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Here's my newest video "Ashera One Turned and Then Some":


I am working on my second PT, but came up with this idea in the meantime. It's an improvement of my now deleted original one turn video.

Here's the youtube description:

Ashera not only one turned, but triangled once and KO’d twice on the first turn!!!


Ike: Ragnell

Micaiah: Rexaura

Oscar: Brave Bow

Rolf: Double Bow

Boyd: Brave Axe, with Arbalest in inventory

Elincia: Amiti

Tanith: Wisblade

Marcia: Forged silver lance (21Mt)

Sigrun: nothing

Sothe: Peshkatz

Caineghis, Tibarn, Kurthnaga, Nasir, Gareth, and Ena all have SS-Level strikes

Necessary Skills:

Wildheart: Nasir and Gareth

Parity: Tibarn and Caineghis

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everybody. GoldieX39 just completed my video request, so it should be uploaded any time soon. Anyway, this video will be a one turning of a maxed out Ashera, using a legitimate party. While the Auras stats remain untouched, Ashera will be at FULL POWER!!! Also, she will be one turned without sacrificing a single character. Keep an eye Goldie's channel, and I will post a link once the video is up :)

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She's the only one capable on making that video.

Well technically, she's the only one who got off her ass and bought a USBgecko. I could do that I suppose and figure out how to h4x the game, but I have other pre-occupations at the moment.

Edit: Also, lol at animations being on. That pretty much ruined the video for me.

Edited by Vykan12
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Well technically, she's the only one who got off her ass and bought a USBgecko. I could do that I suppose and figure out how to h4x the game, but I have other pre-occupations at the moment.

Edit: Also, lol at animations being on. That pretty much ruined the video for me.

I wasn't really the first one or the only one to hack RD or buy usbgecko. The first to hack the US version of the game was Am3692, but he took the easy way out and just did item codes then left it there. That's why I bought one, to go further so that me and others could do more than just make items. Eventually, the thread became popular and others came in to hack instead of just me..so I let them do the rest.

I'm pretty sure by now, there's plenty of others making hacked RD videos..they're just not easy to find. I know a few of them..

You wouldn't really need to learn how to hack to game either, I could give you all of what I've done and what the others have as well.

Oh and about the animations being on, from what leopoldstotch told me - there wasn't any bit asking to have animations off. So, I thought a bit..I know I have a lot of subscribers/friends who like seeing animations on, so I just left it at that. I can't satisfy everyone with my decision however, I know that..sorry! :(

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Oh and about the animations being on, from what leopoldstotch told me - there wasn't any bit asking to have animations off. So, I thought a bit..I know I have a lot of subscribers/friends who like seeing animations on, so I just left it at that. I can't satisfy everyone with my decision however, I know that..sorry! :(

I don't have any problem with the animation being on or off. That is merely a style aspect, so opinions on that matter go in both directions. While my style is to turn them off, I enjoyed watching some of the animations, especially seeing Astrid KO that Aura.

Edit: BTW Goldie, I didn't know you had a serenesforest account. If you want to, please use this topic to post links to your upcoming videos :)

Edited by leopoldstotch711
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  • 7 months later...

It's been quite a while... but I finally made a new video. Here's the link:

Here's the youtube description:

Credit to Rolanmen1 and Nitr0don. The video is Rolamen1's idea, and Nitr0don helped plan it out. The save file is the one I uploaded onto Wiisave, which Rolanmen1 then took and worked on. Unfortunately, he does not have a DVD recorder, so he sent me the save file and I made the video. I slightly modified the movements to make it a little easier to record.

Anyway, this video is a demonstration of how to one turn chapter 3-5, and obtain the energy drop also.

Necessary skills:


Heather-Pass and Celerity



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Here's a new one I just made today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12dh_SQ9MJI

The youtube description:

Here's a video of my team overkilling the Black Knight chapter. Basically, what I did was steal Levail's elixir, disarm him, steal his Wishblade, kill him with it, and then kill the Black Knight, all on the player phase of the first turn.

Ike has a specially forged Silver Axe, which I used a Twin Sword card to forge. It has 22 Mt, 95 Hit, and 15 Crit. This weapon gives Ike a 27.75% chance of KO'ing the Black Knight on the first turn, as opposed to Ragnell which gives Ike a ridiculously low 0.025% chance of doing the same.

Skill and supports:

Ike: Parity

Micaiah: A-support with Sothe.

Sothe: Celerity

Oscar: Disarm and Parity

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I one-upped myself:

The new version of my Levail vid features my favorite attack, the Triangle Attack, performed using non-other than Levail's own Wishblade against him.

The youtube description:

Here's a video of my team overkilling the Black Knight chapter. Basically, what I did was disarm Levail, steal his Wishblade, steal his elixir, kill him with the Wishblade using a Triangle Attack, and then kill the Black Knight, all on the player phase of the first turn.

Ike has a specially forged Silver Axe, which I used a Twin Sword card to forge. It has 22 Mt, 95 Hit, and 15 Crit. This weapon gives Ike a 27.75% chance of KO'ing the Black Knight on the first turn, as opposed to Ragnell which gives Ike a ridiculously low 0.025% chance of doing the same thing.

Skill and supports:

Ike: Parity

Micaiah: A-support with Sothe.

Oscar: Disarm

Sigrun: Pass

Tanith: Pass

Sothe: Celerity

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  • 2 weeks later...

This one's a little different than most my other vids, as it's simply FABULOUS!!!

Here's the youtube description:

Oliver is truly magnificent. He will do anything to protect his herons, including ORKOing Lekain with a staff. In order to do so he needs a C-level support (which he has with his lovely pet, Rafiel) and Adept. The Matrona staff has 100Crit and 1Mt, which gives him just enough brilliance to pull off the job.

Title credit goes to the glorious Mekkkah, one of Oliver's many fanboys.

Edited by leopoldstotch711
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