other men.
Domon: Wh...
Simone: C'mon Domon, that's no good. If that's the problem, you gotta just tell her plainly.
Domon: Don't just run your mouths!!
Ryo: The Bystonwell Queen is here, can't you be a little quieter? She'll doubt your character.
Domon: Tch.

<fade out, fade in>

Bright: ...and that's the situation. Will you work together with us?
(Sheila case)
Sheila: ...Very well. Drake must be defeated. Let us join forces.
Bright: In that case, though I'm sure we'll face many troubles, I look forward to fighting by your side.
Sheila: There is much about the surface dwellers we do not understand, but likewise.
Cham: See, I told you Lady Sheila would end up agreeing.
Show: Cham, don't interrupt.
Cham: What's the problem.
Quattro: Well then, how are your repairs proceeding?
Sheila: So long as we don't face another attack for a while, I believe they should be finishing up before long.
Quattro: That's good to hear. Let's wait until then before moving on.

<fade out, fade in>

Bright: You said your name was 2nd Lt Uraki? Are you also joining up?
Kou: Yes. Brigadier General Blex gave me those instructions.
Quattro: As expected of the General, it seems he intends to do everything in his power to strengthen our forces.
Bright: It's more the fact we cannot afford to split up our power, I suspect. It's hard to say what the future will hold, but please give it your best, 2nd Lt.
Kou: Understood, sir. But, seeing as this squad has Gundams, I suspect things will be fine.
Amuro: You think so?
Kou: That's right! That's what I believe!

<fade out, fade in over New York>
<door noises>
Gresco: ...so you've come...
<walking noises>
Ru Kain: Father, I'm here to hear your explanation.
Gresco: Hmm...
<door noises>
Karla: ...I've brought her.
Julia: ...
Ru Kain: So she really was here, Father.
Gresco: Julia... Please speak to Ru Kain.
Julia: ...Lord Ru Kain, your opinion that the Imperials are a superior existence to the Earthlings, is a mistaken one. The Imperials... or at least the Gradosians, are equal with the Earthlings. Cutting to the heart of the matter, Earthlings and Gradosians are descended from the same stock to begin with.
Ru Kain: Hah, no sooner than you appear but you start saying such a strange things.
Julia: These are no lies. The Earthlings and the Gradosians share a common ancestor.
Ru Kain: Be quiet, Julia! Father, how long do you intend to let her ramble such nonsense.
Julia: Please listen, Lord Ru Kain. The reason your father took me away from you, as well why he kept you from coming into contact with the Layzner, were both because he was afraid that you would learn of this secret. He was afraid of the shock that learning this secret would give to you.
Ru Kain: How rude, Julia!! You let someone speak, and sure enough she gets carried away with herself!! Father, do you still intend to let Julia continue to say whatever she likes!?
Gresco: ...Ru Kain, Julia's words are true. There are no lies.
Ru Kain: Father!?
Gresco: The one in whom Grados's power and authority are manifest, and also those who hold status and influence in the Empire, they all sooner or later come to learn this secret.
Ru Kain: What are you saying, Father!
Gresco: Ru Kain... you must study the principles of governance. Governance begins with acknowledging the evil within oneself. One must be aware that maintaining the power to rule requires spilling countless blood across many planets.
Ru Kain: That is why those that rule must be superior, so that all that spilt blood was not shed in vain!
Gresco: And what is it to be superior? Superior in knowledge, or in the body? In culture, or else in pedigree or appearance? Superiority is an unclear thing. There is no one thing that determines it. Governance is power. The power to oppress another. Power, that is to say it another way, evil.
Ru Kain: ...
Gresco: One must first be able to recognize himself as evil. One must be able to know everything, and yet still reign in a calm and detached manner. That is how the Empire has come to rule the stars under the Emperor Muge Zolbados.
Karla: ...
Gresco: It seems you were still too immature to take on the role of commanding officer of the occupation forces after all, Ru Kain.
<walking noises>
Ru Kain: That is just what you think, Father! As for me, I will continue to maintain that the ones who should rule are those who are superior!
Gresco: Even a fool is capable of rule.
Ru Kain: No! It must be one who is superior!
Gresco: You still don't understand, do you, Ru Kain!!
Ru Kain: Father it is you who is unable to see the truth! You are trying to run away from the heights of rule!!
Gresco: You say too much, Ru Kain!! Leave!!
Ru Kain: Please wait, Father!!
Gresco: I greatly overestimated you. You are too young.
Ru Kain: That's not fair, Father. While it may be true I differ from your ideal, that is just according to your theory of rule.
Gresco: Ru Kain... I relieve you of your command.
Ru Kain: Father... Father!!
Gresco: Leave me!!
Ru Kain: Khh... uuu...
Karla: !? Lord Ru Kain, please don't!
<fade to black>
<fade back in>
Gresco: ...Guh... ahh... Ru Kain...
Ru Kain: Ah... aahh...
Gresco: Ngh... For the sake of... the Empire... and for your... your own rule... keep the truth... about my... death... a secret. Keep it secret...
Ru Kain: F... Father!!
Gresco: ...Karla...
Karla: !? Wh... Why...?
Ru Kain: F-Father...
Gresco: You have to... protect the secret... Julia... Julia must also dieeee...
Ru Kain: Father!? ...Fatheeeer!!

