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Guest FreelancerSealBoy

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Guest FreelancerSealBoy

Ok, I just wrote this right now, so I'm sure there's work needed on it, but what do you think?


Fomortiis, also called the Demon King, is the final boss and mastermind behind the events in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.


In the dark early years of the continent Magvel, evil ruled the land with an iron fist. Vile creatures of all sorts walked the earth leaving death and destruction in their wake. At their head, the Demon King Fomortiis stood to exercise his reign. The people suffered greatly in his dark grasp. With terrible power, Fomortiis remained unchallenged until the year 3. Unable to bear the Demon King's rule any longer, the people prayed for deliverance and were granted five weapons to throw down evil: the Sacred Stones. In the ensuing battle for the freedom and future of Magvel, Fomortiis was cast down; his soul captured in the Sacred Stone belonging to the hero Grado, and later the Empire bearing the hero's name.

Though imprisoned, Fomortiis was far from truly defeated. Trapped within the Sacred Stone, the monsterous king waited, plotting his escape and re-accent to power. His chance came 800 years later when Grado's crown prince, Lyon, began conducting experiments on his country's Sacred Stone, the Fire Emblem. When the emperor-to-be split the stone in half, Fomortiis, saw his chance. He managed to posses Lyon and use him as a temporary puppet. With Lyon under his control, Fomortiis raised Grado's armies to destroy the remaining Sacred Stones allowing his own vile legions to roam the continent once more.

As war raged across Magvel, Fomortiis used Lyon to return to the place of his defeat: Darkling Woods. There, in the abominable Black Temple, rested his old body, the body he wished to return to and re-create his terrible kingdom. However, the prince and princess of the fallen kingdom of Renais, Ephiram and Eirika, reached the temple shortly after Lyon did and faced the prince in battle resulting in his vessal's death. Victory was at hand for the Demon King as Lyon's death allowed him to resurrect his body. His victory, however, was short-lived. With the last remaining Sacred Stone, Fomortiis's soul was again sealed away. The king would not let himself be taken easily, and he battled the prince and princess with his empty body attemping to break free once more. His efforts were futile as the pair with the aid of their companions managed to destroy his body entirely ensuring he could never again return. At long last, the reign of Fomortiis, the Demon King, was ended once and for all.

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In the dark early years of the continent Magvel

Should be "dark, early years..." I think.

Fomortiis remained unchallenged until the year 3

Hmm, I wonder when the calender started. If it was with Fomortiis's defeat, I would assume it would be year 0 now. If it was to commemorate the founding of the Grado Empire, it would probably be a minus year (since it would take a couple of years after Fomortiis's defeat to build a whole empire).

plotting his escape and re-accent to power

Should that be "re-ascent"?

He managed to posses Lyon and use him as a temporary puppet

Minor- "possess" is typo'd

His efforts were futile as the pair with the aid of their companions managed to destroy his body entirely ensuring he could never again return. At long last, the reign of Fomortiis, the Demon King, was ended once and for all.

I'd add commasa between "with the aid of their companions".

I think it looks good. Although I'm a bit surprised the Demon King's plans are actually pretty short on paper. Then again, he's not exactly the most innovative of villains : P

I can't think of anything else to add at this moment in time. Perhaps something involving the dragon tribe and Morva's involvement in his original defeat?

Edited by VincentASM
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Guest FreelancerSealBoy

I'm not too sure about the calender myself. Maybe, I'll start a new SS file and find out. Ok, how's this:



Fomortiis, also called the Demon King, is the final boss and mastermind behind the events in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.


In the dark, early years of the continent Magvel, evil ruled the land with an iron fist. Vile creatures of all sorts walked the earth leaving death and destruction in their wake. At their head, the Demon King Fomortiis stood to exercise his reign. The people suffered greatly in his dark grasp. With terrible power, Fomortiis remained unchallenged until the year 3. Unable to bear the Demon King's rule any longer, the people prayed for deliverance and were granted five weapons to throw down evil: the Sacred Stones. With these sacred treasures, and with the aid of the dragon tribe, the people rose up against their dark ruler. In the ensuing battle for the freedom and future of Magvel, Fomortiis was cast down; his soul captured in the Sacred Stone belonging to the hero Grado, and later the Empire bearing the hero's name.

