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Who are people that are good in this game

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Barst: Use him as a fighter for good STR growth. Switch him to Hero after promotion.

Kain, Abel, Frey: Cavaliers unpromoted. Sniper, Paladin, Swordmaster, Dragon Knight depending on how you want them to grow.

Ogma: Merc most of the time. Fighter if he needs some STR.

Sedgar and Sedgar: Hero or General

Lena: Sage after promotion.

Merric: Curate first, Sage after promotion.

Catria: Paladin after promotion.

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As for melee units, there are quite a few good ones you can choose from. I used Frey, Abel, Ogma, Sedgar, Wolf, Caesar, Catria, Barst and Sheeda (blessed with good strength). However, there are so other usable melee units such as Abel and Nabarl. Just go with whoever was RNG blessed, and ditched those who were RNG screwed.

For magic wielding units, I would go with Maric and Lena. Both come extremely early, and since staves give off lots of EXP, they are bound to level up quickly. Maric will be solid all around, Lena... may not. But she is a stave user so she does not need to be killing units left and right. Linde, if you are patient enough with her will turn out good, as she has good growths.

I would also suggest using Xane and Tiki. Xane is a shapeshifter, so he can transform into any of your units. Tiki is just powerful, all you have to watch out for are dragon slaying weapons.

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I usually post this list I made (with some fixes suggested by Beserker Blader) in threads like this:

Here is my list of decent characters that aren't Sedgar/Wolf:

- Marth

- Cain

- Abel

- Freyr

- Navarre

- Caesar

- Castor

- Catria

- Palla

- Cord

- Barst

- Ogma

- Merric

- Matthis (makes a potential Archer if you need one, but can work in multiple classes with decent defense and strength growth)

- Hardin

- Athena

- Rena

- Darros (as Mercenary)

- Vyland

- Julian

Here is a list of characters that are usable, but have glaring flaws that make them less attractive:

- Draug

- Shiida

- Linde

- Est

- Radd

- Wrys

- Tiki

- Gordin

- Noin

- Maria

- Ricardo

Here is a list of 'utility' characters that are decent for what they are worth:

- Wendell

- Jake/Beck

- Xane

- Bantu

- Nagi

- Gotoh

- Wrys (yes, I list him in two different categories)

- Horace (decent mid-game tank)

Edited by FE3 Player
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Also, you should specify Athena's optimal class as Pegasus Knight.
If I do that, then I'll have to list optimal classes for every character when players will likely want to play how they want.

I mostly posted the suggestion for Machis as an Archer because he'll end up better than other archers you get, but I'm going to edit the post to say that he is usable as other classes, and Darros as a Mercenary because Darros has very shaky stats as other classes.

Edited by FE3 Player
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