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why must eliwood fail?!?!?


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Without stat boosters, he sucks, though. :S

Its too bad you have to stick with him throughout the whole game. He doesn't even have a personality. :/

2 extra points of defense and 7 extra points of HP don't make someone un-suck. :/ He has a Rapier, gets a mount upon promotion, get lances upon promotion, and can wield Durandal (sp?). If we're talking stat boosters, you can just give him a body ring or two and he'll be fine with Durandal.

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Without stat boosters, he sucks, though. :S

Its too bad you have to stick with him throughout the whole game. He doesn't even have a personality. :/

His personality is quite generic. Conventional hero.

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Lyn and Hector are pretty generic, too.

Lyn: Awkward and normal teenager who discovers something (like that they're royalty) about themselves that causes them to leave on an adventure.

Hector: Rebellious teenager who only cares about fighting and stuff.

Btw, is it only me, or was Eliwood cooler (personality-wise) in Lyn Mode?

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2 extra points of defense and 7 extra points of HP don't make someone un-suck. :/ He has a Rapier, gets a mount upon promotion, get lances upon promotion, and can wield Durandal (sp?). If we're talking stat boosters, you can just give him a body ring or two and he'll be fine with Durandal.

The Rapier is good, but beyond its dragon slaying, Durandal is nothing more than massive AS rape. He would need both Body Rings and then two more to nullify its weight.

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The Rapier is good, but beyond its dragon slaying, Durandal is nothing more than massive AS rape. He would need both Body Rings and then two more to nullify its weight.

You'd use it for something other than slaying the dragon?

Eliwood's Rapier's probably a prime candidate for Hammerne, actually. You get Wolf Beils later in Hector's Story, and Lyn's Mani Katti repairs itself after Lyn mode. Eliwood could do with a raep weapon for a while longer.

Edited by ChaosNinji
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You'd use it, period? With capped Spd and +4 Con, he still can't double the Dragon. I'd rather use something like a Killer Lance which will not weigh him down and likely double, with the added possibility of a crit.

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But cause minimal damage at best. Durandal is basically a garanteed critical hit with a weapon that has higher might than a Killer Lance. The only way to beat that is to critical twice on the dragon.

But seriously, why is Eliwood fighting the dragon at all? Luna.

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