Though imprisoned, Fomortiis was far from truly defeated. Trapped within the Sacred Stone, the monsterous king waited, plotting his escape and re-ascent to power. His chance came 800 years later when Grado's crown prince, Lyon, began conducting experiments on his country's Sacred Stone, the Fire Emblem. When the emperor-to-be split the stone in half, Fomortiis, saw his chance. He managed to possess Lyon and use him as a temporary puppet. With Lyon under his control, Fomortiis raised Grado's armies to destroy the remaining Sacred Stones allowing his own vile legions to roam the continent once more.

As war raged across Magvel, Fomortiis used Lyon to return to the place of his defeat: Darkling Woods. Once there, he was confronted by his old foe, Morva, one of the dragons who aided in his downfall. Finding Morva guarding his temple, his resting place, Fomortiis killed Morva and twisted him into a hideous shell to guard the entrance to the Black Temple, this time to prevent anyone else from entering. Inside the abominable shrine waited his old body, the body he wished to return to and re-create his kingdom with. However, the prince and princess of the fallen kingdom of Renais, Ephiram and Eirika, reached the temple shortly after Lyon did and faced the prince in battle resulting in his vessal's death. Victory was at hand for the Demon King as Lyon's death allowed him to resurrect his body. His victory, however, was short-lived. With the last remaining Sacred Stone, Fomortiis's soul was again sealed away. The king would not let himself be taken easily, and he battled the prince and princess with his empty body attemping to break free once more. His efforts were futile as the pair, with the aid of their companions, managed to destroy his body entirely ensuring he could never again return. At long last, the reign of Fomortiis, the Demon King, was ended once and for all.

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With terrible power, Fomortiis remained unchallenged until the year 3.

Would it be better having "with (his) terrible power"?

the monsterous king waited,

I'm not too sure, but should that be "monstrous"? I don't have a dictionary to check.

If you think the article's ready, I'll go ahead and make a site page for it later : )

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Guest FreelancerSealBoy

Ok, with the new changes:



Fomortiis, also called the Demon King, is the final boss and mastermind behind the events in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.


In the dark, early years of the continent Magvel, evil ruled the land with an iron fist. Vile creatures of all sorts walked the earth leaving death and destruction in their wake. At their head, the Demon King Fomortiis stood to exercise his reign. The people suffered greatly in his dark grasp. With his terrible power, Fomortiis remained unchallenged until the year 3. Unable to bear the Demon King's rule any longer, the people prayed for deliverance and were granted five weapons to throw down evil: the Sacred Stones. With these sacred treasures, and with the aid of the dragon tribe, the people rose up against their dark ruler. In the ensuing battle for the freedom and future of Magvel, Fomortiis was cast down; his soul captured in the Sacred Stone belonging to the hero Grado, and later the Empire bearing the hero's name.

Though imprisoned, Fomortiis was far from truly defeated. Trapped within the Sacred Stone, the monstrous king waited, plotting his escape and re-ascent to power. His chance came 800 years later when Grado's crown prince, Lyon, began conducting experiments on his country's Sacred Stone, the Fire Emblem. When the emperor-to-be split the stone in half, Fomortiis, saw his chance. He managed to possess Lyon and use him as a temporary puppet. With Lyon under his control, Fomortiis raised Grado's armies to destroy the remaining Sacred Stones allowing his own vile legions to roam the continent once more.

