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The Shining series


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This series is one of my favorite video game series. It contains multiple different types of genres (Action RPGs, SRPGs, and Dungeon Crawlers)

Specifically, the Force series until Neo/EXA. The Force series has been all SRPGs and takes up most of the early Shining series games, except for the PS2 Shining Force Neo and Shining Force EXA, which are Action RPGs. February 19 2009 Shining Force Feather (a return to the SRPG nature of the Force games) is coming out in Japan (and hopefully it will come out in other areas of the world as well).

So yeah, discuss the Shining series of video games.

(Also, I've decided that I'm gonna play through every Force game except Neo and EXA to celebrate Shining Force Feather's release)

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I've recently played a bit of Shining Force: Resurrection on the GBA, and I enjoyed it heartily. I'm scouring places that carry used GBA games for the one off chance that they have a copy.

If I can't find it, I got a Wii points card, so I can get the Genesis version.

IMO the Genesis version is better but that could just be because I played it first.

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well...all I've played has been Shining Force: Neo *rechecks list* oooh, Shining Tears too...both good games I enjoy playing from time to time -I do like that Shining Tears has a little multiplayer...not to mention that Blanc Neige was the best character evar!- well...don't think I'll be getting the newest title since I don't own a DS though I hope ya'll who do enjoy it :mellow:

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#3 is my favorite, just because Sega Saturn. Playing the first one, which is cool so far.

Did you play American 3 (which is only the first scenario) or did you play all 3 scenarios? (The second and third scenarios are Japan only though)

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Did you play American 3 (which is only the first scenario) or did you play all 3 scenarios? (The second and third scenarios are Japan only though)

Just American 3. Sega of America sux

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I only played Shining Force 1/2/CD. I like the more forgiving gameplay (compared to FE).

But God, the first SF's RNG was nuts. That was fixed in the GBA remake and in the later games, but... in the original one, I've seen a character (promoted Max) get from 1 HP to 10HP/6ATK/4DEF level ups. It was like savestate abuse wonderland.

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IIRC the first shining force stats were fixed so you would always ceretain stats at certain levels but the "journey" so to speak was random which lead to the lopsided growths you mentioned.

I played SF1 twice. Judging by how my flying units turned out in each playthrough (from nearly useless to awesome), I'm inclined to disagree.

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I only played Shining Force 1/2/CD. I like the more forgiving gameplay (compared to FE).

But God, the first SF's RNG was nuts. That was fixed in the GBA remake and in the later games, but... in the original one, I've seen a character (promoted Max) get from 1 HP to 10HP/6ATK/4DEF level ups. It was like savestate abuse wonderland.

Stat-ups were largely determined by promotion level. While unpromoted characters gain largely random stats, their later stats depend on how late they promote. For example, promoting Arthur at level 15 rather than level 10 greatly will increase his stats.

Shining Force was my first SRPG and one of my favourite series. The Gamegear ones in particular are fantastic. I've played the first game a few times. Tao is the best character. <3

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  • 1 month later...

I now own Shining Force Feather and damn, it's awesome. I'm about 2 hours in and about the only complaint I have is the fact that you have to know moon speak to know why you're buying all this shit. Which is a shitty complaint. Absolutely shitty complaint. In fact, it isn't even a complaint. Death to Moonspeak.

Level system is kinda weird. Instead of gaining levels and exp in battle, you earn exp after battle, you get a set amount of exp to be given for completing that chapter and then there are various times blank percent bonuses. The only one I can understand is Most Valuable Player because it has the letters MVP on it.

But yeah. Awesome game.


Battle system is awesome too by the way.

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Man, I loved Shining Force. I just wish they could make a game that's the good ol' SRPG it started as again. SF2 has to be one of my favorite tactics games ever.

Well, Feather isn't exactly the same, but it's amazing. Instead of the grid they have a line system the measures how far away from your original position you are. The battles are pretty cool too because you have up to four attacks equipped that take up the energy from this blue bar depending on how powerful they are (you get some blue bar back after each turn). When the enemy attacks you you can time A and B button presses to regain a small amount of health OR blue bar when they attack you.

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Well, Feather isn't exactly the same, but it's amazing. Instead of the grid they have a line system the measures how far away from your original position you are. The battles are pretty cool too because you have up to four attacks equipped that take up the energy from this blue bar depending on how powerful they are (you get some blue bar back after each turn). When the enemy attacks you you can time A and B button presses to regain a small amount of health OR blue bar when they attack you.

I dunno... maybe I'm just so used to older Shining Force games - and so disgusted at where they took the series - that I personally... am not liking the system.

I prefer grids. I don't like the Tales-like additions to the gameplay where you have to essentially button mash to get anywhere. And I HATE the level-up system. I played a bit of it and didn't like it at all, personally, but I could just be an old bitter fuck.

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I dunno... maybe I'm just so used to older Shining Force games - and so disgusted at where they took the series - that I personally... am not liking the system.

I prefer grids. I don't like the Tales-like additions to the gameplay where you have to essentially button mash to get anywhere. And I HATE the level-up system. I played a bit of it and didn't like it at all, personally, but I could just be an old bitter fuck.

Except button mashing isn't exactly the best thing to do. Especially not when you get attacked because button mashing will make it impossible for you to get those nice bonuses 8)

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I've only played Shining Force 1 & 2, mainly 1 and I love it. It was the first game i played of the genre.o and one of my favorites all time.

Shining Force was my first SRPG and one of my favourite series. The Gamegear ones in particular are fantastic. I've played the first game a few times. Tao is the best character. <3

Yes, yes and yes. I was going to say the same thing. She is awesome.

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