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Kind of rushed this a little, so I didn't lose any ideas. Not that there's many ideas to begin with.


Linda is the only daughter of Akaneia's Pontifex Miloah, who was killed by Gharnef. She is a passionate young girl who inherited the powerful Aura tome from her deceased father.


In the first year of Doluna's invasion, Pontifex Miloah died protecting Akaneia from the fiendish Gharnef. Linde, his daughter, managed to evade Gharnef's capture, by disguising herself as a boy. However, when she reached Knorda Market, she was caught by slave traders (in FE1/3) or taken hostage by a gang of ruffians (in Shadow Dragon).

Later, the Akaneian League, led by Marth, marchs to the Kingdom of Akaneia, to free it from Doluna's grasp. There, Marth discovers Linde. Marth mentions how Nyna has been worried about her and he promises to protect her from now on. Linde refuses his offer and states that she wishes to fight as well, to avenge her father. She says that she can use her father's Aura tome, as long as Nyna permits.

Despite being allowed to fight as a member of the League, Linde is watched over by Merric, although Merric jokingly proclaims that Mages don't require looking after. To start a conversation, Merric mentions how he studied at Khadein, and Linde states that her father studied there as well, a long time ago. She tells Merric that her father was the only friend she needed, and Merric apologises for reminding her of her father's death. The two presumedly become good friends afterwards.

Once the war with Doluna is over, Linde enters Nyna's protection and becomes an official at the Akaneian royal court. Two years after the war, Linde leaves Akaneia in search of Marth. However, during her journey, she is captured by Medonian rebels.

Fortunately, Marth comes and releases her from confinement. He is surprised to see Linde at first, and asks why she is travelling by herself. Linde explains that she was ordered by Nyna to deliver the Fire Emblem to Marth. Marth is puzzled and asks for more information, but Linde has none to provide, except that Nyna appeared to be crying when she made the request. Nonetheless, Marth suggests that Linde travel with his group, to ensure her safety.

After the War of Heroes ends, Linde works at the newly established magic academy at Akaneia's royal palace. It is suggested that she found an idol there, presumedly Merric, who taught sorcery at the same academy.

Ending comments

Still not sure what better word to use than "idol". Basically it's supposed to mean somebody that she likes. Maybe I should just write:

It is suggested that there was someone she liked there, presumedly Merric, who taught sorcery at the same academy.

I dunno X D

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The only thing I notice is that you switch back and forth between "Linde" and "Linda" a lota bit, lol.

Later, the Akaneian League, led by Marth, marchs to the Kingdom of Akaneia, to free it from Doluna's grasp.

"Later, the Akaneian League, led by Marth, marches to the Kingdom of Akaneia to free it from Doluna's grasp."

I killed the comma after Akaneia and changed marchs to marches. It's hard to notice at first.

There, Marth discovers Linde.

That sentence has a sexual innuendo. You usually don't discover people. Maybe dead people and/or mummies but not little girls. XD Maybe "meets"?

Marth mentions how Nyna has been worried about her and he promises to protect her from now on.

"from now on" -> "from then on".

It is suggested that there was someone she liked there, presumedly Merric, who taught sorcery at the same academy.

As long as it kinda makes sense, I don't think it should matter that much, XD.

Edited by Eltoshen
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That sentence has a sexual innuendo in there. You usually don't discover people. Maybe dead people and/or mummies but not little girls. XD Maybe "meets"?

Hmm, sure that works I guess : P

Oh yeah, I guess I could use "rescue". Since I realised I forgotten to mention he rescues her from the slave traders.

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Still not sure what better word to use than "idol". Basically it's supposed to mean somebody that she likes.

Most likely it meant that Linda had feelings for Marich (If by her one-way support in FE3, though that's dubious evidence), and the fact she worked in the magic academy of Pales instead of returning as a statesmen after Book 2. ^_^

Mainly the errors Eltoshen mentioned, though I recommend using the older names for the characters and names. It might throw off people playing Book 2. XD

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With FE11's release, I'd prefer to use the official English names were possible.

Besides, the only names that popped up for Book 2 were Linde and Nyna, which aren't too different from the original names. Oh yeah, there's Merric as well, but I'm sure FE3 players can guess who that is ^^;;;

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