As war raged across Magvel, Fomortiis used Lyon to return to the place of his defeat: Darkling Woods. Once there, he was confronted by his old foe, Morva, one of the dragons who aided in his downfall. Finding Morva guarding his temple, his resting place, Fomortiis killed Morva and twisted him into a hideous shell to guard the entrance to the Black Temple, this time to prevent anyone else from entering. Inside the abominable shrine waited his old body, the body he wished to return to and re-create his kingdom with. However, the prince and princess of the fallen kingdom of Renais, Ephiram and Eirika, reached the temple shortly after Lyon did and faced the prince in battle resulting in his vessal's death. Victory was at hand for the Demon King as Lyon's death allowed him to resurrect his body. His victory, however, was short-lived. With the last remaining Sacred Stone, Fomortiis's soul was again sealed away. The king would not let himself be taken easily, and he battled the prince and princess with his empty body attemping to break free once more. His efforts were futile as the pair, with the aid of their companions, managed to destroy his body entirely ensuring he could never again return. At long last, the reign of Fomortiis, the Demon King, was ended once and for all.

Well, I'm not sure. I was under the impression you were the judge of whether or not an article was ready. Me, I'm happy with it, but this is your site not mine.

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The people suffered greatly in his dark grasp.

"The people suffered greatly within his dark grasp."

"in" sounds more like they're literally inside his hands.

Inside the abominable shrine waited his old body

"old body" sounds awkward. "original body" or "age-old" body are more descriptive, and sound better.

His efforts were futile as the pair, with the aid of their companions, managed to destroy his body entirely ensuring he could never again return.

"His efforts were futile, as the pair, with the aid of their companions, managed to destroy his body entirely, therefore ensuring his death."

It may seem weird, with the commas, but the ending you had before was choppy. Mainly the "ensuring he could never again return".

Overall, it was really nicely written, though.

Edited by Eltoshen
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"His efforts were futile, as the pair, with the aid of their companions, managed to destroy his body entirely, therefore ensuring his death."

However, he struggled in vain. The siblings, brandishing Siegmund and Sieglinde, destroyed the body of the demon king which ensured that he could never return to terrorize Magvel.

^ how I saw the story

However, he struggled in vain. The Royal Army destroyed the body of the demon king which ensured he could never return to terrorize Magvel.

^more generic version if someone else killed him. Substitute 'Royal Army' for whatever the group is called, I can't remember.

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Guest FreelancerSealBoy

Third time's the charm so they say:



Fomortiis, also called the Demon King, is the final boss and mastermind behind the events in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.


In the dark, early years of the continent Magvel, evil ruled the land with an iron fist. Vile creatures of all sorts walked the earth leaving death and destruction in their wake. At their head, the Demon King Fomortiis stood to exercise his reign. The people suffered greatly within his dark grasp. With his terrible power, Fomortiis remained unchallenged until the year 3. Unable to bear the Demon King's rule any longer, the people prayed for deliverance and were granted five weapons to throw down evil: the Sacred Stones. With these sacred treasures, and with the aid of the dragon tribe, the people rose up against their dark ruler. In the ensuing battle for the freedom and future of Magvel, Fomortiis was cast down; his soul captured in the Sacred Stone belonging to the hero Grado, and later the Empire bearing the hero's name.

Though imprisoned, Fomortiis was far from truly defeated. Trapped within the Sacred Stone, the monstrous king waited, plotting his escape and re-ascent to power. His chance came 800 years later when Grado's crown prince, Lyon, began conducting experiments on his country's Sacred Stone, the Fire Emblem. When the emperor-to-be split the stone in half, Fomortiis, saw his chance. He managed to possess Lyon and use him as a temporary puppet. With Lyon under his control, Fomortiis raised Grado's armies to destroy the remaining Sacred Stones allowing his own vile legions to roam the continent once more.

