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What Pairings are the Most Fitting Pairings In Your


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I still find it as to why the birth went totally wrong with Ishtar and Ishtor. Probably the game designers forgot to explain that detail.
And I think they forgot to add Fala blood to Ishtar and Ishtor. ._.
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I'll just ignore the stupid parts as usual...

Azel/Lachesis sucks imo. Hey, let's bring these kid's amazing Str back to bleh, just so they can use ~* magic swords *~ and attack ~* mixed *~. How ~* cool *~. And Nanna is a healer with ~* good magic *~, how useful!

Nanna's Mag is 1 higher at base with Azel compared to Beowulf as a father. So it doesn't really make a difference until that 35% growth boost kicks in. So at 21, Azel!Nanna will have 13, while Beo!Nanna has 6. Great, she heals 7 more HP. What an amazing difference.

For magic swords, those things are limited. The Wind Sword and the Light Sword are the only really good ones, and the Thunder Sword is passable. The Fire Sword's ranged attack is simply too heavy (12 wt), and the Earth Sword would be fun to use if it wasn't totally unfit for battles that last longer than a second (gogo 10 uses). And you have many many other people around who want those things for range too, most notably Fee, whose father often ends up being a magical dude.

And the Def/Res gap difference isn't big enough to surpass the Str/Mag gap. Nanna's Mag isn't ever surpassing her Str, and it _starts_ with only a difference of 3 in Str's favor. At promotion, the difference is about 10 in Str's favor. Then factor in that melee swords can upgrade to higher Mt (Steel Blade has 16 mt, Silver has 20, Hero Sword attacks two extra times, etc). Even with Azel as a father, Nanna has better damage output with melee swords than with magical. Imagine what Beowulf as a dad would do for her, with 1 base and 15% more growth...usually caps out Str right before promotion.

Azel!Delmud's growths are closer (50% to 42%, Str to Mag), but his base Str is 7 higher than his base Mag, and he doesn't have that rather stupid +5 Mag upon promotion.

So basically, Azel x Lachesis means you have to rob others of ranged swords, just to perform roughly the same or worse with magic swords than with normal swords, when they could have performed much better in any other pairing with normal swords.

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Well, if third cousins is still incest, as Azel says, I guess there's no avoiding it. Aira and Holyn=incest. For this, I always like to think that as long as the married couple aren't full siblings, and as long as their holy blood is only minor, then the holy blood is enough to counteract any negative effects of incest. I know that that can't be proven, but you have to admit, it'd be pretty stupid of the Divine Dragons to not have some kind of insurance in case the Major Blood dude dies, otherwise, even if a Major Blood can be made again, they'd be damaged so badly by incest, that they'de be worthless anyways.

Speaking of that though, Sylvia and Claude....now that I think of it, is is pretty strongly implied that they are brother and sister, I tried to ignore that since I liked the pairing so much, but now there's no avoiding it. I hate incest, so I'm changing that. I now prefer AlecXSylvia, cuz both of them seem equally likely to be suitors to Sylvia, and that one isn't incest...

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Well, if third cousins is still incest, as Azel says, I guess there's no avoiding it. Aira and Holyn=incest. For this, I always like to think that as long as the married couple aren't full siblings, and as long as their holy blood is only minor, then the holy blood is enough to counteract any negative effects of incest. I know that that can't be proven, but you have to admit, it'd be pretty stupid of the Divine Dragons to not have some kind of insurance in case the Major Blood dude dies, otherwise, even if a Major Blood can be made again, they'd be damaged so badly by incest, that they'de be worthless anyways.

Speaking of that though, Sylvia and Claude....now that I think of it, is is pretty strongly implied that they are brother and sister, I tried to ignore that since I liked the pairing so much, but now there's no avoiding it. I hate incest, so I'm changing that. I now prefer AlecXSylvia, cuz both of them seem equally likely to be suitors to Sylvia, and that one isn't incest...

You hate incest?

...and yet you try to do CeliceXYuria, I see...

And AlecXSylvia SUCKS so bad...

