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  • Birthday 06/10/1997


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  1. I claimed to have tracked Aster night 1 when Eury was still alive, so the story was that Eury made Aster a ninja (and that's why I didn't see anything). It would have had nothing to do with the Ascetic. That said, BBM did point out that I slipped and referred to Marth as empowerer when he had only claimed motivator LOL
  2. okay, so some postgame thoughts - @Eurykins Aster revealing hooker to me was the catalyst of me shooting you. People have been roasting me for the decision but I will die on the hill that FMPOV I had to shoot you the moment she claimed hooker to me. Even setting aside the fact that I always lose in a 2v1 shootout, your hook basically guarantees control of the night, and you were (IMO) more townread than me, so I would have had no way to control the day phase either. Basically I thought that I a) needed to introduce some chaos into the game (this was my running strategy in general tbh) and b) had to double-cross you strictly before you chose to double-cross me, so my shooting you was the best way I could think of to accomplish both goals at once. In hindsight I could have lynched Aster D3 and claimed the track on you D4, but idk. - I shot @Bartozio N3 because he was the only person who really thought twice about my awful D1 Marth vote, I should have just pretended to be away. Yes, it was a bad shot, but it didn't actually end up mattering (maybe if I'd shot Jamie, but my next choice was Weapons anyway). By then I was totally lost and the moment Boron posted her rolespec saying that it had to be me I knew I was cooked. I like to think I almost got away with it (I probably would have been lynched D5 no matter what) but them's the breaks. If a different combination of roles had made it to endgame I think I could have won. - @Elieson continuously reaching the correct conclusion through the most batshit conspiracy theories was pissing me off the entire D4 (to this day I think this grammar argument is complete bullshit). Like, Elie claims it's 1+2=3 by way of 3-1=2 but the way I see it is that it's 1+2=3 by way of "the sun revolves around the earth twice, an apple falls into the sky and the word 'sun' has three letters so the answer must be 3". - If people had believed me on the scum/scum neighbor (this was hilarious with knowledge by the way) it wasn't impossible for people to notice how Aster didn't really know what to do about me (this finger-of-suspicion into immediate backoff when pushed was really sus) Speaking of @Aster and @DefyingFates, I hope that you had a good time and continue to play with us! Some specific things I have to say: - Aster: You kind of got dealt a brutal hand in your first game. IMO rolling scum in your first game is already rough, but rolling scum neighbor in multiball is just really difficult. I felt really bad about the backstab (I would not have felt bad if Eury was partnered with anyone else other than Fates) because I had the thought that, as a new player, I could intimidate you into backing off even if you didn't trust me. - Fates: Well done for reaching endgame and correctly voting me! You mentioned earlier that you think that scum is easier because you know who you "can" case, but IMO this is a backwards way to think about things -- town's job is to Lynch The Bad Guy, not to survive, and this is a crucial distinction. Knowing who you "can" case means that you know who you have to case, and writing a natural-looking case when you already know the answer is harder than it sounds. Looking for this difference is basically what "old fashioned scumhunting" is doing. A few others have said this too, but I think you could improve your play pretty dramatically immediately just by sharing more of your original thoughts and not worrying about what other people will think of you. For reference, I genuinely cannot think of a single opinion you had during the game that was not just "yeah, I basically agree with [Boron]".
  3. ##vote: @DefyingFates yeah i think i have to do this
  4. actually this is a good thought yeah I forgot about that and yeah if Boron 5headed us she really deserves it
  5. So I had an impression of Jamie actually being pretty active in scumhunting but since you mentioned that all of his recent posts have been rolespec I'm second-guessing myself. Aster and Marth interactions look fine, etc. Do you think scum is avoiding shooting Boron because they know that she's deathtalker?
  6. wouldn't it be really funny if there were no kills last night because vig and scumshot both went into the omniguard
  7. for what it's worth, my priorities from old-fashioned scumhunting are Elie > Fates I'm not sure what my ordering would be for the remaining three, I've thought Boron looked town for a while but at some point you have to wonder why she isn't dead as a claimed watcher + basically the most consistently townread person for like half the game + voice of reason.
  8. really, I think that we should not try to engineer night actions publicly too much, because there's way too much uncertainty and nailing things down only only means that whoever's lying has more information to use to dodge it like maybe there's some airtight sequence we can come up with that 100% ensures a win in -YLO given all the claimed roles, but all it takes is for one person to have an unclaimed part to their role and suddenly it all collapses townies should act on their own judgment for what's best, and we can do this the old-fashioned way
  9. I agree that on rolespec alone my role is the most likely to be scum, but obviously FMPOV that just means that someone is a lying liar. @WeaponsofMassConstruction I think you should omniguard on your own judgment and not announce it. Likewise, I'm going to track on my own judgment and not announce whether I intend to idle, because I do still think it's possible I could track someone to the kill for -YLO. I'm not sure what to think about the gunsmith; if we give it to anyone we give it to Boron but it's also a pretty big deal to have the watcher (remember that if scum doesn't know whether Boron is going to have her watch, they must devote an action to her or, you know, risk the watch going off).
  10. So scumteam shares one BPV, and you just have another BPV because vote for me, coward, at this point you've done all but declare that you think i'm the one lying about my role you can ask someone to shoot me tonight if you want to test it, i'm not going to confirm whether or not I'm idling because I don't want scum to know whether i'm going to have info during -YLO
  11. but yeah i think this too and nothing about the claim makes me think that it's not elie after all
  12. tbh i think sharing a bpv with another player is even more suspicious that would actually solve our cross-team power parity conundrum pretty nicely
  13. *but even if god or BBM came down from the heavens to proclaim that Elie wasn't actually the other neighbor I'd still be voting for him
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