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How does one RNG abuse this game?

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It's not a good idea to do this really really fast though, it will eventually kill your disk. Mine's already starting to say "Cannot read the disk" sometimes.

What do you mean? You can actually damage your disc just by resetting?! How do you damage your disc?!?

Well, just think how fast you're making the location of the disc being read change, about every 20 seconds for about 50 times a playthrough. On almost every chapter after 8, that's gotta do something to your disc.

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How do they beat Ashnard? Ike would be horrible so he'd lose to The Black Knight so they would get Ena. The only person who could even damage Ashnard would be the laguz reinforcement in the final chapter.

If they're playing on NM, that sounds relatively easy. The Laguz reinforcement should do enough damage, I think.

On HM, you could try trapping Ashnard in the very top square of the map. Although I don't know if this'll work in practice.

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Well, just think how fast you're making the location of the disc being read change, about every 20 seconds for about 50 times a playthrough. On almost every chapter after 8, that's gotta do something to your disc.

Oh...so would I just turn my Wii off? Would that work without damage?

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Ah, few, that's good, thx man, I was actually doing a bit of that on my Radiance Dawn game, and I was wondering why my Wii would periodically show nothing but black when restarted sometimes (that's why I was so worried actually, don't worry though, it still runs without problems!!).

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On HM, you could try trapping Ashnard in the very top square of the map. Although I don't know if this'll work in practice.

Ashnard could just move a space away and attack snd most likely they can't take more then two hits. Actually hard mode would be unbeatable like that because you have to beat Ashnard twice; once without the laguz general.

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Bonus experience. Keep resetting until you get the level up you want.

Wait, since I don't have PoR, I wonder, does Bonus Experience abusing really damage your disc? I want to know so I don't make the mistake of damaging my game when I get it.

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Wait, since I don't have PoR, I wonder, does Bonus Experience abusing really damage your disc? I want to know so I don't make the mistake of damaging my game when I get it.

I've never done it so I can't say for sure. I'd guess it would because you're changing the disk possision very often so it may cause damage.

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