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Did Nintendo need Shouzou Kaga's permission to remake this game?

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Just wondering, because if they did, then wouldn't they have to get his permission to remake the rest? I'm hoping this will happen, specifically FEs2-5 being remade for the DS/DSi and not for the Wii. I understand the availability of fan-translated versions online, but it's such a hassle to get them up and running!


Uh, whoops. The title's, not right.

Edited by Yourgranny
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Is Nintendo is the one holding the rights of the franchise, not Shouzo Kaga. Despite being the creator, director and producer of the franchise since its birth, breaking with the legal owner of a series means that you lose all the possible rights you may had in the past over it by being its creator.

I assume they didn't need his permission. They can remake and do whatever else they want with the 1-5 games.

Edited by GenG
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I understand the availability of fan-translated versions online, but it's such a hassle to get them up and running!
No more a hassle than downloading any other program and installing it :/

I'd rather have Wii remakes, as IS has never done a good-looking 3D remake of a 2D game. Though, at the rate they've gone, the game will still be ugly (the last two console games weren't great by any means). Hopefully, if they could work the same magic Square does with their FFDS remakes, the games would look nice :/

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IS has some of the best 2D graphic designs I've ever seen in a videogame (Fire Emblem, Metroid, Paper Mario for example) but at the same time they are horrible with 3D graphics. There is this one legend about Paper Mario that the paper-like design came from the impossibility of creating a suitable 3D design for the game. They should ask another studio for help, but IS' policy seems to develop the tools for their games in-house.

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Is Nintendo is the one holding the rights of the franchise, not Shouzo Kaga. Despite being the creator, director and producer of the franchise since its birth, breaking with the legal owner of a series means that you lose all the possible rights you may had in the past over it by being its creator.

I assume they didn't need his permission. They can remake and do whatever else they want with the 1-5 games.

I hope you're right. As for the 3D vs 2D remakes, I wouldn't mind either way as long as they make great games out of them. But, 2D seems more likely to me, because seeing as IS tried to make FE11 as similar to FE1 as they possibly could, wouldn't they want to make future remakes with similarities to their originals?

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This topic contains Graphixfaygs.

The sheer amount of stupidity emitting from this statement is astounding.

But, 2D seems more likely to me, because seeing as IS tried to make FE11 as similar to FE1 as they possibly could, wouldn't they want to make future remakes with similarities to their originals?

2D-view games come out all the time with 3D models used. It'd be easier for the developer to work with, and would likely look nicer than static sprites. Hell, all IS needs to do is treat the 3D as they do 2D, and they'd be fine--swaying trees > five frames for a single tile.

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You're assuming that they're actually interested in remaking more games.

It seems more likely to me than IS making fresh new titles because it'd take less effort. The story and setting are already there for them, all they have to do is copy that into a new look, with some improvements and translation. Because FE is a niche series, I'd say this is the most likely thing IS will do. They're at least gonna remake FE3 if anything.

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IS actually handled the FEDS remake really well gameplay wise, and they didn't even need the original creator. I mean, look at the credits. It specifically states that the staff of the game worked on both FE1 and FE3.

Really, the same team huh; interesting. I haven't played it, so I haven't seen the credits, thanks for pointing this out.

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I mean, look at the credits. It specifically states that the staff of the game worked on both FE1 and FE3.

Really? It says something in the lines of "Thanks to the original team of 'Fire Emblem Ankoku Ryu to Hikari no Tsurugi' and 'Fire Emblem Monshou no Nazo'", it's more a special thanks. I also think that a team could hardly be the same between 2 games, not to think after 18 years... people goes out, goes in, restructuration changes, etc.

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Why would a translation be necessary for IS? If they continue the trend, they'll copy/paste the script of the original, and add in some new bits here and there.

If they continue the trend.

They've mentioned in an interview that the next remake (if there is one) won't be so simple. Dunno if they'll keep their word, but they did add in Wi-Fi for FE11.

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Which is nice, 'cause personally, if Gaiden were to be remade, it would need a lot of work--well, could use a lot of work-to make it more refined. Map layouts were far worse than the first game; bland, if only due to their data structure (and uncreativeness as well). Generally, there is a large amount of polish this title could do well from.

I'd like to see trial maps included for the remakes, rather than something like Wi-Fi.

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Where is the interview? Not that I think you're lying, I honestly like to read those.

It was included in the FE11 OST (and hence it's in Japanese).

I've been meaning to get it available publically, but that'll have to wait ^^;;;

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Wow, I'm looking forward to that interview Vincent. And if I'm not mistaken, Tsujiyoko also talks a bit (like how difficult was to recreate the music for a NES, having to work with the sound chip and that).

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