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You know what sucks?


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Google sucks. FEE has been the fourth/fifth result for months, and I woke up this morning to find it sitting on the fourth page. Instead, FEW, a dead site, has taken it's place. What a great Christmas present.

I can't remember if SF was ever a top 10 result for the fire emblem keyword, but it's on the second page now anyway.

Edited by Dave
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Google sucks. FEE has been the fifth result for months, and I woke up this morning to find it sitting on the fourth page. What a great Christmas present.

I can't remember if SF was ever a top 10 result for the fire emblem keyword, but it's on the second page now anyway.

ah okay the search is what ur talkin about. Sorry bout the misinterpretation.

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...wow, this site (SF) is actually cited on the wiki page for Fire Emblem, that's pretty awesome lol

little do they know that it leads to a portal to bitchy whiny EPIC DRAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Actually, I'm barely involved with Wikipedia, but the SF external link is probably about to be removed again. Sorry to break it to you but this is a fan site, it has no more reason to be there than FEU, FEE, FEB, FEO, etc and none of those have any reason for it.

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SF was on the first page for a while, but only on Google.com.

Actually, I'm barely involved with Wikipedia, but the SF external link is probably about to be removed again. Sorry to break it to you but this is a fan site, it has no more reason to be there than FEU, FEE, FEB, FEO, etc and none of those have any reason for it.

I argued with a knowledgable and fair guy and we both agreed to keep SF as an external link. Thus it has remained there for a good year or so, without anyone objecting. You (not you, but in general lol) can argue to remove it, but I hope you don't remove it without reason, as one or two people have been doing.

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It has been like that for a while now. A few weeks ago I was looking for FE:SD artwork and character portraits for a review and couldn't find it anywhere. Two days after I turned in the review I found exactly what I needed here. Bleh.

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SF was on the first page for a while, but only on Google.com.

I argued with a knowledgable and fair guy and we both agreed to keep SF as an external link. Thus it has remained there for a good year or so, without anyone objecting. You (not you, but in general lol) can argue to remove it, but I hope you don't remove it without reason, as one or two people have been doing.

I don't believe that any fansite should be linked to from Wikipedia, in my opinion it is just plain disrespectful and wrong. It's nothing personal at all. If this website was in any way endorsed by IS that would be a completely different story, but you're not, you just simply have no right. I just hope I don't have to be the one to finish this debate with the editor.

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I don't really see how it's disrespectful or wrong (do fansites pee on the company or something? o__o), but I do understand that fansites might be unnecessary for other reasons.

On the other hand, there is information you cannot obtain out of fansites, because the companies won't reveal the information, or because it's in another language. This pretty much sums my side of the argument- this site exists to provide information on the series, including those not directly relevant to Wikipedia. I'm sure it being linked is more productive than harmful.


Actually, I just realised I do have some insight in my first paragraph. Fansites are pretty liberal at using copyrighted work; their argument is usually that they don't make money from it and they give recognition to the owners.

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Hmm, I was sure you believed that question didn't matter, but I'll ask you something similar:

What sites do you believe have more info than SF?

The only site that can compare IMO is FE Planet, but that lacks coverage for FE6 and before. The other competition were EFED and FESS, but I'm sure most people would agree that SF has surpassed both content-wise (basically SF had mostly everything those sites had plus more, eg. FE10-11 data) and besides both are defunct now (which is, strangely, kind of saddening to an extent, since their existence had a large part in shaping this site).

I guess that's my answer, and I haven't really mentioned anything about SF, itself, at all.

There are Chinese and Japanese sites that almost definitely have more information, but I don't think you're thinking of those, especially since we're talking about the English Wikipedia (right?).

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Hmm, I was sure you believed that question didn't matter, but I'll ask you something similar:

What sites do you believe have more info than SF?

The only site that can compare IMO is FE Planet, but that lacks coverage for FE6 and before. The other competition were EFED and FESS, but I'm sure most people would agree that SF has surpassed both content-wise (basically SF had mostly everything those sites had plus more, eg. FE10-11 data) and besides both are defunct now (which is, strangely, kind of saddening to an extent, since their existence had a large part in shaping this site).

I guess that's my answer, and I haven't really mentioned anything about SF, itself, at all.

There are Chinese and Japanese sites that almost definitely have more information, but I don't think you're thinking of those, especially since we're talking about the English Wikipedia (right?).

I am tired of splitting quotes from another forum I use, sorry about the list use.

1. I do not, but in an attempt to help you kind of see things my way I am working off of what you give me.

2. FEP has the content that actually matters, I believe. But I consider this a useless subject to go off on if you are using it this way.