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Speaking of that though, Sylvia and Claude....now that I think of it, is is pretty strongly implied that they are brother and sister, I tried to ignore that since I liked the pairing so much, but now there's no avoiding it. I hate incest, so I'm changing that. I now prefer AlecXSylvia, cuz both of them seem equally likely to be suitors to Sylvia, and that one isn't incest...


Pretty shallow reason to change your pairing in the game just because of that.

Not to be rude, but maybe FE isn't really your game, especially FE4.

And AlecXSylvia SUCKS so bad...

Couldn't agree more. I prefer to kill off Sylvia if I ever pair her up again with Alec.

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Pretty shallow reason to change your pairing in the game just because of that.

Well, yeah, I guess your right, I guess I said the most "fitting" pairs, not the ones we like the most. Fine, your right.

Not to be rude, but maybe FE isn't really your game, especially FE4.

Holy crap man, so, just for showing shallow reasoning for changing a pair, I'm supposed to not like this game?! Or not be good at it? I love this game! I love it so much, I actually wanted to do a playthrough log of it! I think it's tied for best in the series alongside FE7 (even if I haven't played FE10 or FE5 yet).

Anyways, I'm sorry if you didn't mean to be rude, but you were, in fact, rude. Actually, that's about as rude as you could possibly get. Look, I made a mistake, I was being silly ok? No matter how screwed up some parts of it might be, I love it as a whole! And it's really only a minor annoyance.

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Holy crap man, so, just for showing shallow reasoning for changing a pair, I'm supposed to not like this game?! Or not be good at it? I love this game! I love it so much, I actually wanted to do a playthrough log of it! I think it's tied for best in the series alongside FE7 (even if I haven't played FE10 or FE5 yet).

Anyways, I'm sorry if you didn't mean to be rude, but you were, in fact, rude. Actually, that's about as rude as you could possibly get. Look, I made a mistake, I was being silly ok? No matter how screwed up some parts of it might be, I love it as a whole! And it's really only a minor annoyance.

Well, I know I sounded rude, but that's not my intention. =/

FE is a series where you found incest as a common thing, especially FE4. Incest is everywhere, ftw.

So in my opinion, FE isn't supposed to be your game if you hate incest.

But to each her/his own.

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Well, yeah, I guess your right, I guess I said the most "fitting" pairs, not the ones we like the most.

...So basically, a canon fight...

And I just got through saying that canon pairings don't always make the best sense...








None of Bridget's pairings make sense.

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>____> Neither of which can pass on swords to Patty, are thieves or have had a previous love with Edin.

>____> Alec then.

.............................................................NAH! Screw Alec! That guy deserves to die! >_>

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Alec is alright... if you pair him with NOISH.

He's no good, that guy ._______.


I want to scream about him as a trash. But I swear I can hear Mekkah's voice nearby.

I'm getting paranoid. .______.

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She's a consolation prize for those who couldn't get Adean.

OMG. This is so true.

Er.....Alec says hi?

That was him getting on Ranked Run.

No one does rank run.

Scream trash.

Fine with me.


But I love my money too much to do it. .__.

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Alright, well, this thread was supposed to include the second generation too, but I accidently posted this thread before it was finished (hence the weird title, which was supposed to end with "Opinion"). So, these are my choices for the second generation...

CeliceXJulia: I know that this was removed, but the evidence remaining of their relationship reinforces this way too much. And...despite the incest...I actually like this pairing. I think they should be with each other, and here's my excuse for the whole incest thing. Look how many bloods they have! Celice has Major Baldo and Minor Narga while Julia has Major Narga and Minor Fala. That's a lot of different blood types! So since the blood varies so much in the two, their children just might be able to be born without birth defects caused by incest.

You see, the reason incest affects children the way it does is because of how thin our blood has gotten over the years. In the early days, it wasn't as much as a problem, because blood was fuller back then. But now we have so many families today, that our blood has gotten so thin, that if we have someone who shares similar blood, the childs blood is going to be so lacking in different traits, that it damages the child a lot. But, since there are so many different kinds of blood inside Julia and Celice, they might be able to get away with it.