As war raged across Magvel, Fomortiis used Lyon to return to the place of his defeat: Darkling Woods. Once there, he was confronted by his old foe, Morva, one of the dragons who aided in his downfall. Finding Morva guarding his temple, his resting place, Fomortiis killed Morva and twisted him into a hideous shell to guard the entrance to the Black Temple, this time to prevent anyone else from entering. Inside the abominable shrine waited his original body, the body his spirit had been torn from and the same body he wished to return to and re-create his kingdom. However, the prince and princess of the fallen kingdom of Renais, Ephiram and Eirika, reached the temple shortly after Lyon did and faced the prince in battle resulting in his vessal's death. Victory was at hand for the Demon King as Lyon's death allowed him to resurrect his body. His victory, however, was short-lived. With the last remaining Sacred Stone, Fomortiis's soul was again sealed away. The king would not let himself be taken easily, and he battled the prince and princess with his empty body attemping to break free once more. However, he struggled in vain. The siblings, brandishing Siegmund and Sieglinde, destroyed the body of the Demon King which ensured that he could never return to terrorize Magvel. At long last, the reign of Fomortiis was ended once and for all.

I think it fit the story better, at least for this article, for the twins to kill him, so I'll put that one in, Sek, unless someone suggests otherwise. Thanks for your input, all three of you.

Unless someone has any other ideas, I'd say this one's ready to go.

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I think the last thing to do is to decide on the year when the Demon King was first defeated. Since the game doesn't state the year explicitly. I guess I'd be happy with just "until the year 3", although I guess you could say "until around the year 3"?

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However, he struggled in vain. The siblings, brandishing Siegmund and Sieglinde, destroyed the body of the demon king which ensured that he could never return to terrorize Magvel.

^ how I saw the story

I like that version, actually.

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Guest FreelancerSealBoy

Ok, now hopefully this is the last time.



Fomortiis, also called the Demon King, is the final boss and mastermind behind the events in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.


In the dark, early years of the continent Magvel, evil ruled the land with an iron fist. Vile creatures of all sorts walked the earth leaving death and destruction in their wake. At their head, the Demon King Fomortiis stood to exercise his reign. The people suffered greatly within his dark grasp. With his terrible power, Fomortiis remained unchallenged until around the year 3. Unable to bear the Demon King's rule any longer, the people prayed for deliverance and were granted five weapons to throw down evil: the Sacred Stones. With these sacred treasures, and with the aid of the dragon tribe, the people rose up against their dark ruler. In the ensuing battle for the freedom and future of Magvel, Fomortiis was cast down; his soul captured in the Sacred Stone belonging to the hero Grado, and later the Empire bearing the hero's name.

Though imprisoned, Fomortiis was far from truly defeated. Trapped within the Sacred Stone, the monstrous king waited, plotting his escape and re-ascent to power. His chance came 800 years later when Grado's crown prince, Lyon, began conducting experiments on his country's Sacred Stone, the Fire Emblem. When the emperor-to-be split the stone in half, Fomortiis, saw his chance. He managed to possess Lyon and use him as a temporary puppet. With Lyon under his control, Fomortiis raised Grado's armies to destroy the remaining Sacred Stones allowing his own vile legions to roam the continent once more.

As war raged across Magvel, Fomortiis used Lyon to return to the place of his defeat: Darkling Woods. Once there, he was confronted by his old foe, Morva, one of the dragons who aided in his downfall. Finding Morva guarding his temple, his resting place, Fomortiis killed Morva and twisted him into a hideous shell to guard the entrance to the Black Temple, this time to prevent anyone else from entering. Inside the abominable shrine waited his original body, the body his spirit had been torn from and the same body he wished to return to and re-create his kingdom. However, the prince and princess of the fallen kingdom of Renais, Ephiram and Eirika, reached the temple shortly after Lyon did and faced the prince in battle resulting in his vessal's death. Victory was at hand for the Demon King as Lyon's death allowed him to resurrect his body. His victory, however, was short-lived. With the last remaining Sacred Stone, Fomortiis's soul was again sealed away. The king would not let himself be taken easily, and he battled the prince and princess with his empty body attemping to break free once more. However, he struggled in vain. The siblings, brandishing the holy weapons Siegmund and Sieglinde, destroyed the body of the Demon King which ensured that he could never return to terrorize Magvel. At long last, the reign of Fomortiis was ended once and for all.

I figured I should at least define what Siegmund and Sieglinde were in case someone checks out the site and knows nothing about any Fire Emblem games.

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