Fansites do not belong on Wikipedia. Another community I used based around a series (Armored Core) had a similar thing going on, but the difference there was that Ubisoft actually ENDORSED the community, making it not a fansite but the official Armored Core community.

I mean I'm not putting much into this, I don't care much either way, I just think that abusing Wikipedia for traffic is very low.

Shut up Sothe, lol.

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2. FEP has the content that actually matters, I believe. But I consider this a useless subject to go off on if you are using it this way.

This is not related to being linked by Wikipedia, but, assuming you're not counting FETO as content, you're basically saying that sprites matter over extra information? This seems a tad bizarre to me. I mean, I do like sprites, and I'll admit they're quite popular, and I do like FE Planet, but still... I just wanted to know what exactly you meant.

Fansites do not belong on Wikipedia

Where does it say that on Wikipedia? Since that's probably the most relevant place.

I mean I'm not putting much into this, I don't care much either way, I just think that abusing Wikipedia for traffic is very low.

It probably qualifies as abusing, but it's pretty low-level, don't you think? I'm not saying you can't have a problem with it, but you sound like you worry too much to me X D

Okay, I kind of worry a lot on the other end, but, hey, it's my site being linked. What do you expect? : P


Don't mind the last part much; I just reread what you posted. Although the way you say it and the way you've been posting, it just sounds like you do care o__o

However, you're like that with everything, right?

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I guess I am. It's an incorrect assumption a lot of people make because I discuss things that I don't care much about, but the way I see it I am here, I have a few minutes to kill, why not?

Anyways what I meant is content for old games really doesn't do much for you, Fire Emblem is a growing series. I just went to the starting area of Wikpedia's guidelines and.. seriously fuck that, I do not care anywhere close enough to dig that much, editors can handle it. XD

But I am a fan of Wikipedia, I think free information for everyone is a great thing, that's why I tend to look down on people who misuse it.

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Anyways what I meant is content for old games really doesn't do much for you, Fire Emblem is a growing series. I just went to the starting area of Wikpedia's guidelines and.. seriously fuck that, I do not care anywhere close enough to dig that much, editors can handle it. XD

Hey, we currently have the best English FE11 content. I didn't mention that because I thought it was pretty obvious X D

You can also count on SF to have the best info on FE12 and over as well ; )

Lol, I'm starting to sound like I'm plugging my site, on my own site. If it didn't already sound like that earlier...

Anyway, you could say the same thing for sprites, except the games are newer. However you can't deny spriting activity has severely gone down since years ago. Assuming, you were around back then, I dunno if you were : o

But I am a fan of Wikipedia, I think free information for everyone is a great thing, that's why I tend to look down on people who misuse it.

Fansites nearly always give information for free as well. Besides they can cover stuff not in Wikipedia's scope, like detailed character info.

Whilst I'll admit the extra traffic from Wikipedia is nice, I wouldn't have thought to add SF if I didn't think people would benefit from it. I have my own morals ^^

I just went to the starting area of Wikpedia's guidelines and.. seriously fuck that, I do not care anywhere close enough to dig that much, editors can handle it. XD

AFAIK, there is no statement there that states fansites aren't allowed. If there is, I will have to rethink my position slightly. The only thing SF violates, explicitly, is usage of copyrighted material, but I sort of covered that. Basically I don't think anyone really minds. Hopefully.

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I am sure it's there, I've seen people get into shit because of it numerous times, it's just not the most strict thing.

But one day if another site has more content or gets endorsed and SF is replaced you fellows aren't allowed to complain now.

I'd just like to make a side note, you are an incredibly pleasant person to have debate type things with. Here I am discussing something that would hurt SF if it went my way and you haven't even gotten heated. *claps*

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Haha, sure. If that happens ^^

Not saying that it's not impossible, of course. Just a little unlikely, at least in the future that matters for me.

I'd just like to make a side note, you are an incredibly pleasant person to have debate type things with. Here I am discussing something that would hurt SF if it went my way and you haven't even gotten heated. *claps*

Although I'm not too familiar with you, I've seen enough of you to know what you're like X D

Besides, even though I did use some effort to get SF on the external lists, I already anticipated that it could get taken down one day. Basically, as long as it's up, that's good. If not, no big deal. Similarly, it's not like you've attacked my site in any direct way, like saying "lol the layout sucks" or something.

I also try to be neutral in every "debate" I have, for various reasons. Dunno why, but I've found it's not too hard to do, despite being easily aggravated in RL (well, by some people) o__o

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