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Leanne (FE9/10)


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All done. I don't know if I went overboard on her bio though o__o


Leanne is the fourth princess of the ruined Kingdom of Serenes. Unlike her brothers, she is initially unable to speak in the modern tongue, and can only speak in the ancient tongue. After the Mad King's War, she starts to study the modern tongue, but her speech is hardly elegant. Because of the language barrier, her personality rarely shows; she is a cheerful and cheeky young woman.


In Path of Radiance

On the night of the Serenes Massacre, Leanne was sent to sleep by her sisters' magic, and safely survived the ordeal. However it would be 20 years later before she would awaken again. During that time, Reyson and Loraziah, her elder brother and father respectively, presumed her to be dead, along with the rest of the Serenes herons.

In the midst of the Mad King's War, Ike of the Greil's Mercenaries enters the devastated Serenes Forest in search of the wayward Reyson and to capture Begnion's Duke Oliver. Deep in the forest, Ike and his comrades are surprised to bump into a young female Heron, Leanne. Ike tries to speak with her, but Leanne says something in the ancient tongue (she tells them to go away), begins to run away, but then faints on the forest floor. To prevent Oliver from laying his hands on her, Ike has no choice but to fight, with Leanne over his shoulders. Although, to his surprise, he finds her body quite light.

After Oliver is defeated, Reyson and Tibarn rush to Ike's side, after noticing, earlier in the battle, the heron he was carrying. At this point, Leanne awakes and speaks to the two; she explains how her sisters took her to a small shrine and sung a galldr to make her sleep. The two are both surprised that she survived, and Reyson thanks the forest for keeping her safe. They also ask what Ike's business in everything is, and he explains that he works for Begnion's Apostle Sanaki, who wishes to meet Reyson, to make amends for the Serenes Massacre. Reyson is cynical at first, but agrees to meet with her.

Sanaki appears and immediately kneels down before the heron siblings. Although she understand it will do little to ease their pains, she apologies on behalf of her citizens, for causing the tragic event. Reyson appears unmoving, but Leanne moves to Sanaki's side and forgives her, asking her to stand back up. Leanne says that Sanaki's apology was sincere and tells Reyson to forgive her. Reyson is infuriated; he tells Leanne that there's no way he can ever forgive Begnion, and he says that she doesn't know anything since she was asleep the whole time. Leanne replies saying that she knows, before the forest told her everything. Moreover, she explains how she cannot bear to see Reyson live his life clouded by hatred, like he currently is. Reyson understands and, although reluctant, forgives Sanaki.

Soon afterwards, Reyson and Leanne invites everyone to the forest altar for a special display. The two sing the galldr of rebirth, a powerful song that restores life back into the forest; the ruined trees and soil become green once more. With everything seemingly resolved, Leanne agrees to live in Phoenicis, under the supervision of King Tibarn, where her bed-ridden father also resides.

As the Mad King's War progresses, Leanne becomes an important key in Ashnard's master plan, as he believes only the herons of Serenes can sing the galldr of release, to release the dark god from the medallion. While Tibarn leaves Phoenicis temporarily, Leanne is being watched over by his subordinate, Lotz. It is here, where Leanne shows her cheeky personality, as she pokes fun at Lotz for not being able to understand her as she attempts to pack luggage. However, her fun is cut short, as the Black Knight strikes down Lotz and takes her away.

Later, as the Greil's Mercenaries march towards Gritnea Tower, where she is being held captive, Leanne is rescued by a mysterious soldier. This soldier turns out to be Naesala, King of Kilvas, and Leanne's old sweetheart. Leanne also meets Naesala's caretaker, the old raven, Nealuchi. Nealuchi is tearful at first, because Leanne reminds him of her deceased mother. After the Greil's Mercenaries secure Gritnea Tower, Leanne reunites with Reyson and the others. She also joins the group for their following battles, although she doesn't participate in the actual battles.

After the final battle, Leanne notices that Ashnard's wyvern mount, who is still barely alive, might be a laguz. Reyson is unsure, but agrees to check to be on the safe side. The two sing the galldr of rebirth, just like in the forest, and sure enough, the wyvern returns to its original form- Rajaion, a dragon laguz. Ena is then able to be with Rajaion, her sweetheart, in his final moments. Finally, Mist approaches Reyson and Leanne, and offers to return Lehran's Medallions back to them. Reyson tells Leanne to take it, and Leanne graciously accepts the medallion.

Finally, with the war over, Reyson explains that they will be visiting Gallia, taking their father along with them. Before leaving, Leanne thanks her Beorc friends for everything that they've done.

In Radiant Dawn

At the start of Part 2 of Radiant Dawn, Leanne, along with Nealuchi, leaves the safety of Gallia to seek Ike at Crimea. Along the way, Leanne finds herself under attack by Begnion's Wyvern Riders, who wish to claim her as their prize. Luckily, Queen Elincia was hovering around in the regions close by, and immediately comes to her rescue. Back at the Crimean royal palace, Leanne tries to explain that she is looking for Ike, for some urgent reason. However, Ike and his group have gone missing for a long time, so Leanne decides to stay at Crimea for a while.

