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There was literally like 10 seconds between the name change and the topic, how could you have known? <_<

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I was struggling. I was gonna not press it but finally I clicked "change name" and it said I didn't enter my password. So I entered it and struggled again. Btw, I can't make another name change until the 15th this month.

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I'm just gonna stick to calling you Hikarusa till you change your name again. I hope you won't mind. If you do. Well. Sorry guy.

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What? Are you a Christian? The only reason I changed my name to this was to piss Christians off with that whole "don't use the lord's name in vain" thingy. I don't believe in god. I don't believe in myself. Yet I'm right here. Hmm... quite a predicament.

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What? Are you a Christian? The only reason I changed my name to this was to piss Christians off with that whole "don't use the lord's name in vain" thingy. I don't believe in god. I don't believe in myself. Yet I'm right here. Hmm... quite a predicament.

oh really, i thougts you were trying to take my place....

carry on

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Nah, I ain't christian or anything like that. I'm a philosopher. A semi-existentionalist. I may not believe in a christian God, but whether is real or not I have a sort of respect for him.

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You should make your name Goddess.

look underneath my avatar

i was officially goddess incarnate since my 250th post

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@Sapphirox: Perfect. My plan is being set in stone. Now to piss off everyone who believes in god and that stupid "don't use the word god in vain or I'll eat your soul" thing.

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Bad Metal Rabbit using my name in vain, now I'm afraid I'll have to eat your soul. Nom nom nom.

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