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FE: Gaiden

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Anybody agree, that FE2 is a great entry in the series, and a great game by itself? I loved the villager idea, where you can take a character and have him go to any class set you want.

I spent one game getting all my villagers, Atlas and Sevr included, to go once through Swordmaster promotions, and then start over up through the Gold Knight path. Go mummies!

Great game, no doubt. Too bad it was on NES, and the graphics are trash.

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It was a fun game. I expected to do more power-levelling than I actually did (i.e almost none), except for the Mummies in the Lost Woods, which were crying out to be killed over-and-over.

It's kind of sad that most people refer to this as being terrible and the worst FE, when they haven't even played it. The FE OAV also got similar hatred, but at least people can now watch it on Youtube etc. to judge it.

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I've never played this one, but my opinion is that the worst FE is hands down FE6 (I've already explained this but... the characters mostly have dull, boring personalities , just about every pre-premote is awful and the music isn't that great. Plus, EVERY chapter is seize.)

I really liked the FE OAV, and it's a shame they only made two episodes, as it's a perfect example of a TV show/Movie based on a game that isn't a discrace to the game (unlike the Pokemon tv series...)

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I really enjoyed all the fes with my lest fave probably being fe4 cos of the huge chapter levels but even still it was really enjoyable. This is my fave games series by far, fe8 and fe2 both included in that :D

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  • 7 months later...

It's about time someone made a topic like this.

It's pretty sad how underrated Gaiden is. Whenever people start talking about features they like in FE games, they tend to credit FE8 for things that first appeared in Gaiden.

Am I the only one who actually like the graphics? I thought the animations for the bow users and Dark Fighters were pretty cool. Plus, the developers actually bothered to make different face-sprites for promoted Alm and Celica and different battle sprites for some of the enemies.

And the music is amazing. :3

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It's about time someone made a topic like this.

It's actually a very old thread.

Anyway, I've noticed that. Most people ignore Gaiden, saying that it didn't add anything to the series, as if it were a failed experiement to be ignored. Those who don't go that far still tend to say that the only game that used FE2 features was FE8... which is untrue, since FE4 and FE10 borrowed a bit from Gaiden as well, not to mention the general enhancements.

I don't think I've seen anybody mention how FE10's Ike/Mikaya pair is very much like Alm/Celica, for instance.

I don't like the graphics (sorry, but 8-bit graphics just are too primitive; to me, the graphics started being fine with Seisen) and found the music mostly unremarkable, so I can't really say BEST GAME OF THE SERIES. But it deserves better than ostracism.

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"Anyway, I've noticed that. Most people ignore Gaiden, saying that it didn't add anything to the series, as if it were a failed experiement to be ignored. Those who don't go that far still tend to say that the only game that used FE2 features was FE8... which is untrue, since FE4 and FE10 borrowed a bit from Gaiden as well, not to mention the general enhancements.


and "m I the only one who actually like the graphics? I thought the animations for the bow users and Dark Fighters were pretty cool. Plus, the developers actually bothered to make different face-sprites for promoted Alm and Celica and different battle sprites for some of the enemies."-

Gaiden is the only fe game that I know that you can freely walk around!

The animations are good, but they keep walking back after they attack!

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My only beef with FE Gaiden is its crappy map design.

I also said in a chat room before that both FE Gaiden and FE8 would have benefitted from generic monster enemies eventually giving you no EXP if you grind on them enough. I think the benefit of having level up areas should be that you can level up every character, not that you can become overpowered.

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I have started playing this game just yesterday, and I found it as good. Though it certainly doesn't leave me with an impression of FE game. O_O

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Yes, I think that this is a great game. It is more medeivel than most FE games, and that Paola,Katchua, and Est have h4x stats that are probably the best in the series out of any other pegasi unit.

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I have started playing this game just yesterday, and I found it as good. Though it certainly doesn't leave me with an impression of FE game. O_O

That. I mean, it looks more like a mix of Emerald Dragon's battles, and a bit of Fire Emblem, that you can walk in the world map freely.

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Gaiden is a wonderful game. Or at least, it's more original than the other games in the series due to the world map, promotion system, weapon system, etc.

Also, it's rather difficult, which I like.

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