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Pokemon Wi-fi tourney


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Ok, I'll take it as that then.

Another thing : as you probably know, I'm in a different time zone as most, if not all of you (UTC+9).

I'd thus like to know : at which hour the tournament begins today ? So I make sure not to miss it and arrange myself for sleep hours if needed.

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Alright, registration is over let the tourney begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be setting up the brackets soon

This is how it will work

I will put up the brackets and you guys have 8 days to complete your match. Then the Winner posts here I won then they move on. Fair enough?

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Are you making brackets for both tourneys, or just mashing them all together?

i was wondering this as well but i did not want to double post.

When is this thing gonna stat anyways?

I need to know not because lack of patience but i want to know if i will have time to finish training 2 of my new pokemons.

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Brackets round One!!

Okay we have 8 days to do the match!!!!!! Pm the user to find a day!!! Remember the rules









Metal Arc


Edited by Doom_Dragon_103
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Doom, are those brackets for Single Battles only, or for both Single Battles and Double Battles ?

Remember, I asked for participation in both Singles and Doubles, with preference for Doubles is we could only enter in one of them.

And, hmm... Can't find Faiya in the member database. Probably has changed user name. Faiya, could you please PM me, or post in the topic, so we can arrange our battle ?

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Ok, roger on the fact it's a Single Battles bracket.

But, just a last and quick question : will there be a Double Battles bracket ? Because I designed a Double Battle team specifically for the tournament, and it would be a shame to throw it to waste. :/

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Ok, roger on the fact it's a Single Battles bracket.

But, just a last and quick question : will there be a Double Battles bracket ? Because I designed a Double Battle team specifically for the tournament, and it would be a shame to throw it to waste. :/

After we finish the singles I'll start registration for a doubles ^_^

Edited by Doom_Dragon_103
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