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Oh my god....

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I'm not being ungrateful. I just won't accept something that valueble, especially if it's taking money out of the house.

I dunno, this screams 'I'm an ungrateful bastard' at me.

No, I have respect from others.

Six figures: 000,000.

I'm not being grateful or ungrateful. I'll just assume you don't like thinking, because it's pretty obvious.

And this is from the guy whose arguments make absolutely no sense and are impossible to follow simply because they are implausible.

Look, kid, you may not think you're an ingrate, but I like to think differently. Let me ask you this; if I gave you something and you pretended to like it only to fume off like this behind my back, how do you think I would feel when I found out you hated it? The only thing I hate more than people hating something is pretending that they like it and yelling about how much they hate it behind the person's back. That's a worse form of ungratefulness than showing your distaste to their face. And yes, I know this is the internet where shit is hard to track, but still, you can't be doing this to your father. So shut up and take it like a man.

Edited by Herr Wozzeck
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I dunno, this screams 'I'm an ungrateful bastard' at me.

Six figures: 000,000.

And this is from the guy whose arguments make absolutely no sense and are impossible to follow simply because they are implausible.

Look, kid, you may not think you're an ingrate, but I like to think differently. Let me ask you this; if I gave you something and you pretended to like it only to fume off like this behind my back, how do you think I would feel when I found out you hated it? The only thing I hate more than people hating something is pretending that they like it and yelling about how much they hate it behind the person's back. That's a worse form of ungratefulness than showing your distaste to their face. And yes, I know this is the internet where shit is hard to track, but still, you can't be doing this to your father. So shut up and take it like a man.

This is basically the situation:

Your dad steals 300 dollars from you and buys you a telescope you never wanted. Furthermore, there is not a single spot in your house where you could use the telescope.

Now tell me who's ungrateful. And please, start thinking. If I was ungrateful, I wouldn't accept the telescope because I would think it's a piece of crap. Is that the case? No. I have a valid arguement whether you want to think that or not.

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