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"Transforming" units in battle

Random Ghost Dragon

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15 hours ago, Random Ghost Dragon said:

Hello! Im new to fe builder but i would love to ask if its by any chance possible to make items that can temporarily change a unit's class mid battle? I wanna try emulating something like the manaketes from fe3 and katri from tearring saga

Yes, it should be douable. Install the patch "Special Event for each Item". Then go to the editor, also from the patches menu, and put the item ID of the item you want to  perform this function (e.g. Divine Stone). Also if it's character exclusive put down what character can use it. Then it Event Pointer and you will be brought to the even scripting menu (like what you use for every chapters Start and End Events etc). From there you can do basically anything you want. Use the function "Change Unit's Class to" (RECLASS) and put in the desired class you want to transform to. As far as I can recall, this function does not alter stats, only the class, so if you want to get stat boosts from the class you'll also have to do that manually. Use "Add Unit's Status" for that.

Once you have your event set up a unit of your choice should be able to use the item with a "Use" command (which you can also rename anything you want if you want it to say transform or something) by selecting the item. The really hard thing here will actually be reversing the transformation, as I'm sure you don't want it to be permanent. So at the end of every chapter just manually alter the unit in question's class and stats. You can make a common event that you just reference from the end event so you only need to do it once. If you want to have them revert after a set number of turns, you're going to have to set up an event that triggers every turn. Use a flag to record when the unit first transforms and then set up a counter that reduces at the start of every turn (or at the start of every enemy phase or something) and when it hits zero you can call the same "detransform" common event you're using in your end event. You can use the same events for every chapter, but you will have to make sure you put the event in every chapter via a turn check.

Hope that helps. It shouldn't be too troublesome. If you need any further clarification then feel free to ask.

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