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Final Fantasy

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Final Fantasy IV and VI were my favorite games for a very long time. I still like them, but they got pretty old after the first 15 times. :P I was considering getting Final Fantasy IV for the DS, but I'm not sure if it's worth it for someone like me to buy the game yet again.

In this case, you're right. It's really not worth buying something in this market when you can play it for free on an emulator.

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Cloud is one of the most unappealing main characters ever, and the rest of the characters weren't very interesting either. Vincent and Cid were fairly interesting, I guess.


Also, FFV is kinda underrated, y'now. I love it to the core, music, jobs, Galuf, omg.

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For starters, Cloud spends the majority of the game claiming the actions of his dead friend as his own. That's enough to make anyone a useless twit in my book.

Fair enough, though I'm not sure he was aware of that at the time. I would say he was definitely deluded though, which made him interesting. Cloud was mentally disturbed; do these actions make him a twit if he genuinely believed he did them, or would you say that he was a jerk and claimed them on his own, ultimately piling more problems on top of himself? (I assume you interpret it as the latter, due to your distaste for him, which is understandable)

The worst part about Cloud is that he never really redeems himself. He's still a whiny bitch at the end. At least Squall fell in love and became an un-douchebag. Tidus was annoying, but in a different way. Most of it was to do with his annoying voice actor, though.

Where is Cloud a whiny bitch in the end and how does he not get over his problems to some extent? This doesn't answer the question unfortunately.

Edited by Posaydal
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For me (only the main series):




4) FFV





9) FFI


My first six are rather integrated, in that I like them all equally in overall presentation, and just numbered whichever ones I felt were placed rightly so. FFIII is my favorite of the entire series, and FFIII DS was a wonderful site for the nostalgic gamer (just like FFIV DS). My seventh selection is about middle-ground, and below that, I couldn't care less. While I'm a fan of the 8-bit era, FFII is good, but not as good as the rest--FFI holds the same. FFVIII is just plain complete crap in my eyes, and has never held any redeeming value in its name.

FFX I haven't had a chance to play, though I'm thinking of it after I finish Dragon Quest VIII--though equally I was wanting to go another round of FFXII thereafter as well :/ FFXI my brother bought for his 360, and never really played it more than five minutes or so. If I had the time, money, and investment, I'd likely love the game, considering it's prime gameplay drive is all about grinding.

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The worst part about Cloud is that he never really redeems himself. He's still a whiny bitch at the end. At least Squall fell in love and became an un-douchebag. Tidus was annoying, but in a different way. Most of it was to do with his annoying voice actor, though.

Those words are so true its not even true.

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Final Fantasy IV and VI were my favorite games for a very long time. I still like them, but they got pretty old after the first 15 times. :P I was considering getting Final Fantasy IV for the DS, but I'm not sure if it's worth it for someone like me to buy the game yet again.

It's worth but as the others have said, you can download it and play with a NDS emulator. Spend your money for the another game.

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omg seriously, i wipe my ass with FF8...worst. game. in. the. series. well no, i take that back...FFX-2..that took the taco...

anyway...FF7..hahaha i remember playing this game around the same time Ocarina of Time came out..my brother an i swapped consoles to play these games...(he took the N64, i took the PS1) and i was so saddened by what i was seeing on the tv screen that i just couldnt believe my brother loved this game so much! it was tedious, most of the characters uninteresting (save for Vincent) and just overall kinda lame...the only thing i enjoyed the HELL out of in FF7 was

Sephiroth killing Aerith...my god i was so glad to be rid of that bitch..i loved Sephiroth forever because of that

so yeah...overall as a series? MEH...two really stand out for me and that was FF4 and FF6..those had some great moments, and truly endearing characters (you spoony bard)

No one beat Kefka <3 best FF villain ever!

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Personal favorite is FFV. I think it has a decent plot, character, etc. but the great music is what really got me. Not to mention Gilgamesh is just pure win. Dude's hilarious. :lol:

And X-Death. His battle theme is badass, dear God.

Gilgamesh is awesome too.

shame that he dies

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It's worth but as the others have said, you can download it and play with a NDS emulator. Spend your money for the another game.

If there's one of the seventeen separate versions to get, the DS one is it. If there was ever a reason to buy a game, doing so for a good product is one to think about.

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i am glad to see so many people who like the early final fantasy, especially the SNES one. 4 and 6 are amazing games, for their time and still. It makes me smile to see other people love those games.

I agree that 7 is a good game, and i will argue that even though i haven't played that game a few years. While i do not agree with the camp of players that argue that the game is the best, i agree that it is good. Cloud is an interesting lead character since he has a memory like that of Wolverine (read some comic books). HE thinks he knows what he's done and then he shatters like anyone else would if they learned their "past" and "memories" were lies or misconstrued. I think that's part of the appeal of Cloud.

TO be honest, i don't think i can really settle on what game i think is the best...i can tell you what the worst one is: 8...and second to last place ties with 9 and 10 (oh yeah, you had better believe it kids). The three games that follow 7 are undoubtedly the worst in the series. All they are is a rehashment of the same ideas that were in 7, so for everyone who hates 7 but likes 8 and 9, just shut up. Zidane is construct who has amnesia, sounds like cloud who remembers falsely, and if i remember correctly, squall gets his memory erased, kind of like Cloud replacing his memory and not recalling events from his life.

And 9 is a major let down. I am sorry, they promised to bring back the fantasy to final fantasy. And what do they do? give you a spaceship, and rip of Yoda's speech from star wars 1, word for uncreative word.

and 10...when i played 10 i kept thinking "well, that was predictable" or "either i am had 100+ hours of deja-vou or i've played that game before" (don't worry, i felt the same way when i played Tales of Symphonia which is a lot like playing FF 10 and 5, but a whole lot more stupid and annoying).

my top favorites being 1, 4, 6, 12.

3 was cool, as was 7, but nothing too amazing.

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Apparently the game picks up right after the end of the first one, but in all truth, from what I played, it doesn't matter, just as the supposed connection between Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass doesn't even become apparent, as much as it was a cameo.

now, as to whether the game is any good or not...

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Apparently the game picks up right after the end of the first one, but in all truth, from what I played, it doesn't matter, just as the supposed connection between Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass doesn't even become apparent, as much as it was a cameo.

now, as to whether the game is any good or not...

Oh, ok, thanks.

well, you haven't played enough to judge, I assume?

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I played the first few maps, and I thought it was average. Wasn't much for my kinda playstyle either, forcing stylus controls on the player



Might be interested though, thanks

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why would you play a sequel to a game you didn't play?

and yes you should play 12, not because you're playing Revenant Wings, but because 12 is just simply a good game.

Don't have the console T_T

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