That's just a justification of mine though, so take it as you will.

LanaXSkahasa: Even though FavalXLana have a lover point raising conversation while Lana and Skahasa don't, it just doesn't make sense to me for them to be with each other. But, keep this in mind, I've never seen their conversation before, I've never made it past Chapter 8, so there could be quite a bit that I don't know about. I think Lana and Skahasa are more appropriate considering that they've known each other since childhood.

However, I could also easily be biased because of my dislike for incest. So um....could someone please help me out here? If anyone knows what Lana and Faval said to each other in both their conversations with each other, could they please tell me? Please?

LakcheXJohalva: Yeah, again, Lakche has a love point raising conversation with Shanan but not Johalva, however, that seems extremely odd, because all that really happened was that Shanan asked her what was going on, and taught her a few things about swordsmenship because she wasn't confident in her skills. That doesn't exactly spell "experiencing a growing relationship" to me. Plus, Shanan is what, 16 years older than Lakche? That's a pretty big age difference!

Anyways though, their relationship seems to be more like that of a girl who idolizes someone who teaches them a lot of important lessons, then someone who is in love with him. You know, like master and apprentice.

Also, even in the first conversation she has with Johalva, she's showing signs of great like for Johalva, calling him wonderful for joining their side, and generally very happy about the fact that he was as good and kind as she thought he was. Hell, she even knows of the massive crush he has on her, so if anything, I'd think she'd be leaning towards him rather than Shanan, I mean, with Johalvas crush, they probably interact with each other a lot.

FeeXArthur: These two seem almost destined to be with each other. They both have a lot in common, they both seem to like each other a lot, and they even have a love boosting conversation that they don't share with any other. So, lovers? I think so.

NannaXLeaf: Not much to say actually, neither of them are very interesting characters, so I'm almost bored writing this up. Anyways, the usual, known each other since childhood, have a love boosting conversation only with each other.

LeenXAless: Look at everything that happened in Chapter 7 and take a wild guess...

TinnyxSety: Interestingly enough, neither of them seem to share love boosting conversations with anyone! So, because of that, just about everyone but Celice is equally likely to be her mate. She has the options of Hawk, Sety, Leaf, and Celice.

Tinny and Leaf? I don't see that happening at all, they just don't seem like a match to me. Naw, Sety and Tinny have a lot more in common, plus, you have to admit, the prospect of their children having all three mage holy bloods is pretty dang awesome, don't ya think?

AltennaXNo one: Yeah, you heard me, I don't think she's interested in anyone. According to this site, she doesn't have a lovers conversation, so, I guess no one is a match for her.

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AltennaXNo one: Yeah, you heard me, I don't think she's interested in anyone. According to this site, she doesn't have a lovers conversation, so, I guess no one is a match for her.

Actually, Allione.

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Long conversation is long.

I also always wondered why Althena (Altenna?) can't be paired with anyone. It's fine, because I can send her on true solo missions that don't expose her to mages. (Or if she needs help, send Leaf and his lover with them.)

Come to think about it ... couples ... I'll talk about the second generation first, because the first generation leads to plenty of debates. (Skipping over the substitutes, because the story for them is more or less the same -- unless otherwise noted.)

Looking at growth rates and character dialogue, these are probably the pairings closest to canon. (Wish I had translations of endings, so I can give it more evidence -- feel free to add if you have any.)

Celice: He can virtually get any woman he wants. Lackhe, Tinny, Nanna, Patty, Fee, and before they find out they're related, Julia ... can all fall for him, (Roy, eat your heart out) and except for Julia, all have conversations with him in the final chapter. He also gets love points from Patty (Chapter 7 -- along with a hero sword), and Tinny (Chapter 8, after Conote is captured). However, Rana seems to be the best option out there. He starts with 100 points toward her, and gets another 100 after IF Sophara is conquered. Celice and Rana are almost very similar to Roy and Lilina from FE6, or if you REALLY want to go there, Marth and Sheeda from FE1. (Maybe I should've made the list women who don't really show interest ... which is only Leen and Altenna -- and the latter is his cousin, but that obviously isn't stopping some of these pairings.)

