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It depends on what the announcement or suggestion is about, though. And who it is coming from. If this topic was addressed by administrators in the Announcements section, then it would be taken alot more to heart. Less people would respond in an opposing manner, because it is a made rule.

I see this no different to "ATTN:" topics, which have been banned.

Alright, let me clarify:

I asked Vincent about this before, and he mentioned that the "ATTN," topics are strictly what they sound like, topics asking for the attention of a specific member or the board in general. This does not include topics asking a question or making a suggestion, as it's a little difficult to ask a question without addressing the attention of someone who has an answer.

ATTN topics fall under topics that are made to either flame a specific member or group, or call for their attention for no significant reason.

Secondly, if a topic only matters when an administrator or a moderator makes it, then that is a serious problem. No one pays attention to suggestions or ideas unless a staff member tells them to?

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Ok, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people? God dammit, I'm sick of this shit. Why does a flame war have to start every few days? Why is there always someone comlaining about someone else?

GET THE FUCK OVER IT! (That's directed at anyone who likes to complain a lot)

Forgive me if I come off as harsh and irrational, I just woke up.

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