Finish 16
Char           Lv   XP Kill     Mel/Sht/Eva/Hit/Rct/Skl  HP/EN/Mo/Ar/Lm/Wn    Skills                                                Parts
Erika|Borot    23  134    0     132/120/133/132/105/101  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |            |            |            |||
Manami         22  424   64$$$  168/149/140/139/118/121  00/07/02/00/00/10    PrevailL3  | SwordL3    |            |            || Booster    | Hybrid     |------------|------------|||
Lawrence       22  424    0     ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--               |            |            |            ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Ryouma         22  174    9     161/136/132/138/106/120  00/05/00/00/00/04    PrevailL4  |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Hayato         22  174    0     154/139/140/140/108/122  00/05/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            | Propellant |------------|------------|||
Musashi        22  174    0     160/135/125/134/104/116  00/05/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4  |            |            |            || Repair Kit | Propellant |------------|------------|||
Sayaka|JS      22  102   30$    146/134/132/132/106/103  00/06/02/00/00/13               |            |            |            || Chobham    | MBooster   | Booster    |------------|||
Daisaku        20  365   16     157/137/134/134/106/114  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL1  |            |            |            || Repair Kit |            |            |------------|||
Boss|V         20  355    0     154/109/120/109/097/089  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL1  |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Marvel|Bot     20  325    6     146/141/160/139/105/119  00/00/00/00/00/00    HolyWar2   | SwordL1    |            |            || Shuffle    | Biosensor  |------------|------------|||
Shinobu|Dan    20  167    8     154/153/142/130/104/109  00/00/02/00/00/00    PrevailL3  | SwordL2    |            |            || Minovsky   | Repair Kit |------------|------------|||
Sara           20   62    1     148/148/136/128/104/105  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            || Chobham    |            |------------|------------|||
Kamille|       20    0    0     145/164/167/153/116/135  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL5       | SwordL4    | ShieldL2   |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Kou|           20    0    0     146/158/161/142/108/123  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL2    | ShieldL3   |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Roux|HS        19  417   39$    136/153/156/136/105/107  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL2       | SwordL2    | ShieldL1   |            || Minovsky   |            |------------|------------|||
Ryo            19  416    2     157/145/132/125/103/115  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            || Chobham    |            |------------|------------|||
Garalia        19  387   11     146/142/162/126/108/123  00/00/00/00/00/00    HolyWar2   | SwordL2    |            |            || Magnetic   |            |------------|------------|||
Show           19  340   11     148/143/164/136/123/138  00/00/00/00/00/00    HolyWar4   | SwordL2    |            |            || Shuffle    | Magnetic   |            |------------|||
Cham           20  422    0     ---/---/---/---/---/---  --/--/--/--/--/--               |            |            |            ||------------|------------|------------|------------|||
Masato         19  283    0     142/146/133/124/103/102  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            || Chobham    |            |------------|------------|||
Sheila         19   50    0     117/143/150/137/103/113  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |------------|------------|------------|||
Fa|Meth        19    0    0     108/145/141/132/102/100  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL1   |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Quatre|Death   18  170    9     153/132/154/144/112/122  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL4    | ShieldL3   |            |            || Radar      | Chobham    |------------|------------|||
Jun|Great      18  147    0     144/131/128/127/102/105  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Bright|Alb     18   44   10     117/152/152/144/103/117  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            || Booster    |------------|------------|------------|||
Emma|Dijeh     18    0   14     117/145/144/139/105/113  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL1    | ShieldL3   |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Quattro|Ez8    17  345   11     134/166/161/151/110/143  03/03/03/03/03/03    NTL4       | SwordL4    | ShieldL3   |            || Radar      | Hybrid     |            |------------|||
Eiji|Layzner   17  306   15     143/163/158/147/110/130  00/05/02/00/00/04               |            |            |            || Repair     |            |------------|------------|||
Amuro|Aps      16  195    4     138/162/160/147/112/133  00/00/00/00/00/00    NTL5       | SwordL4    | ShieldL2   |            ||            | Hybrid     |------------|------------|||

