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OMG it's a tier list


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I think Lyre tier should become Kurth&Oliver tier while Lyre moves back to Bottom ^^'

Kurth maybe, but Oliver Rescuing someone in 4-4 > whatever Kurth and Lyre do, most likely.

How about... SSB64 Link's Recovery tier?

Smash used that one so, although it is a pretty good one, I'd rather not use it here.

Snowy_One Tier?

Unfunny joke tier?

Would rather not use the name of a forum member.


I suggest:

-Takes Strategy To Use and Is The Player's Fault That They Suck Tier-

Something new, please.

Atari E.T. tier? ;_; Tier?

I actually thought of that first one last night. A good candidate.

Zelda CDI tier.

A good candidate.

Wendy+Sophia tier?

Nah, too simple.

Another idea I had is Superman 64 tier.

I'm actually a little surprised at how much discussion this has gotten.

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How about we get rid of the tier above bottom and the tier above Top, because seven tiers is perfectly adequate for a tier list to have.

And then we discuss something more interesting, like anything? Hell, discussing nothing would be better than listening to people pick what stupid name to give to Bottom Tier. Why don't we discuss what font to use for the OP as well, while we're at it?

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How about we get rid of the tier above bottom and the tier above Top, because seven tiers is perfectly adequate for a tier list to have.

And then we discuss something more interesting, like anything? Hell, discussing nothing would be better than listening to people pick what stupid name to give to Bottom Tier. Why don't we discuss what font to use for the OP as well, while we're at it?

Tier separations are about differences in unit ability. We'll have as many as is appropriate for that cause, not your arbitrary pick on how many you'd like to see.

Y u mad? No, seriously, chill. I asked for what changes needed to be made and got practically nothing. If you want to discuss something "tier-worthy," answer that for a start.

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This post tier?

I remember that, that was lulzy.

How about we get rid of the tier above bottom and the tier above Top, because seven tiers is perfectly adequate for a tier list to have.

And then we discuss something more interesting, like anything? Hell, discussing nothing would be better than listening to people pick what stupid name to give to Bottom Tier. Why don't we discuss what font to use for the OP as well, while we're at it?

No i like this way =]

Anything non comic sans.

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And then we discuss something more interesting, like anything? Hell, discussing nothing would be better than listening to people pick what stupid name to give to Bottom Tier. Why don't we discuss what font to use for the OP as well, while we're at it?

But we aren't discussing that. We're discussing what name to give to the tier below Bottom.

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I'm surprised no-one has said "Justin Bieber Tier" yet...

Of course I thought of it, but I would rather not see his name every time I look at something I like.

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Let's rephrase that a bit: Justin Beaver is too good to be comparable to Nestling. Keep in mind I still find him worse than the scum on the bottom of my shoes.

Now that's a little to far.

Nestling is in no way worse than JB. neither is the scum on your shoes

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I have a few suggestions ^^' for low and bottom tiers.

I believe Nasir belongs below Ena. Not all credit belongs to Ena but combining Ena and Gareth gives a +10 str bonus, although i'm not sure if it counts on HM. Blood Tide is universally helpful which helps every unit except mages compared to White Pool that benefits only Beorc/laguz that can't normally double. It depends though which units because most royal laguz don't care about white pool so they prefer blood tide, and generally more laguz royals are brought to endgame. Blood tide also helps Ike have better hit on Ashera. Nasir deals better chip damage than Ena but she's around longer and is always helpful at least for 3 chapters (4-E-3, 4-E-4, and 4-E-5).

My second suggestion is Kurth dropping below Fiona, because Fiona has more immediate use than Kurth. The good thing about Kurth is that he doesn't die easily when transformed and he can always shove and give Night tide. The negative side of it is that 4-E-1 is relatively small and nobody really needs to be shoved around, night tide makes no difference for anyone but Rafiel and keeping Rafiel safe shouldn't be an issue in the first place except 4-E-5.

Fiona on the other hand while she starts off worse combat wise and costs alot more to raise compared to Kurth (BEXP+Forges+Spoonfeeding for longer periods) has availability on him and beats him in utility. I found Fiona useful in 1-7 by being the character to rescue/drop Miccy, it helped Volug eat a pure water and the other characters, like Jill and Miccy herself, gain CEXP. Her utility is also useful in Part 3, in 3-6 her canto + move can help rescue/drop characters and she can also torch and help detransform laguz. In 3-12 I found her useful forming a protective fence for my characters against the enemy pegs by rescue dropping NPCs on halt. In 3-13 she can cover the right ledge on her own by rescue dropping a general located immediately under the top ledge, since they don't move even if they're on roam. She also has the possibility of being trained, I know it takes forever and doesn't show results until late Part 4 but its something Kurth lacks because even if he's fed BEXP levels he'll never have combat where as Fiona can have combat if trained.

I have more but I'll look into them a little more ^^'

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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I have a few suggestions ^^' for low and bottom tiers.

I believe Nasir belongs below Ena. Not all credit belongs to Ena but combining Ena and Gareth gives a +10 str bonus, although i'm not sure if it counts on HM.

Won't comment due to lack of experience.

Blood Tide is universally helpful which helps every unit except mages compared to White Pool that benefits only Beorc/laguz that can't normally double. It depends though which units because most royal laguz don't care about white pool so they prefer blood tide, and generally more laguz royals are brought to endgame. Blood tide also helps Ike have better hit on Ashera. Nasir deals better chip damage than Ena but she's around longer and is always helpful at least for 3 chapters (4-E-3, 4-E-4, and 4-E-5).

Can't really argue this one. It makes sense.

My second suggestion is Kurth dropping below Fiona, because Fiona has more immediate use than Kurth. The good thing about Kurth is that he doesn't die easily when transformed and he can always shove and give Night tide. The negative side of it is that 4-E-1 is relatively small and nobody really needs to be shoved around, night tide makes no difference for anyone but Rafiel and keeping Rafiel safe shouldn't be an issue in the first place except 4-E-5.

Fiona on the other hand while she starts off worse combat wise and costs alot more to raise compared to Kurth (BEXP+Forges+Spoonfeeding for longer periods) has availability on him and beats him in utility. I found Fiona useful in 1-7 by being the character to rescue/drop Miccy, it helped Volug eat a pure water and the other characters, like Jill and Miccy herself, gain CEXP. Her utility is also useful in Part 3, in 3-6 her canto + move can help rescue/drop characters and she can also torch and help detransform laguz. In 3-12 I found her useful forming a protective fence for my characters against the enemy pegs by rescue dropping NPCs on halt. In 3-13 she can cover the right ledge on her own by rescue dropping a general located immediately under the top ledge, since they don't move even if they're on roam. She also has the possibility of being trained, I know it takes forever and doesn't show results until late Part 4 but its something Kurth lacks because even if he's fed BEXP levels he'll never have combat where as Fiona can have combat if trained.

I have more but I'll look into them a little more ^^'

I kind of agree with this one. Kurth's Night Tide can increase the survivability of the units around him, but the terrain kind of goes against him, seeing as certain squares give +10 bonuses. So after reading that, I guess I do agree. Fiona's utility can be pretty helpful, but I wouldn't try and argue her up based on her combat.

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I'm a little unsure on the Ena > Nasir thing due to not always having the same team, but I agree with the others. Though Fiona will never be trained as a combat unit in HM. I mean, she has awful bases for NM as it is. There's no hope for her in HM.

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