Shanan: I'm surprised that the game finds Lackhe as the better choice (Starts with 220, and gets an extra 100 in Chapter 7), but Patty is also a strong possibility (Starts with 100, and gives 100 in Chapter 7 -- which is outright mandatory, as it's the conversation that gives Shanan the Balmunk.) This is actually quite open for debate in terms of who's better for Shanan storyline wise.

Oifey: There's nothing in growth rates that suggest anything, but if you have him paired with Fee, there's a lover conversation in the final chapter.

Skasaher: Wow, the man gets NO love from the women. Bad enough that his sister always outclasses him. The only woman that he has any kind of lover conversation with is Rana, and she is almost always paired with Celice in most cases. Poor, poor Skasaher ...

Lester: He's as unlucky as Skasaher in the ladies' department. Worse, the only woman that will pay him any mind (aside from Rana, his sister), is Patty ... his cousin. (Which of course, neither is aware of.)

Delmud: If Skasaher and Lester are unlucky, Delmud should never step in a casino. You think he'd be luckier since he inherited some charisma from his mom -- which we know there are several rumors about thanks to Thracia 776. However, there is no sign of anything.

Arthur: We know Fee is the one for him. They start with 100 love points, (traveling around together before the story helps), and they get an extra 100 love points in Chapter 8. (Not to mention they have a chat in the final chapter if they do become lovers.)

Johan/Johalvier: I won't even bother going in depth about this -- the answer is Lackhe. 200 points in meeting, both brothers have a crush on her, and they have a chat at the final chapter if they become lovers.

Leaf: Canon points to Nanna. The 100 points they start off with also helps, and they get an extra 100 in Chapter 10 -- in addition to the lover's conversation. If you want to throw a wrench into those plans (*evil smile*), Tinny has a lover's conversation with Leaf as well in the final chapter.

Aless: Leen outright wins. They start at 300 points. (Meaning, they were probably dating at that point already), and their relationship is pretty straight forward. If you want to bust up that relationship, there is Nanna. (Who shares a lover's conversation in the final chapter.) However, that reminds me too much of one implied incense couple from Generation One -- even more odd, as it's their children.

Faval: No sign of any bonus relationship points anywhere. The only conversation I see is the final chapter, if he and Rana are lovers. This is the exact the same as Lester/Patty, who have NO idea that they're cousins. It also doesn't help that Rana draws a ton of interest from men -- just like her mom.

Sety: There's only one woman that shows remote interest in him -- Tinny. (And she's quite available, as the only other competition is Celice and maybe Leaf.) They have a couple conversation in the final chapter.

Corple: How does a kid (who should look older, as his most likely fathers are dead) get girls, is beyond me. (Must be the cuteness factor.) Both Patty (not Daisy) and Rana give a high start to lover points. (200 for Patty, 220 for Rana.) Also, if there were any inkling to her being paired, I could also see Altenna as a small possibility. However, the daughters of the first generation twins get quite a bit of attention from men, and he has no lover conversation with any of the women. Still ... Corple gets more love from women than Delmud, Skasaher, and Lester. *laughs*

Story wise, she [Althena] is in love with Arion.

Oh? Really? To me it’s [selis/Rana] not the best pairing, more like the most obvious pairing. After all, Rana showed to be the obsessive one compared to the others. And I’ll admit I’m not a Selis/Rana supporter, in fact…out of all the Selis’ suitors, I dislike Rana the most.

I try to like Lana, I really do, but there's a point where I just think that even Lakche is a better suitor for Celice, given the higher increase in critical. (COUGH I use action replay for his pairing anyway COUGH) Besides, Johan/Johalvier are much better suitors for Lana (based on adorable convo at the end), and for some reason Saskasha/Teeny works out for me just fine.