During this time, Elincia uncovers a plot to overthrow her as queen. She sends Lucia to Felirae to uncover evidence of Duke Felirae's involement in the plot, and Leanne sneakily follows, hoping to be of some help. Lucia eventually finds suitable evidence and returns to the palace. At the same time, the investigation into Ike's whereabouts also reaped results, although ultimately they could not be found. Elincia is shocked when Leanne responds in the modern tongue, and Nealuchi explains that Leanne has since been studying the language. Elincia also realises that she cannot hide her hurting feelings from Leanne, as members of the heron tribe can look into people's hearts, and she cries into Leanne's chest, with Leanne comforting her.

Eventually the final battle for Crimea is fought, and Leanne participates as well. In the end, Duke Felirae is reprimanded, and the Greil's Mercenaries appear, seemingly out of nowhere, to save the day. In Part 3, the truth finally comes out- the Laguz and Begnion have declared war against one another, following Rafiel's revelation that the Serenes Massacre was caused by the Begnion imperial senate. Leanne originally tried to meet with Ike to find a way to stop this war, to save her brothers. However, in the end, the war goes ahead as planned.

Leanne next appears with Tibarn at Orribes Bridge, where she temporarily substitutes for Reyson, who had collapsed from exhaustion. Afterwards, she stays in the backlines, watching over Lehran's Medallion. As the war reaches it climax, the chaotic energies of the medallion prove to be too powerful for even Leanne to handle, and she faints. Not long afterwards, the deity sealed within the medallion is released.

Near the beginning of Part 4, Leanne reunites with Naesala and Nealuchi. However, Naesala is under fire, from Skrimir, for causing the defeat of Phoenicis's troops in the war with Begnion. Skrimir's temper reaches its max and he threatens to attack Naesala. Suddenly, Leanne moves in front of Naesala and tells Skrimir not to "bully" Naesala any longer. Skrimir doesn't listen, which forces Naesala to lift Leanne, as well as Nealuchi, into the safety of the air. Skrimir eventually leaves and Leanne praises Naesala for his bravery.

Unlike in Path of Radiance, Leanne appears on the battlefield numerous times. Many of the Crimean and Begnion commanders are surprised to see her, and almost all of them comment about wanting to capture her as a trophy. During one particular battle, Leanne can speak with the Black Knight and she is frightened to see him, since he captured her in the previous game. Leanne can also speak with Dheginsea, with Leanne mentioning that she can see the sadness in Dheginsea's heart, and Sephiran, where Sephiran comments on how much the heron tribe has changed.

After the world is saved, Apostle Sanaki returns possession of Serenes Forest back to the heron tribe. Leanne and the other bird tribe members agree to live there, together, in the new Kingdom of Serenes. Aftewards, along with her father, who was awakened by Rafiel's ceremony, Leanne sings songs to motivate those in the process of building the new kingdom. Also, if she reached an A Support with Naesala, she marries Naesala and, together, they raise two children: a heron girl and a raven boy.

Edited by VincentASM
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You might want to add the part where she told Reyson that Sanaki is being really sincere and honest in her apology. I think that influenced Reyson's decision quite a bit. Otherwise it's looking good.

Edited by Nightmare
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Sure, edited : )

Added her FE10 bio. I'm not too familiar with the happenings in FE10, since I haven't played it, so some stuff I might not be too sure about.

Edited by VincentASM
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...Leanne that there's no way he can ever forgive Begnion, and he says that she doesn't know anything since she was asleep the whole time.

"...Leanne that there's no way he can ever forgive Begnion, and he says that she wouldn't know anything since she was asleep the whole time."

Even if you're writing in present tense, Reyson's still talking about the past, so you should probably use "wouldn't" instead of "doesn't".

Leanne replies saying that she knows, before the forest told her everything.

I can't exactly understand this. Does the forest tell her? Or did she know before the forest told her?

Later, as the Greil's Mercenaries march towards Gritnea Tower, where she is being held captive, Leanne is rescued by a mysterious soldier.

I'm just going to be really picky since you have literally no errors.

"...where Leanne is being held captive, she is rescued by a mysterious soldier."

pronoun antecedent issue. A pronoun modifies the noun before it. If you left it as is, the "she" would be referring to "Greil's Mercenaries". :P

She also joins the group for their following battles, although she doesn't participate in the actual battles.

Two "battles" used in a sentence. I've went ahead and struck something out to make it simpler. :o

I didn't read the Radiant Dawn part since I don't want to be spoilered. Yes, I have yet to get a Wii. ;-;

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Thanks for those : o

I can't exactly understand this. Does the forest tell her? Or did she know before the forest told her?

She knew because she heard from the forest, presumedly when she was asleep.

I'm just going to be really picky since you have literally no errors.

"...where Leanne is being held captive, she is rescued by a mysterious soldier."

pronoun antecedent issue. A pronoun modifies the noun before it. If you left it as is, the "she" would be referring to "Greil's Mercenaries".

Whoops, I thought something looked weird there X D

I didn't read the Radiant Dawn part since I don't want to be spoilered.

Haha, ironically that's the part I'm more worried about (well, naturally, since I haven't played it either), but don't worry about it : P

I'll fix the issues tomorrow or something.

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She knew because she heard from the forest, presumedly when she was asleep.

Oh, okay. In that case, you'd just want to rewrite it a bit.

"Leanne replies saying that she knew, as the forest told her everything."

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