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Ripping off more former friends's names, are we?

Naw, not really, I love this name. I actually took it from omegablaster, an exfriend of mine from FEE back in the day. He was omegablaster, I is ömegablaster, and therefore, we are two twin dragon brothers in my next epic story. ^^ lol

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Naw, not really, I love this name. I actually took it from omegablaster, an exfriend of mine from FEE back in the day. He was omegablaster, I is ömegablaster, and therefore, we are two twin dragon brothers in my next epic story. ^^ lol


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Another one? ._.

Yes, and for one reason alone. ^^ I know its getting old, but this time because I decided to leave the past in the past, in other words, acting dumb and sarcastic are outta my life. I will be active mostly in the story section and perhaps a little here in spamland. With the acquisition of my new name, I wanna start over, fresh, and it calls for a new beginning in everything.

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How's the name pronouced? I don't what those thingies on top of the O are.


Tbh, Yuli, I dont know myself, I simply like the .. on top of the o, like this: ö. Its just omegablaster imo, but the two .. on top make the o look cooler.

I was gonna go with Alphablaster too, but meh.

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