IIRC, Celice can be paired with Yuria even after he finds out they're (half)siblings, but the process is reeeeeeally long. It spans the entire second generation to do; but there's also a different way, I hear, that can be done in the first fifty or so turns of the sixth chapter after getting Yuria.

Not that you would want to pair them up anyways, it's too late for any good use of lover criticals and they don't get that many to begin with.

If I have Jeanne, I will always pair her up with Leaf, but if I have Nanna, I either give her to Aless or keep her alone.

Interesting, as I always suspected that w/ Altenna before she joined. It also helps that Arion saved her butt twice. (Even knocking her out to more or less prevent harsher punishment.) Sometimes, I think it's a sibling relationship, (they did grow up that way), sometimes I think it's true love. (If they ever have children ... hoo ... let's just say that I don't want to fight a lance user with Dain and Nova blood in them with the possibility of a little Baldo.)

Oh? Really? To me it’s not the best pairing, more like the most obvious pairing. After all, Rana showed to be the obsessive one compared to the others. And I’ll admit I’m not a Selis/Rana supporter, in fact…out of all the Selis’ suitors, I dislike Rana the most. I'm certainly not a fan of Celice/Rana either. (She's too obsessive, as you mentioned -- not to mention he needs to be in front lines, while she needs to stay back until promotion.) I always prefer to bust up someone else's pairing -- more often than not, my Celice usually ends up with Lackhe, although this time around, I'm trying to pair him with Tinny. ^_^ (Ah, the ability to start from a Chapter 6 save.) However, I should rephrase my statement. She is the most obvious pairing.

Celice and Julia ... virtually love at first sight, but people tend to like that couple just for the incest. Then again, there is a history of that in royal families, and Jugdral is certainly no exception. (How many cousin pairings can be made in this game?)

I still wonder how Celice and Julia don't have Lopt. blood in them. Perhaps the major blood and minor blood reject Lopt. blood, or perhaps the game makers didn't want Celice and Julia to have broken magic (Well, Julia's magic is already broken with Major Narga/Minor Fala) and resistance.

I do agree that some canon pairings -- while good story-line wise, can be quite impractical. I already stated Celice/Rana already.

Shanan/Patty -- there's some flirtation, but if no one likes that, both have other serious canon options (Lackhe in Shanan's case, numerous men in Patty's case). You also don't need Patty to be Shanan's lover to give him money for Balmunk (ab)use.

Ares/Lynn -- Too cute for me to ignore, but at the same time, I don't want to slow Ares down as he needs to be in front lines, while Lynn needs to stay back.

Johan-Johalvier/Lackhe -- I'm so tired of this couple. There should be more canon options. >_>

The canon pairing that like most is Sety/Tinny, because it makes a ton of sense. Same movement, covers the cycle of magic betwen them if Levin and Azel are their fathers. (Could be reversed too. Tinny using Tornado is quite fun in mix with Thoron, while Sety can just use Lightning magic, as Fire magic is unreasonably heavy ...)

I usually keep Teeny and Arthur alone for the sake of the final conversation they have. Lawl, incest. No, really. None of their pairings interest me at all (because the lolita complex is fun), and SetyTeeny makes no sense to me. Canon or not, just because they're magic users all of the sudden they're meant to be. This is coming from someone who keeps pairing Teeny with Leaf to ruin canon once and for all and action replay for otherwise impossible pairings... 8D!

I've always wondered about that whole Lopt blood thing but I came to the conclusion. Sigurd said that Baldo was the crusader of light. St. Heim was also a crusader but not of light, more of... divinity, perhaps. Add the two together and Lopt blood doesn't have a chance in survival. Yuria's blood is because of the whole twin factor. I don't want to complicate things, so I'll leave it at that.

