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The Mafia to End all Mafias - GAME OVER


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3 minutes ago, Shinori said:

If your claim is amnesiac and you can talk at night, it's probably more likely to be town than scum but it's also kind of NAI.  You don't have anything else tied into your role?



3 minutes ago, Shinori said:

This is factually incorrect, because you have had thoughts about players that push them more towards scum.  You have literally said.  It doesn't matter if you potentially doubt yourself.

Did you ever do that exercise about going through and giving people points by any chance to help get your thoughts in order a bit?

I was meaning to, but there's just stuff going on right now like school and cleaning the house and friend birthday prep.


3 minutes ago, Shinori said:

Mind you I will state this Aster.  If you are scum and saying all of this and making this a pity party, I will have zero respect for you in the future.

I do swear I'm not scum though and I'm really sorry about all this trouble. I'm sorry. I really am.

I'm just really confused right now and feel like nothing I do will matter and like I don't blame you for being mad and I'm not acting like a good player and I'm sorry.

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For what it matters to all newbies - you will be wrong. Again and again and again and again.

It will be constant.  In your scum hunting, you will probably be wrong much more than you will be correct.  Do not let that SCARE you away from still making reads and stating thoughts.

They can be GUT reads.  "I just didn't like the way they were posting, it felt weird" That's a read.  Legitmately, it may not be a STRONG read but it's a read.

"I didn't like their interaction in this argument between X and X."  That's a read, it could be right, it could be wrong, but it's a read.  It's an opinion that you can use to help progress your world view and your progression of the game.


I know I may be sounding like a dick here and I apologize, but I want you all to be able to play the game.  And if you come into every day 1 of mafia and just do not have reads, you will not have a great time in the future (Assuming SF even plays more - looking at all you people that are like speccing this and didn't sign up for a little 9 person game) =P

It will feel weird at first, it will feel awkward, you will be awkward for a bit.  Because it's just learning the game.  Idk if any of you all play video games or card games, but if you do:

Your first time playing league of legends? or Mtg? or yu-gi-oh?  Guarantee you it was VASTLY different than how you would play it after you played 5, 10, 20, or even 50+ games or something. I'm willing to bet you changed constantly as you played more.  This is the same type of thing.  Getting used to it CAN be hard, but that's why I'm here to ATTEMPT to help.


I may not be the best, but I'm trying my hardest.

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1 minute ago, Aster said:

I'm just really confused right now and feel like nothing I do will matter and like I don't blame you for being mad and I'm not acting like a good player and I'm sorry.

It's fine, it's expected for you to be confused.  You will be.  And it won't go away after just 1 or 2 games.

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Aster seems like they're trying very hard to get votes, it's either genuine "I feel really bad just vote me already" and they aren't actually Mafia, or they are Mafia and are counting on a pity-party to survive. I'm leaning towards the former, just because I don't think a pity-party would work in this game and I think Aster is smart enough to know that.

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23 minutes ago, Shinori said:

If your claim is amnesiac and you can talk at night, it's probably more likely to be town than scum but it's also kind of NAI.  You don't have anything else tied into your role?

Did they claim this?

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20 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Aster seems like they're trying very hard to get votes, it's either genuine "I feel really bad just vote me already" and they aren't actually Mafia, or they are Mafia and are counting on a pity-party to survive. I'm leaning towards the former, just because I don't think a pity-party would work in this game and I think Aster is smart enough to know that.

Yes this is why I said I am more hesitant to call them town when they do this because it makes me think they are trying to trick us by acting like they are totally fine with their own elimination.


Their role can belong to either side.


Off of play overall they feel like flailing town over manipulative mafia to me

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41 minutes ago, Shinori said:

Maybe Elie actually is wolf man but I had voting out zero posters/low posters.

If we vote them out and they are town we are back where we started with nothing to go off of. Plus we can't count on them to claim and they could have a role we wouldn't want to eliminate.

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11 minutes ago, Ichigo said:

If we vote them out and they are town we are back where we started with nothing to go off of. Plus we can't count on them to claim and they could have a role we wouldn't want to eliminate.

