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A Team and B Team


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The unforgiving standstill has ended and I am feeling up to not giving a damn about ranks. But seriously, I have to lol at missed healings. More than usual because it happens one out of three times, every fifth heal is a double heal. Oh Nanna, you strange girl. Killing things at level one when you're clearly not supposed to, either.

I'm on chapter six where apparently I have to run to the other side of the map undetected by soldiers from the city.

I keep hearing about this fatigue system, so I'll make this simple: I'm making an A team, and B team.

By own personal preferences (stats, usefulness, not by personality and looks, though I'm rather attached to Felgus now.), ability to fight/steal/evade/gain exp. make something resembling two teams who get the job done efficiently or would eventually end up amazing due to how teams will switch every chapter, who needs the more kills to keep up, which chapters would that unit be more suitable in, etc.

Teams can be ranked or not, I have no qualms, unless gaiden chapters are needed/wanted.

Leaf is obviously in both teams.

Edit: Eh. I thought about raising the entire army, but alright then.

Edited by Azel
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Fatigue doesn't build up so that you have to switch units every chapter. Well, maybe for staff users and Lara it does.

Double thieves (Lifis and Pahn) works, but you can afford to just use one and save up your S Drinks for when they matter.

Mounted units are evidently better for outdoor maps while infantry units are better for indoor maps.

Saphy, Tina, Salem, Nanna, Linoan etc. are staff users and you'll want to have at least one of them available for every map.

Why don't you check the tier list?

Edited by dondon151
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