Interesting, as I always suspected that w/ Altenna before she joined. It also helps that Arion saved her butt twice. (Even knocking her out to more or less prevent harsher punishment.) Sometimes, I think it's a sibling relationship, (they did grow up that way), sometimes I think it's true love. (If they ever have children ... hoo ... let's just say that I don't want to fight a lance user with Dain and Nova blood in them with the possibility of a little Baldo.)
Arion tried to kill her, not knocked her out. Well, actually he pretended that he killed her. But Travant seemed to disapproving Arion’s action, and asked “Do you need to kill her?” or something like that. So I don’t know what kind of harsher punishment Arion tried to prevent. Still, despite all of that, I truly believe they (Arion and Althena) love each other.
I still wonder how Celice and Julia don't have Lopt. blood in them. Perhaps the major blood and minor blood reject Lopt. blood, or perhaps the game makers didn't want Celice and Julia to have broken magic (Well, Julia's magic is already broken with Major Narga/Minor Fala) and resistance.
[Insert Fia's Explanation]
Ares/Lynn -- Too cute for me to ignore, but at the same time, I don't want to slow Ares down as he needs to be in front lines, while Lynn needs to stay back.

They are a sweet pairing, but they also kind of strike me as a bland one. Yeah, that’s why.

I usually keep Teeny and Arthur alone for the sake of the final conversation they have. Lawl, incest.

You bad, bad girl. XD

Well, as for pairings in the second gen...I generally don't try to get them, and just go for what happens naturally...But I do try to avoid CeliceLana. That one happened on my first file, and being ignorant, I thought killing her would make it go away. Still lovers afterwards lol. But she was Dew's daughter, so she wasn't too great anyway. Not that Dew is a bad parent, but he's just not right for those kids.
Trabant, Arion ... the whole Thracia scenario is complex. Trabant takes advantage of situations, and he makes for one of the more interesting antagonists in any Fire Emblem, but there is some humanity in him -- which is quite open for debate.

I wanted Thracia 776 to explore that further than what it did -- and came out quite disappointed. (Then again, that game ends somewhere in Chapter 8 of Genealogy, so it wasn't getting to Chapter 9, where the good parts were.)

Arion tried to kill her, not knocked her out. Well, actually he pretended that he killed her. But Travant seemed to disapproving Arion’s action, and asked “Do you need to kill her?” or something like that. So I don’t know what kind of harsher punishment Arion tried to prevent. Still, despite all of that, I truly believe they (Arion and Althena) love each other.

I think Trabant would've probably thown Altenna in a cell if Arion hadn't knocked her out. (... at least it's better than what Shagaal did to Eltoshan.) I think he has some compassion (and perhaps guilt) toward Althena. If it were someone like Hannibal ...

I usually keep Teeny and Arthur alone for the sake of the final conversation they have. Lawl, incest.

That may necessary. There is no major Tordo after Ishtar dies in battle ... unless you want to count Amid and Linda's minor Tordo as well, but even then, that requires incest.

Very interesting theory on blood inheritance by the way.

( =o You guys took me seriously on ArthurTeeny? I believe it's a one sided love XD OS!Teeny)

They way you said it made it sounded serious actually. XD And it IS one-side love Tinny/Arthur.

I find Trabant to be one of the most interesting antagonists indeed. His actions are undoubtedly cruel and heartless, but he's doing it all for the sake of his nation; he's using the only resource that Thracia really has, which are its dragon knights. Even in his dying words, he expresses his love of his nation. As for his opinion on Altenna, I think he has indeed acquired a fatherly bond with her. I don't think he has any guilt for killing her parents, but he has grown attached to her. Again, the whole strict yet caring father thing. Perhaps he even is viewing her as a Thracian, one of his people.

I agree with the whole Sylvia being Claude's sister thing, too. With all of this game's incest, I'm sure it's true XD

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I hope you still can swallow this tiny post after Azel's GIGA post.

Hur, at the game when incest is so encouraged on the player to make…you think there exist such thing as blood defect? All in all, it might only make the children even more prefect than they should. =/

Minor + Minor = Major; Incest = Godly children. Yeah, where is the defect?

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I hope you still can swallow this tiny post after Azel's GIGA post.

Hur, at the game when incest is so encouraged on the player to make…you think there exist such thing as blood defect? All in all, it might only make the children even more prefect than they should. =/

Minor + Minor = Major; Incest = Godly children. Yeah, where is the defect?


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