True - inactives make this rough.

Bluedoom hasn't come back and I was kind of tling them but i recognize that if we push bluedoom or elie, they just might not be around to claim which is OOF.

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I don't recall how much more time we have- roughly 2 hours, right? Not a great amount of time for me to recompile a post (wallpost) at this time.

@Shinori Can you shoot me some big things about what's happened while I've been working today? I'm gonna more skim/hop check what's been happening, but I want to cross-check anything big that has occurred since I last posted last night. (Anyone else besides Shinori can also chime in- I just know he's around atm. @Ichigo also saw.)

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5 minutes ago, Eurykins said:

I don't recall how much more time we have- roughly 2 hours, right? Not a great amount of time for me to recompile a post (wallpost) at this time.

@Shinori Can you shoot me some big things about what's happened while I've been working today? I'm gonna more skim/hop check what's been happening, but I want to cross-check anything big that has occurred since I last posted last night. (Anyone else besides Shinori can also chime in- I just know he's around atm. @Ichigo also saw.)

Jamie claimed Watcher is the big one

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:


Aster (2): Eurykins, Jamie
DefyingFates (2): Shinori, Ichigo
Jamie (1): Bluedoom
Ichigo (1): DefyingFates

Not Voting (3): Aster, Elieson, FE Fan

D1 ends in approximately 4.5 hours. There will be no hammer on D1.

@AsterVote someone.  If you don't know who to vote - as town, you should still be vying for your life, and as scum you should also be vying for your life.  Because if you are town, you 100% KNOW YOUR OWN ALIGNMENT. Which is better than someone which you DON'T KNOW.

If you are scum, you should always vote someone to save your own ass for similar reasonings.

If you don't know who to vote, then follow whoever your biggest town read is.

If you don't have one of those, find some way to vote anyway.  I don't want to control your vote but if we end the game on a tie for example - we get no lynch, and then the game is worse off for everyone. Including you because if you want information, you don't want a no lynch.

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6 hours ago, Shinori said:

I think you're giving me "first time scum" game vibes.  Your early posts felt awkward to me in a different manner than your previous game.  Did you know that you didn't do either of the following things in your first game?  You didn't recap any pages or vote someone just to counter balance a vote.  Your day 1 there though was mostly inactive but was still different in comparison.    I'm really trying to avoid using meta and stuff but this kind of stands out to me to some extent.  If you are a wolf - I'm sorry this probably feels shitty and frankly I could have maybe waited until later in the game to point this out.

That being said I'm going to treat you like I would treat another mafia player from here instead of just a new player.  So some of the following MAY feel unfair to you but I want you to read it and know that I'm just trying to aim to treat everyone fairly here.

A lot of your posts have fallen into "Let's recap the pages and what's happened in this game" which isn't really doing much for me to be honest.  Your town reads are myself, aster, and FE Fan. and outside of that it feels empty.  You kind of hedge on a handful of your reads.  It feels like you're being overly conscious of what your saying, but seem to be almost intentionally refusing to move most of the game one way or another in your reads, at least to me.  This kind of shows a mentality that I'm not generally fond of because it can lead to you swapping your read on someone in almost any post.

What I mean to say by this is that - if you are scum - outside of the three people you kind of 'town read' you could basically go anywhere with the rest of the game.  Your read on eury could go to town or scum, your read on ichigo could swing either way.  And it kind of makes me feel like you're fine with almost anyone going over.  You have no clear "line in the sand" drawn and even your 'town read' on FE fan seems kind of flimsy and weak enough that if you swapped it with your current posting, it would seem natural.

I want people's opinions on my DF case.


I don't want people to just blindly vote DF.  I want to hear what your opinions are on my case specifically.

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@ShinoriI've been feeling that about DF too, but can't be sure because that's a plausible explanation for cautious town trying to be sure of their vote. I think bringing up their meta from the last game is an interesting point though.  I also feel like FEF has been sorta playing similarly, trying to figure out what everyone feels about the game before making reads. What makes one whose than the other, iyo?

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