Tetsuya|D      18    0    0     156/130/127/130/102/117  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4  |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Shiro|         17  330    5     145/154/152/134/106/122  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL2    | ShieldL2   |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Aina|          17    0    0     111/144/134/134/104/101  00/00/00/00/00/00               |            |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Domon          15  160    5     158/130/144/134/108/150  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL2    |            |            |            ||            | Hybrid     |------------|------------|||
Duo|Sand       14  114    3     151/125/141/136/108/118  00/00/00/00/00/00    SwordL3    | ShieldL2   |            |            ||            |            |------------|------------|||
Simone|Doll    13  291   37$    122/124/142/133/100/106  03/03/03/03/03/03               |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
David|Doll     13  254   12     140/140/140/129/102/118  03/03/03/03/03/03               |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||
Kouji|         10  434    6     147/124/113/113/095/106  00/00/00/00/00/00    PrevailL4  |            |            |            ||            |            |            |------------|||

Banjo          14  256   28$    159/135/126/126/101/133  00/00/00/00/00/00    ShieldL4    | SwordL4    | PrevailL4  |            ||           |            |------------|------------|||

Total Cash:  131210
Total Turns: 87


Edited by Balcerzak
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15 minutes ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:



Holy fuck what? If that happened with Getter Beam in any game I'd jump on that immediately.

-Seems to be an SRW64 one-time idea. And no, Getter doesn't get such a MAP upgrade. Nu Gundam does, but not the third pillar of the SRW Trinity. 


10 hours ago, Balcerzak said:

To be perfectly honest though, what propels this choice is considering future runs. I'm going to be playing through the game again later, and Manami is probably the strongest MC, as I see it. Not only does she start with Luck, but she is able to recruit Erika, something the Real protagonists are completely locked out of. So based just on those two points alone, that mitigates a lot of the potential financial reasons for picking Elle, as well as the Enable one. I really ought to save Elle for Real pilots who might need that extra source of income, and possibly even for Brad because having his weapons locked behind level progression just sounds painful.

The Proto-Angelg is the best unit, the First Draft Soulgain is the worst?

Since Akurasu lists all the Earthgain's attacks, it seems everything is 1 Range? I get these older games are more limiting on melee weapon attack range -if you jump to 30, I'm pretty sure almost everyone's basic melee attack is > 1 Range. And for ultimate attacks, only Goldion Finger I recall being 1-locked. Even accounting for 64 being Old SRW, being unable to strike anything more than one tile away couldn't possibly be good for Brad, who doesn't even get subpilot or Accel.

Also, Brad's Original Secret easily sounds like the worst of the four. 100 kills on the Banpresto Original certainly doesn't sound impossible, you already have over 60 on Manami halfway to Brad's deadline. Yet Axel 1.0 doesn't get his unit upgrade if you get his secret recruit instead, you have to choose. And given SRW gives you no shortage of good units, I could easily see an argument for skipping the secret and just fielding somebody else in that unit slot instead, I doubt Vysagarose is that good. 100 kills, 1-range lock on the necessary killer, having to sacrifice a unit upgrade, three reasons why recruiting Katz sounds so not worth it.

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