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My god, RE4 is anything but a mindless decapitationfest. I'm incapable of providing deeper argumentation (having never played it before) but I won't let you put it in the same boat as Manhunt. And the Metroid games (especially Corruption) are damn fine if you ask me.

Also, so what if Galaxy is a ride? Does that make it any less of a game? Or any less of a must-have?

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My god, RE4 is anything but a mindless decapitationfest. I'm incapable of providing deeper argumentation (having never played it before) but I won't let you put it in the same boat as Manhunt. And the Metroid games (especially Corruption) are damn fine if you ask me.

Also, so what if Galaxy is a ride? Does that make it any less of a game? Or any less of a must-have?

@ bolded: No other words could have been said better myself.

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Twilight Princess was a poor Zelda game. Little emphasis on combat and poor story.

Ocarina of Time, on the other hand..

TP's story was mediocre but it had arguably the best combat system, and I found myself cutting and sniping left and right at every moment in this game.

Not to mention alot of the new dungeon items we're incredibly fun to use and opened new puzzle elements as well.

OOT is a little overrated as well...(Not that it isn't the best Zelda)

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TP's story was mediocre but it had arguably the best combat system, and I found myself cutting and sniping left and right at every moment in this game.

Not enough monsters.

There was like, nothing wrong with OoT. Nothing.

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1. There we're enough.

No way.

2. The Dungeon difficulty fluctuates, (IE: Spirit Temple being easy, Water Temple being hardest in game) Other then that it was pretty perfect.

Personal opinion. Water Temple was piss easy, Fire Temple was the hardest for me.

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TP did lack engaging monsters (darknuts in specific). And the Temple difficulty in OoT did fluctuate, but its dungeons were absolutely awesomesauce (why have a generic forest dungeon when you can have a haunted house that rapes the space continuum?)

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TP did lack engaging monsters (darknuts in specific). And the Temple difficulty in OoT did fluctuate, but its dungeons were absolutely awesomesauce (why have a generic forest dungeon when you can have a haunted house that rapes the space continuum?)

1. I'm just gonna agree to disagree on the monster thing.

2. One thing Wind Waker has on both is that Dakrnuts are in no short supply.

3. I wouldn't rate Wind Waker above either, that game died when you ahd to find the Triforce Charts.

4. Bolded for truth BTW.

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TECHNICALLY, they're not even zombies. They've been injected with a parasite are being forced to attack you. And there's a lot more than shooting "zombies". You shoot wolves, monsters and even do some things unrelated to shooting living things. And there's not that much blood!!!! Seriously, there isn't as much blood as you're making it out to be

Plus, ADA IS FUCKING HOT!!!! Probably THE hottest video game character ever. That's right, maybe even higher than Mia and Fiora *gasp*

1. Does it really matter what I'd be killing?

2. Characters in video games are not hot. They're digital. Sorry for insulting your fap material.

Twilight Princess was a poor Zelda game. Little emphasis on combat and poor story.

Ocarina of Time, on the other hand..

Ocarina of Time is extremely overrated. It's confusing at times and, at least for me, the Water Temple ruined the entire game.

The 4 darknuts at the end of the Cave of Ordeals were awesome to fight.

And easy.

I blasted through the Cave of "Ordeals" on my first try easily.

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Does it really matter what I'd be killing?

Characters in video games are not hot. They're digital. Sorry for insulting your fap material.

Ocarina of Time is extremely overrated. It's confusing at times and, at least for me, the Water Temple ruined the entire game.

I blasted through the Cave of "Ordeals" on my first try easily.

1. By that logic, it doesn't matter weather your kicking a blob of shit, or killing a zombie. PWnt by your own logic my friend.

2. That's as stupid as saying an actress isn't hot cause you never met her, I'm not one of those freaks who wants to merry a comic character but I can recognize when a game-gurl is good looking.

3. It's not confusing at all the story kicks ass, and the water temple far from ruined the game, it just should have been the last dungeon.

4. Lawl no.

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1. By that logic, it doesn't matter weather your kicking a blob of shit, or killing a zombie. PWnt by your own logic my friend.

I meant among zombies or wolves or crap like that.

2. That's as stupid as saying an actress isn't hot cause you never met her, I'm not one of those freaks who wants to merry a comic character but I can recognize when a game-gurl is good looking.

No, it's saying that nobody should be "into" a person who doesn't exist.

3. It's not confusing at all the story kicks ass, and the water temple far from ruined the game, it just should have been the last dungeon.

When I say confusing, I mean that if you don't play the game for a while, the game does a poor job in reminding you what you're supposed to do.

4. Lawl no.

Lol yes. The Cave of Ordeals was pathetic.

With a bunch of health bottles, who can't?

A dead person?

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